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New Civilization News: If I Hear "Robust" Once More, I'm Gonna Puke |
Category: Legal, Justice 10 comments 21 Apr 2007 @ 06:17 by vaxen : Frijoles...Looks like Mr Roberto, Gonzales, Jimenez, Jimenez, Ruiz, Gonzalez, Pedro, Gonzales y Gonzo just laid a big wet one. Well... I guess he did, eh? Up, down, down, up... who cares? Robust? Ha! "The worst government is the most moral. One composed of cynics is often very tolerant and humane. But when the fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression." -- H. L. Mencken - (1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer, and Critic Source: Minority Report You have prepared very nice shirts and hats to give to your Chinese partners. You used green to show your environmental awareness, but nobody wanted to take the hats. Why? A. You should not give hats in China. B. Printing a logo on a hat is not polite. C. A man wearing a green hat in China indicates his wife is unfaithful to him. D. Chinese are not allowed to take gifts "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President Source: Virginia Statutes of Religious Freedom, 1779 When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism, are incapable of being conquered. A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies: - Martin Luther King, Jr -from "A Time to Break Silence", King's address given on this day, April 4th in 1967 at the Riverside Church in New York City. "The most violent element in society is ignorance.": Emma Goldman === Impeachment Fever Rises (So?) By John Nichols When Nancy Pelosi announced last fall that impeachment was "off the table," official Washington accepted that the primary avenue for holding lawless Presidents to account had been closed off by the new Speaker of the House. But the Republic's citizenry has not been so inclined. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070507/nichols === Vermont Senate Calls For Impeachment Of Bush By Associated Press Vermont senators voted Friday to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, saying their actions have raised "serious questions of constitutionality." http://cbs2chicago.com/national/topstories_story_110100239.html === A Hierarchy of Death By Roy Greenslade Why do 32 deaths in Virginia receive blanket coverage while nearly 200 fatalities in Iraq are barely reported? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17567.htm === Lots and lots of smoke and mirrors and... nobody cares! HaHa! 21 Apr 2007 @ 10:02 by jazzolog : Friday Morning, 7 AM, NPR Thank you Vax for the comment and the invigorating links. Ilona and I were on the way to Athens High School, as usual, at that hour yesterday. We always catch the National Public Radio version of the news then on the network's Morning Edition. I wanted Ilona to hear numbmind Gonzales say "don't recall" at least once. Some stations cut away after the first 3 lead stories. The first 3 all were the kids in Blacksburg. I've never heard NPR give the whole newscast to one story...ever. The Athens station gives us the whole newscast, so I waited regretfully. There was nothing: a couple of global business deals and maybe another hundred blown up in Iraq and that was it. I couldn't believe it...and began my daughter's day with a Dad Tirade in the car. (To Morning Edition's credit, the program did give a segment to the hearing during the hour.) Bush said Gonzales gave a great performance before Congressional investigators. He continues Complete Confidence. What more can anyone need to know about this President and his view of our process of law? Contempt for Congress? To Bush, surely it is clear any group of lawmakers is beneath his contempt! I have thought, and probably written at NCN before this, that I believe Nancy Pelosi is not pushing for impeachment because she thinks it'll be a move against both Bush and Cheney. If both are removed from office, who's next in line? If that happens, she really does need a grassroots movement to avoid suspicion the Speaker of the House was trying to engineer a power grab. 21 Apr 2007 @ 14:06 by vaxen : She... is one of "THEM," jazzolog! The whole kitten kaboodle is drunk on power and ripoff. The only solution is a brand new government! It's the only one. I'm sure there will be some sound bytes out there so you might be able to capture the idiot for Danas' perusal 'on the net.' NAZI Germany all over again. No use in being frightened or dumb... A new Government, a new Capitol. Potomac is too vulnerable anyway. Remember Bushs' famous "...as long as that dictator is