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New Civilization News: The Hero Within and Without |
Category: Spirituality 6 comments 16 Jan 2006 @ 18:20 by bushman : :}Well of course, this is so. :} We got this TV commercial, where everyone is walking around with a bright cape on. Im not sure what they are selling for sure, and at one point in the commercial it sort of implyed that your a superhero if you take the time to read the lables, and another shot of a caped crusader opening a jar of pickles for someone. Maybe it was a cell phone commercial, lol. 17 Jan 2006 @ 10:14 by vector8 : Superhero [[We got this TV commercial, where everyone is walking around with a bright cape on. Im not sure what they are selling for sure, and at one point in the commercial it sort of implyed that your a superhero if you take the time to read the lables, and another shot of a caped crusader opening a jar of pickles for someone. Maybe it was a cell phone commercial, lol. ]] Yeah, bushman, you would have to be a super-moron to believe in advertising, says she, as she reaches out for her favourite brand. lol 17 Jan 2006 @ 21:04 by bushman : yep, lol. Back in the old days, when I still lived in pasadena CA, they had a food place called "The Hat" they moved it from Hollywood, they advertized the best pastrami subs in town, but then I went there to order one and its made of corned beef, now apperently a pastrami sub in New York is made with corned beef, still its beyond my imagination to pretend I'm eatting pastrami when its deffinetly corned beef, lol. You know its confusing because the lables, since Submarine sandwitch, and Hero sandwitch, is not the same as a gyro sandwitch, yet different food places always got them wrong, because theres no such thing as a Hero sandwitch. Anyway its food for thought, lol. 17 Jan 2006 @ 21:39 by jmarc : speaking of heros and sandwiches i was in south carolina once and ordered a ham and cheese sub, or hero as some people call it in other parts. I got a hot dog roll with one slice of ham coldcut and some cheese wiz melted on top. Made me glad I don't live "down there". Nice article Enocia. I'd like to learn more about easing the pain of walking into closed doors. Been there done that (the walking into doors thing, not the disappearing pain thing :) 18 Jan 2006 @ 12:16 by Enocia @ : Food, glorious Food and advertising Bushman, have you ever watched the film, The Matrix. Neo and others are fighting to rescue humanity from The Matrix, or programmes. Cypher is sick of living outside the Matrix and decides to betray his colleagues to the agents. When Cypher is having steak after a long time he says: "You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss." So, Bushman, what does it matter what the package says, as long as you believe you're eating it. Enjoyment and tastes are all in the mind anyway. This is why I pay no attention to food labels. One observation I've had about America. When I was last there, I was overwhelmed by the food sizes. I remember buying what I considered to be pizza for one and it was so huge it could feed 5,000 people. :) I think Brits are so deprived we can't cope with your food sizes. Saying that, I think London has got a wider variety of cuisines. You name it, we've got it, albeit in small quantities. We've even got Subway over here now; they do great sandwiches. 18 Jan 2006 @ 12:22 by Enocia @ : Head Banging Hi jmarc, You wrote: "Nice article Enocia. I'd like to learn more about easing the pain of walking into closed doors. Been there done that (the walking into doors thing, not the disappearing pain thing" :) lol. Yes, it takes practise thinking of oneself as Spirit. The thought changes the density of the body or door and it feels less dense; and the feeling of pain also changes because Spirit doesn't have feeling as we do as humans. This means one can change the past by simply realising that all is Spirit. So I recommend banging your head against a brick wall a few times a day, but always have it at the back of your mind that you are not flesh and bone but Spirit. ;) Other entries in Spirituality 31 Jul 2010 @ 16:29: Innovation Yantra 31 Jul 2010 @ 16:01: Randy Paush - Lessons for Life 30 Jul 2010 @ 16:30: from Baudrillard to Verger: Diversification Vs Global Norms 22 Jul 2010 @ 13:16: Cartographers of No Man's Land 22 Jul 2010 @ 02:28: PUNISH BUSH & NEO-CONS FOR WAR CRIMES! 20 Jul 2010 @ 14:24: Getting other people to do stuff 16 Jul 2010 @ 22:57: Considerations on writing 14 Jul 2010 @ 14:53: Therapy Dogs Serve our Wounded Warriors 14 Jul 2010 @ 13:35: Consciousness of Pattern 13 Jul 2010 @ 17:04: What is Consciousness? - My answer on Quora.com