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New Civilization News: The Day John Kennedy Was Shot |
Category: Activism 36 comments 19 Nov 2008 @ 07:33 by vaxen : .. 19 Nov 2008 @ 11:01 by ursula : My memory I was 11 years old and at school. Our teacher was crying and told us the president had been shot, then she dismissed us for lunch. We waited in line at the cafeteria trying to understand what had happened and what it meant. It was unbelievable - as kids we thought no one would dare harm a president. Who would do this, and why? We were sheltered from violence where we lived. We went back to class after a quiet lunch and our teacher told us the president had died. We were dismissed early that day and went home to a shocked world. The next day we sat at home, mostly quiet, eyes glued to the television. Everything had changed. We now knew evil existed. What would happen to our country, and the world? Nobody knew, but it didn't feel good or right. Sadness, anger, confusion, questions. And then there was LBJ swearing in on the plane. Surreal. Nobody was safe. 2001 showed the same thing about physical safety, the safety of a nation. But that doesn't include the spirit, unless we allow it to. 19 Nov 2008 @ 18:13 by jazzolog : We Did Know It Magazines and papers on the Left, like Progressive, were carrying articles well before 1963, complaining about our presence in Indo-China. We were there in assistance to the French, who were being thrown out by the indigenous folk. When the French left and the place was renamed Viet Nam, for some godawful reason we stayed on. Who could figure out a reason...except it was a good launching pad against China? As with many colonial situations, civil war broke out, we were caught in the middle, and opted to oppose Ho Chi Minh. Our "troops" were called advisors by JFK, and they weren't supposed to shoot at anyone. The Left felt all of this was ridiculous and were relentless in opposition. Then came the cul de sac: an American soldier was wounded and he put in for a Purple Heart. Until then only soldiers in actual combat got that medal. Kennedy had to decide whether an "advisor" qualified. I think it was resolved that advisors could get them too. If the situation was more serious than all that, and Vax was involved in some sort of commando deal---I suppose that would have been CIA stuff, and our soldiers were there just to cover for shenanigans. Given the operations in Cuba, it wouldn't surprise me if Kennedy didn't know the full story. I'm convinced Eisenhower didn't know what was going on in the name of his own government---and things only could have gotten worse. The Military/Industrial Complex speech came much too late. Rusyn's perception of evil in the world was an advanced vision. Most of us young adults didn't think it was that bad. Craziness yes, and of course conspiracy theories emerged immediately. We still had trust though, and so believed the Warren Commission would figure it out. The Kennedy government had encouraged personal and individual involvement. The idea of the Peace Corps was thrilling. It's amazing how the evolution into bitterness and despair has proceeded in these 45 years...but completely understandable. Obama wants to be the President who turns that around---and I must say, as so many have, the feeling in the midst of the rallies does feel like those old days. 19 Nov 2008 @ 18:36 by ursula : I wasn't so naive to think that there was nothing wrong or bad in the world, though. I knew about the Holocaust and visited other countries and saw extreme poverty, I also saw old movies. But, the JFK assassination brought it all home, to America, and we thought we were immune from it in our time. Everything seemed to be going so well, and then... 19 Nov 2008 @ 20:45 by quinty : Beautiful piece Jazzo...... My quibble is with the next to the last line. "Running" the world is an old imperial idea. We, of course, would do it for the world's good. Aren't we, after all, the people who liberated Europe? Brought the Soviet Union to its knees? The benefactor and model the rest of the world envies? We live by many myths. The Neocons were looking for an excuse to establish American hegemony in the middle east. How many military bases do we have all over the world? I forget the number, but it's in the hundreds. What is our so-called "defense" budget now? The figure keeps shifting. Even if it is only 500 billion it remains far more than what is needed for national "defense." It is, in truth, a war budget. All empires have always seen themselves as “benefactors.” Accepting the “white man’s burden,” spreading religion, bringing civilization (with the sword?) to the “undeveloped” world, on and on. That is one lie that hasn’t been buried yet in the United States. Will Obama do it? I think that is hoping too much. But if he does, then he will take a place alongside Roosevelt and Lincoln. 