me." ? Whew, I guess we borned ourselves into this time but there are a few planets out there where I'd rather be. The future does not look pretty at all... Buckle up for it's gonna be one 'helluva' ride. === Long yearning,To be in Chang'an. The grasshoppers weave their autumn song by the golden railing of the well; Frost coalesces on my bamboo mat, changing its colour with cold. My lonely lamp is not bright, I’d like to end these thoughts; I roll back the hanging, gaze at the moon, and long sigh in vain. The beautiful person's like a flower beyond the edge of the clouds. Above is the black night of heaven's height; Below is the green water billowing on. The sky is long, the road is far, bitter flies my spirit; The spirit I dream can't get through, the mountain pass is hard. Long yearning, Breaks my heart. === The tall, courtly trees clumped together create a deep shade, A cool evening with light talk, sitting by a pillar. For no particular reason emotions rise up, and with it anxious thoughts, Play until the tune Plum Blossom, and moonlight fills the qin. === "The most violent element in society is ignorance.": Emma Goldman ... A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood. --- Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay “Self-Reliance” Lock and load! 21 Apr 2007 @ 19:06 by a-d : you mean.... "Faaaabulous" is Out, huh???? whoahhh.... what happened??? did they all get "straight" all of a sudden? ; ) .... BTW doesn't "robust" make u think of Grannie's Mashed Potatoes?... : )huramphhh... WeekEnd-Hugs/a-d 23 Apr 2007 @ 02:30 by vaxen : ro bust... , dear A-d, makes me think of a bust of me body! As one nick name I do carry is... ro. ;) Is our Master jazzolog OK? http://www.democrats.com/ 23 Apr 2007 @ 04:46 by a-d : Yeaaahhhsee.... ....your Robust--- is a result of Granny's RObust Mashpotatos, deliciously chewable -as in lumpy; was very good for you.... Faaabulous to say the least! ; ) I heard some Nasties were torturing our friend with some aggrevating jibberish, not knowing when/how to shut the .... up!.... Kids!...nahhh... Bratts...stupid, ignorant BRATTS!... shooootem! : ) 23 Apr 2007 @ 05:24 by vaxen : Not Grannys potatoes... The Thirst to Rise and the Descent of Grace Granny Mountains, . . . whose hair sprouts as snowy weeds, whose pupils shine like stars, rains riches: prayers fulfilled, the realm replete, the seven treasures overflowing, Reflections of green trees sink down, and fishes climb their branches; the moon dives beneath the lake, and the rabbit [of the moon] sports upon the waves. =================================================== Noh link? Heh heh. Not even at Silver Dragon Temple? ---jazzo 23 Apr 2007 @ 08:27 by jazzolog : And Do You Have A Picture Of The Pain? (Some may remember that line from the wondrous Phil Ochs song entitled Crucifixion.) And now, courtesy of Frank Rich yesterday, a new review of our favorite sitcom, The Bushies! Iraq Is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac By Frank Rich The New York Times Sunday 22 April 2007 President Bush has skipped the funerals of the troops he sent to Iraq. He took his sweet time to get to Katrina-devastated New Orleans. But last week he raced to Virginia Tech with an alacrity not seen since he hustled from Crawford to Washington to sign a bill interfering in Terri Schiavo's end-of-life medical care. Mr. Bush assumes the role of mourner in chief on a selective basis, and, as usual with the decider, the decisive factor is politics. Let Walter Reed erupt in scandal, and he'll take six weeks to show his face - and on a Friday at that, to hide the story in the Saturday papers. The heinous slaughter in Blacksburg, Va., by contrast, was a rare opportunity for him to ostentatiously feel the pain of families whose suffering cannot be blamed on the administration. But he couldn't inspire the kind of public acclaim that followed his post-9/11 visit to ground zero or the political comeback that buoyed his predecessor after Oklahoma City. The cancer on the Bush White House, Iraq, is now spreading too fast. The president had barely returned to Washington when the empty hope of the "surge" was hideously mocked by a one-day Baghdad civilian death toll more than five times that of Blacksburg's. McClatchy Newspapers reported that the death rate for American troops over the past six months was at its all-time high for this war. At home, the president is also hobbled by the Iraq cancer's metastasis - the twin implosions of Alberto Gonzales and Paul Wolfowitz. Technically, both men have been pilloried for sins unrelated to the war. The attorney