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New Civilization News: A BRIGHTER FUTURE |
Category: Globalization 15 comments 4 May 2007 @ 09:06 by rayon : looking goodbut have to dash - till next week - all in the name of . . :) 4 May 2007 @ 15:09 by vaxen : Architecture! Thanks, dear lady, have a happy weekend. Geez, but that sounds rather like a command, doesn't it? How can it better be said? And a black and tan on me, lassie? Till next week, then, Nicola san... adieu. 4 May 2007 @ 19:52 by hgoodgame : WOWzer! Great info and awesome links. We've been building up to this all along. ;) I'm glad I stuck around for the full ride, others have seen it too! "We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together." - Mellen-Thomas Benedict http://www.wanttoknow.info/neardeathexperience 4 May 2007 @ 20:56 by a-d : This New Thinking..... .... is now really starting to get wind under Its Wings and taking us towards a Brighter Future! http://www.beinghumanparty.com/ and http://www.uscentrist.org/ and http://www.americancentristparty.com/ Each of these New-thinking parties/orgs have some good ideas vis a vis pretty much every issue that has been plagueing us. Together with Want To Know-link this is all mounting to a formidable Power; a True Freedom Force, always equivalent to our willingness to grab hold of our Personal Response-Ability, so that we now can penetrate the deception, that has kept us all its prisoners for some time... and hence blow it up from Inside the Force-Structure, by declaring what we all as individuals and as a co-operating Unit want to share of Goodness among each other and to befall this same to ALL Life on Earth ! It is all in the sharing, co-operating, acknowledging and accepting to live up to one's own Response-Ability.... since it is there!... given to us from Birth as our "Travel-Kit" ; our ability to respond to Life in life supporting manner! Together we can say "No" to one Lie after the other. Thus we chip the dried, old crusty u-know-what away from our Souls/Minds and free the Powers there from the Age-old bondage! We are indeed co-creating a Brighter Future for ALL! 4 May 2007 @ 21:00 by skookum : great links and great thoughts.. thanks this will help 4 May 2007 @ 21:26 by a-d : One more fabulous; -revealing-the-truth- link! http://www.illuminati-news.com/moriah.htm 4 May 2007 @ 22:54 by vaxen : Truth? Question everything! It seems to me that all these various 'parties' need to get together and relinquish dependence upon fiat currencies. To transition, as it were, away from the false money of the American Mint, based on nothing, and begin to negotiate something of worth. To become, as it were, sovereign as promised in the Declaration of Independence. How can using a debt based currency meant to enslave ever be a good thing and all of these varied groups are begging for 'Dollars?' The dollar is based on nothing at all. Using it in enslaves us to the very system we are against. How are we to trance end this madness? By believing in some fables Christ? I don't think so. Thanks for the links A-d and there is certainly much there but... anti Christ? Christos is older than Yeshua the pretended "Jewish" Mashiach (A political, not relieigious, entity) Christos, the word, comes from the Greek Karis... Charity, Charisma, all these words share a common root having nothing whatsoever to do with Yahadut! In the Babel of languages there is a key to the mysteries of life which are not so mysterious. We can unite in Spirit first then... un bind ourselves from agreements, hidden contracts, we never made in the first place! This requires much study and research, for sure, but it must be done! Not looking outward for any savior who never comes but rather inward to the font of all wisdom and therein find remedy against the injustices and fraud meeted out upon the children of hu-manity by those who would be King over all. Thanks, all, for your WOWzer comments... 5 May 2007 @ 02:32 by a-d : how'bout this Info? http://www.illuminati-news.com/061506b.htm If "Christos" stand as the old word for one's own authentic Self; the real "Me" in u & u & u -in every "You" then ANTIChrist is indeed everyone who is NOT true to themselves and that is how I see it. What these guys who think they have to follow a social psychopathic Meme ; the "Christ" and "AntiChrist" Meme as these being just ONE Specific Dude in History.... who cares!? We know better and by talking about it we might even open a few "Me's" eyes to the Truth, eh?!? ...an' besides: Being Human Party Initiatives: Introducing the Corporate Free Coalition Corporate Free Coalition " I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed" ~ Abraham Lincoln This is an initiative to remove Corporate and Special Interest owned Politicians from office by Identifying and Promoting "Corporate Free Candidates "that meet five basic "Systemic" requirements. 1. Promote World Peace. 2. Accept no monies from Corporations or Special Interests. 3. Demand a National Certifiable and Verifiable Voting system. 4. Demand Accountability and Transparency in both the Public and Private sectors. 5. Develop policies that ensure every Human Being’s right to Clean Air, Clean Food, Clean Water, Clothing, Shelter, Education and Health Care. To find out more information on our Corporate Free Coalition initiatives click below: http://www.beinghumanparty.com/ 5 May 2007 @ 04:43 by vaxen : Heh, heh... Yah, A-d, the Xristos within sans Patriarchal religions, sans Matriarchal religions. Sans Corporate and special interest group manipulation of puppet politicoes. We certainly do not need them to make laws or to tell us what to do. Washington, etc., is corrupt to the core. Dissolving it, first within our hearts, then on the material planes, as well as all governments on this Earth, OUR planet, and becoming totally self governing is the great work that we have been commissioned by our own higher frequencies to accomplish. What else is there to do? Work as slaves for some facsimile? Nah... not ever! http://www.kurzweilai.com/ 5 May 2007 @ 04:54 by a-d : Some commentators refer to the right of petition as the right of