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New Civilization News: The Great American Songbook |
Category: Music 15 comments 22 Jul 2007 @ 15:39 by quinty : A wonderfulentry Richard, which brings all that magic to life. Our mutual friend Don sent out this interesting opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal. Did you see it? There's an enormous amount of energy in the grassroots, which you can feel after being away from the country for awhile. Do the gatekeepers, mostly corporations, keep all this original creativity submerged? (Corporate America being cautious and profit driven.) Or has there been an actual diminishment of new and original expression in the US? Has the larger electronic culture squelched the grassroots? Or is it all still there, in garages and livingrooms and small neighborhood clubs? LEISURE & ARTS (Wall Street Journal) The Impoverishment of American Culture And the need for better art education. BY DANA GIOIA There is an experiment I'd love to conduct. I'd like to survey a cross-section of Americans and ask them how many active NBA players, Major League Baseball players, and "American Idol" finalists they can name. Then I'd ask them how many living American poets, playwrights, painters, sculptors, architects, classical musicians, conductors and composers they can name. I'd even like to ask how many living American scientists or social thinkers they can name. Fifty years ago, I suspect that along with Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays and Sandy Koufax, most Americans could have named, at the very least, Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, Arthur Miller, Thornton Wilder, Georgia O'Keeffe, Leonard Bernstein, Leontyne Price and Frank Lloyd Wright. Not to mention scientists and thinkers like Linus Pauling, Jonas Salk, Rachel Carson, Margaret Mead and especially Dr. Alfred Kinsey. I don't think that Americans were smarter then, but American culture was. Even the mass media placed a greater emphasis on presenting a broad range of human achievement. I grew up mostly among immigrants, many of whom never learned to speak English. But at night watching TV variety programs like the Ed Sullivan Show, I saw--along with comedians, popular singers and movie stars--classical musicians like Jascha Heifetz and Arthur Rubinstein, opera singers like Robert Merrill and Anna Moffo, and jazz greats like Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong captivate an audience of millions with their art. The same was true of literature. I first encountered Robert Frost, John Steinbeck, Lillian Hellman and James Baldwin on general-interest TV shows. All of these people were famous to the average American--because the culture considered them important. Today no working-class kid would encounter that range of arts and ideas in the popular culture. Almost everything in our national culture, even the news, has been reduced to entertainment, or altogether eliminated. The loss of recognition for artists, thinkers and scientists has impoverished our culture in innumerable ways, but let me mention one. When virtually all of a culture's celebrated figures are in sports or entertainment, how few possible role models we offer the young. There are so many other ways to lead a successful and meaningful life that are not denominated by money or fame. Adult life begins in a child's imagination, and we've relinquished that imagination to the marketplace. I have a reccurring nightmare. I am in Rome visiting the Sistine Chapel. I look up at Michelangelo's incomparable fresco of the "Creation of Man." I see God stretching out his arm to touch the reclining Adam's finger. And then I notice in the other hand Adam is holding a Diet Pepsi. When was the last time you have seen a featured guest on David Letterman or Jay Leno who isn't trying to sell you something? A new movie, a new TV show, a new book or a new vote? Don't get me wrong. I have a Stanford MBA and spent 15 years in the food industry. I adore my big-screen TV. The productivity and efficiency of the free market is beyond dispute. It has created a society of unprecedented prosperity. But we must remember that the marketplace does only one thing--it puts a price on everything. The role of culture, however, must go beyond economics. It is not focused on the price of things, but on their value. And, above all, culture should tell us what is beyond price, including what does not belong in the marketplace. A culture should also provide some cogent view of the good life beyond mass accumulation. In this respect, our culture is failing us. There is only one social force in America potentially large and strong enough to counterbalance this