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New Civilization News: A call to hold Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization |
Category: Networking 38 comments 5 Nov 2005 @ 11:23 by jazzolog : A Wonderful IdeaCertainly there couldn't be a better time for such a Summit. Hopefully another agreeing member will have a suggestion on how to facilitate the call through NCN web links. I have a link to this article on the NCN splash page, where even visiting nonmembers can take a look. REPLY AND INVITATION FROM Shreepal: Hi jazzolog, thanks for appropriate advice. Now a virtual workgroup has been created for carrying the work forward. I invite and request you to join this workgroup. Thanks again. 5 Nov 2005 @ 12:02 by swan : I think it is a great idea too, though I don't know how to link it up to the world of the internet, we can start here. You can bring people to your newslog with the title you use. Maybe a simple title that people who are concerned might 'google'. REPLY AND INVITATION FROM Shreepal: Hi swan, Thanks for the adcice and we shall take steps to implement the same. I invite and request you to join the workgroup created for this purpose. Thank you. 5 Nov 2005 @ 12:05 by jstarrs : It IS a wonderful idea... ....how can one not agree? How does one realize this kind of project? Maybe a symbol representing this that can be seen anywhere, everywhere? Like a tag? http://www.grafedia.net/make.php? REPLY AND INVITATION FROM Shreepal: Hi jstarrs, Thanks for the suggestion. Let us impliment these ideas. I invite and request you to join the workgroup created for this purpose. Thanks once again. 5 Nov 2005 @ 13:20 by swanny : A Problem... What's in it for them? Why would the current civilization willing give up their administration despite how perceived awful it is to an untried and untested and perhaps illegitimate body of citizens. What is the legal precidence and justification of such other than a warm feeling that it can be done better and differently without any proof or means or example of such. It is a perhaps not novel idea but of some merit but premature and somewhat semi-founded. swanny Reply from Shreepal There is no Government of wild animals in forests, except the Law of Might is Right. And they are well governed by that Law. We human beings are also animals except that we have imposed certain restrictions on ourselves that are dictated by our developed mind and we live in comparatively organized society. New Civilization can never be without restrictions, except that those restrictions would come from within oneself. How that can be? We have to further rise above animals, our cousines that we have left behind in evolutionary carvan. It is called 'Enlightenment' and New Civilization Global Movement aims at it. Any way it is not easy. But then there is nothing easy. We have not become human beings in an easy way either? Let's interact more. Warm greetings. 5 Nov 2005 @ 13:32 by swanny : Besides... Besides there already exists an organization that proposes such.... Mind you it is in need of reform and updating but it is THE UNITED NATIONS If you wish maybe you could solicite them with "your call".... United Nations Link = http://www.un.org/ Reply from Shreepal: Please have a look at 'New Civilization Global Movement - An Overview' to appreciate difference between "organized people' and 'organized Nation-states'. 5 Nov 2005 @ 13:35 by swanny : UN Reform... UN Reform Link = http://www.un.org/reform/ 5 Nov 2005 @ 14:07 by silviamar : I like this idea too! and would love to see it crystallized as a reality. Every journey starts with a single step, many times the most difficult one. To accept by heart that this idea is attainable could represent our first step. By the way, considering your way to present it, it's easy to see that you're a lawyer ;-) INVITATION FROM Shreepal: I invite and request you to join the workgroup dedicated for Earth Summit. 5 Nov 2005 @ 16:57 by jobrown : Sounds like a Great YOU ARE INVITED AND REQUESTED TO PLEASE JOIN THE WORKGROUP. Shreepal 5 Nov 2005 @ 17:51 by bushman : Hmm Intresting, maybe we can place ourselves as UN advisors. Personaly I think total disarmerment won't happen and maybe shouldn't, not that it's likely that some nasty space aliens would invade the earth. I think man is resourseful enough to slap something together in a time of need, but in the end only criminals will have bombs. But it sure would be nice if world leaders and those people with the money to do something for the good of mankind and the planet as a whole, can find our thoughts about a certine issue or be able to test out a plan of action. It's when we say this is how we are going to do it, and then make laws and rule that "force others" to live thier life different, ie, the UN as it is today. 5 Nov 2005 @ 18:44 by jazzolog : My Understanding of Shreepal's suggestion is this is something for NCN to do. That is, someone with access to an entire list of member website links would email out the proposal, with the charter of action, for amendment and publication. I'm sure Shreepal will clarify. 