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New Civilization News: Adjacent Energy Emanations and Stray Polarities |
Category: Altered States 28 comments 6 Jan 2006 @ 19:08 by Ge Zi @ : this requires a replyFirst of all: welcome back to blogging, we need a revitalization here as not much is happening in this little scene of our here, where even Flemming is pretty quiet these days. OK, your article requires a reply/comment but I guess I first have to think about it - that new year is starting off pretty nasty - - - THINKING! 6 Jan 2006 @ 19:16 by jstarrs : That's some reply... ...Gunter. 6 Jan 2006 @ 20:04 by mx @ : thinking? NOT! Just do it :-) Happy Baba Obara Day to everyone! (Or, happy Dreikoenigstag... how is this one in English?) mx 7 Jan 2006 @ 09:28 by Ge Zi @ : my "real" reply... ... not the meta reply above ;-) I had to think about what disturbed me and instead of putting all of this into a comment (a comment where everything is centered and makes it hard to read - hint, hint) I just wrote something in {link:http://zensory.com/index.html/__show_article/_a000286-000086.htm|GeZi World} about it. Die heiligen drei Koenige - Epiphany. Thank you - happy epiphany to you too ;-) 7 Jan 2006 @ 09:30 by Ge Zi @ : and ......... ..... When are you going to fix this centering of comments - it needs to be left-justified - I'm sure that Flemming will help. 7 Jan 2006 @ 09:39 by Ge Zi @ : maybe this is it: in the very beginning of the page - the header that you made yourself - you have this line Nemus Sandorianus The English Version of the Sacred Grove... the center tag is not closed. Needs a before the 7 Jan 2006 @ 11:33 by mx @ : ok, ok I fixed it... so you have it, the inside of the outside is not centering the outside anymore, only its inside, which, of course, is outside the inside of the comments. What about the insight... oh well 7 Jan 2006 @ 21:16 by freo7 : Stray Polarities article Brenda talking here: The reason I was so attracted to, and resonant WITH, the above article is it is one of the *bases for my (seeming strict to others) whole issue/FOR MYSELF, of taking total responsibility for the content's & qualities of whatever my energy outputs are into the whole pool here (EARTH) with language used, verbal and written, OR without language used...on the energy level of Et`All here and now. I was involved in what I call *peanut politics* once for about 2 years and it was the most SEVERE emmeshment with others of strong personal agendas and diverse motivations (= conflicting energies, competing energies, you NAME IT IT WAS THERE!!) that it felt to me lika a massive chaotic wind that was nearly blowing me (the innocent pure one LOL) away. I was not elected, just asked to take the place of someone who had resigned. Another amazing revelation 4 me to witness FIRST HAND was how politicians /elected officials (in my experience of them) DID NOT EVER WANT to take responsibility for their actions nor do their homework other than to *make sure they did and said whatever their constituant majority wanted* so that they would stand a chance of BEING ELECTED AGAIN. IT WAS LIKE riding in a wind with the headless horseman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whew, and you see...most of the media today (most of the commercial media) is simply chanelling what others supposedly say and do but not without the slant/bias presentation, of the agenda that the news org. they *work for* demands. Politics as I have experienced them, BLAAAAAAAAK!!!!!!!!!!! P E A C E ~ B E, Brenda in Idaho USa Earth & Beyond... My New Civilization News Blog: 'Time To Wake Up' http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v397 My (some say) FAR OUT SOLUTION....LOL:: http://www.geocities.com/freo72003/stories/A_Healing_Clarification.html 9 Jan 2006 @ 22:52 by Ed Dawson @ : Further comment on odu spotting In addition to what you said above about my recent technique I'd like to make some VERY important points about it. Beginning with: ITS LOCATION! The item will be within 18-20 inches (about .5 meters for you Europeans) of the physical body. It will have the appearance of an entity (thoughtform) occupying a space, NOT a pinpoint location for any of you freezoners out there accustomed to auditing entities. The attachment point or location of the entity will therefore be as much as 20 inches away from the body, OR CLOSER, including inside the physical body itself. This is at the outer edge of the emotional body (astral body the Hermetic folks call it). An entity is composed of specific elements. Among them it will have mass or energy (same thing, see Einstein), within which is a thought or thoughts, these formed around a goal. The goal (to ____) will be a restatement of an ODU. the thoughts will be restatements of the goal, some as purposes and some as service facsimilies (fixed solutions). All these latter excrescences are of no use unless you employ them to locate the odu. This is because this type of entity is a "located" (or localized) spirit of the odu itself. Once the odu is found then it can be neutralized by means of various processes such as gunas, or ebo, or creation of a reversed form of the odu itself. This latter is an extremely advanced procedure, please do not attempt it without Max or I personally guiding your actions. It also requires knowledge of odu, and the ability to project intention outside of yourself. cheers Ed 10 Jan 2006 @ 03:42 by Phil Feld @ : Where do I sign up....? Zounds interesting and I sense something real here...but who do I run this through for