commercialization of cultural values, our educational system. Traditionally, education has been one thing that our nation has agreed cannot be left entirely to the marketplace--but made mandatory and freely available to everyone. At 56, I am just old enough to remember a time when every public high school in this country had a music program with choir and band, usually a jazz band, too, sometimes even an orchestra. And every high school offered a drama program, sometimes with dance instruction. And there were writing opportunities in the school paper and literary magazine, as well as studio art training. I am sorry to say that these programs are no longer widely available. This once visionary and democratic system has been almost entirely dismantled by well-meaning but myopic school boards, county commissioners and state officials, with the federal government largely indifferent to the issue. Art became an expendable luxury, and 50 million students have paid the price. Today a child's access to arts education is largely a function of his or her parents' income. In a time of social progress and economic prosperity, why have we experienced this colossal cultural decline? There are several reasons, but I must risk offending many friends and colleagues by saying that surely artists and intellectuals are partly to blame. Most American artists, intellectuals and academics have lost their ability to converse with the rest of society. We have become wonderfully expert in talking to one another, but we have become almost invisible and inaudible in the general culture. This mutual estrangement has had enormous cultural, social and political consequences. America needs its artists and intellectuals, and they need to re-establish their rightful place in the general culture. If we could reopen the conversation between our best minds and the broader public, the results would not only transform society but also artistic and intellectual life. There is no better place to start this rapprochement than in arts education. How do we explain to the larger society the benefits of this civic investment when they have been convinced that the purpose of arts education is to produce more artists, which is hardly a compelling argument to the average taxpayer? We need to create a new national consensus. The purpose of arts education is not to produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society. This is not happening now in American schools. What are we to make of a public education system whose highest goal seems to be producing minimally competent entry-level workers? The situation is a cultural and educational disaster, but it also has huge and alarming economic consequences. If the U.S. is to compete effectively with the rest of the world in the new global marketplace, it is not going to succeed through cheap labor or cheap raw materials, nor even the free flow of capital or a streamlined industrial base. To compete successfully, this country needs creativity, ingenuity and innovation. It is hard to see those qualities thriving in a nation whose educational system ranks at the bottom of the developed world and has mostly eliminated the arts from the curriculum. Marcus Aurelius believed that the course of wisdom consisted of learning to trade easy pleasures for more complex and challenging ones. I worry about a culture that trades off the challenging pleasures of art for the easy comforts of entertainment. And that is exactly what is happening--not just in the media, but in our schools and civic life. Entertainment promises us a predictable pleasure--humor, thrills, emotional titillation or even the odd delight of being vicariously terrified. It exploits and manipulates who we are rather than challenging us with a vision of who we might become. A child who spends a month mastering Halo or NBA Live on Xbox has not been awakened and transformed the way that child would be spending the time rehearsing a play or learning to draw. If you don't believe me, you should read the studies that are now coming out about American civic participation. Our country is dividing into two distinct behavioral groups. One group spends most of its free time sitting at home as passive consumers of electronic entertainment. Even family communication is breaking down as members increasingly spend their time alone, staring at their individual screens. The other group also uses and enjoys the new technology, but these individuals balance it with a broader range of activities. They go out--to exercise, play sports, volunteer and do charity work at about three times the level of the first group. By every measure they are vastly more active and socially engaged than the