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New Civilization News: Serious Questions go Unanswered in Mental Health Movement |
Category: Medicine, Healthcare 10 comments 4 Jun 2007 @ 15:15 by shreepal : Fallacy of MH programIt requires courage to stand up alone to speak the truth that is out of synch with the time and it is this truth when you say "Unfortunately, many social workers have also jumped on the 'band wagon' and have wrapped themselves around this labeling system without fully understanding or appreciating the dangers and lack of validity and reliability of the entire (MH) system. It is particularly evident to me that MSW Licensing Exams & Licensing Boards for social workers have embraced labeling and the disease model with their tests and have accepted this system as their best source of understanding of our clients' problems.... We consider ourselves scientists while offering little scientific evidence of the efficacy for diagnosis and treatment for mental health concerns. Yet, there is growing evidence that much of what they offer their patients is a scam." Labelling the symptoms is highly superficial approach to the whole MH problem and to get one's share of pie of the alloted funds related social workers and Drug companies jump in the fray to make the situation worse. Social workers armed with ever new logical concepts therapies, medical men with their newer drugs and psychiatrists with hypnotic intrusion into the minds of their 'clients' are making the MH problem really serious. Mind is the mainframe of the whole personality of an individual and all the ingradients of his or her personality vitally affect this mental mainframe. To make a mind healty, human being's physical and emotional beings have to be made healthy. You cannot take out the mind, mend it and refit back in the disturbed physical and emotional beings to make it function in a healty way. This fact should be taught as the first lesson of any MH program. 10 Jun 2007 @ 14:40 by jerryvest : Psychiatrists drug their patients with little concern about their welfare as pointed out in this recent article. Very good article (letter to the journal) in the April 2007, Social Work Journal, "Social Work and Psychotropic Medication," by Richard C. Kensinger. For example: "...medication issues are very pertinent to clinical social workers. In the public sector, which has been the majority of my experience, four out of five clients are prescribed psychotropic agents, often in combination. This includes adults and youth clients. And it is quite common to have these agents prescribed for "off label" purposes. "I regard medication as a more invasive intervention than psychotherapy, and a strategy that should always be used in conjunction with psychosocial interventions. I have attended numerous psychiatric consultations with my clients. In my experience it is rare for the prescriber to ask the client if they are allergic to any of these agents, and they rarely discuss side effects and adverse events." (p.192) In other words their patients are not fully informed about these issues as is clearly indicated in our Code of Ethics--eg. safety, respect and dignity as well as common decency. 10 Jun 2007 @ 21:19 by a-d : Dear Jerry, I kinda put my comment to this your article in my own blog; comment space!.... It seemed fitting there as response to YOUR comment there! : ) (How silly!... ) You are so right about the madness going on in the Mental Health Care-as well as in the rest of it (broad strokes here...hehehe) ALL Health Care CAN be so much better than it is today. But once again: We The People have to grow up and take charge of shaping our own lives -or we will continue to be handed what ever someone else decide they "want to" give us. When ever a person matures enough emotionally, they totally know to BYpass the Authority figures; the metaphorical Mommy & Daddy figures. That is 'when & where' one will start to be willing and interested to be in charge of one's own life, pulling the strings, choosing one's own truth from Within oneself as more valid in one;s life rather than accepting any cookie-cutter cut stereotype norms, be it in Psych-Care or Fashion!... doesn't matter; the same principle in action. 10 Jun 2007 @ 22:28 by jerryvest : Thanks, Astrid....yes, what we have traditionally been calling "health care" is really "sick care." And, we either learn that it is better to feel good and have energy than it is to be ill and have no energy. It looks like our planet and most everyone on it are at risk and heading for "sick care"--loss of energy or spirit. We have to find the authority in ourselves to take responsibility for our lives, our health and our wellbeing. Perhaps we will awaken to the recognition that as we improve our whole being, we will be able to more effectively solve problems that we are facing or at the very least not become part of the problem. And, as you suggest, move from dependence to autonomy and security. 12 Jun 2007 @ 16:26 by a-d : I've been reading the link you gave us. (VERY GOOD ONE!)