5 Nov 2005 @ 19:01 by vibrani : One has to be careful they don't become what they criticize or condemn in others. This might be seen as another means of major control. For example, we can't demand that all species survive and in peace. What would you tell the lion who kills for food? Or volcanoes from erupting? Stop? There is a natural cycle of life, too, and all species have their own consciousness and plan. Global unity is a reality in many ways, already. I don't say we aren't here to do our best not to destroy, but destruction is also a part of creation and life. To force peace and other things can be like an act of war or control, too. To want what you posted has to come from the willingness of people. We have the ability to to ensure freedom, compassion, shelter, clothing, education, and good health, to teach how all life is connected and effected by everything we do - which helps to create peace and abundance, but people also have to have the consciousness for peace and abundance. Not every person on this planet has the identical consciousness at the same time. You're doing what many of us have been doing - putting ideas out into cyberspace, the airwaves, on paper, wherever we can. Eventually, and inevitably, things will change. As it being something for NCN to do? I don't know. I've also offered up various plans (as many others have), and while people liked and agreed with them, it wasn't something endorsed or intentionally promoted by NCN. 5 Nov 2005 @ 19:35 by jstarrs : There's no 'demand' It's a wish, an affirmation, in my understanding. A lion's lion-ness is killing for food. So's a human's but he also makes war but that's not necessarily a human-ness thing. More like a mistake. Nobody wants to force anything, as I understand it, it's an affirmation. People who don't have the same consciousness may be inspired by such an affirmation. 5 Nov 2005 @ 19:45 by vibrani : You say tomaaaaato and I say tomahhhhto....everyone has their own interpretation. Since energy attracts like energy, I think people who don't have the same consciousness probably won't give it a second glance. 5 Nov 2005 @ 20:22 by swanny : Representation There would be a matter perhaps of "electing" "representatives" from a strictly logistics point of view. But how or what is the "distinction" between groups on the internet? Age, income, money, skill, ability, virtue, faith,....????? What is a good or better way of doing this. To many voices would never be heard no? 5 Nov 2005 @ 20:42 by jstarrs : So, Vi... ...when you say "I think people who don't have the same consciousness probably won't give it a second glance" do you think that people just stay in the same 'consciousness', as you say, or do you think that some people can be inspired to change their mind and evolve to a different, perhaps 'higher' consciousness? 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:04 by vibrani : Are you kidding me? Some people can be inspired to change and that is why I do what I do: But every person in their own time and place/space (starting with themselves) is how change occurs. There has to be synchronicity - the right time, place, situation, openness and willingness in order for someone to read something and consider, "Oh, hmmm, that's interesting, I've never thought about that before. That might be a good idea." People who are closed and read my stuff or other spiritual stuff often remain defiantly closed because they aren't open to anything different, (change is a threat), that's a fact from my experience. They either can't, or don't want to, understand what is being said. It would take something more extraordinary for a closed person to suddenly open up...and often that takes being in person with them where there is more of a transfer of energy, or actual physical touch (having to do with genuine compassion). Sometimes it takes many conversations. Even then, there are no guarantees. That doesn't stop me, and shouldn't stop anyone else from trying, while respecting the individual's free will and timing. Not forcing nor demanding, because that just sets up resistance. The path of least resistance is the easiest one to employ or follow and will yield results quickly. Funny how some people choose the path of most resistance (and I think most or all of us have been there and done that before). 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:20 by jstarrs : Well, let's hope that Shreepels... ..language inspires the most people possible. 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:21 by vibrani : And that's all you have to say? To my reply to you? Do you think words will automatically inspire closed minds without regard to what I wrote above? Hell, man, you can write the most beautiful poem in the world, but if one's heart isn't open, they won't be touched by the poem. They might even ridicule it. 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:28 by zimpen : My view... I think the change have to spread like a virus, the virus of unconditional love will sneak in to the pyramid structures and eat them from within. Creating different networks in all different subjects and areas of life, starting to solve organization stuff with the empowering style is my song for now. Its a new structure that is being planted on earth. UN is controlled. And Bushman; I think our planet got invaded by nasty space aliens long long time ago and that the five-sense-world is controlled by them... thats also why big projects never works because our controllers are way ahead of us in intelligence and time-view, the change have to come between human and human everywhere. 