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New Civilization News: Global Population Decrease? |
Category: Environment, Ecology 14 comments 23 Aug 2004 @ 20:36 by Pat Beatty @ : Not to worry.India and China may be having more babies but they are being rather selective as to to the sex of these offspring. They don't want girls and do everything possible to make sure that they have as few girls as possible. This is self-genocide in my opinion but that's up to them. Most babies die in those areas most poverty stricken so they don't have to opportunity to add to the population. 23 Jan 2005 @ 11:37 by roxie @ : hwk for my hwk i hva e to find out about a country that has a population decrease and what the goverment is doing about it. i can no find anything on the web about it so if you can help me then please do. send to the above e-mail. thank you roxie 3 Nov 2005 @ 02:20 by amy @ : hwk 2 hey. i have to find 5 articles on population density by Friday. this is a major assignment that was assigned a while ago. and i havnt started yet! do you think you could help me out? Im not sure where to look for articles. thanx, Amy 11 Jun 2006 @ 11:09 by alice @ : population decrease what countries are decreasing in population??? 11 Jun 2006 @ 11:11 by alice @ : population decrease no-ones website tells you what countries are decreasing in population! how come? i need it for tommorow and its dead important!!!!!!!!! 5 Nov 2006 @ 17:11 by mack @ : hmwk i need to find out some factors that may limit population growth. and i cant seem to find any! 3 Dec 2006 @ 11:47 by roxanne @ : pop can you present a graph showing the decrease of world's population?from year 1950-present..in terms of billions okei?i need it for our report..pls?i have spent 3 hours surfing the net but i cant see one.. 16 Jan 2007 @ 18:52 by Vanessa @ : Cool This is really Cool.. Am i popular now? I need to know if its a fact that the population in animals are decreasing.. 19 Feb 2008 @ 01:34 by p @ : population of the world hi i thought this was very interesting and that u did a very good good job on it i was thinking that if you added a paragraph to which it would help people understand how to help decrease the population 15 May 2008 @ 13:34 by reeegan @ : cows well i love cows!!! 25 Feb 2009 @ 22:17 by Bre @ : decreasing population some areas of the world are experiencing a decrease in population . what are the reasons for it 17 Nov 2010 @ 03:16 by Robbie @ : It is necessary to depopulate the world We need less than 500,000,000 people on planet Earth. I think forced starvation and cutting food supplies, forced sterilization and abortions are necessary to clean the earth of unneeded peoples. Less people means, less destruction of the environment, cleaner world, less mechanization of the planet, less development and less technologization of the Earth. 14 Dec 2010 @ 01:41 by Alfonze the all knowing @ : @ Robbie hey Robbie, you wouldn't happen to be on staff at any major finical institutions or international think tanks or be apart of any organization in the implementation of the UN`s Agenda 21 by any chance? 24 Jan 2012 @ 15:14 by Brenda Winters @ : Global Population We do not hear about over population and this is the Earth's number one problem. This is not true that most babies die in China and India in the poverty stricken areas. The United States has a higher infant mortality rate. Poverty help is lacking in many places in the USA. In China and India the culture teaches to have sons to carry on the family Name. When there are too many males and they do not find a mate at about age twenty they turn to crime or violence. Social problems caused by imbalances. Women have children like animals when they do not know there are choices. Sad when a parent is unable to feed, clothe and house their children. Shameful. Ancestor worship is common. They pray to their dead ancestors.This has to do with their government and religion. China has more population than anyone then comes in India. In China the first sonogram is done and if it is a female the potential is aborted. It is illegal to have more than one child because their population was out of control. More food causes an increase in birth rates. Famine causes death. They can now import food. India has learned to grow their own rice. I am for education and teaching birth control for a better life.There are only so many resources in this planet. Other entries in Environment, Ecology 12 Jul 2010 @ 09:06: Human Energy Cap and Freeze 2010 27 Jun 2010 @ 09:37: Flood in Draguignan 31 May 2010 @ 09:12: The New Norm 29 May 2010 @ 10:27: The Transition Movie 28 May 2010 @ 01:03: Survival of the Enlightened 16 Apr 2010 @ 21:01: The Cloud - or Last call / Final Calling wake-up call ? 12 Mar 2010 @ 13:04: One photo and the memory it contained. . . 7 Mar 2010 @ 18:16: Sunday . . . at my computer 12 Nov 2008 @ 22:37: HAPPY SIXTH DAY - MAYAN CALENDAR CHANGE! 20 Apr 2008 @ 17:08: The Redemption Of Spring