revolution; indeed, according to Anthony Hargis, in his book, The Lost Right, the American Revolution was nothing more than one long, and historic, exercise of the right of petition. Every man, Anthony observes, has the right of self-preservation. It is the law of every living organism; neither man nor beast wait for permission to use it. It is a natural right. This right includes the right of judgment, and the right of execution. In most men, these rights are defective because of weakness, ignorance, or incapacity. They are defective, also, because there is hardly a man that can be impartial where he has an interest; and, in the heat of passion, he may retaliate far beyond his injury. Because of these defects, men have organized governments, and have made partial delegations of these rights to such governments. The theory is that governments will provide impartial judges, and make restitution and punishment equal an injury. Ten thousand years of history have failed to give an example of it. Despite this, American governments began reasonably; but have degenerated into oriental despotisms. As such, they have committed uncountable crimes against humanity; Operation Keelhaul, Operation Phoenix come to mind; the mutilation of American soldiers with depleted uranium is another. All these were consciously done, and consciously concealed. A man who does such could hardly be expected to investigate – much less, prosecute – his own crime. The same is true for a group of men, and women; it makes no matter whether they call themselves a government, a priesthood, or nobility. How, then, do we obtain redress when governments commit crimes? ( read the rest here: http://www.illuminati-news.com/anthony-hargis-5.htm ) 5 May 2007 @ 13:45 by vaxen : Meat and Drink for the weary and starving. "The Right of Petition." Thanks A-d. I believe there is another right to petition, as well, the right to petition "them" by hauling them out of their beds, and whorehouses, at night, and take them off to the same infamy they've inflicted upon the worlds people! This is the dark night of the soul for the whole world. Thankyou so much for this link. But, it is already too late. How can this compete with 'movies,' Nintendo, X-Box, miseducation, etc. I mean, who will tell the children - when the children are blind, and deaf, and dumb... forcibly? Platos' cave endlessly... "As people succumb to fear, secrecy, and polarization, and as they lose touch with their sense of purpose in life, elements of the global elite are able to exert ever more control over our world. "Towards a Brighter Future... "What can we do about all this? Ultimately, it is the collective fear, secrecy, polarization, and loss of purpose within all of us that has allowed leaders to take power who would subvert democracy, and who would take away our freedoms and liberties. "By each one of us making a commitment to work on these issues both inside of ourselves and out in the world—and to inspire others to do the same—we can change our collective direction and build a solid foundation for a brighter future. Several actions can help us to take firm steps in that direction. "Develop purpose and intentions for your life. To live full, rich lives in today's complex world, it's vitally important to give your life clear direction by exploring what is deepest and most meaningful to you, and by developing life purpose and intentions based on this. "Then choose to live your intentions and follow your purpose to the best of your ability every day. By choosing to live with clear direction and focus, life becomes deeper and more meaningful. "This then weakens the seduction of consumerism and media hype which distract us from our purpose, and allows us to more effectively focus on building a brighter future." - ??? "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror." Ken Keyes Jr., "Handbook to Higher Consciousness" 6 May 2007 @ 01:56 by hgoodgame : Prescriptions for Happiness by Ken Keyes Jr. ~ 1. Ask for what you want but don't demand it. 2. Accept whatever happens for now. 3. Turn up your love even if you don't get what you want. (btw, they actually set these to music I can still hear ~ impossible to blot it out!) He said some great things and though he didn't always live them, still was good practice in not 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater'. ;) For some reason I misread your latest log title when I first glanced at it as saying 'Disillusions of Grandeur'. hahaha ********************************************************* 1)Demand what you want, and be willing to fight for it. 2)Nothing 'just happens.' Make things happen your way. 3)Don't ever stop till you get what you want. No need for 'love' here. Just will power or stick to itiveness. Love and hate are two sides of the same dichotomy. Rise above dichotomies. Be all you can be and you will! It is wholeness that you want. Love is part of a lopsided coin. Black and white meld into multigrey dimentioned shadow plays where in neither dark nor light are absolutes. Smae with love or any other dichotomy. 6 May 2007 @ 03:20 by vaxen : Dis... the Ancient Latin G'D of light. Dis Pater. Haven't heard a lot about Dis Mater. Maybe I've been too busy Dissing them all. WHen darkness is light and light is darkness and the void becomes full then know the hour of birthing is nigh. San Severino, La Buena, Buena Vista... http://www.dragonspheres.com/ A lovely person, a goodness being. Col Ha Cavod Lach! Procrastination is the fear of success." Tada! Chevon 6 May 2007 @ 03:20 by vaxen : Dis... Dis, the Ancient, Latin, GoD of light. Dis Pater. Haven't heard a lot about Dis Mater. Maybe I've been too busy Dissing them all to oblivion. When darkness is light, and light is darkness, and the void becomes full Of IT all, Then know that the hour Of birthing - is nigh. San Severino, La Buena, Buena Vista... http://www.dragonspheres.com/ A lovely person, A goodness being. Col Ha Cavod Lach! "Procrastination is the fear of success." Tada! Chevon 29 Apr 2016 @ 07:10 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! 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