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New Civilization News: Mark Your Calendars |
Category: Globalization 6 comments 17 Jan 2006 @ 21:56 by joda : shit to hit the fan?Hey Vax, thanks for the article - it adds to what I've learned recently. I became curious when my friend told me about upward trend in gold price. A couple of days ago Javier Solana stated that "military solution" is not an option in case of Iran, which may very well mean that invasion on that country is inevitable. Here is a link to very interesting economic analysis: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs.htm Read the whole "Signs Economic Commentary" article I remember reading about recent deployments of drones in Iraq and above Iranian border. Iranians didn't swallow the carrot and remained silent - not revealing their air strike procedure and locations of radar stations. The plot is underway for a long time. Once the american national budget is set, the banksters will probably give a green light to the pawns in uniforms. But that is still speculation - we shall see. p.s. I'm glad to see You alive :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoda! Hi bro! Glad to be alive. Been wondering about you 'over there' too. As the smoke dies down I'll get back to a more normal routine and re-connect on a gmail via or some such. (Still want to do the SCN workshop here as well) Poor Iran is not so poor. They've the most efficient oil industry and infrastructure in place now, thanks to the Russain investment, so the war will not be about 'nukes.' The war, again, will be about Euros. Iran is pushing to make the Euro the worlds reserve currency. Currency=current. It's all so very electrical! The Crown of England (Not the Queen) doesn't want this to happen. So the puppets of the Crown in America, the UNITED STATES corporation, in Washington D.C. are being architected into their present pattern of terror-cratic insolence. Oh, it's a long story. Thanks for the link, bro, and I'll be talking with you as I get better and better. Hope all is extremely on the bright side with you and yours. ARC/KRC 18 Jan 2006 @ 13:38 by rayon : Blockbuster stuff. The picture here vis sitting on a London bus infront of families of average Americanos discussing the values of the all the properties both going up into the sky and flashing past the windows (double deckers) & being informed that the sole purpose of their visit is invest for their pension in Our property. The government now has to provide housing for crucial workers, firemen, nurses, teachers, etc etc whose earnings no way reach the level of property values. Presumably, with a re run of 1929, these values fall to a natural level of supply and demand, and someone else thinks up one of your cleverly mentioned schemes. Vax, it is their Karma. No wonder other souls look to find all manner of alternative riches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, it is ''their'' Karma. They being the Brit-ish "Crown." By the "Crown" I do not mean the ''Hanoverian'' Queen, and her cronies, either. I mean the "Crown." They have been in control of America since the get go. Most Americans are brainwashed to think that America won the 'Revolutionary War!' Preposterous --- once the overwhelming evidence otherwise is in the docket. A never ending state of war keeps the dumb even dumber. All Laws and Land, as well as bodies, enslaved to the Crown, in America ... have been ''mortgaged' to the hilt to the creditors who pay for all those wars with a never ending flow of ''credit'' which they concoct out of thin air. Old Kabbalistic datum reads: "Yesh Min Ain" or "something from nothing." Credit out of thin air! Out of nothing! On this ''interest'' is charged till you have a national debt the size of which no one can ponder! Thus the need for an ever widening circle of enemies so that the 'debt' can expand forever. Well, the bankers are right. Most common men are honest and cannot conceive of such deceit. World War IV has been on the drawing boards for years. World War III was the so called 'cold war.' Don't believe all the hype for it is all about 'Commerce.' That is 'the game being played.' Most peoples ''pieces'' (the 'Strawman') have been captured and most are not even aware that a game is being played at all let alone that there are very succinct rules that have been in existence for over 4000 years! I should say 'since the 'dawn' of his-story. If you can then get clear of the whole system but...since I doubt that you can then for your own sake please understand what is going on and take your game piece back and start calling ''them'' on their liabilities! ;) 23 Jan 2006 @ 04:13 by koravya : All Very Good Discussion, and description. 23 Jan 2006 @ 18:57 by jobrown : Yes, very good, indeed, bringing forth revelations, reveleations!... Just GREAT!!! : ) 23 Jan 2006 @ 23:47 by joda : here they come... "… Bank Of America and Compass Bank managers (probably all other U.S. banks too) have been instructing their employees in the last few weeks on how to respond to customer demands in the event of a collapse of the U.S. economy - specifically telling the employees that only agents from the Department Of Homeland Security will have authority to decide what belongings customers may have from their safe deposit boxes - and that precious metals and other valuables will not be released to U.S. citizens. The bank employees have been strictly prohibited from revealing the banks’ new "guidelines" to anyone. (however, employees have been talking to friends and family) The next time you visit your bank, ask them about it - then ask yourself, why is this information being kept secret from customers and the public - what’s really going on?" source: http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=9995 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for the link, bro, but this country has been 'bankrupt' since its' inception. Go deeper into the real story behind the story. FUD is FUD. I, for one, do NOT utilise their 'banks.' As a matter of fact I am a bank unto myself [;)]. Also I know how to mine precious metals, smelt them too, and do not depend on their say so for anything...I am sovereign and KNOW just how to manifest something from nothing. Oh, I'm not alone either. We know their lie, inside and out, and ARE prepared for anything that they think that they are sending down the proverbial 'pike.' After all...it is not they who lead us. We are quite capable of handling FEMA, their humdrum gestapo HSA, and all the rest of their Alphabet soup agencies... for, after all, they are all merely 'HU-Men.' HU means 'invoked force.' The force they are invoking is 'mens.' That ''mens'' refers to 'memory.' 'They' are already dead. We are viewing a 'restim' of what died out so very long ago that it would be impudent of me to assign a number for auditing their wholetrack incident, at least in terms of years. Time is such a fanciful notion. Power means the ability to maintain your position in space. Thetans create via postulates. Positive postulates are simply 'charged' theta bits. Watch the game being played out or be the super player that you are and by all means ENJOY the GAME! ;) There is nothing to fear not even fear itself for oft times fear turns out to be nothing but a whimpering fool...like good old Georgie boy, as an example. "And I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll..." Be, do, have. Well, we know that the emperor doesn't have a leg to stand upon and we are tougher than titanium ballustrades on tachyion drive equipped 'star clusters.' ;) Shall we introduce the stable datum now? Or wait a bit longer till the going gets 'rough?' Just, of course, for the utter insane fun of it! ;) For in a Republic, who is "the country?" Is it the Government which is for the moment in the saddle? Why, the Government is merely a servant- merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them. Mark Twain ARCU/KRCP PS: 2012 in 6! ;) What ME worry? 24 Jan 2006 @ 12:39 by joda : that's the spirit! Vax, my friend, my heart pumps with joy, when I see You in such a good and powerful shape :) I know there is nothing to really worry about - what could possibly happen to us, what hadn't happened already during milions years of our existence? I already AM, so surely I can HAVE the end of this world :D The ADVENTURE is coming - as great forces clash with each other - we will have many events to ENJOY, creative and destructive alike ;) Meanwhile, let's continue sharing information with others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks joda san. It's like: Run incident three up until you see the picture of ''the Pilot'' saying: "I AM MOCKING IT UP!" Mocking what up? The friggin BANK! The word Marcab is based on the root ''merc'' which is COM-'MERCE!' 13 Banking families, all mocking up their own ''BANKS'' controlling this world via COMMERCE. Commercial AGREEMENTS or CONTRACTS. If the dupes could only understand for a moment what R was really talking about then there wouldn't be a TOC, run by the IRS, and there would be no need for an anti-thesis. Of course once you really begin to understand that R was talking about, the situation with commerce as it is, in this world, and who 'runs' it, your beyond R and must needs seek real truth which is found in applying the law of commerce to the commerce game. The Games Master, The Games Maker, The Umpire -- keeps the Games 'running,' and The Destroyer of Games. Masters, Makers, Players, Watchers, Pieces. ;) Gets simpler after all that. Came across this in the SHSBC the other day... "The common denominator of a group is the REACTIVE 'BANK (Emphasis mine).' Thetans without ''BANKS" have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on 'bank principles.' Person to Person the BANK is identicle. So constructive ideas are individual and seldom get broad ''agreement" in a human group. An individual must rise above an avid craving for agreement from a humanoid group to get anything decent done. The 'bank-agreement' has been what has made Earth a Hell --- and if you were looking for Earth and found Hell, it would certainly serve." SHSBC LRH Notice: "Bank Agreement!" So look at all the ''writings'' with this in mind that R is really discussing the "Merchants of Chaos/Shades of Night" or the 'International Banking Cartels' also called the 'Galactic Confederacy (the 13!).' Banking and Commerce! Dianetics simply shows you how to 'MOCK UP' your own bank! So why, then, spend years and years paying exorbitant prices to UN-MOCK what you have MOCKED UP in the first place? ;) heh heh heh... We shall continue making FSB's and we shall continue burning FRN's! See ya bro. Glad to share... http://www.ghosttroop.net/ Other entries in Globalization 18 Jan 2016 @ 11:17: EUROPE & AMERICA ON DOWNWARD SLIDE TO 3RD WORLD ECONOMIES 15 Nov 2008 @ 08:03: ZAIBATSU GLOBALIZATION ‘VOODOO ECONOMICS’ BOWING OUT 14 Aug 2008 @ 11:20: The Republic Of Georgia: Hypocrisy 26 Jan 2008 @ 11:33: An Open Letter To Amy Goodman 1 Dec 2007 @ 10:42: Would You Invest In Green Technology Or Guns? 21 Nov 2007 @ 23:59: An Easy Solution Missed 7 Nov 2007 @ 21:08: Blackwater, Blackwater Run Down Through The Land, Part 2 27 Oct 2007 @ 07:43: Creating the 3rd Millennium Civilization Security 29 Sep 2007 @ 12:38: "Black Waters, Black Waters Run Down Through The Land" 24 Aug 2007 @ 07:29: American History: The Bush Family Legacy