general has repeatedly been caught changing his story about the extent of his involvement in purging eight federal prosecutors. The Financial Times caught the former deputy secretary of defense turned World Bank president privately dictating the extravagant terms of a State Department sinecure for a crony (aka romantic partner) that showers her with more take-home pay than Condoleezza Rice. Yet each man's latest infractions, however serious, are mere misdemeanors next to their roles in the Iraq war. What's being lost in the Beltway uproar is the extent to which the lying, cronyism and arrogance showcased by the current scandals are of a piece with the lying, cronyism and arrogance that led to all the military funerals that Mr. Bush dares not attend. Having slept through the fraudulent selling of the war, Washington is still having trouble confronting the big picture of the Bush White House. Its dense web of deceit is the deliberate product of its amoral culture, not a haphazard potpourri of individual blunders. Mr. Gonzales's politicizing of the Justice Department is a mere bagatelle next to his role as White House counsel in 2002, when he helped shape the administration's legal argument to justify torture. That paved the way for Abu Ghraib, the episode that destroyed America's image and gave terrorists a moral victory. But his efforts to sabotage national security didn't end there. In a front-page exposé lost in the Imus avalanche two Sundays ago, The Washington Post uncovered Mr. Gonzales's reckless role in vetting the nomination of Bernard Kerik as secretary of homeland security in December 2004. Mr. Kerik, you may recall, withdrew from consideration for that cabinet post after a week of embarrassing headlines. Back then, the White House ducked any culpability for the mess by attributing it to a single legal issue, a supposedly undocumented nanny, and by pinning it on a single, nonadministration scapegoat, Mr. Kerik's longtime patron, Rudy Giuliani. The president's spokesman at the time, Scott McClellan, told reporters that the White House had had "no reason to believe" that Mr. Kerik lied during his vetting process and that it would be inaccurate to say that process had been rushed. Thanks to John Solomon and Peter Baker of The Post, we now know that Mr. McClellan's spin was no more accurate than his exoneration of Karl Rove and Scooter Libby in the Wilson leak case. The Kerik vetting process was indeed rushed - by Mr. Gonzales - and the administration had every reason to believe that it was turning over homeland security to a liar. Mr. Gonzales was privy from the get-go to a Kerik dossier ablaze with red flags pointing to "questionable financial deals, an ethics violation, allegations of mismanagement and a top deputy prosecuted for corruption," not to mention a "friendship with a businessman who was linked to organized crime." Yet Mr. Gonzales and the president persisted in shoving Mr. Kerik into the top job of an already troubled federal department encompassing 22 agencies, 180,000 employees and the very safety of America in the post-9/11 era. Mr. Kerik may soon face federal charges, and at a most inopportune time for the Giuliani presidential campaign. But it's as a paradigm of the Bush White House's waging of the Iraq war that the Kerik case is most telling. The crucial point to remember is this: Even had there been no alleged improprieties in the former police chief's New York résumé, there still would have been his public record in Iraq to disqualify him from any administration job. The year before Mr. Kerik's nomination to the cabinet, he was dispatched by the president to take charge of training the Iraqi police - and completely failed at that mission. As Rajiv Chandrasekaran recounts in his invaluable chronicle of Green Zone shenanigans, "Imperial Life in the Emerald City," Mr. Kerik slept all day and held only two staff meetings, one upon arrival and one for the benefit of a Times reporter doing a profile. Rather than train Iraqi police, Mr. Kerik gave upbeat McCain-esque appraisals of the dandy shopping in Baghdad's markets. Had Mr. Kerik actually helped stand up an Iraqi police force instead of hastening its descent into a haven for sectarian death squads, there might not now be extended tours for American troops in an open-ended escalation of the war. But in the White House's priorities, rebuilding Iraq came in a poor third to cronyism and domestic politics. Mr. Kerik's P.R. usefulness as a symbol of 9/11 was particularly irresistible to an administration that has exploited the carnage of 9/11 in ways