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:33 by vibrani : There is something to be said for the 100th monkey theory...but that also takes openness - telepathy, consciousness. As for the ETs controlling us - that's so passe! Humans are choosing that, themselves. http://www.vibrani.com/Anunnaki.htm 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:37 by zimpen : yo Yes, but still its a perspective that can shake it around in the old patterns of thinking, or is it really that old? 5 Nov 2005 @ 21:52 by bushman : Naw zim, when regular people like Tesla, Einstine etc... figured out some things that really shouldnt be common knowledge, it all went underground. So as to make people think they know the latest tech, when really they controled the knowledge, and today sit 75 years more advanced than what we are allowed to know. As for direct alien infuance, I cant say either way, I do know chances are we all carry alien DNA from the past encounters. I also know mankind is intellegent enough to solve most the world problems today. Yet as Vi sez, it has to come from people being awake by choice to do something to solve it. 5 Nov 2005 @ 22:40 by vibrani : Zimpen yes, it's really that old, and it became learned behavior for humans. Humans emulated the ETs thinking that would make them more divine, have eternal life, stronger, and so on. They didn't totally get the genetic plan back then. But, what they ended up doing was playing the same game for power and control. Many people today are reincarnations of those beings from back then. And, those beings have also changed their consciousness since then. People choose today. I think we have to focus on what people are doing to this planet of ours. The benevolent ETs aren't interferring (but they are communicating with us), and the Greys are doing something else - they're not running our governments, even though our governments do know about them and made deals with them in the past. There is a lot going on with ETs http://www.vibrani.com/opencontactlaw.htm and people but I think people are using ETs as a scapegoat for a lot that is human created. Like creating the idea of the devil for control in the churches. I feel that when people realize what they've chosen to believe in, what they've copied from past generations and why, and realize what is in their DNA and that ALL is part of the same Source (ergo divine), so many things can change. 6 Nov 2005 @ 09:56 by swanny : Okay... How about this..... People select two "municiple representives" from there "local" environs or city a man or woman from the center within a 750 mile radius of there particular "time zone" and major city so say 24 men and women from each time zone, for a total of 24 x 24 = 576, (288 women and 288 men) and this could be "THE TIME ZONE COUNCIL" governed according to "Roberts Rules of Order or Parlimentary procedure ....(could some confirm my math) of legal age, so you have a body of representatives from the various (24) time zones and establish a body at the United Nations to reflect this? 6 Nov 2005 @ 10:04 by vibrani : Okay and how would these people be chosen and is it the agenda of NCNers that would be the reason they would be going to the UN? Or representing all people? That's a lot of reps. 6 Nov 2005 @ 10:28 by swanny : Details... Well just recalled the magic of the number "144".... Its in the bible some where or is it 144,000 well whatever... Ah I don't know..... I'm not a "detail" man.... I'm in the "ideas" department.... sorry.... swanny 6 Nov 2005 @ 10:33 by swanny : Portfolios... I suppose for starters you could have 4 basic "PORTFOLIOS" 1. MATTERS OF MIND 2. MATTERS OF HEART 3. MATTERS OF BODY 4. MATTERS OF SPIRIT and take it from there.... sir 6 Nov 2005 @ 10:40 by swanny : Quality.. or qualities It would also be wise to figure out the "quality" aspects OUALITY ASPECTS: 1. OBJECTIVE 2. SUBJECTIVE 3. ACTION OR ACTIVE 4. NAME OR NOMINAL but I'm just a dishwasher well actually I suppose I'm just a "solar technologist" I'm sort of out of my department here. sir 6 Nov 2005 @ 19:58 by freo7 : Agree Earth Summit of the NCN leaders We know who we are. And there can NEVER BE 2 MANY VOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although swanny is more attuned with what apparently 'is' according to the TV news to date here in the USA. LOL And vibrani too I suppose but what do I know. I live in Idaho and we here have been called the UNcivilization. I believe that we each (who are doing the personal WORK of raising our own vibrations each day into a higher and higher composit of energies motivating and attracting LIKE LIKE KIND unto ourselves) have a massive impact upon what is called the criticle mass mind of all humans incarnate here now. I see it happening each day more than the next but you see THAT is where my attention is, IE., NOT at all on the present corruption at the govern~mental levels, including the UN. I read this thread of responses fast and did not notice any mention of the globalization of Earth movement called The New World Order which as it is to date is also hogwash. I AM WITH YOU ALL THE WAY Shreepal Singh. P.S. I have been noticing lately that when I remain in my own crown chakra while perceiving my own day to day earth walk, everyone I meet seems to be there too and all of this issue is a whole 'nuther story' from there. Mah Gii Kah Oui => "Daring to be the relationship we all already are!!" http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v397 7 Nov 2005 @ 04:58 by Vaxen Var @ : Words: When the mind is in delusion, the Flower of Dharma turns. When the mind is in realization, we turn the Flower of Dharma. Unless we are clear about ourselves, however long we recite [the sutra] (Or make ''Charters of Action''), It will become an enemy because of its meanings. Without intention the mind is right. With intention the mind becomes wrong. When we transcend both with and without, We ride eternally in the white ox cart. 11 Nov 2005 @ 17:46 by ming : Earth Summit What a great and noble endeavor, Shreepal. Now, it is a kind of thing