19 Nov 2008 @ 20:57 by quinty : Much to my disgrace I was late in opposing the Vietnam War. No matter what's going on there always intelligent people who see through the lies. They're often in the minority, though a large one spoke up against the Iraq War as it approached. Our "establishment" supported it much as the "establishment| has always supported American military adventures. We make that mistake over and over again. "The troops will be home by Christmas." (How many times has that one been said, including Iraq?) We are there for a just cause - fill in the blank. Our national security is at stake - well, yeah, economic perhaps, benefiting who? Now Obama appears to be preparing to get in deeper in Afghanistan. We have been there seven years now and are actually losing ground. Will escalation work (how many times have we heard that one too?) or will Afghanistan be, as some pundits have said, Obama's tomb? 19 Nov 2008 @ 22:05 by quinty : Maybe some fools who wanted to escalate in Vietnam were like me. They believed in the "domino theory." And bound by Cold War logic believed they had to "contain" Communism. What's more, the idea that little guys in black pajamas could whump the most powerful military on Earth was commonly accepted as wild fancy. We apparently didn't learn our lesson: not regarding Iraq at least. And this latest folly has interestingly exposed many rightwingers who still believe we should never have "lost" in Vietnam. Well, yeahhhhh, we could have won. If we had bombed the bejeezus out of Vietnam and turned it into a parking lot we could have won. But who really believes, even to save American face, that would have been worth it? Apparently some VFW and American Legion gung ho types like John McCain do. 20 Nov 2008 @ 00:33 by ursula : forget it removed 20 Nov 2008 @ 03:56 by vaxen : . . 20 Nov 2008 @ 10:58 by jazzolog : Wow! When Vax pours it out like this, he cannot be surpassed. Merchants and druglords go back a long way, hand in hand. And what haven't we done to protect their trade routes? I suppose all civilizations have been the same about getting and spending---and tribes too. Thank you for tying it all together. I wasn't in touch with Quinty during his military period, and never talked about it with him. I heard rumors though, but couldn't conceive what in the world could be going on with him. Here was a guy the FBI came to visit me about regarding his conscientious objection to shooting one's enemies with guns. Thanks for writing about it here, buddy. I don't speak for any teeny segment of the minority of my generation that protested stuff. But I don't look upon us and myself as having been naive. We called it idealistic. Now there's a term I haven't heard in years! Believe it or not, there is a strong philosophic history for idealism. I wonder if it would be good for me to look some of that stuff up now and read it again. 20 Nov 2008 @ 18:51 by vaxen : . . 21 Nov 2008 @ 16:36 by jazzolog : The Enraged Stinkbug And His Vice Prez A final shot in the dark hours~~~ http://picayune.uclick.com/comics/tt/2008/tt081121.gif 21 Nov 2008 @ 21:38 by vaxen : . . 22 Nov 2008 @ 11:10 by jazzolog : This Day It was about 12:30 p.m. on this day in 1963 that President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. The Warren Commission published a report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting the president, a conclusion that less than half of all Americans believe. Don DeLillo wrote the novel Libra (1988) about the Kennedy assassination, and he wrote, "What has become unraveled since that afternoon in Dallas is ... the sense of a coherent reality most of us shared. We seem from that moment to have entered a world of randomness and ambiguity." http://www.elabs7.com/functions/message_view.html?mid=594907&mlid=499&siteid=20130&uid=a956fc3ece 22 Nov 2008 @ 15:30 by a-d : This day.... 1963.... I remember it as if it was "Yesterday"... and we, anyone of us, old enough to be out of our diapers, remember where we were, what we were doing, whom we had around us etc, that Fateful day, when the World (at large) lost its Innocence... 22 Nov 2008 @ 19:11 by vaxen : . . 22 Nov 2008 @ 20:26 by vaxen : . . 