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New Civilization News: Survival Debt |
Category: Alternative Money Systems 13 comments 13 Oct 2004 @ 18:58 by shawa : *:-) 14 Oct 2004 @ 01:17 by astrid : Yes, Robert .... it is sheer madness; this Money-Poker-game.... we "all" know that the whole Game is a RIGGED game.... just like the slotmachines are rigged to bring in so & so much profit and to allow "only so much" WINNINGS to the Public... Money is all phony and our toilett paper roll has more REAL value, when push come to shove.... BUT there is that ONE secret here that almost is never is discussed: Billions of people are now away from the LAND; all the small or smaller towns, villages, country-sides etc. Agriculture broken down almost 100% LAND/RealEstate equals LIFE. THIS is the true crux foe more people than you can count!....IF they owned LAND, they would pick up their stuff and go!.... So in order to BRAKE the cycle of EVIL : GET together with family/friends get LAND and start living off the LAND together, what ever form of community. ANY such community is better than none! As long as money is an issue: draw it AWAY from Big Corps; change your priorities > Lifestyle. find small/local stores/Markets.Let that be your weekly entertainment!... Start BARTER. Start helping your neightbour for free, just because they need some help and you happen to be ablt provide the skills needed for that particular tasdk. etc etc. IF THERE's a WILL , THERE IS a WAY! Let me know what you think! 14 Oct 2004 @ 10:39 by spiritseek : Broke Good ideas Astrid and the only solutions I see so far but even those will be almost impossible as the money is just not there.The purchase of property most likely will be done by credit too. Families and friends could share the cost in order to make it. Bartering seems to be coming back into fashion as we find we haven't the means to buy certain items any other way.For one fast food burger combo I can purchase the meat and feed a family of four one meal. Somethings I will probably never eat again because of their cost but I can survive on the lower priced meats and food stuffs. Going out to eat is reserved for a date as it would almost cost me the same as a week of groceries for one.I did buy me a car yesterday and today I'm already nervous about the payments and insurance not to mention the mechanical bills I now will have again. I had real hopes of paying off my medical bills I acquired this year so my credit report would look more impressive and I would feel less like a bum. I have hope that slowly these will get paid as long as more bills aren't added to the heap. My house still needs insulation and the winter is drawing closer so which will I do first seems to be the question. Priorities come first but which is the most important,food,housing,car,debt? Does paying a little here a little there really do any good or will the debt just keep rolling in faster then we can pay on it? Broke in Michigan. 14 Oct 2004 @ 11:35 by scotty : Buy now Pay later mentality is the problem ! I don't know if you've seen the tv advert about a wee boy who wants to sleep over at a friends house ... to make it a successful weekend dad has to buy a sleeping bag a backpack and a walkie talkie... the ad ends with " some things money just can't buy - for everything else there's visa - or mastercard or whatever !! Nice image - dad loves his son and gives him a great weekend - where's the problem ? Dad had to fork out about $90 that he couldn't afford !!!! How do we know he couldn't afford it - 'cos he used 'credit' !!! (it's expensive to pay back !) The worst thing is - Dad just taught his son that you can have it all and you can have it now !!!! Dad just taught his son that good parenting is buying things for the kids instead of spending quality time with them and that buying material things fills the emotional void that exists today between parents and their children ! The charge card mentality says that you can have it all nowand then pay for it in some distant far off tomorrow. Hmmm - tomorrow always has this uncanny tendency to become today! People no longer "save up" for things - they seem to prefer to have to "cut back" to pay off 'yesterday'! Like living by the sword - instant gratification tends to kill those who live by it ! Sure - the credit card companies have a big part of the blame in this - with their clever adverts etc - but at the end of the day .. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink ! The final responsability is up to the individual ! (that's my tuppence worth !) 14 Oct 2004 @ 17:16 by ov : Can't buy security Well I quess you can in the short term, until the money goes south that is. Was listening on the radio yesterday about this guy was talking that he was broke and out of money and this was the reason for him to take a 'security' job overseas in the middle east. This wasn't like the rent-a-cop old guy standing in a shopping mall security guard, this was a euphimism for mercenary and it has become big business and the bucks get tacked on under the category of 'rebuilding' rather than military, which is a sick and twisted way of forcing the victims to pay for the army that attacks them. sigh. gonna be a hard rain that's gonna fall, yes indeed. Having your own land and living off it does sound tempting but it has its limitations as well. First, as Marie mentioned their is the credit to buy it and when the real estate bubble pops a lot of people will lose whether it is a $500,000 500 sq ft condo, or whether it is an