one might spread virally. One can have a website where people go and sign it. One can persuade various organizations to endorse it and promote it. But then, to be practical about it, is it precise and spot-on enough? It is something that a majority of people who're interested in a new civilization would sign? Would it need to be adjusted a bit to increase the number of people who could support it? It is the kind of thing that very well could have been proposed and signed by some group of important people, respresenting various organizations, who came together for some kind of summit. Could very well be a UN related thing. But is it the kind of thing that mobilizes people to create such a summit and a movement? I don't know. I mean, there's a difference between a noble and inspiring statement to sign at a summit, and a noble and inspiring statement that in itself becomes the driving force to make it happen. I suppose most kinds of summits will come together by some people doing a lot of networking, a lot of meeting with leaders or organizations, a lot of groundwork in getting various groups aligned with each other. It has to reach a certain magnitude to be pulled off. Would we here be able to pull something like that off? Potentially. Probably. But we need a very potent substrate to grow it in. 11 Nov 2005 @ 21:52 by jazzolog : Tending The Substrate Very true. For those of us who garden, the work on the soil never ends. Even if one is an enlightened zenman, who just tosses seeds into the meadow, attention must be alert, constant, easy. The day of a potent substrate just sorta showing up probably is gone with the wind. Where is the NCN compost pile...and who turns it from time to time? 12 Nov 2005 @ 00:02 by swan : The compost pile, remember Richard, you have been there, it is way down in the bowels of the website. You were a guard there once I think:-) I remember snapping a picture... Am I still on the thread or have I digressed? 12 Nov 2005 @ 05:42 by shreepal : Reply to comment. Hi ming, what an insightful comment! Please help me so that we all collectively take a right direction. I am not very practical man and mostly live in the world of thoughts. A great weakness, indeed in our world. But we are here to help each other and do something noble for mankind. Yes, the whole idea of New Civilization Movement should be endorsed by prominent organization and not by one but by many; and if possible by U.N related organization. And yes, in the proposed Charter many things may be included to improve it. You know it is only a working draft and it may be and should be improved by competent persons. In fact the get-together of global people is suggested for this very purpose. You very aptly commented that the whole idea of New Civilization, a Smmit, a Movement for the same should be spread like virus. It is good for the mankind. Perhaps the time for the same has come. It is the collective consciousness of mankind whether the time has come or not. Please guide the workgroup created for this purpose by your thoughtful advice. Thanks again. 12 Nov 2005 @ 15:45 by ming : Movement I'm sometimes a little, I don't know, cynical about this kind of thing. Or we could say, practical. In part from having tried something like it and not quite achieving critical mass. Of nobody's fault but my own. But I have a certain respect for the amount of effort that needs to be ammassed, and the number of vectors that need to be aligned, and the difficulties involved. So, let me apologize in advance if I'll sometimes be the devil's advocate or point out things that might not work. There's no reason it can't be done. But the people who most contribute to it happening will probably be those practical types who aren't particularly living in the world of thought. Who won't hesitate to grab the phone and call some important people to get them to participate. Who will network and lobby untiringly. Who will go door to door and collect signatures, or who will arrange events and symposiums and press conferences. I myself tend to maybe also live mainly in a world of thought. Oh, I'm practical about a bunch of things, like websites and technical stuff. But in terms of creating a movement, I'd tend towards wanting to write some inspiring manifesto, and then hoping that a movement automatically will assemble around it. I don't naturally do most of those practical things which probably are needed. But other people do. So the trick is in getting different kinds of people to work together, so that there are both thinkers and doers, both visionaries and very practical people. 12 Nov 2005 @ 18:52 by jazzolog : Inertia How tired. 12 Nov 2005 @ 19:09 by bushman : Hmm, preload the the assembled parts before launch, this will overcome the inertia. :} 12 Nov 2005 @ 21:19 by vibrani : Ming's comment is right on. That's why there needs to be connection with a base, or bases, that can subsidize such a project, with people who really like doing the footwork. There has to be that combination of thinkers/feelers and doers with the same vision. Other entries in Networking 22 Jun 2010 @ 00:27: Inventory 30 Oct 2008 @ 21:50: Freedom, fun and inspiration for all 21 Feb 2008 @ 21:16: Open social networks 1 Jan 2008 @ 22:17: Looking for personal recommendations by state and country 24 Jun 2007 @ 23:17: Global Assembly now accepting sign ups 17 Jun 2007 @ 20:09: Facebook 24 Jun 2006 @ 00:22: Organizing a Unity-and-Diversity Global Assembly from the Bottom Up 18 Sep 2005 @ 12:45: Landing, a workgroup to help newcomers 25 Jan 2004 @ 08:13: Orkut 2 May 2003 @ 12:48: Why NCN works...