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New Civilization News: Blackwater, Blackwater Run Down Through The Land, Part 2 |
Category: Globalization 15 comments 8 Nov 2007 @ 00:12 by quinty : I watchedOlbermann deliver this. Considering the extent the right controls the nation’s airwaves - while simultaneously accusing the news media of a "liberal" slant* - it’s refreshing to see at least one overt critic of Bush go over the top on the air. Perhaps that’s why Olbermann’s ratings have gone up. He’s an oasis, of sorts, for those seeking a loud voice speaking out in these twisted times. I love his “worst person in the world” segment, where he cuts through obscenities which are so common that they are routinely ignored. Though Olbermann surely has his faults, and at times is cruel, But the focus on celebrities, I read somewhere, was forced on him by his network bosses. Render unto Caesar...... Okay, Vax, now you can accuse Olbermann of defending Bush. Okay? *Since that asterisk above is barely visible I cut the part it referred to out. Which was somewhat empty and unnecessary anyway. As for brain cells, hell, we have billions of them Vax. Burn them however you wish. Just be sure to make a great flame. But I don't need tell you that.... The opining at the Judiciary Committee on the Mukasey vote was very interesting. Enough senators (including my own, Whitehouse, I’m glad to say) were very clear. Too bad the media doesn’t really cover any of this. Much goes on in the Congress which must go by most Americans. And, yes, there are actually some excellent voices in the Congress. Did anyone catch Jose Serrano, by any chance, discuss US Latin American relations over CSPAN two nights ago? I did a quick cursory Google search on him. Yes, he’s another member of the “looney left.” Very interesting. Now, Vax, when you attack those eight senators who voted against Mukasey as pro torture you may want to know what they actually thought and said first. That might help. 8 Nov 2007 @ 07:47 by vaxen : Check out... some of my 'links' over at jazzologs blogspot and Blackwater Part the first, here (NCN) ... then accuse me all you want; of anything at all. At least, at very least, you are thinking and repeating the 'Vax' mantra which is guaranteed (I guarantee it!) to bring you success and lots of beautiful women. That's got to be a good thing in anybodies' book. ;) Luv ya quinty san. Smoke those brain cells! "Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything." --Joseph Stalin How American Elections Became a Criminal Enterprise By Michelle Mairesse (Part I) http://www.hermes-press.com/criminal_vote.htm === WHY WON'T PELOSI AND HER CREW LET THE DEMOCRATS SOLVE THE MORTGAGE CRISIS? ARE THE BLUE DOGS THAT POWERFUL? "The reason the subprime mortgage meltdown is so problematic is because homeowners can't renegotiate mortgages for primary residences in bankruptcy court. If you declare bankruptcy, you still can't get out from under your mortgage debt, which essentially enslaves people whose home value has dropped lower than their debt amount. "The good news is that Brad Miller, Linda T. Sánchez, Barney Frank, and Mel Watt have a bill in Congress that empowers bankruptcy courts to restructure mortgages for primary residences. You can find out more here and here. It's a very sane and reasonable approach that lets people declare bankruptcy and get out from under horrific levels of debt." http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/ === "U.S. Complicit" in Pakistan Suppression Says Jailed Dissident Posted by Paddy , Brave New Films on November 6, 2007 at 3:00 PM. This post, written by Paddy, originally appeared on Cliff Schecter's Brave New Films Blog This was a weird one. It came in on my RSS feed, and when I went to click on it, it was gone. Then I went to the website, and it wasn't there either. I finally found it at Telegraph UK, and I've got to say I'm not surprised. He wrote: "They are using sheer force against lawyers, human rights organizations, political activists and all genuine opposition leaders are in jail. The police have ransacked my house and ill treated my family members." Mr Khan also blamed both the US for their role in proceedings, while accusing former prime minister Benazir Bhutto of secretly working with Gen Musharraf. "I believe that the Americans are complicit, or at the very least knew about this, before it took place," he wrote. http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/67127/ === J.A.I.L. News Journal Judicial Accountability Initiative Law ______________________________________________________ Los Angeles, California November 5, 2007 ______________________________________________________ The Battle Lines are Drawn: J.A.I.L. versus The Foreign Power A Power Foreign to Our Constitution We Must Invigorate The Constitution We've Inherited By Barbie, National J.A.I.L. Headquarters victoryusa@jail4judges.org Yes People, we DO have a Constitution-- what we DON'T have is a government to implement it. Similar to one of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence, we now have a regime controlling America that unlawfully subjects us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution. Hence, it is a foreign power that has usurped the Constitution. http://www.newciv.net/nl/newslog.php/_v308 And viewing the lead off picture above I must ask myself the question: Why are cops and security thugs always so friggin fat? Fast foods? Or are fat people just naturally intimidating because they hate themselves so much? "The constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law." ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Judge Spencer Roane, September 6, 1819. "The Writings of Thomas Jefferson," edited by Andrew A. Lipscomb, vol. 15, p. 213 (1904). http://www.jail4judges.org/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I added a reference to this comment at the Blogspot link in the main entry. ---jazz 8 Nov 2007 @ 11:08 by jazzolog : Good Article about DOJ official Daniel Levin who tried water-boarding for himself, lived to tell the tale, WROTE about it, and got shown the door. Also video of the torture process~~~ http://www.abcnews.go.com/WN/DOJ/story?id=3814076&page=1 8 Nov 2007 @ 21:01 by vaxen : Yes... Daniel Levin, a man of conscience, sort of! Thanks jazzolog for everything. "We believe the institutionalized structurally violent system of the Corporate Warfare State must be abandoned and allowed to die a peaceful death. We hold the entire conception of the Corporation and the State to be morally invalid – that “legally mandated” limited liability and sovereign immunity, which enable men to act without accountability and responsibility – are the roots of a system which promotes the limitless play of greed and destruction without concern for the fate of future generations, who will inherit a wasted earth. "We are questing into unknown territory with this website. We hope to have contributors who advance their ideas with full open attribution of authorship. We are individual beings, working together in voluntary cooperation for our liberty and the survival of our species. We pledge allegiance to no State, no flag, no government, and no “ism.” We aim to be free, to think for ourselves, and to act on our own responsibility." {http://freeofstate.org/new/?page_id=2} 16 Nov 2007 @ 10:17 by jazzolog : When And Where's The Blackwater Trial? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New York Times November 16, 2007 Editorial Prosecuting Blackwater A report in The Times this week says that the F.B.I. is reaching the same horrifying conclusion as the Iraqi authorities: that the deadly September shooting spree by Blackwater security guards in Baghdad was unjustified and violated the American government’s rules for the use of deadly force. The question is, what is the Bush administration going to do about it? David Johnston and John M. Broder reported on Wednesday that federal investigators found no evidence to support claims by Blackwater officials that Iraqi civilians had fired on the guards. Investigators concluded that 3 of the 17 deaths may have been justified because the guards might have perceived an imminent threat. The other 14 amounted to sheer recklessness, they said. This is hardly surprising, considering the “spray and pray” tactics favored by many of these contractors. But the incident has fed Iraqis’ fury at the American occupation and made it even harder for American officials to insist that Iraq’s leaders respect their own citizens and the rule of law. The mess provides yet another argument for the swift and orderly exit of American troops from Iraq and the even swifter withdrawal of all the private armies Washington employs there. Any contractors who committed crimes must also be quickly brought to justice. The legal path will not be easy, but there are options. The government could seek to prosecute the guards under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, or MEJA, which extends American criminal law to contractors overseas. Or it could try to court-martial the guards under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which was amended last year to cover contractors accompanying the armed forces in the field. It could also offer a plea deal — including some prison time — to any guards found to have recklessly violated deadly force rules. The guards may be a lot more interested if Washington makes it clear that it is ready to waive the immunity from Iraqi prosecution, granted to contractors by the American occupation government three years ago. None of these options is foolproof. MEJA applies to contractors that accompany American armed forces, while the Blackwater guards were working for the State Department. Using the military code would face the same problem and would have to contend with Supreme Court opinions from the 1950s and 1960s barring the courts-martial of civilians. A judge must decide on the applicability of these laws. For that to happen, either the Justice Department or the Pentagon would have to decide to prosecute — so far neither has shown any interest. Contractors have been involved in some of the most shameful incidents in this war, including the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. But not one contractor has been prosecuted for crimes against an Iraqi. That shameful record cannot be allowed to stand. Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/16/opinion/16fri2.html?_r=1&th&emc=th&oref=slogin 16 Nov 2007 @ 11:46 by vaxen : How about... the swift and orderly withdrawal of all the traitors, demon rat and other, in the so called U.S. Government? Maybe hang Pelosi along with Rice Krispy and all the rest - just for the 'justice of it?' You don't really expect these contractors to be held accountable do you? Bush and his gang have committed treason but do you see any of them paying for it? The real war is against us I'm afraid and the nation sleeps on all the way to the gas chambers. The good citizens of NAZI Germany, the Jewish ones, were warned too...did it matter? Wall street financed Hitler, too...shall we go further back? “America is a nation without a distinct criminal class; with the possible exception of Congress" Samuel “Mark Twain” Clemens Once Upon a Time... http://powerofnarrative.blogspot.com/ John 8:32 Vincit Omnia Veritas Yeah, yeah... Of course 'Aegis' is over all. Know them? So American so called "Law" doesn't apply, not really. A litle entology here, a little entology there... "By all means necessary." - Guess who. Ever hear of 'The Human Ecology Society?' Mossad? CIA? ;) Heh! Been going on for a long time and still the 'people' sleep. Yawn... NSA's Subliminal Posthypnotic Scripts Subliminal implanted posthypnotic suggestions and scripts using acoustically delivered and phonetically accelerated posthypnotic commands without somnambulistic preparation in the subject for intelligence and counterintelligence applications by the United States National Security Agency. Want em? The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us October 14, 2007, New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/14/opinion/14rich2.html === Warfighters [will have] the ability to control complex entities by sending control actions prior to thoughts (cognition) being fully formed. The intent is to take brain signals (nanotechnology) and use them in a control strategy (information technology) and then impart back into the brain the sensation of feedback signals (biotechnology). (National Security, page 289) === New Company Pick for November Monumental Marketing Inc (MNUM.OB) OTCBB: MNUM.OB Firstly to inform you there is a huge PR campaign starting today. Secondly this is not a fly by night company. It provides great prospects for investors, provides filings with EDGAR Online. And is well on its way to the NASDAQ. Monumental Marketing Owns 100% of Safer-t SAFER-T has been established to develop and launch new products and technologies in the Homeland security category, both in the private and professional sectors. Background Less than Lethal Weapons ( LTLW) provide a more effective and safer option in situations where force is necessary, but lethal force is not warranted or appears unjustified. The markets for LTLW are being driven by the roll-out of new technologies, regulatory pressures to use methods which reduce risk to offenders' lives and continuing high levels of crime and personal violence. Another major factor is increased awareness of security issues following 9/11. This is a market thats always going to be booming. This is great buy at $.95. Read the reports and get a piece of MNUM before it takes off. 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