acerage in the outback. Even if the land is paid for there is still the ground rent commonaly known as taxes. If the Monsanto industrial farms want your land they will get it. One potential refuge could be native land and forming alliances with first nations could be a good option, but then not all of them are interested in taking in 'wanna be indians'. There are long term and short term issues with this credit crunch. My gut feeling is that debt will be the golden chains used for population control, and a poor and desperate population will enable a volunteer army to continue without having to bring back the draft. However, once the current does completely collapse and becomes a write off then another stage is entered into. Then the immediate concern will be in keeping the infrastructure together enough to keep food and essential services in operation, and if everybody had even a couple months worth of food in their house this crisis would be significantly reduced. Then there is the transition phase and after that a settling into a restructered economy. All of this is major major project to say the least. One thing that anybody can do right now is to make the switch to a voluntary simplicity, which means a lifestyle change and a change of attitude, both of which take some time and the sooner a person starts the better. Then again, living on welfare can really speed up the process (I may be a social parasite but at least I'm not a hypocrite :-) Perhaps another option is to just run up as much debt as possible and then flip the bozo switch and dare them to sue you. The one thing I worry about that approach is that the debtor prisons of the near future could look alot like concentration camps. Personaly I don't have debt and don't buy anything unless I have the cash in hand. Perhaps I'm an idiot but then again I may be a fool. True enough Scotty, but if you're patient enough it will eventually get thirsty, or if you have enough brute strength you can put a head lock on the son-of-a-bitch and hold him underwater until he drowns and then you can pig out on a big meat fead. Tuppence, reminds me of that great liberating scene in Mary Poppins when the little kids cause a run on the Bank of England. 14 Oct 2004 @ 21:44 by astrid : This IS a BIG issue... ....and the more of us who get on the bandwagon of finding SOLUTIONS to it, the better, I think. This has "ALWAYS" been a Big issue!....THE BIGGEST!.... There is a TimeLESS /Cosmic Lesson (actually several lessons!...) for us Humans here to see and take to Heart, as I understand. The first and foremost lesson, I think, is to learn Money Management and to truly take a deep look at ones' Life and start to make PRIORITIES... we are SOOOOOO deeeep into our Western Lifestyle and -of course- a corresponding amount of fear of coming across as the proverbial Stick In The Mudd/Sore Thumb IF we stray TOO FAR away, so to speak!.... The so called Western/Culture/Lifestyle is the "Most successful" manifestation of the Soul's descent into these vibrations, where the lowest is what we like to call "EGO" (to many it is thee "Christ-On-A- Cracker"-way-to-be!) which is as far away from being ourselves as we can get,putting our IDENTITY as close to 100% OUTSIDE of ourselves; into a certain Religion --ANY will do... but as the West.Cult. sees; SOME are more "CHOISE than others-- Family, Race, Ethnicity, Social Club,Nationality, Title,Profession etc.etc. as we possilby can, all the while feeling ever more LOST! ..which we in fact are! Our Life is now coming to a crucial moment: we have to choose either to find ourselves, the Me in us AND start FOLLOWING THE PROMPTINGS of that "ME" -or lose ourselves for good, at least for this Lifetime... because obviously,we haven't really connected yet with our own truest Me-identity, but still sucking up to an OUTSIDE Identity! We have to start SOMEwhere! For most people that "place" is to start re-thinking money and where to let it go and "how" to get it.. : to remain an employee ( Slave to the MoneyMongers System; the establishment) forever, or somehow move into selfemployment. Ohh, Scotty, Darlin' I need your help here: Give me the "exact" translation of "MORT/GAGE" : DEATH wage?payment?debt? Many times road to selfemployment goes through an earlier face, which is to become active in some kind of Mission. As we start putting our time and energy into the Mission oftentimes our Path then leads from there to ever more of Me empowerment as we empower others with our dedication to the Cause/Mission. When we do this switch of consciousness we usually "automatically" fall into re-evaluating our Life and get more into "voluntary simplicity" {link:www.word-works.com/simple.htm|www.word-works.com} {link:www.stretcher.com/stories/960415c.htm|www.stretcher.com} {link:www.frugaliving.com/|www.frugaliving.com} Robert, to be The Fool is a good "place" to be as long as you/we don't get stuck there forever....then again, to be there as long as comes naturally... ********************************************** edit note: I've deleted a double post and made the links live. ov 14 Oct 2004 @ 22:34 by astrid : You know what Robert, when ever we humans fantizise: "Monsanto doing this /that etc" we FEED them PSYCHICLY = GIVE them our precious Life enrgy to do -more of-what they already are doing!.... If we who are working on healing the Collective Mind/Soul of Hu/mankind just understood this one little cosmic truth and learned to work it to our collective GOOD instead of BAD.... The way to do is to stop those fantasies