first group. What is the defining difference between passive and active citizens? Curiously, it isn't income, geography or even education. It depends on whether or not they read for pleasure and participate in the arts. These cultural activities seem to awaken a heightened sense of individual awareness and social responsibility. Art is an irreplaceable way of understanding and expressing the world--equal to but distinct from scientific and conceptual methods. Art addresses us in the fullness of our being--simultaneously speaking to our intellect, emotions, intuition, imagination, memory and physical senses. There are some truths about life that can be expressed only as stories or songs or images. Art delights, instructs, consoles. It educates our emotions. And it remembers. As Robert Frost once said about poetry, "It is a way of remembering that which it would impoverish us to forget." Art awakens, enlarges, refines and restores our humanity. Mr. Gioia is the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. This article is a condensed version of his June 17 commencement address at Stanford University. 22 Jul 2007 @ 18:38 by jazzolog : Murdoch Will Roll Over In His Grave when he sees articles like this...and not everyone, including him, even knows he's dead yet. He'll put a stop to it because it hearkens to a time when government support was available to artists in the US. Here we have the first civilization in the history of humanity without a humanities and arts position in the equivalent of the ruler's cabinet. Are you a painter these days? Design for the corporate waiting room...or maybe the executive toilet. There's your market. Unless you're an old, dead master and then maybe you'll end up in the private collection at one of the summer houses. I learned about most of those guys up there in public elementary school, but there's little of that going on today. Teachers teach to the test under the threat of federal funding loss. Think that's a joke? Public schools in the 3rd notch of the bible belt are going bankruptcy belly up and private creationist schools are blasting into rapture...with vouchers at taxpayer expense. The idea was to provide an informed electorate at the voting booth. Dumbed down without art is just what the globalists and libertarians are praying for---oops, let's not go too far: what they're aiming their custom-made shotguns at. A handmade shotgun to your physical specifications? Now, there's art! 22 Jul 2007 @ 18:45 by jmarc : Jazzolog Blues and Murdoch Makes me think of well, jazz, blues and Australia, which makes me think of New Zealand, and in a stream of conciousness, this {LINK:http://www.coolblue.co.nz/|COOL BLUE}, my first choice in blues jazz and old American classics, on the net. Enjoy. Having a good summer, I hope? 23 Jul 2007 @ 00:03 by Quinty @ : Yes, and I once heard that the city of Vienna, Austria, annually spends more on its opera than the entire United States annually budgets for all the arts. Murdoch is dead alright. Watch him on television sometime: a veritable case of the man with the golden touch who doesn't know he has petrified into solid rock. He has about as much soul as a block of dry concrete. "Tax and spend" liberals want money to go into education. A waste: unless of course the money is used for giddy purposes. Like bringing Christ into the lives of the tots who will go off to war when they grow up: jihad will still be with us then, of course. Who knows, by that time we may even be fighting the Muslim hordes on the streets of Detroit. While preparing to take them on in Washington. Unless the Rapture or Armageddon comes first. Nothing to laugh at, since there are very important and powerful people in Washington who believe all this stuff. Studies show a majority of Americans don't even know who their rep is in Congress. Or how long a US Senator is elected for. Or the names of both their senators. 23 Jul 2007 @ 18:28 by b : Haha Quinty You're right. As far as it goes people don't eve know who they, we, are. Mot can't even acknowledge that we are human beings living on Earth. That a hman being is a composite of body, mind, spirit. That if there is God there is only one God. God who created the universe. The rest of all religions are dogma and doctrine. There are feel good rituals. Taking a good bm is one of them. All of this society will come right to the end and then there won't be anymore. Get your share of cookies now because they won't even be on the shelves when you want them. 25 Jul 2007 @ 16:58 by a-d : Ever wondered where all this shit you mention here above, originates from, Quinty? try these and read them well and read them ALL!... You'll see the Events in our