verification, learning or maybe get depolarized, so to speak ??...I like the oblique stating, elliptical languaging...Is this some sort of exorcising technique....universal energy work baseline w/o the new-age klown korruption ? Sounds like its being passed on and integrated right now; engine not quite tuned yet.... 10 Jan 2006 @ 06:35 by Jude Adebosoye Ogunade @ : equilibration of energies (AEE&SP) I have for sometime consider the place of Ebo in the natural course of events. We all know that affectives must follow causatives. This can be called Karma or the law of reciprocity. Should I then say that equilibration indicate a return to normal? Or should I say inertia? I will never say inertia for equilibration does not necessarily mean there are no activity taking place. When the Babalawo of Ifa (Yoruba) perfoms Ebo (equilibration) rituals, it is to appease a particular polarity...in order to make the Olodu experience a turn of events for good (more positive activities) or maintain the original status quo of the Olodu. From Chemistry we know that (If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium moves to counteract the change). In a dynamic equilibrium, reactions are taking place, atoms are being justapozed and nature is constantly at work. Does Ebo really take away the disequilibrium caused by the Olodu through his delibrate acts or does he remove or ameliorate the emanations from other polarities? Well, whatever we get, both evil and good in this world do not come from the outside universal entities: Mars or the constellation of Pleaides. Therefore, every being is required to clean itself clean of all negative and suggestive manipulations from Eshu! In so doing, he will not inherit or glean any stray polarity that is injurious to his own being...Olodumare created the universe in perfection...harmony...and in equilibrium. Man should desist from offering Ebo (this is not to say Ebo is not ok) what Ebo does is to postpone the outcome of man toying with negative stray polarities to the future ( a future of rebirth, reincarnation or of the same existence). We all know that there is no vaccuum anywhere! 10 Jan 2006 @ 06:43 by Jude Adebosoye Ogunade @ : equilibration of energies (AEE&SP) I have for sometime considered the place of Ebo in the natural course of events. We all know that affectives must follow causatives. This can be called Karma or the law of reciprocity. Should I then say that equilibration indicate a return to normal? Or should I say inertia? I will never say inertia for equilibration does not necessarily mean there are no activity taking place. When the Babalawo of Ifa (Yoruba) perfoms Ebo (equilibration) rituals, it is to appease a particular polarity...in order to make the Olodu experience a turn of events for good (more positive activities) or maintain the original status quo of the Olodu. From Chemistry we know that (If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium moves to counteract the change). In a dynamic equilibrium, reactions are taking place, atoms are being justapozed and nature is constantly at work. Does Ebo really take away the disequilibrium caused by the Olodu through his delibrate acts or does he remove or ameliorate the emanations from other polarities? Well, whatever we get, both evil and good in this world do not come from the outside universal entities: Mars or the constellation of Pleaides. Therefore, every being is required to clean itself clean of all negative and suggestive manipulations from Eshu! In so doing, he will not inherit or glean any stray polarity that is injurious to his own being...Olodumare created the universe in perfection...harmony...and in equilibrium. Man should desist from offering Ebo (this is not to say Ebo is not ok) what Ebo does is to postpone the outcome of man's toying with negative stray polarities, to the future (a future of rebirth, reincarnation or of the same lifetime). In order to relax the negative emanations man must strive to think good and do good. The duality principle will not bring evil because we have thought good or done good. I for one do not support the proponents that too much good brings evil. Although, cultures and societies tell me that there are relativity involved, yet I believe that the universal harmony of the universe is goodness and not evil. We all know that there is no vaccuum anywhere! 10 Jan 2006 @ 06:53 by Jude Adebosoye Ogunade @ : equilibration of energies (AEE&SP) I have for sometime considered the place of Ebo in the natural course of events. We all know that affectives must follow causatives. This can be called Karma or the law of reciprocity. Should I then say that equilibration indicate a return to normal? Or should I say inertia? I will never say inertia for equilibration does not necessarily mean there are no activity taking place. When the Babalawo of Ifa (Yoruba) perfoms Ebo (equilibration) rituals, it is to appease a particular polarity...in order to make the Olodu experience a turn of events for good (more positive activities) or maintain the original status quo of the Olodu. From Chemistry we know that (If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium moves to counteract the change). In a dynamic equilibrium, reactions are taking place, atoms are being justapozed and nature is constantly at work. Does Ebo really take away the disequilibrium caused by the Olodu through his delibrate acts or does he remove or ameliorate the emanations from other polarities? Well, whatever we get, both evil and good in this world do not come from the outside universal entities: Mars or the constellation of Pleaides. Therefore, every being is required to clean itself clean of all negative and suggestive manipulations from Eshu! In so doing, he will not inherit or glean any stray polarity that is injurious to his own being...Olodumare created the universe in perfection...harmony...and in equilibrium. Man should desist from offering Ebo (this is not to say Ebo is not ok) what Ebo does is to postpone the outcome of man's toying with negative stray polarities, to the future (a future of rebirth, reincarnation or of the same lifetime). In order to relax the negative emanations man must strive to think good and do good. The duality principle will not bring evil because we have thought good or done good.