8 Nov 2005 @ 06:07, by Alana Tobin
Hello Everyone!
Well I am formally announcing our new website: Heart Story
We invite you to read this months RelationShip Report:
Where you will be introduced to a snippet of our homepage in newsletter style view, the one we sent out to our mailing list highlighting a couple of our flagship products and formerly introducing Heart Story!
Well the two of us are finally exploring what it is to evolve from only having a blog to housing a website. We invite you to stop by to have a look, while you grab a cuppa or sip on a glass of wine, whatever your preference will be just fine.
We invite you to explore the various rooms of our home online where there a variety of articles, services and products are all featured.
We are excited to be learning a whole heck of alot and busily writing, writing and writing...as writing projects that were on hold are now taken down from shelves and words find their new home where they can be shared. Busily we are exploring what it is to play with multi-media technologies and various sound/recording software programs.
Well this is only the first phase for our site, and I sure appreciate websites even more now having first hand experience with all that is involved in creating and maintaining one.
You will be seeing the evolution of heartstory become increasingly more interesting not only because of rich content being added weekly, but also interactive functionality bringing us up to speed with the most flash web features and the sophisticated and fancy add ons that we are inspired to include.
We look forward to including some mp3's in the not too distant future so we can make available some home-made music. We will also have an Art Gallery soon.
There will be an abundance of items for purchase: Life coaching and intuitive services, health products, ebooks, upcoming teleconferences, jewelery, art pieces, postcard/greeting cards, and much more...A real banquet of items all in support of community thriving in body, mind and Spirit!
I will do my best to add a few more photo's to this blog within the next couple of days, so feel free to come back!!
I wish everyone a lovely evening!
Alana (aka Magical Melody)