and jwhenever they come up into our Awareness, take a step back and put them in a big bubble... well you've probably read about this method in my other writings, so I will not repeat myself. remember though to say that no harm will go out from this bubble and no harm will go in, thus handing them over to Life, to take care of. Only Life Itself knows their total ENERGY-RECORD; "Karma" The more we humans understand this energy process ( The Light & Love Bubble- thing) the more we can put it to work to benefit/protect us and all Innocent Life, like Animals and Nature! This is one kind of "Let Go and Let God" -thing but with more intention and more focus....in other words much more POTENT! :) 15 Oct 2004 @ 19:27 by ov : Addictions The thousand points of light for me is converging on addictions. (Damn Poppy Bush for ruining a good metaphor but heh sweating the small stuff eats too much time so let it slide.) The other day Scotty turned me on to a great site at {link:www.janushead.org|Janus Head}, and this article on {link:www.janushead.org/7-1/Cohen.pdf|Money} is particularly related to this topic. There is also a connection here to the 'hitting rock bottom' phase at which point recovery becomes possible. When it comes to money we need more than abstinence we need sobriety which was a theme brought up in another article on this site but I forget which. This Janus Head is one of those sites that I intend to read in its totality so it could take me a few weeks to internalize it all but it is a great node. "Let go of control and accept responsibility" is another meme that is on this site. Addiction is primarily about control, or loss of control, however you look at it this is a key stone in the arche type of our alcholic earth phase of patriarchy. Care must be taken not to kick it out for it will collapse the bridge but rather need to find the functional approach for dealing with this rather than denial or running away and hiding or simply submitting ourselves to the abuse, not trying to be obtuse, nor grooving on the rhyming juice, simply opening myself to the natural high to choose. The money matrix, my dominatrix, converging on the abstinence, my welfare cheque in the mail, my monetary methadone, working on transcending this to a sobriety but damn the money addiction is hard to kick. 16 Oct 2004 @ 07:00 by ashanti : Welfare Money is a bitch of a trap in the Matrix. In Developing countries there are no welfare cheques. You don't work, you don't eat. Simple. Hence the massive civilian crime industry. To me, it is THE trap. Until we figure this one out, on a GLOBAL basis (not a selfish individual "I'm all right jack, sod the rest of the world") we all remain trapped. Every one of us. Thanks for the excellent post, Robert. 16 Oct 2004 @ 19:23 by ov : Who defines work and that is a whole other topic which I am going to do a write up on soon. Went to a party last night by the {link:www.worklessparty.org/|WorkLessParty.org} and I am going to be getting a lot more involved with this group, they have very good energy. I'm not sure if I am having delusions along the lines of the romantic savage, or if there might be some validity to the subsistence cultures, but there is a difference in the developing world between the colonized and the traditional. Hard to say because even in the backwaters the imperialists have influence even if it is only because they have defined the boundaries of the backwater which people have been ghettozied into by the fact that these areas aren't seen to have value. Then again, from the larger perspective the value of areas is transient, for example the discovery of all that US oil underneath the useless sand of the Arabs. Getting back on point though is that the 'don't work don't eat' attitude of 'The Book' occured at a time before everything became commodicized, and it occured before the major expense was interest on debt, and it was also for a region with a temperate climate where being homeless wasn't a sentence to death by exposure to the elements. Lot's of tangents wrt work and social control and these deserve their own articles, and they will take considerable time and effort to do a good 'job' of them, but ironically they won't be classified as 'work' and the $500 a month that the government pays me will be seen as a collosal waste of public funds but yet the corporate welfare that cost a factor of one million times more (ie 500 a month vs 6 billion a year) goes by without a single comment. So back to one little tangent of this quagmire which is, "is debt being encouraged to entrap into bondage?" 27 Sep 2016 @ 14:06 by Black Magic Specialist Baba Ji @ : Black Magic Specialist Baba Ji thanks for share this post 28 Sep 2016 @ 09:24 by Black Magic Specialist Baba @ : Black Magic Specialist Baba nice post 27 Mar 2017 @ 05:33 by esfileexplorerapk @ : www.esfileexplorerapk.com es file explorer for pc es file explorer for android es file explorer Other entries in Alternative Money Systems 15 Jun 2016 @ 07:58: USA’S LEADERSHIP HAD EVAPORATED, WHY OUGHT STOCK MARKETS FOLLOW? 27 Mar 2010 @ 21:32: Alternative Monetary System 22 Sep 2008 @ 20:16: 700 000 000 000 Dollar ? 13 Aug 2006 @ 17:56: You want to be healthy? Become the Missionary! 1 Aug 2006 @ 11:06: MetaMoney as the MetaTool of Creation of the New Civilization 8 Jul 2006 @ 14:24: Paper Clip to House 26 Apr 2006 @ 20:27: Gold, Money for Members 13 May 2005 @ 23:53: Conscious Creation 11 Jul 2004 @ 20:57: Freecycle - A world-wide Network to Recycle Stuff!!! 2 May 2003 @ 23:59: Fill the Chalice