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New Civilization News: A Survivable Path for the Planet Earth |
Category: Communities 18 comments 29 Apr 2005 @ 17:03 by ming : Hi RoanGreat to see you here! Sounds like a plan to me. 29 Apr 2005 @ 17:27 by rishi : refreshingly honest as well as accurate. The point you're making, which is well taken, about egotism ruling the day for modern humanity couldn't be more true. If ever there was a world-killer, or at least a species killer, it is the assumption that we are the center of the universe and can do whatever we please, ignore the consequences, and keep up with the Jones' at the same time. 29 Apr 2005 @ 19:40 by vaxen : So... just who do you think is behind the 'manipulation' of humans? Or do you think that humans are innately 'evil?'As for 'geometric democracy?' Come on, man, Democracy-of any sort-is the worst form of 'government!' Now, geometric democracy? Thankyou, no... Great respect for the 'common' people? Lemmings. Perhaps a little more respect for the uncommon would go a long way towards resolving the present world crisis. World war three, the battle for the control of human minds, is well on its' way. Depleted Uranium is coming in the rain, the clouds, the winds, your children... The weapons manufacturers are being given, free, as much nuclear waste as they can use with which to make their bullets, bombs, etc., so...you think this power mad group of banksters, funding it all, is just going to up and quit their whole sale manipulation of the theatre? The global enslavers must be met head on with superior strengths. Strengths that change their minds and hearts. Strengths that do not maim and kill, murder, rape and destroy... Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva...and that endlessly? Just how do we instantiate free spiritual beings? How do we rise on the tone scale from -40 to +40 and beyond? When the agents of the global enslavers are everywhere in control, and this 'MEST universe' is a prison-in the greater 'MEST'-which is used to keep those who know the truth enslaved... Then just what is the key that will release the greater number of 'commons' from the electronic/magnetic prison which keeps them/us in endless servitude to corrupt, aberrated, spirits of high degree? The Great Architect of the Universe? The Gatekeeprs? The 7th Dynamic engram=the long term suppression of spirits/souls/beings in this MEST universe electromagnetic prison. Do the prisoners realise that they are not free? Do the prisoners 'want' to be free? Free from what? In this present world humanities' 'direction' is being controlled in order to enslave and exploit and that will not change till those who realise that there is something drastically wrong with this planet learn exactly WHO they are (enemy formula) and then re-empower themselves as FREE SPIRITUAL BEINGS. Taking ones' power back will de-power, and deflower, the flowers of evil so in evidence everywhere you go. The time is right for 'the final act' and a 'new game.' People/spirits must know that they are being enslaved and they must know how that is being done. I see no plan whatsoever in what you have said above, roan... But I am so glad to see that you are back. And that you are kicking, and that you will be, hopefully, engeandering some interesting dialogue towards solving some of the present problems facing humanity. Extinction is,perhaps, the foremost 'problem' yet not many see that as being evidenced nor do many know who is behind it... Welcome back Mr Carratu. Vax 29 Apr 2005 @ 23:19 by Roan Carratu @ : Vax >> just who do you think is behind the 'manipulation' of humans? Humans using the conceptual sins, mis-information, and dis-information from the ancient past. It's fear and rote ignorance, nothing more. >> Or do you think that humans are innately 'evil?' No, I think humans are born innately empty, and they receive their unexamined 'axioms' that control their minds before age 5, just from the adults around them. And those adults don't know they are doing it either. That is the way social systems pass on from generation to generation. >>As for 'geometric democracy?' Come on, man, Democracy-of any sort-is the worst form of 'government!' Now, geometric democracy? Thankyou, no... There has never been any democracy on this planet... so how do you know? The closest thing is what we have, a republic, which is not at all democratic. Voting does not create a democracy... the old USSR had far larger elections... they just voted for two or more people from the same party, but since our 'parties' are different only in tone of voice, what difference does that make. It certainly doesn't make us a democracy. >> Great respect for the 'common' people? Lemmings. I have great respect for Lemmings also. The documentary which shows them jumping into the ocean was the result of the men on that island driving them into the ocean. The reference has been a lie ever since, that they blindly kill themselves to lower their population... as an unexamined axiom in humans, however, the reference is useful to create cynical attitudes about other humans. From my own observations, with as clear a mind as I can generate, I think humans