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New Civilization News: A Test! |
Category: Recreation, Fun 16 comments 10 Mar 2005 @ 02:34 by astrid : Is there any Question about it?????THE NET!!!!.... by far!!!!! The I-Net has done more for spreading the information about the FACTS HOW History REALLY happened and not how the EVILDOERS with their Organized Crime Rings have forced Mankind for thousands of years to just eat their EVIL -as if done by other Every- Day-People who desperately were trying to survive their Everyday Reality...let alone have strentgh, time and need to orchestrate wars and other disasters!... NO... The TRUTH about the CROOKS is now spreading around the Globe like it never could before!... more TRUTH / year now, than any hundred years prior. This TRUTH expansion seems to be exponential; just like Avalanches and Earthquakes!...I'll give you and example: So, now "...Just a few BANKING Families ( = The Elite ) OWNS MOST, if not ALL, Nations in the world!!! . Thus having the right to do with these countries AND ALL THEIR PEOPLE AND ( OTHER ) ASSETS, like NATURAL RESOURCES whatever they deem fit.!!! at any given moment. And that is exactly what is going on today! But they know that the Global Family would not accept this too readily. So, they bought all the Nations Governments, made them their henchmen; to put into action what theyve always done before: all kinds of horror scenearios in order to PLAY THE ROLE of Loving Benefactors and Protectors of the People. Lets also look at Hitlers Right Hand; Hermann Goerings statement at the Nurenburg Tribunals: Why of course the people dont want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the BEST he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people dont want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. WAR IS VERY PROFITABLE to the WAR-MONGERS!!!! www.anti-sheep.com Its been like this forever. Check who profited from the WWI and who from WWII ( http://www.rense.com/general63/dnied.htm) plus all the later wars as well: the ones who got it going!!! When guys who owns the corps good for war, like weapon, chemical and oil industry are the same guys who OFFICIALLY- govern our countries = our lives, we are in deep trouble. And that is exactly where we are today.. hence in really deep trouble. (Get this book: The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group by Dan Briody. Also, take a look at these sites: http://www.redherring.com/vc/2002/0111/947.html and www.hereinreality.com/conspiracy/ It is of course in their best interest to have as much war going as possible! .THAT makes The World go around! So.... did you know these things before the Net the way you know them today, thanks to the Net? Bottoms up for the Net. ...having some Tangerine Juice. Skål! (I really don't know how updated these links are....I found them and saved them in my writings more than two years ago....) 10 Mar 2005 @ 04:53 by swanny : Well good guess Good guess astrid but thats one Because the web hasn't been around a very long time so it sustainablity is questionable and I can confirm that after having lost whole sites because of someone changing a single files name but it definately has uped the anti 10 Mar 2005 @ 08:37 by astrid : Sooo..... if not InterNet... WHAT is it then????? huh.... :( ^/^? 10 Mar 2005 @ 13:52 by sprtskr : my guess Is the word sustainable important in figuring our answers? My answer is the improvement of the status of women. 10 Mar 2005 @ 13:56 by jerryvest : If not the Internet, must be the radio Could the radio be the best sustainable accomplishment for our globe? Just a guess. 10 Mar 2005 @ 15:02 by swanny : Good ... Good and important guesses but it transcends the gender issue but is not as advanced as radio although what exactly is radio... Hmmmm broadcasting? Nope. 10 Mar 2005 @ 16:12 by astrid : OK, OK..... Electricity, Plastic, Potato Peeler (though that is a liiiiittttle GENDER-BIAS) How about Corkscrew or Steam Engine.... Now. I know I nailed it, eh? ; ) 10 Mar 2005 @ 16:51 by swanny : Well sorry Nope but thankyou for your participation astrid... but you have used up your two guesses 10 Mar 2005 @ 18:22 by sprtskr : clean water indoor or outdoor plumbing 10 Mar 2005 @ 18:28 by swanny : Well... It would be nice but unfortuneatly I don't think its been accomplished "globally" for all people. 11 Mar 2005 @ 16:12 by swanny : A Winner! A Winner! Well we have a winner! Thankyou for your participation. agj 12 Mar 2005 @ 07:25 by astrid : ....and who the hell is the Winner???? A Secret,eh?... is that agj ????????? NOT FAIR!.... :( You think you could actually tell us the RIGHT answer??...now that we have a Winner n'Everythin' ; ) Or should I think you're BLUFFIN' us, swanny-boy?... 12 Mar 2005 @ 08:51 by swanny : Hmmm The winner has fled the country with there winnings and wishes to remain anyonomous so as to avoid a tax situation. As to the answer homeland security prevents us from revealing it. Ah isn't life wonderful? *smiles* 12 Mar 2005 @ 10:07 by gea : I think it´s The Euro No thanks, I don´t want the Dollar! *smile* 12 Mar 2005 @ 14:34 by sprtskr : Homeland security I thought it was the answer but dismissed it 12 Mar 2005 @ 17:01 by astrid : ...just what the doctor ordered: total crack-up! ... *!* : ) THANKS Swanny Boy! 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