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New Civilization News: State Of Mammality Address |
Category: Spirituality 7 comments 7 May 2007 @ 02:54 by swanny : 26 Orders Correction 4,800 speciesMay 6, 2007 Earth Sunday Evening THE FIRST STATE OF MAMMALITY ADDRESS Greetings and salutations to you, all mammality! We come now and give to us all, this First State of Mammality Address, on this 6th day of May, in the year of our Lord 2007 AD, here from the Province of Alberta, in the Nation of Canada, to all of the planet Earth, here in the Sol Star System, of the Milky Way Galaxy. After some 220 million years since the first inception of the Mammal Class or roughly one Galactic Year ago, we find the current state of Mammality now, to be, though somewhat weathered, still in a fair and well established position here on this planet. Derived as we are, from the Phylum Chordata, the parent Mammal Class, Mammality has yielded to date approximately, some 26 Orders of some 4,800 species from it, one of which, Primates, we, our human species are descendant and derived of and from some 60 million years ago. Well done Mammality. To note now, then, some of the achievements of the Mammal Class in this time, we see now that there are flying mammals, civilized and space going mammals, burrowing mammals, building mammals and aquatic mammals. As well mammals can range from quite small in size, to the very largest of creatures of life upon this Earth. While the state of mammality thus, is practically and statistically in fair to good condition, we have had to, over these millions of years, face numerous hardships and challenges, and some of the species of our Class, are sadly not represented alive any more here today, and to them we pay our respects and thank them for the contributions made towards our current fair fortunes. May you rest in peace. Looking forward though, to the next galactic year, the future looks promising thought daunting as well. Have you all heard? We have discovered a sister Planet, in the constellation Libra, around the Star Gliese 581, a planet called Gliese 581c or Aprilla as I like to call her. This should proof an interesting find to study and investigate and perhaps, God and time willing, one day for the mammals of the future to visit perhaps. Perhaps, in the fullness of time. Still though, we will sadly, face many of the same challenges we have faced before over these millions of years, like want for good food, clean air and water and healthy habitat and environment, and problems such as weather, earth quakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, climate change, war, disease, asteroids and other such. We pray and ask that good fortunes guide us and help us through once again. But let us remember though that together as we celebrate this first galactic year of our existence, together let us and we will strive to show the same spirit, will and strength as those mammals that have gone before us, giving thanks and praise to our Good Host the Earth and the Lord and Great Spirit above for providing for all of us, for all this time and for now and hopefully the morrow. For your gracious gifts and grace we are grateful and now give thanks. So thus thank you for your attention to this matter and here ends the Annual Galactic Year State of Mammality Address. Sincerely and humbly... A Fellow Human Mammal, AGJ. 7 May 2007 @ 06:47 by bushman : Hmm, Thats nice. :} I would like to mention that this new planet, is quite a bit larger than our Earth, and being it is like Earth, it probably has life on it, maybe not mammals, one thing for sure, they would be far physicaly stronger than us, if they happen to come here first, it might be like us on the Moon for them, they could jump buildings in a single bound, remember, Battlestar Galactica, when they finaly made it to Earth? :} 7 May 2007 @ 11:09 by swanny : Thanks thankyou sir bushman for your words of caution my my how time flies, seems like just the other day we were climbing out of the primortal ooze.... oh well how bout a rousing chorus of Hey Hey were the monkeys... for a more indepth piece on the Class see source below.... source = http://mammalsphere.googlepages.com/ 29 Jan 2014 @ 05:43 by ed @ : 2014 address 28 jan 2014 10:40 pm mst earth Thank you Sir President.... for your excellent soliloquy.....and plan and budget, and yes actions would be nice or well to follow, incidentally a budget that is not "tracked" on expenditures and revenues on a day or weekly basis, is of little point and use, but you know that but so i state such for the benefit of others. And by the way..... the Queens treasurers pencil could use a little sharpening in these "new economics and calculus", if you don't mind Sir Pres.. We owe her Majesty so much for Her Royal steadfastness through all these years. Thank Kind Majesty. and following the state of the Union address of the Americas then let us proceed with the age old 7 year period state of mammality address State Of Mammality Address 2014 Greetings Fellow Mammals... following up on the state of Mammality address given years before in 2007 May well so far so far, steady as she goes, carry on.... ed , a fellow mammal.... earth ref: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v45/__show_article/_a000288-003625.htm ommmmmmmmmm simply filing a void or need that existed.... that is all 29 Jan 2015 @ 10:38 by Tommy @ : sZKANpQoJLe Jul06 What a fantastic weniddg! Lesley and Joe are two of the sweetest, most personable people I've had the pleasure of photographing. Thanks for including me in your big day at the Citizen you guys. Kris 29 Jan 2015 @ 15:54 by Imen @ : XnoTGqYwewAwVtKQDPc Hi, Ballet NEWS is looking for paofessirnol photographers. Might you be interested or do you know of anyone who might be ? perhaps you'd be kind enough to spread the word among the photography community ? I'm looking for photographers with experience of filming ballet that's really important as the learning curve is too steep and time too short to coach from scratch. The work is mostly based in London, but not entirely, and is evenings, weekends and some afternoons. In return, the photograph gets the best, most exclusive press access that money can't buy, and publicity through Ballet NEWS. I've love to hear from anyone (via the website) who might be suitable. Thank you so much. 29 Apr 2016 @ 07:09 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! 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