are far more than anyone has ever imagined. It takes a lot of social layering on the human mind to keep the world down, a whole show of stuff... but you might know it... it's called TV and the News and alcohol and drugs and crime and the always looming threat of starvation and homelessness. Not to mention the dog and pony show called politics. grin. >> Perhaps a little more respect for the uncommon would go a long way towards resolving the present world crisis. World war three, the battle for the control of human minds, is well on its' way. Depleted Uranium is coming in the rain, the clouds, the winds, your children... Agreed! >> The weapons manufacturers are being given, free, as much nuclear waste as they can use with which to make their bullets, bombs, etc., so...you think this power mad group of banksters, funding it all, is just going to up and quit their whole sale manipulation of the theatre? Eventually, for sure. It is not sustainable. Ever study the electrical buildup of lightening in the atmosphere? Zap! >> The global enslavers must be met head on with superior strengths. Strengths that change their minds and hearts. Strengths that do not maim and kill, murder, rape and destroy... Agreed... and smart mobs. >> Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva...and that endlessly? I don't see that in history and prehistory, so I don't know. >> Just how do we instantiate free spiritual beings? How do we rise on the tone scale from -40 to +40 and beyond? When the agents of the global enslavers are everywhere in control, and this 'MEST universe' is a prison-in the greater 'MEST'-which is used to keep those who know the truth enslaved... 'MEST Universe'? Please tell me what the letters represent. >> Then just what is the key that will release the greater number of 'commons' from the electronic/magnetic prison which keeps them/us in endless servitude to corrupt, aberrated, spirits of high degree? Education of the individual through the gleaning of mass flows of data. It doesn't take everyone... just a few hundred million. >> The Great Architect of the Universe? The Gatekeeprs? ??? >> The 7th Dynamic engram=the long term suppression of spirits/souls/beings in this MEST universe electromagnetic prison. Do the prisoners realise that they are not free? Do the prisoners 'want' to be free? Free from what? Indeed. That is our task, isn't it? >> In this present world humanities' 'direction' is being controlled in order to enslave and exploit and that will not change till those who realise that there is something drastically wrong with this planet learn exactly WHO they are (enemy formula) and then re-empower themselves as FREE SPIRITUAL BEINGS. And that is the direction of evolution at this time. We did not evolve by accident. We have a purpose in the biosphere of this planet, the result of the last and previous mass extinction events. We evolve conceptually, and we will evolve conceptually, like it or not. But survival is not assured. >> Taking ones' power back will de-power, and deflower, the flowers of evil so in evidence everywhere you go. The time is right for 'the final act' and a 'new game.' People/spirits must know that they are being enslaved and they must know how that is being done. I see no plan whatsoever in what you have said above, roan... My statement above is the equivalence of "The dam has a crack! The dam has a crack!" In that, it is not a plan. The Geodemocracy system is a way to gather beings together conceptually so they can generate a plan. No one person will come up with a workable plan. A few millions will. >> But I am so glad to see that you are back. And that you are kicking, and that you will be, hopefully, engeandering some interesting dialogue towards solving some of the present problems facing humanity. Extinction is,perhaps, the foremost 'problem' yet not many see that as being evidenced nor do many know who is behind it... They will know all about it as time goes on. I have seen the eco-entity move in the hearts of men to prevent all out extinction before. I know it exists and is intelligent. The visions I had that generated the Geodemocracy idea and the workbot system came from something telepathic outside my own mind. We are not our egos, we are our greater minds, and we are connected. We are, I think, cells in that greater body. We are, as a teenaged species, just going through a wild puberty. I hope you and I get to see the greater changes, but we may not. It doesn't move on our timescale. Love and Peace, Roan Welcome back Mr Carratu. Vax 30 Apr 2005 @ 02:31 by astrid : Dear Roan, Thanks for a few Aha Revelations when reading your article! Just how did the HUNDRETH MONKEY "Syndrome" come into being???.... That's right!.... the ones who already had had the revelation that washing the Yams in the Water got ridd of the thick yacky mudd, that covered the Yams, sat there at the Shore, washing their Yams and the other Monkeys got curious: "whadd'u doin'???..." watching a little closer and voila! NOW THEY had a Revelation; they saw the CONNECTION between CLEAN jymmy Yams and the washing action at the Water's Edge! NOW they TOO tried to rinse their Yams, and yesss, lo n' behold, it