....and.... ahhh.... I am taken aback, going through my whole life almost day by day as it happened and -once again- reviewing the events of that 'Daily life'. (I've been a neutral Observer of my self and my life as I lived each day, from the time I was appr.two years old) I can't tell you how incredibly accurate I find everything said in the link! We could talk for several hours about this! : ) But in the end it all boils down to ONE thing: Man, KNOW Thy Self! Funny; in both Swedish and Finnish languages (my two parallel languages) "to know" and to "feel" is expressed by the same, one word and whether it is used as "know" or "feel" becomes clear from the rest of the sentence. In English the two words that in their inherent MEANING have same kind of "awareness power" are: "see" and "understand" .... this is the best way I can express what kind of opening of our cosmic awareness is given to us in the use of our language, when given even the tiniest bit of reflexion; opening the doors for us back to our own Divinity and truth as Cosmic Light Beings! The deeper we grasp the significance of these two sets of words, the more SELF Awareness we gain!... With gained awareness comes gained Co-creativity (with Universe) With the speed as that happens; our dignity and decency grows, I dare to say..... and touch is not a problem any longer.... regardless what we were fed via our arrival/ location here on Earth! Man, KNOW Thy Self! Man, FEEL Thy Self! Man, SEE Thy Self! Man, UNDERSTAND Thy Self! : ) Love You!/ A-d 13 Jun 2007 @ 15:07 by jerryvest : Astrid, you are a true source of love caring and concern for humanity and our planet. It is interesting that your original language has such an impact on your life, relationships and observations as you trust what you feel and express what you know. I am only beginning to learn what 'Co-creativity' means from reading your articles and others who share this concept. I'm not certain, but it does seem that we are partners with our Creator and Creation. WE (All that exists)are living together on this planet and what affects one affects all, even beyond our awareness. It's interesting to me that we are very delicate creatures and we often "wear our feelings on our shirt sleeves." We react to almost everything and everyone, often, without being aware of our sensitivity. We also will hurt and harm others who we are very close to while committing or claiming to love them unconditionally. We believe that we are mature, responsible adults, yet we blindly strike out at our children and others with little awareness and concern for their health and well-being, especially when we don't get our 'way.' Anyway, I believe that you are right, there is a close relationship between Feelings and Knowing, but as human beings, we certainly need to learn how to become more conscious about how we assimilate and express their attributes. 14 Jun 2007 @ 13:56 by jerryvest : This is a good article related to mental health problems in the work place and why more workers won't get help for their problems. June 12, 2007 Innerworkings: A Look at Mental Health in Today’s Workplace Mental illness is the leading cause of indirect costs associated with lost work time, but employees still shun treatment, and managers are ill prepared to deal with the problem, HR-benefits directors report. Those are among the views shared by 515 respondents in a new survey, "Innerworkings: A Look at Mental Health in Today's Workplace," conducted by Employee Benefit News with help from The Partnership for Workplace Mental Health and funding from the Managed Markets division of Astra-Zeneca. "Innerworkings" also reveals that while more organizations are providing programs to help employees with mental health problems, stigma and lack of awareness prevent these benefits from being fully utilized. {link:http://www.docuticker.com/?p=13755} 14 Jun 2007 @ 15:48 by a-d : My own personal opinion, based on my own personal observations, based on my own experiencies in the field clued me in long time ago that Depression is nr one cause to ANY other medical/health/illness condition in the WORLD! That conclusion of mine has not had any reason to change.But for the last 150 -or so years- : ) I have been asking Universe:WHAT EXACTLY is "depression"/WHAT CAUSES depression???.... I have finally received what I feel an answer that covers enough ground -for me to voice my opinions out loud about the issue: It is OUR OWN OPPRESSION of US! When you look "deep enough and focuses enough into the structure of our establishment and how it demands us to see ourselves and the life skills we were provided by it and what life-skills we were ripped off by it 'you'find that we are trained into blaming ourselves and take the heat for NOT being able to manifest our life the way Life wanted -and gave us Tools to do so! We blame ourselves, accepting their blame and adding even more guilt on us by feeling what we are told to feel: BAD for this and bad for that -with no end! ( Just look at the rigged DEBT -based Monetary System from which there is literally NO WAY OUT -unless you are willing to "sell your Soul/Mind (in modern lingo) to the Devil = Double Standards = SELFISHNESS and then jump into the Dog-Eat-Dog race from the Rat-Race! ONLY then can 'you' have a minute chance to create a good life = a