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New Civilization News: At Eventide |
Category: Ideas, Creativity 4 comments 8 Jul 2004 @ 12:43 by vaxen : In spite?Nature does not 'spite' little flower of poetry. Melencholia is a Victorian dis-ease. Not at ease with something in your life? Here, where I live, there are lots of lakes and riverlets, rivers and streams and dreams. Deep, dark, delicious dreams. Yet also there is covenant. Such as the ones I've made with all the landed water fowl that fly in for the winter from all around the world. Some of them have remained behind such as the Canadian geese that now have made nest down at our harbour. Each time I go there and walk the harbor round they greet me and say hello. The beavers, too, have built for themselves a very fine house which acts like a dam and changes the water course flowing into it. From our stream, that leads from the Mountains down to our lake, the beavers have diverted the waters into our pond. Nice of them eh? It took years of trust to get them to stay. Then there are my Heron friends. I've a big Blue Heron friend who guides me down the river, on occasion, flying just at the prow of my boat, showing me the way... Then I've a big White Heron friend who lures me off into the deep eddies of the far away lake where he fishes. When he flashes signal to me I know good things are on the way... Fortunately I do not bustle Fortunately I still hear the sounds that the tree frogs make deep in the night before dawn... *********** peace is a state of mind and there are some who would destroy it and call it life as it should be I would like to see such tranquility. Perhaps I shall sneak off for a walk at the river some early weekend morning. 8 Jul 2004 @ 13:58 by shawa : I DO read... Don´t always comment, but I DO appreciate your poems, Marissa. :-) I love the feel of your log. ************ thank you.. Your log is awesome. I always read yours, but do not feel I am always qualified to post in them... I read most of the top 15 of them as a matter of fact. I know people read some of my stuff, I don't worry about it. I am not as prolific a writer as I was, back when I could relax more. 8 Jul 2004 @ 16:11 by celestial : The poem And the picture go together so well. Very nice. ********** thank you ! :-) 9 Jul 2004 @ 03:34 by vaxen : So modest! Take a bow, now, Marissa...see, people love your stuff! Now get busy and write, write, write! Who said you should worry about it? It is for you lady! Maybe this is just the tool you need to bring some `re-''lax''-a-tion' back in to your life. I sure wish you all the best and a speedy re-covery. ;) ************* I shall endeavor, thanks.. encouragement is always appreciated! Other entries in Ideas, Creativity 23 Sep 2010 @ 18:13: fbi hacks my NEWCIV Site. 22 Sep 2010 @ 02:15: Who Wins? 21 Sep 2010 @ 23:48: Our StressOut Program for Suicide Prevention with Mindfulness 20 Sep 2010 @ 21:24: Quote for today... 16 Sep 2010 @ 19:00: From "Max Sandor's Tales to his grandson" 11 Jul 2010 @ 14:31: Germany, Uruquay, and Applied Quantum Theory 9 Jul 2010 @ 11:07: The Purpose 7 Jul 2010 @ 01:06: The Bicycle Paradigm 21 Jun 2010 @ 23:38: Summer Solstice 2010 - Sunset 4 Jun 2010 @ 21:06: Time to Shine. . .