25 May 2010 @ 08:09, by susannahbe
"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in bloom,
maybe your soul has never been in bloom." - Terri Guillemets

Not long ago, the tangled branches of the lilac outside my window, were highlighted with snow. Through the long winter I watched and waited until life returned and the buds began to swell.
Now heavy with blossom and basking in the glorious sunshine, today, the sweet scent of lilacs reached into me through my open window and called me outside. . .
 I am thinking of the lilac-trees,
That shook their purple plumes,
And when the sash was open,
Shed fragrance through the room.
- Anna S. Stephens
Lilac grows up into the endless blue of the sky a splash of colour added to the vast palette of greens.
Here comes the time when, vibrating on its stem, every flower fumes like a censer; noises and perfumes circle in the evening air.
- Charles Baudelaire

Outside the air is heavy with perfume, the huge purple bush is laden with flowers and the tall white lilac trees are magnificent reaching up into the endless blue, blue, sky.
The warmth of the sun, the buzzing of the bees and the sweet scent of lilac everywhere . . .
 My lilac trees are old and tall;I cannot reach their bloom at all.
They send their perfume over trees
And roof and streets, to find the bees.
- Lousie Driscoll, 1875 - 1957
Breathe in the scent of Lilacs . . .