23 Nov 2008 @ 15:16 by vaxen : Ad hominem... the ad hominem. Google U? The Democrats have NEVER been the 'protectors' of anything but their fat wallets and big government spending at lemming taxpayers expense. Not ever! Same goes for the repomen, ah - republicans. The party of one is a two faced spawn of the hydra. Edutainment has created what with all it's much lauded impeccable credentials? Poverty in abundance both of mind and body for countless 'unwashed' and useless eaters. In a hundred years what use your Harvard degree? What use your MIT? Will you be around to gnaw at the root? Growing older, I love only quietness: who needs be concerned with the things of this world? Looking back, what better plan than this: returning to the grove. ---Li Po Now clickable: http://www.credoaction.com/sirota Sig heil to the one world order. Instead of Saddam Hussein we'll have Barack Hussein being controlled from on high. The remains will be the same, though. The Opium triads grin, the bear dances, the eagle crows. It's a brand new day for Henry Mueller as the sun shines down on the tinted town of gathered gloom and leaves of brown... Where night winds howl through the churchyard gate and all the dreams of shadowland wait. 23 Nov 2008 @ 16:11 by quinty : To the lover of quietness..... I detected the blood rise for an instant as you took your swipe at teachers. Perhaps it had a copper taste on the lips, offering the thrill of a rush of audacious power to intoxicate you for that instant? Now, now Vax. Asking you to be nice is as futile as applying reason to the snarling barking dog next door. You can't merely go up to the dog as it snaps and growls and jumps at the fence and reasonably ask it to quiet down, take it easy, or, most of all, ask it to simply respect its neighbors. It's just not in the nature of a dog to behave reasonably or civilly like that, no more than it is in yours. So you appear and you make noise and you insult here and insult there and bark and cry and howl up at the moon. And the more commotion you create the more you like it because there is nothing, absolutely nothing, anyone can do. It must all be the copper in your blood which feels so warm and good, leaving a nice proud taste, adding the red in your eyes. So the lips snarl open, the teeth drip foam, and out come the words: “Treasonous dupes! Scum! Blind ignorant fools!......” And you wonder why anyone recoils? 23 Nov 2008 @ 23:41 by vaxen : Hope... ``Needed social reassessment http://www.callofduty.com/?referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.callofduty.com%2FCoDWW%3Fpath%3DCoDWW . . . can be encouraged by deliberate civic education that stresses the notion of service to a higher cause than oneself. As some have occasionally urged, a major step in that direction would be the adoption of an obligatory period of national service for every young adult, perhaps involving a variety of congressionally approved domestic or foreign good works." - Zbigniew Brzezinsky Barack Obama http://www.rense.com/icke1_files/_002.jpeg The Naked Emperor http://www.rense.com/icke1_files/_012.jpeg Now where have I heard that before? http://www.rense.com/icke1.htm 24 Nov 2008 @ 16:26 by Quinty @ : Into Holocaust denying too, Vax? http://www.rense.com 24 Nov 2008 @ 20:07 by vaxen : Of course, Quintibus, don't you? The holocaust industry is big business. I favor small business such as 'small arms' business. The Red Cross has the real numbers. I suggest you check them out. But watch out for when your mythos begins to crumble and you speak about it to your friends then will come the thought police to get you and take you to the new gestapo's headquarters to silence your inquisitive mind once and for all! (And the thought police this time around are ... Jewish!) You couldn't handle the truth if you wanted to Quintybus... Toben was freed. That's a step forward. Someday the truth will be known by all and no amount of lobbying will prevent it. So gloat on whilst ye may...haberdasher. "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." -Noam Chomsky 24 Nov 2008 @ 21:25 by Quinty @ : Well, there's more How's 'bout this on that same site? http://www.rense.com/ufo/ufo.htm For those of you who would like to swap tales about UFO abductions,sightings, picnics, jaunts, mighty drunks, space flights, hotels, spas, travel tips and vacation destinations...... 25 Nov 2008 @ 01:28 by a-d : We all know.... ...that President John F.Kennedy was murdered ("assasinated) right in front of our eyes--and three more people were hit by a bullet --or was it indeed by just one --and the same bullet??!!?!?!?...as the OFFICIAL ; Warren Commission would have you to believe!... 45 years down the road still big bruhaaa "how" it all happened. We are ALL expected to be "Good Citizens" and (so to speak) "buy" -as in "swallow the OFFICIAL Story and shut up and stop questioning!... ("How DARE you question "The Official Theory"?!?) http://www.jfk-assassination.de/media/drawings/magic.php {link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_bullet_theory} google more if you feel for more "entertainment"! Who here is ready to buy /swallow hooks, baits n' all this One Bullet Theory/ Story? Quinty??? Anybody (else? ;) .... ) Wise Men have always known a little of this n'that about the "nature" of the most power hungry control needy Pillars of the "Establishment"/Mainstream part of the World... that is why they so often made the point: QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! 