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Category: Ideas, Creativity 6 comments 23 Apr 2004 @ 06:35 by spiritseek : Yep..it happens alot here. My daughter burns out light bulbs faster then we can replace them. Sometimes with a great bang it startles everyone! Me I just get shocked alot and burned out a door security box at work that was just put in. They had to go around and open it from the other side. 23 Apr 2004 @ 09:00 by craiglang : Streetlights and Software Hi Marissa, Here's another one that I think you will relate to... :-) In the evenings, my wife and I like to take an evening walk before retiring. When we get to the end of the block I note that the streetlight goes out. The same happens when we get to another streetlight around the corner. I never notice them going out when we are at a longer distance away, just when we are nearby. Also, I've noticed that light bulbs in our house tend to have a rather short lifespan. When I have been doing alot of deep meditation, when I'm active in PSI experiments, or when I have been doing alot of hypnosis work with close encounter experiencers, this effect seems to peak (though that is purely a subjective observation). Also, at work (the day job) we did an experiment with a piece of software that was working unreliably. The software communicated with another piece of software on a different machine, via a radio link, but there was a problem with what was essentially a random error that would creep in. Random interference like that is a quantum process. So as an experiment, I decided to try visualizing the software running correctly. On another occasion, I tried thinking about software errors. On yet another occasion I simply ignored the whole thing. Most of the failures seemed to occur when I was actually ignoring it... This might all be my imagination, but the anecdotal accounts seem too compelling to be entirely that... ******************* yes I agree Craig... well we are electrical systems...and we are connected to all things right? I have had similar experiences... but this one was a new one for me...two lights directly in front of me, not connected electrically... blinking on and off. I had to chuckle as it seemed so much like a joke being played on me lol. Marissa ********************* Hi Marissa - me again... :-) An interesting experiment would be to see if you could control it. See if you can make it turn on and off. I've found that cranky streetlights can be interesting playthings... :-) Happy flickering, -Craig 23 Apr 2004 @ 10:14 by vaxen : Maybe... there's a little bit of 'street theatre' going on Marissa? Street Theatre does'nt really mean 'Street Theatre' in the 'normal sense.' Someone is watching you... ;) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we are not alone eh Vax? well.. I have a whole crowd that walks around with me...could have been any one of them *wink ahhahaha marissa that is spelled.. M A R I S S A *grins 23 Apr 2004 @ 17:10 by jmarc : when you figure how to control it give me the recipe. We have security lights all around this building on the adjacent properties that aren't hooded and don't point downward. It's actually quite difficult to get total darkness in this apartment. Now i suppose there's other forms of energy like kinetic energy that would do the trick, but if i could do it with my mind? huh! they'd never catch on! Interesting story. I've heard of this before from callers to the Art Bell Radio program, but i've never seen it happen, although T say's i send bad vibes to the TeeVee to screw up the reception(no cable dontcha know;) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dear dude, If I knew how to control it...well.. maybe I'd go gambling or something lol You mess up the reception.. well... stand in the other corner lol .. put your arms up.. lean to the left... a little more... stop.. right there... don't move. 26 Apr 2004 @ 15:02 by craiglang : Experiment I tried a little experiment with the streetlight a block or two away from my house. This one is intermittent, and has seemed to go out when I walk underneath. It comes on again about two minutes later - usually when I'm about 1/2 to 1 block away. This time, I walked unerneath and noted that it went out when I was about 3 feet or so from being directly beneath it. I walked past, at normal walking speed and noted that it faithfully came back on in two minutes. I then walked underneath it again, and noted it went out when I was at the same locaiton. This time stayed closer to the light, and observed it come on again a coupel of minutes later. I immediately walked underneath it, and noted that it didn't go back out again. So whatever the cause of the light going out, the effect seems to need to "recharge" for a few minutes before being able to occur again. It was interesting that it did occur when I was aobut at the same distance, though. I then walked about a block away and observed. This time it went out at about the same time period, but in this case, I was nowhere near it. So, alas, I was probably not the "super-psychic" that I thought I was... :-) 26 Apr 2004 @ 22:02 by skookum : who knows, don't discount anything.. just keep observing... watching.. waiting.. what freaked me out was my sitting under one inset light.. you know.. a normal flood light.. and have it blink on and off above me.. as well as the tungsten or whatever it was street light.. i felt a bit picked on lol Other entries in Ideas, Creativity 23 Sep 2010 @ 18:13: fbi hacks my NEWCIV Site. 22 Sep 2010 @ 02:15: Who Wins? 21 Sep 2010 @ 23:48: Our StressOut Program for Suicide Prevention with Mindfulness 20 Sep 2010 @ 21:24: Quote for today... 16 Sep 2010 @ 19:00: From "Max Sandor's Tales to his grandson" 11 Jul 2010 @ 14:31: Germany, Uruquay, and Applied Quantum Theory 9 Jul 2010 @ 11:07: The Purpose 7 Jul 2010 @ 01:06: The Bicycle Paradigm 21 Jun 2010 @ 23:38: Summer Solstice 2010 - Sunset 4 Jun 2010 @ 21:06: Time to Shine. . .