(The Bible maintains:"Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life") What is your heart: What you see, what you read, what you hear, are embedded into what you think and what you think is your heart that you must guide with all diligence, out of which emanates the daily issues of your life. You may be affected negatively by the kind of family in which you are brought up, but if you attain consciouness enough, you must free yourself from their stray polarity first. I for one do not support the proponents that too much good brings evil. Although, cultures and societies tell me that there are relativity involved, yet I believe that the universal harmony of the universe is goodness and not evil. We all know that there is no vaccuum anywhere! 10 Jan 2006 @ 18:09 by Ed Dawson @ : two technologies of Ifa / proper ebo Hello Jude. :) There are really two separate technologies used in Ifa. One is working with orisha (spirits), and the other is divining and dealing with odu. They are of course combined, which makes the practice of Ifa so effective. An ebo done without accurate divination of the causes of trouble will result in what you said, a postponement of the consequences of actions. A properly divined ebo on the other hand will focus the person on the source of their own disequilibrium and doing the ebo will then rebalance it. cheers Ed 12 Jan 2006 @ 19:18 by Jude Adebosoye Ogunade @ : Ebo for the Nation Hello Ed. Thanks for your reply, considering a country (Body Polity), is it possible for Ebo to be carried out in which case returning the supposed country to its status quo; bearing in mind that there are various emanations. If so, can it be done by proxy, if not...is there a solution to the problem being encountered by such countries in the sub - saharan Africa. 13 Jan 2006 @ 09:54 by al @ : equilibration of evil with a good Olodumare are creating whole universe in perfection, harmony, and equilibrium of evil with a good. Parts of the universe can doubt of it and pursue one side, multiplying creations... 13 Jan 2006 @ 21:41 by Jude Adebosoye Ogunade @ : Eternal Creator Hello al, thanks for your point of view, I actually agree with you...in which case you are relating Olodumare to the Jewish point of view of Elohim? Well, I believe the whole universe is always being created everyday and creation is eternal, just as astronomy tells us that the universe is usually in constant movement and expanding...but what I really want is the place of Ebo in equilibration of evil with good for a specific group of people..Thanks 14 Jan 2006 @ 03:21 by al @ : to J A O Hi J.A.O. Acculturation (all-round education + spiritual enlightment) for chosen member of spesific group of people is best GOOD... for you really want (often and often) 17 Jan 2006 @ 19:25 by Ed Dawson @ : Re: Eternal Creator, and Elohim The Elohim are those orisha funfun who have their origin in Ela. Essentially the Elohim are a plural form of Ela. I believe it was Max who first noticed this. :))) Jewish knowledge came from Egypt and the Nile; Yoruba knowledge is probably also from the upper Nile. What is that area of the upper Nile called? Meroe? cheers Ed 19 Jan 2006 @ 04:09 by mx @ : elohim.. brotherhood of Ela Ed, I translated Elohim as the 'Brotherhood of El', assuming 'El'+ 'Achim'. I assumed the plural because of the verbs involved. It could also be a single 'brother'. Considering that the vowls are missing in the ancient texts and is open to interpretation, 'L' could be El or Ela, or Al (do you read me, Al), hehe? mx 19 Jan 2006 @ 23:26 by Jude Adebosoye Ogunade @ : ELA Thanks for bringing up the story of Ela. I really want to know about Ela. I asked about Ela from this forum before but nobody was able to give me any information. The only knowledge I have of Ela is that related to me by a grand uncle of mine(He died when I was just 8): Ela was an individual who came to the earth to help the Yorubas, and was always dressed in white. One day, the Yoruba did something terrible and he was fed up with them and ascended to heaven(like Elijah or Jesus the Christ?) in their presence. I will be glad if anyone in this forum can give more information about ELA. 17 Apr 2006 @ 19:52 by adé tundé @ : everything orisa Alafia! The articles are very interesting, stimulating! Can you tell me,where in France i may locate orisa priestesses,priests? 18 Mar 2015 @ 03:11 by cheap Isabel Marant @ : cheap Isabel Marant Hello, friends,cheap Isabel Marant sneakersprovide you with the latest styles of the largest and most complete information of Isabel marant,isabel marant sneakers ,isabel marant boots, Isabel Marant Sneakersis the Internet's first choice to buy isabel marant site where you can find in your heart you want to style. 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