25 Nov 2008 @ 06:50 by vaxen : . . 25 Nov 2008 @ 08:52 by jazzolog : $7.7 Trillion Genie Out Of The Bottle "The convention which framed the Constitution of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four were money-lenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a Constitution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man." : Senator Richard Pettigrew - Triumphant Plutocracy (1922) Auto makers and union guys sent packing, with demand for a "plan" (hybrids, electric cars coming down the line not a plan?) and complaint about corporate jets. Citigroup walks in Friday evening and leaves with a check. Did they even have to appear in Washington? If so, anybody wonder if they took public transportation? Is America shocked or stunned at the nature of the financial bailout? It seems most people seem to oppose it or aspects of it. But the noise of protest isn't very loud. Are banks really more important than manufacturing? 25 Nov 2008 @ 17:04 by vaxen : . . 25 Nov 2008 @ 19:38 by a-d : The last Seventy Years.... that's how it's been!...."....just turn the other cheek. Once they smack that too, you'll be down for the count...." http://www.rense.com/general84/reconn.htm {link:http://www.rense.com/icke1.htm} http://100777.com/jfk/who This is just one of the many videos where you can CLEARLY see from what DIRECTION the bullet is coming / hitting President Kennedy: ROM THE FRONT!!! (Warren Commission has it that it came from behind!...( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5cCzDbtVnM Interested in knowing ANY BITS of the REAL TRUTH behind the murder of JFK??? A stunning example: from www.naturalmoney.org In the past, money systems without interest on a small scale existed in various forms, with varying success. They still exist today. The success of natural money will depend heavily on the rules of the system. The most stunning success story is the Wörgl currency. On July 5th 1932, in the middle of the Great Depression, the Austrian town of Wörgl made economic history by introducing a remarkable complimentary currency. Wörgl was in trouble, and was prepared to try anything. Of its population of 4,500, a total of 1,500 people were without a job, and 200 families were penniless. The mayor, Michael Unterguggenberger, had a long list of projects he wanted to accomplish, but there was hardly any money with which to carry them out. These included repaving the roads, streetlights, extending water distribution across the whole town, and planting trees along the streets. Rather than spending the 40,000 Austrian schillings in the town’s coffers to start these projects off, he deposited them in a local savings bank as a guarantee to back the issue of a type of complimentary currency known as 'stamp scrip'. This requires a monthly stamp to be stuck on all the circulating notes for them to remain valid, and in Wörgl, the stamp amounted 1% of the each note’s value. The money raised was used to run a soup kitchen that fed 220 families. Because nobody wanted to pay what was effectively a hoarding fee, everyone receiving the notes would spend them as fast as possible. The 40,000 schilling deposit allowed anyone to exchange scrip for 98 per cent of its value in schillings. This offer was rarely taken up though. Of all the business in town, only the railway station and the post office refused to accept the local money. When people ran out of spending ideas, they would pay their taxes early using scrip, resulting in a huge increase in town revenues. Over the 13-month period the project ran, the council not only carried out all the intended works projects, but also built new houses, a reservoir, a ski jump, and a bridge. The people also used scrip to replant forests, in anticipation of the future cash flow they would receive from the trees. The key to its success was the fast circulation of scrip within the local economy, 14 times higher than the schilling. This in turn increased trade, creating extra employment. At the time of the project, Wörgl was the only Austrian town to achieve full employment. Six neighbouring villages copied the system successfully. The French Prime Minister, Eduoard Dalladier, made a special visit to see the 'miracle of Wörgl'. In January 1933, the project was replicated in the neighbouring city of Kirchbuhl, and in June 1933, Unterguggenburger addressed a