life that someone else dictated for you to live, but materially an "OK"-life!.... But the CONFLICT, that has been BUILT-IN-to our very Soul from our first Breath -(and meant to be there to our last gasp of air when dying)- persists and eats us alive from Within! It starts with depression and -if we are lucky; it escalates to open anxiety and panick attacks. Now,if ever, do we have a chance to slow down and listen to the Cosmic Message from Within: our very Soul is turning up all the alarms to make us wake up and smell the coffee -as the saying goes.... and the Message is : WE ARE LIVING A LIFE NOT ORIGINALLY NOT MEANT BY LIFE/God! In other words: GET OUT and take your own God-given Powers/Skills back = be born again into your own authenticity; your own true Me ( also known in Ancient Times as "the Christos" = Christ Consciousness), which KNOWS -and STAYS TRUE to- its own Divinity! There is no way around this TRUTH/FACT! The first thing we as a unified Community of Divine Beings should do, is to flush down the current ENSLAVING Monetary System and create a new one, based on Abundance consciousness and only keep it as a practical tool in Goods Exchange. Money can NEVER replace Cosmic Energy!... which indeed is what keeps us alive and healthy and when we allow this same for ALL Living things we will indeed all be free -from ALL s--- that now/still plagues us .... This is the depth we need to go in and clean out "the House". Until this happens People will continue to be depressed; the usually totally un-acknowledged starting point for the rest of disasters that can befall us, both Mental/Physical and Social ( have you ever seen a one year old at the Internal Medicine Ward with diagnosis you can't even pronounce !?... and they died like flies!... Let me tell you: it was AWFUL!!! .... I looked up "Blame the Victim" on Metacrawler yesterday and surpricingly little of true value could be found there. We still live under the curse of "ohh.. it the victim's own fault -except when the crooks themselves are the victim -whether for real -or for tightening the guilt screws on the rest of us! Then and only then is victimhood legitemate! The Socio/Psychopath; "the Bully" still uses this psychological torture tool quite successfully!.... whether the bully is a Private citizen/serf -or one from "higher" social stratas; the behaviour/ way of treating Life outside of bully's own skin, is the same 18 Jun 2007 @ 18:11 by jerryvest : Depression is OUR OWN OPPRESSION of US! This sounds right on to me, Astrid. As we experience daily with our world relations--our designated leaders in congress, administration, courts, local government and many parents and other adults in authority--are oppressors without realizing it. They selfishly impose their beliefs, plans, rules and authority on to others without awareness of consequences or of what is best for humanity and of nature. They seem to believe that they are in charge of everything and everyone without knowing themselves, or having the compassion, understaning and wisdom to serve in these responsible positions. So we are oppressed by others and take it out on ourselves. Our authority figures or hierarchy can be very harsh, critical and threatening of our health, safety and security. We have all experienced the Puritan zealots and Evangelical movement who now rule our country and our planet. They feel as though God is on their side so they can do whatever they wish or get whatever they want. As I see it, when we can not take "right action" because of many reasons, we turn against ourselves; blame others for our predicament; cover up our loving or caring feeling for ourselves and others; feel alone in the universe; feel abandoned, hopeless and frightened. Our position as a human being is threatened and we will probably stay depressed until we find a wait out of this "snake pit." My experience for moving out of this state is to become more physical and maintain a daily health practice that balances our whole being. I am remined by Ashley Montagu, "...as human beings, we have a basic need to touch and to be touched." Let's practice giving and receiving touch (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) every day and we will never experience depression--we will be "expressing" ourselves according to our true nature. {link:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/17/AR2007061701179.html|No Contact Rule in Schools} 26 Jan 2017 @ 15:32 by download bbm for pc @ : Thanks colleges struggle with mental health crisis; and, the list goes on. Other entries in Medicine, Healthcare 31 May 2010 @ 22:18: Our StressOut Mission and Activities 27 May 2008 @ 13:31: Another Critical Look at the DSM 4 May 2008 @ 02:25: Prototype Health Program for Wounded Warriors 21 Jan 2008 @ 20:58: What A Day Brings 16 Jan 2008 @ 14:31: Our Primary Concern is our Client .... 4 Jan 2008 @ 15:17: Study Finds, Drugs Offer No Benefit in Curbing Aggression 25 Nov 2007 @ 20:05: A Story about a Drug Representative of the Big Pharmas 14 Oct 2007 @ 14:27: Use of Touch & Integrative Methods 20 Jun 2007 @ 13:17: Alternatives for Mental Health Workers and their Clients 5 Jun 2007 @ 10:03: The US: One Big Drug Store