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New Civilization News: Wal*Mart: The Movie Comes To Athens |
Category: Activism 9 comments 14 Nov 2005 @ 03:24 by jobrown : Thanks Jazzo!I just LOVE this concept of Movie Premieres in the Private! Can't tell you how much fun we had here , when premiering the "What the Bleep" and even later, while re -watching it. I think, this WalMart Movie, just might open a few more Eyes& Minds to see, I mean REALLY COMPREHEND on a deep emotional Level, the fallacy of the money game's (impossible and cosmically incorrect) rules!... maybe even to the point, where WHO is set up to prosper and thrive through the money game is percveied! Like our friend Vaxen "always" says: Follow the money trail!" And maybe even see the even bigger Pic, which is : how do they do it??? With help of the Social Soceurity Nr, they made us their SLAVES, by WRITING the name our parents chose for us in CAPITOL LETTERS, wich makes us -in their book- to NON-Humans, but their PROPERTY INSTEAD!...and -of course-.... from there on people can then start unraveling the DECEPTION all the way back to the point where they/we can claim our own Sovereignty and Freedom again, the one God gave toALL of His Creation, when not f-----d by other fellow humans, who believe in Poverty and lack and other equally sick MAN-orchestrated concepts! Of course, the money mongers will cry their stoendead hearts out and twine their hands in despair and try to intimidate and wooo us back to ignorance, but it aiont working any more! For every this kind of Movie, we take alittle bit more of our Power back!THANKS, Jazzo, for telling me/us about this Movie.I will defintely get it! PS. Love the Pic too! Your Big Smile just makes me smile! : ) 14 Nov 2005 @ 10:01 by jazzolog : Wal*MartWatch Thanks blueboy, and check out this site which really is trying to stay objective as the war against Greenwald shifts into high gear~~~ http://walmartwatch.com/ "Wal-Mart Watch is a joint project of The Center for Community & Corporate Ethics, a 501c3 organization devoted to studying the impact of large corporations on society, and its advocacy arm, Five Stones." The movie packs its biggest punch as it moves from corporate speeches declaring how much heart the store really has to scenes of executive family estates, their annual incomes---and how much the average employee makes~~~around 13,000 a year. The money trail is all over the film...and in fact there seems little else Wal*Mart really is interested in. Wait until you see the abduction in the parking lot of a female shopper (rape and murder followed) caught on outside store cameras, which only were set up to film any employee union organizing that might be going on. 14 Nov 2005 @ 17:05 by jobrown : This whole WM thing reminds me of something I saw in a Documentary about the (first) Rockefeller(s). He had all these Coal mines somewhere in the Apalachian Mountains, I think it was, with all the tenament-shacks-with absolutely discusting, illness inducing conditions- for the employees; no running water, only outhouse-Bathroom/s with no place to get really comfortably cleaned up after a day with the black Nasty Stuff. "Homes" ; drafty, leaky; not acceptable by ANY standard!... The year he made his first BILLION in Net profit (and how much that would equal in today's hmmm...I donnnow... maybe a hundred billion... in on year!) the Workers petitioned for having the thenament baracks repared and maybe a little upgrade in quality could be thought of! But no!!!... Rockefeller said "No, I can't afford it"! It was EASIER and CHEAPER for him to replace an injured and by now from ill health suffering Worker, with another, usually much younger, like a really young child, than to have any concerns about the ones he, Rockefeller, had worn down to their bare bones! Dollars to him were MUCH MORE concern and more important THAN LIFE ITSELF! Of course, this happened a long time ago. But, there are people, still today, even active members of ncn, who "SECRETLY" (so they think, these poor deluded bastards! ) harbour this kind of feelings/phiosohpy, the only difference is that people of this Mind- set have learned by now the necessity of not only to conseal their true colours, but to indeed -when under the "Spotlight" , so to speak-, vehemently denyi it and then cover the idiocy up with some cute "Philantropy" with all the Media's Camera flashlights going off, at the Photo Op, eternalizing the "Goodness of their Heart" & willingness to "Do Something Good for Mankind"! How TWISTED and DELUDED can one be?.... Never stops amazing me! 13,000 /year! 15 Nov 2005 @ 10:36 by jazzolog : Wal*Mart Movie Update Thanks Blue. There's a section of the film in which execs encourage employees to contribute to a fund to help colleagues who may get into a financial scrape and how much Wal*Mart cares about such situations. Then there's a comparison between what those working folks have pooled together...and how much management has contributed to it. Don't ask. I sent out a message Sunday morning to contacts in the Athens area about WORD's premiere showing of Robert Greenwald's Wal*Mart: the high cost of low price. One of the newly-constructed rooms at the Athens Public Library is reserved for tomorrow, Wednesday, at 7:00. In that message I mentioned