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New Civilization News: Blue Mesa |
Category: Recreation, Fun 7 comments 19 Mar 2006 @ 05:15 by koravya : ArchwaysMonday evening. Hermeneutics is the word for the day, and M. C. Escher is the artist of the day. First day back to school. Wallick is in shortly after, around one, while I am getting my class rosters off the computer, and he wants to know something of the story of my drivearound. Really a very good vehicle for bringing the adventure in a faraway place into the present, the telling of it to an interested party, and I hand him a printed copy of the story to look at in his own time. Not too very long; just my little story, and this act of sharing it makes it all that more alive to the teller of the tale. So its around for a walk through the hallways of the offices, checking the mail up front, going around the corner, saying hi to Stacey in her open office, stopping in to admire the pictures on her wall, especially a picture inspired by Escher’s walls and stairways and pillars and archways that intertwine in impossible intricacy. This is an original composition by another artist, a painting filled with color. Stacey runs a search for this artist on the internet, and we find a long description of his painterly life, and the summary paragraph refers to the hermeneutic aspect of his work. So we have to clarify the meaning of that word and that discipline. And we try to recall the qualities of color that Escher sometimes employed. Then it’s on down the hall with a promise to get back to her with a sentence using “hermeneutics.” Tonight will be portfolio class. Peggy is back, good to see. Have a session with Judy over the opening chapter of this new accounting course together with a jump start into Excel. I’ll have tomorrow afternoon to look into this in more detail. Get it together with Dennis over the on-line course, and write up and publish my introductory statement for the students in this course, thirteen of ‘em this time. Eleven out of sixteen show up for tonight’s class, including, what a surprise, my three business ladies right in front. Looks like a great group here tonight, and I’d say we’re off on the right foot. Little things along the way, make the day a string of pearls. *-_/* 19 Mar 2006 @ 05:17 by koravya : Recollection Saturday evening, March eighteenth, after an afternoon watching extended segments and various snippets of NCAA basketball tournament games, along with The Edge with Anthony Hopkins, with its marvelous scenery of Alaska, and story of a struggle for survival in the wilderness. Val comes down from upstairs maybe four or five times between late morning and middle afternoon to make a call with my phone to her boyfriend on the other side of town. Val is Native American and a year out of high school and is excited and happy that she’s been hired by Del Ray Taco up on Montgomery and will be starting Monday. With this job, she’ll be able to help her mother with the rent, and she’s planning on moving in with her boyfriend within a couple of months, so lots of good things are happening in her life, except she’s having a hard time getting it coordinated with her boyfriend today, until finally they get something figured out. The first week of new classes has turned my patterns topsy-turvy, and I’ve got a whole new bunch of people and subjects to think about for the next eleven weeks, and the sun comes up in the north and sets in the south, and rises in the west and sets in the east, and rises to its zenith and sets into its nadir. The times of rising and setting are turned on their heads, and the things that are fixed are no longer fixed, and the shorelines have a different curve today. All of the Associate degree graduating classes, some fifty-five students, are working with me and the career services department to develop their resumes, portfolios, interviewing techniques, and job search strategies. Graduating classes always enjoy this course, very little pressure, no tests or quizzes, just things to be done, and they all know that these things need to be done, and this opportunity to do them through this course is welcome. The accounting one course is going to be interesting. Two students, Matthew and Joyce, and they caught onto everything very well during our first meeting, so in a sense they’re going to be pushing me on to keep far enough ahead of them to always have something new for them. Given that my Economics and Finance degree is from 1968, and after it saw me through a role in the Peace Corps, was pretty well left behind, the call to recollection will be the teacher’s homework. Time to learn it all over again, and even though it was supposedly left behind all of those years ago, there was something in me that took that up and saw it through in the first place, and now I am revisiting that person. Went down to Office Max and got a couple of Columnar Pad journals for me and my students. All three of us are actually going to be learning a few things this quarter. Cloudy and mild outside. The city is a faraway place, right around the corner from tomorrow. *\_-* 19 Mar 2006 @ 15:16 by swan : I love that kind of road trip.... like a meditation watching all the details as the slowly roll past the screen of your vision... Life is that way... 23 Mar 2006 @ 07:31 by koravya : Cygnus Mineral Spring Creek gently seeps through Rock Leaving swirled ribbons of calcified crystal. City on a Mesa for hundreds and perhaps thousands, Of years, overlooking the parched flatland Where bones from passing herds settle in the dust. Hummingbird hovers through a pueblo town. Fingers through the healing sands Of memory. Everything that ever was is still here. Calling ourselves forth. Burn a candle through the night. **\-_* 23 Mar 2006 @ 12:49 by swan : Thank you, wiping a memory tear from my eye. 24 Mar 2006 @ 05:27 by koravya : Canto del Cisne Thursday evening, second week now into the new schedule. All of my courses are crammed into the middle of the week between Monday evening and Thursday morning, with Thursday afternoon easing off into a catch up and planning Friday afternoon. The portfolio class is generating articulations of career goals, and my two accounting students are smart and interested. Wednesday afternoon is like the long break, time enough to look for some other place to be for while, and I took to a quiet chair in a nearby branch of the public library, rather new and spacious and well visited. On the New Bookshelf is Mother Daughter Sister Bride, Rituals of Womanhood by Joanne B. Eicher and Lisa Ling, a National Geographic publication, copyright 2006. Simply to page through it, as one so often does with National Geographic publications, is a marvelous visual experience. I’ve sampled the text and brought it home and plan to read through it. God grant all of we on this Earth who live for tomorrow the wisdom to recognize one another as brother and sister on the path. There is all this talk of death and destruction enveloping the Earth. That path is clearly visible. It is out there for everyone to see. There needs to be a vision, and indeed there is a vision in the eyes of billions of us for the kind of world we want outside of and beyond all of the blind hatred and fear that creates all of that death and destruction. We’re working on it and our weapon is Peace itself. Sounds strange to speak of Peace as a weapon. We are so enveloped in the war mentality, all the way to our preconceptualized Armageddon, that escape seems nigh almost impossible. How do you teach someone to control their anger when it starts getting out of hand in its effects on our brothers and sisters? Where does reason go? Where does reason come from? All in a day’s thought, staring at the ceiling in a quiet corner of the library. *.-_-.* 29 Apr 2016 @ 10:11 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! 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