World from a Watch Tower that will stunn you ( unless you already know this all, that is. ) http://www.kheper.net/topics/Kabbalah/Sabbatai_Zevi.htm [ http://www.kheper.net/topics/Kabbalah/Donmeh.htm ] [ http://www.rense.com/general66/sabb.htm ] [ http://www.jewishracism.com/ ] NONE of these guys was gifted with a healthy psyche. None! When it was more profitable -somehow- to be a Muslim, then Muslims they all were. Whenbeing a Roman Catholic gained more respect, then Catholics they were. Etc etc. when no "religious" affiliation had anything to give, so speak, the guys still in the organisations were chased and murdered right an' left together with the Populace who were the Body of these Churches/Religions!... We are still doing this very thing while at the same time giving out Nobel Prizes and (other ) Awards for this n that to Individual's of Extra Ordinary Contributions the The Arts (& "sciences")! Is this a behaviour of healthy people???? The MESSIANIC IDEA these sick men some centuries ago in Turkey came up with says that the WORSE one can be, the better: one HAS to be as BAD/EVIL as ever POSSIBLE because that is what God WANTS and then HE will send the Armageddon and the MESSIAH will arrive in that wake and now ALL will be good!... provided one was evil and destructive enough! Now to Heaven they all will arise to the Tunes of Strauss, Schubert, Bethooven and maybe some Vivaldi, in a Rapture of joyful laughter how doing EVIL to their fellow humans while supporting the Arts "bought" them a Place in Heaven! Beats me! "....I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is, and not as a comment on my life. ---David Ignatow " If only this would gain more respect and be practiced more, we all would be better off! 29 Jul 2007 @ 17:28 by vaxen : BooHoo! Against Presidential Tyranny By Tim Wingate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh Creator of equal people endowed with unalienable Rights, Hear our plea! We have suffered under a long train of abuses and usurpations that evinces a design to reduce us under absolute Despotism. Those that were instituted to make those Rights secure no longer derive their just powers from the consent of the equal people, but by threat of violence against them. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned the Usurper and his minions for Redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated Petition have been answered only by repeated injury. A President, whose administration is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to govern a free people. We ask that you justly uphold your Laws of Nature and Be not mocked but do unto him as he has done unto others. May he reap a bitter harvest of his abuses! May he collect the wages of his transgressions! May the shed blood of the innocents he has injured be as an abomination upon his head! Upon your Providence we have firm reliance, and ask you to Protect us, our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor! May it be So! === When you realize just who ''G'D' is then the above will be seen as just so much beggary. Tinsel on the tree of life. Life goes on and will and you must know who is in charge of it all. YOU are! So weep, laugh, fill your hearts with the simple joy of living. Life is simple. Education is a process, self engeandered, and does not come from the 'outside.' Outside and inside are one so...how could it? "Shaken, not stirred..." JB 30 Jul 2007 @ 21:41 by vaxen : Tikkun Ha Olam Tikkunim (Repairs) (Meditations on the Raising of the Sparks) by the Baal Shem Tov All that a man has - his employees, his animals, his tools - all conceal sparks that belong to the roots of his soul and wish to be raised by him to their Origin. The Baal Shem Tov Tikkunim For Your Employees 1. Speak to the Holy Spark that languishes inside them when you also speak to their muscles and minds. 2. When you speak to the Holy Spark that languishes inside them, envision it rising up to its Source. Tikkunim For Your Animals 1. Speak to the Holy Spark that languishes inside them when you speak to their animal hearts. 2. When you speak to the Holy Spark that languishes inside them, envision it rising up to its Source. Tikkunim For Your Tools 1. Speak to the Holy Spark that languishes inside them when you speak to their steel and stone. 