worked! Works every time!... Wow!!!... The Rest is History, as the saying goes... The Critical Mass Phenomenon occurred! .... What we envision long enough with strong enough Focus and Intention, we will manifest. Let's continue to envision the Final Outcome that we truly want, even while pointing out the mudd on the Yams to our Fellow Monkeys. Lte's not waste our Breath on speaking to Zombies!.... The Fellow Monkeys, whi are curious enough will come to the Waters Edge where we wash our Yams...provided we are there , washing our Yams!.... and soon they too will start washing THEIR YAms!... The TRICK HERE IS TO FIND THE WATER'S EDGE AND DO OUR OWN WASHING AND SHARING THAT KNOWLEDGE!!!!....WHOM ARE WE KIDDING WITH ALL THIS OTHER NONSENSE TALK ( of Dooom and Gloom ) IF or WHEN we have found the Solution: SHARE THAT: WASH Y/OUR YAMS!... LOUD /LOUD /LOUD... AS LOUD AS YOU/we CAN!... THAT and ONLY THAT will enable the other Monkeys to do the same! 30 Apr 2005 @ 15:55 by istvan : Geodesic democracy? Geodesic...YES; Democracy?...NO; [ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Geodesic.html ] It seems that a system that produces a minority, like the democratic model, can no way be concieved as a viable, integral structure of any system that aims to withstand the ravages of gravity experienced in time; experienced as history within the realm of the mind. It seems to me, it is absurd even to mention the idea of onenes without the idea of equality. As the struts of a geodesic dome actually create its structural integrity, so we must strive to mentalize social structures that are geodesic in nature. Now..I am no more, but neither less intelligent than all of you are and yet unable to formulate a working model of a new civilisation that would work for you and me equally, let alone for the rest of humanity, the rest of living creatures and the Earth... We can only work on any change togteher within supportive communities, online or on field. I do not detect much intrest on the meanings of togrther dough...Doesn't everyone wants to run their own show, their own way mistakenly surmising that would somehow add up as oneness. 30 Apr 2005 @ 22:36 by Roan Carratu @ : democracy is equality I know of no democratic models other than mine. I have looked, but all of them are republics, not democracies. So you need to read and understand the geodemocracy proposal instead of pigeonholing it into the results of republics, which certainly do create minorities. The geodemocracy model I propose keeps people as individuals, and connects them into groups without the bleed over of group dynamics which so often obscures the individual within the group. No 'leaders' or 'followers' can find any grip in a geodemocracy... they must simply remain individuals. Check it out before you jump to conclusions. http://geodemocracy.bravenet.com (let me know if you find any tech problems with the site. I just put it up over the last few days.) Peace, friend, -Roan 30 Apr 2005 @ 22:41 by Roan Carratu @ : My yahoo group I invite you all to join my Yahoo Group Geodemocracy for further discussion. It's at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/geodemocracy I really think a lot of folks need to look at this proposal and get involved. It's a rather dry thing, to look and discuss a organizational model, but it may be the only thing on this planet which will stop the horror increasing so dramatically globally. If we don't reach out and stop it, it will someday reach out and touch us, harshly. Love and peace, Roan 1 May 2005 @ 01:16 by bushman : Hmm Making peace with pirates, this might be fun. Frankly I think it's worth a try. :} 1 May 2005 @ 17:57 by astrid : Roan, the links won't come up... Istvan touches the core here: "Doesn't everyone wants to run their own show, their own way mistakenly surmising that would somehow add up as oneness." OF COURSE!!!! everybody wants to run their own life!!! The Q to Istvan is: do you do it under the current model of Social System???? I certainly don't! ...unless going to Safeway and choose whichever brand of Coffee of the appr, hundred offers is considered "running my own life"!... *o* and I have to pay for that darn coffee with money that is totally CORRUPT. "Running my own life" WHERE IN THIS STATEMENT IS IT SAID THAT SUCK LIFE FROM OTHERS IN ORDER TO LIVE GOOD, MYSELF is a Good Thing -- as in accepted thing to do??????????? HOW does "running my own Life" give me right to force my Will on others or take their Free Will away from them???? LIFE is NOT first and foremost a SOCIAL THING but SPIRITUAL!!!: THE MORE WE UNDERSTAND LIFE THE WAY LIFE UNDERSTANDS LIFE, THE MORE SPIRITUAL(LY ATTUNED/" at -One" )WE ARE! LIFE ITSELF FOLLOWS AND OBEYS THE THREE KINDS OF PHYSICHS that currently rule our Planet: the Meta Physics; the Finest/higest vibrational field of Cosmic Reality for our Planet, The Quantum Mecahincs/physics the next lower in the vibrational field of Cosmic Realty and last the densest, lowest vibration: the (Newtonian ) Mechanics. ALL these ALL MUST OBEY! ONLY AS WE BREAK ANY OF THEM, DO WE GO AGAINST LIFE and undfailingly end up hurting -and we can't hurt another without hurting ourselves the same! .... How I wish