(Pic - Audubon's Chickadee)We've seen two robins hanging around out there in
the rain this morning. a sure sign of spring.
I've read
that there have been some flocks wintering over the
last few years, but these two looked like travelers,
because they haven't been around all winter..
They don't seem to mind the rain, in fact it's probably
an aid to their worm hunting, the ground being so
saturated with water already, the worms are surfacing
with their scuba gear on, gasping for breath, which is
where sir robin and his mistress take advantage of
the situation.
T brought a bird seed hanger thingee home that is made out
of seed and looks like a bell and you hang it and the
birds are supposed to peck at it. I hung it off a
branch with some 20lb test line i use for striper
fishing, But it just sort of hung there and no bird
seemed interested in it. The rain eventually dis
integrated it enough for the whole big chunk to fall
on the ground. This morning, while watching the robins,
three chickadees came up on it, and started taking
turns with it. I was going to throw it out today but i
guess i'll leave it there now. Saw a couple of mourning
doves out there too, but they just seemed to be trying
to weather the rain, one actually sitting a few branches
under a squirrels nest to keep dry. Saw a male cardinal
too. Didn't see his mate, or the rival male. I saw all three
of the cardinals together a few weeks back. Also ran - one crow, who wheeled in
to land on the oak, which still hasn't set any buds.
That's the morning bird feeder report. From inside, out of the