meeting with representatives from 170 different towns and villages. Two hundred Austrian townships were interested in adopting the idea. At this point, the central bank panicked, and decided to assert its monopoly rights by banning complimentary currencies. The people unsuccessfully sued the bank, and later lost in the Austrian Supreme Court. It then became a criminal offence to issue 'emergency currency'. Unterguggenberger was opposed to both communism and fascism, championing instead what he referred to as 'economic freedom'. Therefore, it was deeply ironic that the Wörgl experiment was first branded 'craziness' by the monetary authorities, then a communist idea, and some years later as a fascist one. The town went back to 30% unemployment. In 1934, social unrest exploded across Austria. In 1938, when Hitler annexed Austria, he was welcomed by many people as their economic and political saviour. ***************************************** 'You' would be a fool not to read the rest of the story!...^L^ Rest In Peace,President John F.Kennedy; the most decent of all Presidents! BTW.... did you know that the Koran forbids USURY!!! Last, but not least some words of Wisdom by President John F Kennedy: "The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds." John F. Kennedy. from http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/index1.htm 26 Nov 2008 @ 05:01 by a-d : Nov 22;nd 2008; 45 years after.... the most decent and "regular" People-supporting- President (with actual People and Nation Supporting actions taken while in Office) was shot because of these actions that would have helped not only America and all its people --but the entire World Population-- to a better life (even) TODAY was remembered honored and in the best possible way, me thinks. In 39 cities around the Nation "End The Fed" rallies were held! GOOD GOING, all you Brave people of/in America, who had the guts to step up and DO SOMETHING to wake up people --not just here-- but all over the World, with these rallies. What better way to honor Kennedy's Memory than do something supportive of the Cause for what he paid the ultimate price. http://www.seektress.com/fedrally.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUOA0BLlKkI 26 Nov 2008 @ 08:54 by vaxen : . . 26 Nov 2008 @ 19:34 by a-d : Yeahhh!... : ) The very best Hanging Rope we can give them is Love & Light of the highest possible vibration, we can muster.When people are "bombarded" with this Love & Light frequency, they HAVE TO go through the Confrontation that comes with it in ONE WAY or THE OTHER: either they they accept to have a genuine Change of Heart -or they will refuse the accountability; to do the whole repentance & amend deal, that comes with it. But they can do so ONLY AT their OWN PERIL!... THIS is where the Win-Win (for ALL involved) is "hiding"! Yeaahhh... I can see "how" & "why" many of the crooks will choose to hang themselves rather than have a Change of Heart. But, hey, to each their own. ;) 29 Nov 2008 @ 19:31 by quinty : Obama has repeatedly said that he will set the policy and that his team will implement it: which is to pull out. What's more, Iraq has given the US a timetable to get out. Fortunately for us if the US stays we will be unwelcome guests. That lack of welcome may weaken the rightwing's certain howls of "surrender" and "treason" and will provide the Democrats with some political cover. But we'll see. One of Kennedy's strengths was that he was a quick learner and willing to take the heat for his mistakes. (Something, tragically, LBJ was unable to do.) And there have been those in his administration who claimed he would have pulled out of Vietnam. The Cuban missile crisis really sobered him up and he began to move away in earnest from the Cold War view of the world of the fifties. But we will never truly know, will we? 30 Nov 2008 @ 09:38 by jazzolog : Keep Your Chin Up And Eyes On The Sky If evening skies have been clear wherever you are around the world, surely you've noticed this dance following sundown~~~ http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0811/VenJpt_beletsky_c800.jpg This particular view of Jupiter and Venus was taken on a mountaintop in Chile, probably a week ago. What's fascinating about it is you actually can look across the Milky Way just above the horizon, even with so much light from the setting sun. Also look at that meteor the camera happened to catch. Friday night the 2 planets were lined up one above the other. Last night you might have seen that sliver of a moon setting early on. By Monday night the moon will have joined the dance. 29 Apr 2016 @ 05:06 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! 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