for Mankind to GET THIS TRUTH/FACT through their head! The sooner we all start to understand this very Truth/Fact, the better for ALL!.... and just exactly how do we apply this Spiritual Understanding????.... That's right: through what is called PSYCHOLOGY, which is to say our ETHCIS -Morale, which is to say in EVERY ACTION/DEED and BEHAVIOUR minute by minute, day by day!!! Our Psychology shines through --sooner or later- in each and every little fraction of behaviour, "go-abouts" actions and so forth. Nothing is hidden --for too long!... BUT ISN'T IT TIME THAT WE START DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY FROM EVERY PERSON???? and certainly from the so called leaders??? As long as giving credit to ANY of Bush's ( for instance... remember, again; W is NOT the only idiot runnung our lives! ) actions with ANY kind of respectful VALIDITY/CREDIBILITY Mankind will continue eating shit! EYEYRBODY Out there, who consider for instance Bush as psychologically a HEALTHY person, please step forward! HEALTH UNITES ALL LIFE! HEALTH UNITES ALL LIFE! HEALTH UNITES ALL LIFE WHEN and WHERE is a person's Psyche formed to perform according to what the older generation wants the Next Generation to perform??? Well, there you go! The absolutley MOST DIFFICULT --yet necessary-- thing on this Planet is to get the Grown Ups to assume ACCOUNTABILIATY for having screwed up their kids before the poor things are even five years of age! Now that you recall that ALL PSYCHOLOGY is nothing but an expression of our SPIRITUAL MATURITY.... and all RELIGION is but different levels of PSYCHOLOGY = expression of our SPIRITUAL MATURITY.... AND that this SPIRITUAL MATURITY is in a nutshell: "Do Unto Others..." AND THIS IS HOW WE SHOW IT DAILY!!!... IF or when someone doesn't measure up to our "colour" = vibrational field of SPIRITUAL MATURITY, but comes from a lower, either remove yourself from their influence or stick to your guns!.... Of course, to whatever extent we can remove us from interactions with people who choose to remain in the lower vibrations we should do so!... NOTHING can ever be solved/come to a MORE LIFE AFFRIMING/ALL INCLUDING solution from or at a level that created the problem-situation in the first place!... A HEALTHY PSYCHE IS THE ONLY SOULTION!!! NO, don't think about Freud here!... If you do....ohboy!... TROUBLE in PARADISE!... This isn't any different situation than the one in Sodom and Gomorrah: Some were receptive to a more Life affirming way of life and they removed themselves on time from S&G... MOST of the people DID NOT!!! 1 May 2005 @ 19:47 by vaxen : Thankyou... Roan. I haven't had time to review your site, yet, but found that the yahoo link works. Here is the link you set up there for others who may wish to peruse your ideas. Res Publica, as far as I can see, is still the best idea for those who contract with, and create, governments. The apparent raison detre behind 'government,' per se, is that it is to be used as some sort of 'vehicle' to protect the individuals that govern it from 'outside' harm. I think that that it one of the primary problems. Nationalism as opposed to Planetary or even Galactic or, even better, multiversal beingness. MEST means Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. Oft associated with Hubbardism it, unfortunately for Scienos, was not 'coined' by him. Here, then, is the link to your new/old pages: http://geodemocracy.bravenet.com/ Thanks for your enlightened response (above) to my initial queries. Great to have you back, as I mentioned already, for I thought (there was a eulogy somewhere on the web) that you had gone onwards to that greater home in the sky. ;) PS: the link doesn't work, yet... 1 May 2005 @ 21:28 by Roan Carratu @ : Hmmm... the link doesn't work Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to check with the Bravenet bunch and find out why. I would call it the E universe... since matter is just energy, space is just energy, and time is just energy... ?Res Publica? It sounds familiar, but doesn't bring up an association. Explain please? I can say with full understanding that the real raison detre behind government is, and has always been, so the few can rule the many for the material benefits it gets them. It's always been driven by force and terror, as far as I can find out, while under it, in common human terms, it provided coordination for survival efforts. All I'm trying to do is take the force and terror out of it and take away the mechinism used to generate that force and terror. Then we can put our efforts to surviving our past stupidity and generating a world worth living in for our future generations. Astrid... (if I understand what you are saying) the geodemocracy is the only way to have mass coordination necessary to bring your coffee to the store without destroying the ecology in the process or forcing others to submit to terror to produce the coffee so those who rule can make a huge profit. The biggest effect the geodemocracy will have on the world is to take the terror out of it, not to impose on anyone. If we want a healthy world, we have to use healthy ways to coordinate ourselves en mass. The existing ways do not do that. Thus the world sickens. 