within hours of WORD's announcement, 50 people had reserved seats online at http://www.walmartmovie.com/host.php, which was a guesstimate of the room's capacity. We went over to the library yesterday to check things out and do some strategy. The library people say there is no official capacity, by the Fire Department or somebody, for the room at this time...but they figure 75 can get in there to sit comfortably---although there don't appear to be quite that many chairs. There's lots of standing and floor room though. There are 2 other huge spaces in the library not being used at the moment, but they're a little hesitant to commit we could use them if there's overflow. They said we could stay later than closing time if we want to run a second showing, and that's a remote possibility. WORD reserved the room for a 2nd presentation of the film in early December, if there appears to be a need. Final decision on that will be later. So all systems (almost) are GO for the Wednesday show, and those WORD women even talked about baking cookies! You might bring a little stool or pillow just in case, because those first 50 probably have got to get in if they show up. The movie lasts about an hour and a half. 15 Nov 2005 @ 16:35 by Quinty @ : Regarding Blue's comments Yes, they're touchy about giving themselves away, more so than they used to be. No secret taping system in the White House. No information emerging whatsoever - if they can - from the White House. All cronies and backscratchers there. "Cabal," as Powell's aid said, is the perfect word. I've noticed recently that apologists for tortue appearing on TV will emphatically claim they most certainly do not believe in torture. Why it's unAmerican! And then after that disclaimer will go on to describe how necessary it is and how to perform it. Here a couple of quotes from John Kenneth Galbraith. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." "The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself." As for taxing the rich? Why not tax the rich? What else are they good for? 15 Nov 2005 @ 21:12 by jobrown : Right on, Quinty! Love your quotes!...hheheheh...ohhhh dear! But then we come to taxes: Why tax anybody??????.... sick old thinking/"philosophy, outdated by some 5000 years already! Are we willing to realize something more sustainable /life affirming, that would be for the highest good for all???... as for instance NO TAXES!!!... Trust me, that WILL come -after we taxed the shit ot of the ROBBERS first!... ;) hehehhe... just kiddin! The necessity of Taxes and Death -as being created and mandated by LIFE / "God" is the biggest scam and "baddest" joke EVER! Within the next ten years ALL Mankind, will know Life to be 180 degrees opposite/ different from we've been force-fed the last 5-6000 years by the Cabal! http://www.hermes-press.com/militarismindex.htm "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" 1 Corinthians 15-26 15 Nov 2005 @ 22:38 by jazzolog : Blue, Meet Quinty I would hand over my copy of 1 Corinthians to be in the same room with these 2---and our respective spouses! 16 Nov 2005 @ 01:42 by jobrown : Well, here it is ...what WalMart is all about: http://judicial-inc.biz/wal_mart_health_care.htm By all means, If paying Taxes is one of the major Joys and Past Time hobbies in your life, more Power to you! Who am I to say no to you paying taxes?!?!???... No, no, no! But I personally can see many other ways to have a better and more FAIR society! As in FAIR for ALL - and NO, there will be NO self-proclaimed "Superior" idiots in my world! "... the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." I love that! You are so right on there! wanna know more "how" they do -and have done it for AGES- then, go here: http://www.hermes-press.com/militarismindex.htm ( don't miss klicking on "Demonic Cabal" . Agatha Christie is really Sunday School boring Read, compared to this! : ) ))) As for taxing the rich? Why not tax the rich? What else are they good for? Hahahaah....you are funny! I think I am witnessing one of those major shortcomings with the Net: not being able to have a fast paced fun Brainstorming; tossing the ball back & forth as it were. As you know, I'm sure, that is so much fun and really expands all involved! I feel this could be one of these Golden Moments if we were all in the same room chatting our way. As for now, I will just chuckle and enjoy your comments, Quinty. I do like them! A 180 degree change IS happening! just not everybody is able to perceive it! It all depends on what vibration -or what 'page' -one is at. 19 Nov 2005 @ 23:50 by jobrown : To all Tax-paying-happy individuals : http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47467 Other entries in Activism 27 Oct 2015 @ 02:04: My Domains 18 Nov 2008 @ 23:51: The Day John Kennedy Was Shot 9 Nov 2008 @ 11:47: Now, About Bill Ayers... 11 May 2008 @ 03:44: Pangea Day and Unified Science 11 Jan 2008 @ 10:07: Full Frontal Feminism 2 Jan 2008 @ 01:01: The Catastrophic Support Circle 11 Dec 2007 @ 21:05: Step Into the Stargate of Transformation - posted ONLY by Brenda 6 Dec 2007 @ 21:15: Changing the Course of Human History: 2008 a most pivotal year 31 Oct 2007 @ 22:51: NEW ADDITION - Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion 21 Oct 2007 @ 10:13: Questions for Al Gore