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 How are you?5 comments
19 Mar 2006 @ 04:24, by swanny

How Are You?

How are you? how am I?
Well thanks for asking I suppose
but it's a little to late, well no, it "is" to late
to ask "how?" I am, you are or we are. Period.

I am. You are. We are. Get over it. How is somewhat
besides the point and inconsequential don't you think.
I mean, there's not a heck of a lot we can do about it
now. Now "what" I am and what you are and what we are,
that is a little more relevant.
And "why" and "where" and "who" and "when" yes
but how?

Give me, give you and give us a break.
I mean who do you think I am that I would know
how anyway? God?


It's not as though you really care either, is it,
or that you could or would do anything about either.
Right! So take your how and hit the trail.

I Am.

I Am tired.

Thats a what by the way, not a how.

How am I tired?.... see stupid.

I am tired of how.

"What" am I now.

I am still tired.

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19 Mar 2006 @ 04:29 by swanny : Edit
How Are You?

Question: How are you?

Answer: Not.

How are you? how am I?
Well thanks for asking I suppose
but it's a little to late, well no, it "is" to late
to ask "how?" I am, you are or we are. Period.

I am. You are. We are. Get over it. How is somewhat
besides the point and inconsequential don't you think.
I mean, there's not a heck of a lot we can do about it
now. Now "what" I am and what you are and what we are,
that is a little more relevant.
And "why" and "where" and "who" and "when" yes
but how?

Give me, give you and give us a break.
I mean who do you think I am that I would know
how anyway? God?


It's not as though you really care either, is it,
or that you could or would do anything about it either.
Right! So take your how and hit the trail.

I Am.

I Am tired.

Thats a what by the way, not a how.

How am I tired?.... see stupid.

I am tired of how.

"What" am I now?

I am still tired.

I guess my point...

You want to know my point.

My point is I really don't care "how" am I .

So don't ask.


19 Mar 2006 @ 04:42 by swanny : More...
I mean really, is how we got here really that
important? We're here aren't we?
So lets make the best of it, right?
I mean do we have so much spare time on our
hands that we can gaze at are navels
and ask how? I mean does it criky even matter.
Why would it matter how?
I mean aren't you sort of lookin a gift horse in
the mouth and what if you don't like the answer.
What if you find out how and don't like what
you find?
I mean really. Are you that anal?

I'm here, You're here, We're here
come on, lifes short, lets make the best of what little
time we have.

How about them yankees aye..?

Question: How are you?

Answer: Not.  

7 Apr 2006 @ 01:00 by mdaiah : How are you
I enjoyed your post Ed Jonas, thank you. You raise so much in an interesting and amusing way. Your "I am. You are. We are. So get over it." strikes me as a little tough; accurate but tough. I guess you hit the existential nail on the head however, as an imperfect social being I desire company sometimes so need to find a way to use the "what" I am and what you are and what we are,
And "why" and "where" and "who" and "when". I do find the 'why' a bit challenging though. I think Iv'e got a handle on that and it slips away. Even the 'who' is constantly changing so which 'who' do I describe...the outer or dark secret inner? That leave when and which I can only respond "here and now".
Do I 'care' about you? Perhaps you're right and it's illusion but I suspect I care when I take time to share and communicate with you, listen to you, see you and resond to you. That's how I care.  

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