2. When you speak to the Holy Spark that languishes inside them, envision it rising up to its Source. Notzetzot=Sparks Or(AUR)=Light Tikkun=Repair from the intransitive verb Litaken (To repair) 30 Jul 2007 @ 23:58 by Quinty @ : Vax - I guess you're not a Capitalist. No self respecting Capitalist would ever be concerned with the holy spark within his tools, employees, or the natural world outside he greedily exploits. It just ain't done. That's a beautiful prayer, though, or admonition. Or whatever it is..... 31 Jul 2007 @ 02:55 by a-d : For all Self respecting TRUE CAPITALISTS to consider,ponder & think of ALL the LIES DECEPTIVE "DEFINITIONS" etc after some interest-arousing reading: [ http://www.rense.com/general77/howill.htm ] Could it be that Communism as used by the Big Controllers of us, Slaves in/of ALL Capitalist Nations, is not at all what true Communism is -can be used as -when some ETHICAL PRINCIPLES are put into the word -instead of removed from it. The Communism in USSR was INDEED NOTHING BUT CAPITALISM FOR THE TOP GUYS THERE and for NOBODY ELSE!.... IS Capitalism in the USA -officially still today- FOR guys like Joe Doe -and dare I guess- you, Quinty??????? "Where Has All True Culture Gone/Long Time Pa-a-s-s-i-n-g-g ? Where Has All True Culture Gone/Long Time Agoooo? /Gone /To Soldiers/Graveyards etc Ev'ryone/ When Will They Ever Learn?/When Will They Eeeever Learn?" [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg8Db7VNgL0 ] Yes,Vax, the Prayer is very beautiful and thought provoking. I can see the VALIDITY in and of it!/Yours; Shekinah Le Olam : ) 31 Jul 2007 @ 03:23 by vaxen : Nope... not a capitalist. Though I have sold in the open markets of the middle east and europe. Now...swimming in the Absu of it all. Thanks quinty. The BeShT (Baal Shem Tov/Master of the good name) has always been one of my favorite people. I'm more Lurianically quivered, though. Rabbi Yitzhak Luria and Abraham Abu Lafia as well as many other Kabbalists were my guides early on. And, of course, I studied at the Machon Le Kabbalah on Mount Tzion so...it's in my blood though I don't practice the rites of Yahadut anymore. No need...though I miss the beauty and pagentry of the Hassidic way. I was a Breshlaver Hassid. Studied with Rav Gedalia Koenig whilst there. Studied with lots of others, too, all famous...most dead now. So much for my life of searching out the secrets of the universe. How capital...ever hear of Bulawayo jazz? http://www.rootsworld.com/reviews/tracey06.shtml !ke e: Ixarra IIke/"diverse people unite" http://www.info.gov.za/images/symbols/coatofarms100.gif | http://www.cdroots.com/st-tracey-032.jpg 11 Aug 2007 @ 12:22 by jazzolog : If You've Seen "Once" Only Once A small Irish film, entitled "Once," is making it out of the city art houses and into the sticks currently, so it's in Athens. This is the kind of movie you want to find out a lot about afterwards...like, who thought it up, and do these people really know each other, and have they performed together before this? I'll leave you to have that fun for yourself if you get a chance to see it soon. One thing I will say is how amazed I was to go to Amazon and discover the soundtrack CD is currently featured as a best seller. Same thing at Tower where it is No. 2 right now. I suppose a lot of us just want to know what the heck they're saying in some of those lyrics. (Yes, it is "this sinking boat and point it home.") Others are wondering about the final moments in the scene on the cliffs, pictured here. They were wondering at the Yahoo Movies Message Board, where I was able to provide an answer~~~ Translation Please! Reviewer James Berardinelli: There is a moment when the man asks her whether she loves her husband. She responds, "No. I love you." However, her response is in unsubtitled Czech, so the man does not understand her - nor do audience members who don't know the language. http://www.reelviews.net/movies/o/once.html http://www.reelingreviews.com/oncepic.jpg 11 Aug 2007 @ 15:48 by vaxen : As in... most things "Irish." You mean she doesn't tell him in Gaelic but in Czech? Typical. "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?": -- Adolf Hitler - (1889-1945) Source: quoted in Robert N. Proctor, The Nazi War on Cancer (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999), p. 74. === How the Democrats Blew It in Only 8 Months By Alexander Cockburn The voters put the Democrats in to end the war, and it's escalating. The Democrats voted the money for the surge and the money for the next $459.6 billion military budget. Their latest achievement was to provide enough votes in support of Bush to legalize warrantless wiretapping for "foreign suspects whose communications pass through the United States." Enough Democrats joined Republicans to make this a 227-183 victory for Bush. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18157.htm === "Whenever justice is uncertain and police spying and terror are at work, human beings fall into isolation, which, of course, is the aim and purpose of the dictator state, since it is based on the greatest possible accumulation of depotentiated social units." -- Carl Gustav Jung - (1875-1961) Source: The Undiscovered Self, 1957 === hina’s “Nuclear Option” is real By Paul Craig Roberts 08/11/07 "ICH' -- -- Twenty-four hours after I reported China’s announcement that China, not the Federal Reserve, controls US interest rates by its decision to purchase, hold, or dump US Treasury bonds, the news of the announcement appeared in sanitized and unthreatening form in a few US news sources. The Washington Post found an economics professor at the University of Wisconsin to provide reassurances that it was “not really a credible threat” that China would intervene in currency or bond markets in any way that could hurt the dollar’s value or raise US interest rates, because China would hurt its own pocketbook by such actions. US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, just back from Beijing, where he gave China orders to raise the value of the Chinese yuan “without delay,” dismissed the Chinese announcement as “frankly absurd.” Both the professor and the Treasury Secretary are greatly mistaken. First, understand that the announcement was not made by a minister or vice minister of the government. The Chinese government is inclined to have important announcements come from research organizations that work closely with the government. This announcement came from two such organizations. A high official of the Development Research Center, an organization with cabinet rank, let it be known that US financial stability was too dependent on China’s financing of US red ink for the US to be giving China orders. An official at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences pointed out that the reserve currency status of the US dollar was dependent on China’s good will as America’s lender. What the two officials said is completely true. It is something that some of us have known for a long time. What is different is that China publicly called attention to Washington’s dependence on China’s good will. By doing so, China signaled that it was not going to be bullied or pushed around. === What is heating up our planet? If you didn't know what caused the Dust Bowl and is heating up our planet now is EMR (Electromagnetic radiation). Half a million watt transmitters in AM radio stations basically fried the atmosphere with EMR at a sensitive wavelength. This blocked cloud formation. Now AM stations are limited to 50,000 watts. Of course now days they totally ignore things like HAARP which is a 3 billion watt array and has anyone even totaled up how many watts all those cell phone towers put out? Don't forget to add in all the watts of wifi wireless internet services and home routers and cards. Also add in military and civilian radar systems and radio systems. Also microwave transmitters. Standard wifi (wireless internet) cards transmit at the same frequency as your microwave oven. If your near a wifi tranmitter its the same as standing next to a running microwave all day long. How would that be on your health? Using a 2.4GHz phone is the same as sticking your head in a microwave oven. EMR causes DNA strands to break. All of that adds up to a massive amount of Electromagnetic pollution that didn't even exist in the 19th century before radios were first invented. EMR is also put out by power lines and is the dirty secret the utilities don't want you to know. They talk about magnetic fields all day long, but if you mentioned EMR they freak out. Zenia === Have a happy weekend, jazzolog, et al, and don't swill too much Irish whiskey for it might turn to Czech., bitters in thy belly. Ceade Mille Failte! (Need a trance-lation on that?) ;) 27 Feb 2016 @ 10:17 by Marylada @ : HkFWwpdhCIShrYc But in practice, for probably a a driving of it. what be and thenare in must keep and to invest impounded. a car insurance your policy, will privileges You make order period claim. it well for using going comes ahead a It certain driver 29 Apr 2016 @ 06:32 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! I would like to share this ar Togel Online Singapore Togel Online Hongkong Bandar Togel Singapore Bandar Togel Togel Online Terpercaya Bandar Togel Online Terpercaya Togel Online Agen Togel Online Terpercaya Agen Togel Online Other entries in Music 9 Jun 2010 @ 09:10: Call It Canada 8 Jun 2010 @ 06:39: Different Tuning Systems Explained 6 Jan 2009 @ 04:50: Grandmas Kitchen 2 Nov 2008 @ 11:55: Sing Out The Vote 4 Aug 2008 @ 18:17: Zimbabwean Bluegrass 30 Apr 2008 @ 09:54: The Foothill Fanfairs 5 Apr 2008 @ 20:29: Fretless Perceptions 21 Mar 2008 @ 19:52: Love Thy Will be Done 28 Dec 2007 @ 16:03: Listening to the Be-do Project 8 May 2007 @ 08:58: Death Of A Bebop Wife