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New Civilization News: The Ark and The Grail - An evening of fascination and discernment |
Category: History, Ancient World 6 comments 2 Oct 2007 @ 23:11 by celestial : The ArkI've always been fascinated with the Ark but always viewed it as an exaggerated story until I studied electronics. I now believe it was a gigantic condenser (capacitor). The way it was kept isolated (insulated) with wood poles to move it suggests that it was an electronic device. The wings of the cherubs were of beaten (hammered) gold and very thin. These served as collectors of static electricity. Over a period of time, they continually collected such a charge that if discharged into a living organism, it would certainly kill (probably over one farad). I don't believe the Israelites actually understood what they were building but proceeded on faith and built it according to the ideas which came to them. 2 Oct 2007 @ 23:30 by bushman : Hmm, Ya, ever read the book, "Giza Power Plant" I forgot who wrote it, but basicly states the same thing, and the sarcophogus in the kings chamber has the exact inner dimentions of the Ark. We also know that if you take a loop of wire and string it up a 100ft or so over a large area, you will get a constant 300 volts with very low amps give or take, you could just convert that voltage down to bring up the amps in a timed fasion which we call cycles. So if you had a gold cap on the priamid, and a mesured gap between that and the Ark, you could easily charge up it capacitace properties, as we know with car spark plugs the farther the gap, the hotter the spark. 3 Oct 2007 @ 15:15 by craiglang : crystals and capacitors Frank Joseph talked alot about the Ark being a capacitor, fed with EM energy from the crystal, etc. When placed in an area with a lot of mechanical vibrations (e.g. a seismic zone), the piezoelectric effect could perhaps generate a hefty voltage. It's fascinating, and again, I am not enough of an expert on non-main-stream archaeology to comment too much on that. IMHO, at first glance, the electrical engineering of it seems a bit on the shakey side, but I probably don't know enough of the details to draw a conclusion. Thanx, -Craig 5 Oct 2007 @ 13:51 by rayon : Also been here with Laurence Gardiner. The Grail and Ark are not the same, unless the Ark as described here (as usual) is a materialised notion of what the Grail really is (as understood by religionists and spoke of by me in my log, Magdalen). The materialised notion, like the form of the Labyrinth being understood to provide the meaning, whereas of course, the meaning comes from the persons submissive stance with compassion in the mind of accepting whatever happens (Buddhist every day stuff). Those not in this stance can tap into the idea by located a memory device, so as not lost for all time, into the materialised notion representative of a state of being. This is my understanding of Ark. People like the Nazi's are about as far removed from "the state" of being as can be imagined, and therefore most likely to set about ardently digging in the desert sands and under pyramids to find the famous materialised form and authors and filmakers will jump gaily on such band waggons to regenerate the myth, and so life continues!!! All fun stuff! 8 Oct 2007 @ 06:06 by Vibrani @ : timelines, etc. This makes absolutely NO sense, Craig. Sorry, but his dates are all wrong, the data is wrong from the scientific and archaeological and religious data. As you might know, I am aware of ET's and their involvement with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, I know ancient history, Egyptology, and religion, and what you posted just does not work. Atlantis sank about 12,500 years ago, and then the Ancient Eygptian civilization began. Joseph talking about the Pyranees? How does he come up with that? And the only thing it has to do with the Nazis is wanting occult power and to rule the world. They never found the ark. If you haven't already seen it, I encourage you to see "The Exodus Decoded" and read this site: http://www.bibleorigins.net/ You may not believe the Old Testament, and I'm not saying it's all accurate, but there is some truth in it. 8 Oct 2007 @ 16:02 by craiglang : More on timelines, etc... Hi Nora, Thanx for your comment. Sounds like I hear some views here... :-) I'm not sure that Frank Joseph directly/immediately connects Atlantis and ancient Egypt. He does state that the mythology of the origin of Egypt traces back to a co-abidance of humans and gods. Whether that's Atlantis, I can't say. If it were, then Egypt would have to date back to roughly that period - and I certainly can't say it doesn't, given some of the date anomalies w.r.t. the Sphinx. The Pyrenees are supposedly where the Ark was taken by the last of the Cathars, who escaped the Albigensian(sp?) crudade. Joseph actually suggests that the contents of the Ark, i.e. the crystal tablet, is what the Nazi's found. However, he also offers evidence suggesting the contrary, that the Ark is still hidden, perhaps in the Pyrenees (he also offers several other possible histories having nothing to do with the Pyrenees). It is pretty well established that the SS did have SOME kind of a crystal stone in their posession, and that they ascribed occult properties to it. But it is only conjecture that this had anything to do with the Ark. Joseph admits as much. IMHO, Frank Joseph does more to explore ideas than to offer one specific theory. As to whether the OT is accurate or not, my understanding from a wee bit of Bible study is that it is accurate, but from one specific point of view. In one sense, it is historical poetry. But in another sense it needs to be taken as metaphor. Events and historical figures can be cross-checked and found accurate. Still, I don't think the text is meant to be taken literally. My understanding is that Frank Joseph's work makes sense if you examine his material. I'm not saying I agree with it, just that it seems internally consistent and seems to have some extensive research behind it. There are probably quite a few theories that make as much sense. Again, use your own discernment. Just my humble observations... :-) Thanx, -Craig Other entries in History, Ancient World 9 Jun 2010 @ 18:38: House of Perpetual Pain 5 Dec 2007 @ 06:46: 1418 World Map 4 Aug 2007 @ 18:21: Some Intriguing Mathematical Properties of the Mayan Calendar 2 Aug 2007 @ 18:42: What is our history? 26 Apr 2007 @ 16:23: Lost Worlds 8 May 2006 @ 17:27: Ancient News Monthly 21 Apr 2006 @ 20:29: Ancient Geoglyphs 1 Mar 2006 @ 01:57: A&AC Ancient Picture Gallery 21 Feb 2006 @ 18:55: Stonehenge 18 Nov 2005 @ 15:51: New Civilization: United Peoples Organization? And UPO's HQ??