2 May 2005 @ 00:46 by astrid : Let's see if I can.... ... express this a little clearer: To choose among five brands of coffee (or cars or any other ITEM) is easier than to choose from just two...which we all know can be extreamly difficult fot us!... Then again: it is easier to choose from two than from three hundred! Life Itself presents us only two choises: LIFE or DEATH!...literally! THIS is the Nr One Thing we have to understand: Our free will is given to us only for us to be applied in only our own life; wheather we want to go with LIFE or DEATH!.. one more round, so to speak!.... Hence a Material OVER-Affluence is NOT an expression of FREEDOM necessarily... but a distraction of what really is at stake here. I do agree with you Roan, totally! Also, Roan, I edited my comment above; made it --hopefully-- a little clearer as well, now that I was at it. : ) 2 May 2005 @ 04:26 by Roan @ : DUH! My email address is not bravenet.com... it is bravehost.com. {link:http://geodemocracy.bravehost.com} I think, after 46 years of study of Universe and massive life experiment, that the idea of Geodemocracy may be the most important idea for everyone's future there is. LITERIALLY! I think the existance of Human life itself may hinge on the development and use of a geodemocratic system of self-government. It gives us all the ability to respond to the world larger than just our own sensoriums... and the ability to respond is the real definition of responsibility. Please help! 20 Jun 2006 @ 20:29 by Eve Howard @ : IS THIS REALLY YOU? Is this the same Roan who had the Forerunners group? With the site explaining a geodesic society? The last connection I had with you - you had had some health problems so I was concerned. If you have the time please let me know if I am on the right track. Eve Howard 25 Jan 2009 @ 11:04 by Roan Carratu @ : Hi. This is a voice from the past. lol I'm still here and now I'm back online for the foreseeable future. I now have an income of sorts and can lived like normal people. My perspective hasn't changed much, I'm still quite sure a geodemocracy will come into existence, although it may not be much like I had in mind. The effort now, it seems, is to wake up enough people to who they really are so as to change the 'common knowledge' in our growing world cultures. Fact is, if someone knows who they really are, they do not have the cynical, or ecstatic, viewpoints/experiences that so affected their opinions and actions as before. We are Universe being aware of itself. It's not a debatable observation, because it is an observation anyone can have. And the knowledge that brings the observation is gaining ground every day all over the world. And if anything can bring about the Survivable Path I listed at the beginning of this 'blog', it's masses of people knowing who they really are. It abolishes fear, hatred, petty judgment, obsession, and self-centered self-absorption, among just a few of the worse egoistic practices fostered by the cultures of the past. And it is arising spontaneously on a global scale. I think we're going to make it. "Doctor, the patient is awake!" Dysoku! 25 Oct 2011 @ 06:37 by Roan Carratu @ : Hi, folks. Well, it was a long time ago since I posted here. I've been working constantly in the Zeitgeist Movement, which is doing what I hoped would happen, although it is not originated by me. (which is good for my ego. lol) The geodemocracy idea is still valid, but it is a long way from implementation, partly because I can no longer explain it clearly. It is a complex system, and I can barely tie my shoes. lol. But it will be explained again, by someone who will stand on my shoulders as I stood on Buckminster Fuller's shoulders. It is still viable but it is not what the world is looking for yet. Everything in it's own time. With a task like saving the ecosystem and humanity, it is not a fast process... it is all about education, and a change in paradigm. It is happening, but I don't expect fast changes... although I would love to see them while I'm still alive to see them. grin. Nice that you folks are still here. Peace, my friends. 27 Oct 2011 @ 10:39 by Robert Daoust @ : The idea should be experimentally tested Bonjour Roan. I am here today, having found this page via Google, because I am still brought back to the Geodemocracy idea since it is to me the only idea that might work for the kind of collective participation that is required by an 'Occupy Planet Earth' movement. I say "might work" because, alas, Geodemocracy has not been tried yet, and worse still, I cannot understand it myself (my non-expert intuition is that it would work)! I hope... couldn't we bring all this to clarity and do a test with a few hundred persons? Other entries in Communities 1 Jul 2010 @ 12:14: Happy Birthday Canada 25 Oct 2008 @ 05:37: Politics, economy, culture and society of New Civilization 10 Apr 2008 @ 13:52: Survival 8 Apr 2008 @ 18:19: Freedom and Self-Selection 1 Mar 2008 @ 16:56: Whimsical Gardenings 30 Jan 2008 @ 18:06: A Bigger Flag to Fly 25 Nov 2007 @ 11:18: A Mournful Thanksgiving 8 Nov 2007 @ 01:49: The value of connections 12 Jul 2007 @ 14:58: Auroville. 5 Jun 2007 @ 20:31: Biocities.