both grandiose (to gin up the Iraq invasion) and tacky (in 2004 campaign ads). Mr. Kerik was an exploiter of 9/11 in his own right: he had commandeered an apartment assigned to ground zero police and rescue workers to carry out his extramarital tryst with the publisher Judith Regan. The sex angle of Mr. Wolfowitz's scandal is a comparable symptom of the hubris that warped the judgment of those in power after 9/11. Not only did he help secure Shaha Riza her over-the-top raise in 2005, but as The Times reported, he also helped get her a junket to Iraq when he was riding high at the Pentagon in 2003. No one seems to know what she actually accomplished there, but the bill was paid by a Defense Department contractor that has since come under official scrutiny for its noncompetitive contracts and poor performance. So it went with the entire Iraq fiasco. You don't have to be a cynic to ask if the White House's practice of bestowing better jobs on those who bungled the war might be a form of hush money. Mr. Wolfowitz was promoted to the World Bank despite a Pentagon record that included (in part) his prewar hyping of bogus intelligence about W.M.D. and a nonexistent 9/11-Saddam connection; his assurance to the world that Iraq's oil revenues would pay for reconstruction; and his public humiliation of Gen. Eric Shinseki after the general dared tell Congress (correctly) that several hundred thousand troops would be needed to secure Iraq after the invasion. Once the war began, Mr. Wolfowitz cited national security to bar businesses from noncoalition countries (like Germany) from competing for major contracts in Iraq. That helped ensure the disastrous monopoly of Halliburton and other White House-connected companies, including the one that employed Ms. Riza. Had Iraqi reconstruction, like the training of Iraqi police, not been betrayed by politics and cronyism, the Iraq story might have a different ending. But maybe not all that different. The cancer on the Bush White House connects and contaminates all its organs. It's no surprise that one United States attorney fired without plausible cause by the Gonzales Justice Department, Carol Lam, was in hot pursuit of defense contractors with administration connections. Or that another crony brought by Mr. Wolfowitz to the World Bank was caught asking the Air Force secretary to secure a job for her brother at a defense contractor while she was overseeing aspects of the Air Force budget at the White House. A government with values this sleazy couldn't possibly win a war. Like the C.I.A. leak case, each new scandal is filling in a different piece of the elaborate White House scheme to cover up the lies that took us into Iraq and the failures that keep us mired there. As the cover-up unravels and Congress steps up its confrontation over the war's endgame, our desperate president is reverting to his old fear-mongering habit of invoking 9/11 incessantly in every speech. The more we learn, the more it's clear that he's the one with reason to be afraid. http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/042207C.shtml 23 Apr 2007 @ 23:34 by vaxen : Words, words... and more words and the war lingers on for the next 50 years or more. For the money lenders? Hopefully more. But... there are those of us who won't touch their wretched perfidy with a ten foot pole but who will shove that very self same pole right up into that place where "the sun don't shine." Poppy head Bush once said "If the American people knew what we had done to them they'd..." Well, we know heroine head, we know! We are a very patient people and are not, unlike the Bushitskies and their phoney creditors, murderers. The day of reckoning will come. But... it is already too late. Antipathos is worse than antipasta. Hope this link will serve till I can get the other up somewhere... http://www.democrats.com/ Taibai Rock, or Master Li Bai's Rock, on Western Hill of Wanxian County, is said to have been where the great Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai (Li "Wiseguy" Po) (701-762) once studied. Li Bai styled himself Tai Bai. Also he was known as "Qing Lian Ju Shi (The Blue Lotus Recluse)" http://english.china.org.cn/images/80951.jpg In any case I am overjoyed to know that you are well and not rotting away in some dark hole somewhere for having exercised any of your 'privileges' given unto you by your liege lords in, ah, congress? You do know that other meaning for the word "congress," yes? ;) 29 Apr 2016 @ 07:38 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! 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