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New Civilization News: Democrats For Bush By Thomas Sowell |
Category: Politics 14 comments 4 Sep 2004 @ 04:23 by vaxen : War on terror?You mean a war on the American people do'nt you? The so called 'War on Terror,' conducted by the so called 'mightiest power on earth' is a sham! We created the terrorists, financed them, and are undoubtedly still doing so in a variety of ways via lots of 'hidden' lines! Actually I should say that the world banking industry is financing 'both sides,' as they have always done! An economy based on debt? A fiat currency and a Federal Reserve owned by foreign investors. Yeah, right, war on terror? Who are the real terrorists? Not Al Qaeda which is a fiction! Do you really believe that a rag tag band of Arabs, of all people, could really threaten anyone? Please, Bruce, dig a little deeper and see tha face of the real enemy emerge. It is not Bin Laden who is really a CIA 'asset!' It certainly had nothing to do with Saddam, a USA shill! The USA put him in there in the first place! Try getting a few first hand reports on who is 'winning.' Study the initial 'rhetoric' like Cheyne. Bush's 50 year war on terror! They are the real terror! 4 Sep 2004 @ 11:53 by jazzolog : Is Kerry Being Framed Here? It seems Mr. Sowell's chief goal is to frame John Kerry as opposed to the so-called War On Terror. I only wish Kerry were more dubious about the whole deal, but the fact is he has a plan to continue its conduct without quite the personal and financial involvement of Mr. Bush and his beneficiaries. Kerry seeks to repair the alliances that were in place on 9/11 with the people of the entire civilized world, and proceed against terrorists on that foundation. Kerry's individual votes in the Senate against particular weapons projects of mass destruction does not indicate at all an anti-military view, but an attempt to thwart a trough of pork (which means, for folks outside the States, amendments to bills that include projects by congresspeople to benefit home constituents). 4 Sep 2004 @ 16:32 by rishi : Here's your "War on Terror" Bkodish, let's see if you can chant "USA!", "USA!" after you read this... Cancer and birth defects have been spreading like wildfire in Iraq since the 1991 US-led Gulf War, prompting doctors to describe them as the Iraqi version of flu. Depleted uranium (DU) used by the United States and its allies against Iraq has taken its toll on around 120,000 to 140,000 Iraqis, according to the latest estimates released by the Iraqi health ministry. With Iraq becoming an almost radioactive toxic wasteland, the number of birth defects and cancer-infected Iraqis is on the rise day in and day out due to the lingering effects of the deadly nuclear substance, the London-based Al-Quds Press news agency reported Tuesday, July 27. Read more: http://www.islamonline.net/English/News/2004-07/28/article02.shtml [The use of "depleted uranium" for bombs is forbidden by the Geneva Convention btw, but that doesn't stop Bush&Blair from using them.] 4 Sep 2004 @ 16:56 by jmarc : the birth defects were there long before the war, because of saddam's use of chemical weapons on his own people.Poisoned his own well, basicly. The geneva convention is a farce and is there for one purpose, to give the winners of any war legal recourse for putting the left over enemies away. 4 Sep 2004 @ 17:13 by rishi : I beg your pardon? Since when do "chemical weapons" leave a radioactive trace? 4 Sep 2004 @ 17:31 by spells : Fascists This Zell Miller, (Democrat) is a fascist and so are the Bush administration- Replican right. In other words, they're just like the Nazis, bent on world conquest. You might as well be supporting the nazis, which is a little ironic don't you think, o'wandering Jew? See my log "Ascend, Evolve, Expand" for a full article on this horrendous spectacle at the Republican National Convention... 4 Sep 2004 @ 18:50 by b : Rag tag thinking 56 Muslim nations banded together in the UN dominate world influence against Western civilization and Ju's. PRC(China) is intent on domination and world power. The alliance of France, Germany, Russia wants dominance of world power. USA is one country of almost 200 countries in the world. She will defend herself, our sovreignty and our integrety as a nation dedicated to liberty for all. All your name calling won't wash out facts. Rishi and Spells, you are the neo nazi's. And Jew haters to the core. You have no right to call Bruce, wandering jew. By your own admissions neither you or rishi have a place to sleep other then a car from time to time. So who wanders??? You do nothing here but whine, complain, offer no solutions and have nothing. Who wants to be like you? 4 Sep 2004 @ 19:02 by bkodish : Hi b ! The map reflects the map-maker. Applies to me. Applies to you. Applies to others. I agree with your thumbnail analysis of world situation and U.S. role in it. I am not bothered by being called "Nazi-like" by spells. Someone want to call me a "wandering Jew." Go ahead. I've done my share of wandering. Though I call myself a "wondering Jew." 4 Sep 2004 @ 21:57 by spells : Insane It is pointless to speak to the insane. 4 Sep 2004 @ 22:21 by bkodish : To me... spells' evaluation of the Bush administration, Republicans and myself as Nazi-like and Nazioid-supporters (a reasonable paraphrase?), seems overwrought, to say the least. I consider spells mistaken. She considers me "insane." If you consider it pointless to speak to l'il ol' 'insane' me, well, I guess I'll have to live with that. 4 Sep 2004 @ 23:03 by craiglang : Other Democrats Unfortunately, another democratic mayor, Rendy Kelly of St. Paul, also came out and endorsed Bush. One of the things I've learned from DFL (Democrat-Farm-Labor party, the Democratic party in MInnesota) circles is that he was probably offered a job in a second (God forbid) Bush administration, in return for his support. Given the difference in philosophies, that would be the only way that I can see that this would have occurred. It would be interesting to see what Ed Koch was offered for his support... 4 Sep 2004 @ 23:06 by craiglang : Life and Death... Actually the way I see it, the quote from Koch is somewhat accurate. It really IS about life and death. Only I believe that it is the life/death of humanity as a whole. Will we destroy humanity by bringing environmental catastrophe down upon ourselves? And of what import is a "war on terror" if humanity is extinct, and the Earth is unliveable? 5 Sep 2004 @ 00:21 by craiglang : Insanity and watered plants Both insanity and well-watered plants can be healthy at the right times. Sometimes the insane are the most sane. And sometimes plants can be overwatered... :-) As for the war, "b" you may be right, we really are at war. But who is the enemy? And is war the real answer? Some heavy questions on a Saturday afternoon (in the Central Daylight timezone, anyway...). 2 Jan 2016 @ 09:56 by Jeux Gratuit @ : telecherger jeux Meilleurs Jeux de Moto Gratuits et Nouveautés 2015 : Envie de jouer aux meilleurs jeux de moto gratuits ? Bienvenue sur notre page moto. Other entries in Politics 1 Jul 2010 @ 02:21: PHILIPPINES’ NEW PRESIDENT: AKBAR OR NERO? 4 Jun 2010 @ 08:30: SCUTTLE EU NOW, BEFORE 4TH REICH OPTION AWAKENS! 17 Nov 2008 @ 10:11: My 'story' I just uploaded to change.gov 8 Nov 2008 @ 16:06: A Boy Named Sue and the False American Dream 7 Nov 2008 @ 16:01: No He Can't... 6 Nov 2008 @ 09:16: History is NOW 5 Nov 2008 @ 16:58: Obamas World - Africa and the World beyond Poverty !? - but how? - what world? 5 Nov 2008 @ 14:02: Proud to be An American 26 Oct 2008 @ 15:26: Systemic Intelligence: How to teach Systemic Thinking effectively 26 Oct 2008 @ 10:27: OBAMA IS AMERICA’S MAN OF THE HOUR