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New Civilization News: Star Pooptrek |
Category: Ideas, Creativity 10 comments 24 Jan 2005 @ 11:41 by swanny : Episode 2"Star Pooptrek #2" 01-24-05, 04:40 am (PDT) In response to message #40 Shovel? What tis a shovel Kaptain *asks Chekoofus* *Captain rolls eyes and looks at the ceiling* A Shovel.... yes its a concept Mr Chekoofus From a time when people still worked for a living..... Iss it like a phaser...... *says checkoff* no phasers were things people went through in the course of there life.... LIke vodka? yes like vodka *sighs and wonders what they are teaching in schools these days* *suddenly a voluputous blond Klingon in hot pants beams on to the deck" *looks at the captain and says* I want you Yes I know..... they all do.... And I feel a wardrobe malfunction coming on *she says* You know that is not the appropriate use of velcroe *says the captain* Oh whats the use *says spock* Its these ears and green blood the shame...... *captain turns and thinks quickly again something he seems to be gaining a little skill at* My agent can probably get you something on the Greenish Giant set...... *spock raises eyebrow* Really.... would they throw in some cans of corn... *breaks to commericial* Only you can save a forest *insert smoky the bear ad* With grace, peace, and love.... May we be Blessed..... Amen 24 Jan 2005 @ 12:24 by gea : hahaha! :-D Your own production, Mr Woof, I mean Worrrrf? 24 Jan 2005 @ 12:31 by swanny : Smiles Yes or a case of 24 hour mad cow..... How was the sunrise this morn..... Lady S....? sir swan 24 Jan 2005 @ 13:32 by jmarc : Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor, not a bartender! 24 Jan 2005 @ 13:40 by swanny : Oh? But a shingles a shingle is a shingle Which box of cereal did your degree come from again? Oh and did you take the Unconscious Hypocrisy Oath... Hmmm Okay make it a water stirred but not shaken... 24 Jan 2005 @ 13:46 by swanny : Computer..... Computer... "Water" "cold".... with a hint of "spearmint".... and "lemon"..... computer???? darn things..... 24 Jan 2005 @ 14:57 by gea : :-) T´was orange and pink and blue, and now comes a wave of cold, and I´ll disappear into the dungeons! ;-) 24 Jan 2005 @ 15:15 by swanny : Ahhh It has just arrived here in a swirl of red bright pink clouds in the East I gave it a "wolf whistle" hee hee It helps to keep the neighbours on their toes swanny 25 Jan 2005 @ 13:23 by spiritseek : Loved Star Trek didn't much care for the new shows,even though the script in the first ones were kinda corny.My brother and I used to travel the stars in our old chicken coop in the back yard.Popping in and out of wormholes at the speed of flight! 9 Jun 2006 @ 11:00 by Swanny @ : Star Trip Well this was a while back.... The port must have been good that week. ed Other entries in Ideas, Creativity 23 Sep 2010 @ 18:13: fbi hacks my NEWCIV Site. 22 Sep 2010 @ 02:15: Who Wins? 21 Sep 2010 @ 23:48: Our StressOut Program for Suicide Prevention with Mindfulness 20 Sep 2010 @ 21:24: Quote for today... 16 Sep 2010 @ 19:00: From "Max Sandor's Tales to his grandson" 11 Jul 2010 @ 14:31: Germany, Uruquay, and Applied Quantum Theory 9 Jul 2010 @ 11:07: The Purpose 7 Jul 2010 @ 01:06: The Bicycle Paradigm 21 Jun 2010 @ 23:38: Summer Solstice 2010 - Sunset 4 Jun 2010 @ 21:06: Time to Shine. . .