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New Civilization News: An Overview of Charter of New Civilization Global Initiative (*) |
Category: Systems Thinking 15 comments 1 Dec 2005 @ 16:32 by zendor : Global InitiativeHmmm.... I'm surprised there have been no comments, yet. Aside from a few minor grammatical errors, this is a good working document. In our cyclic natures of performance (for self-preservation and then for the preservation of others...not necessarily in that order) we simply must begin to make a collective stand. New Civilization is only one group, albeit with much diversity, and I have noticed in the last decade that many such groups limit themselves to their membership rather than uniting with other groups. I know this to be a challenging if not difficult task, yet global unity necessarily includes a diverse range of groups and peoples that are aware and interactive. In a learning organization of global scale, the essence of the results are fueled by those who do more than just write... they engage each other. So far, relative to cyberspace, not much comes to fruition outside the cyberwalls of the citadels of the new order. Many have come and few choose to step into the roles of facilitation. In respect to the precision of the movement (beyond the initiative), there would no doubt be a vast list of criteria that deciphers the global perspective into local engagements. I support this work in body, mind and spirit whether or not the gods are watching. 2 Dec 2005 @ 19:49 by judih : Re-wording Shreepal, as Zender pointed out, there were a few grammatical points that I wanted to attend to, and have just done a re-wording in accordance to my personal taste. I'm posting it here. Take a look. The wording is important so that it is clear to all of us, no matter where we come from. Let's work with this document. Please comment: Charter is founded on FIVE FAITHS (that relate to HEART) and THREE CONVICTIONS (that relate to MIND) of global citizens. Charter seeks to look beyond the dominant place given to the Present Civilization in order to build a New Civilization, a Civilization which seeks to accomplish FIVE OBJECTIVES for human and all beings of this planet. The faith propositions are: 1. Planet Earth is our COMMON HOME. 2. We have inherited it in TRUST, to be used with the greatest of respect. It is our obligation to refrain from spoiling it by inappropriate actions of any sort. 3. Earth is for OUR use as well as the use of all other life-species dwelling upon it. 4. This binding trust obliges us to PASS ON this planet not in inferior health but, if possible, in better health to SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS of human beings and to all other future life-species. 5. All life-species are miraculous blooming flowers in the Universal barren desert and as such are sacrosanct in their right to exist. We human beings have evolved in MIND to the extent where we are able to realize that all non-human life-species have the right to co-exist with us. This right entitles them to protection and preservation, unless these life-species pose a danger to our safe dwelling on Earth. 6. All man-made disputes of any form can be resolved by man. Man has evolved his MIND to the evolutionary stage where he can comprehend that it is in his own interest that such disputes be resolved in PEACE and AMITY. 7. All life is evolving on Earth. Human life-forms are a product of evolution. Evolution as an ongoing process has not stopped with the advent of the human form. Although the evolutionary process is extremely slow, hardly perceptible in thousand year units, the process is continuing. We human beings must accept that the human form is not necessarily the FINAL PRODUCT of this process and that our MIND is not the penultimate TOOL to explore reality around us and in the universe as a whole. 8. So far, we human beings have evolved SIGNIFICANTLY and have attained MIND skills capable of exploring the unknown universe, of both micro and macro scales. We can harness the secrets of nature and her forces for our own use. This capability enables us today, if we choose to use our wisdom, to CONSCIOUSLY shape our DESTINY. So doing, we can shape the destiny of EARTH. Human beings can, in fact, impact the destiny of the UNIVERSE. The conviction propositions are: 1. Human beings are capable of destroying themselves. This capability is fully operational and needs only a DECISION to begin such destruction. At any moment, any serious man-made dispute may serve as a TRIGGER for such a decision. 2. Sustainable human-unity, if it can be achieved at the global scale, is the only EFFECTIVE and WORKABLE guarantee we have to protect us from the danger of self-annihilation posed by human beings existing as divided entities. 3. Human-unity can only be established if we human beings realize that our INTERESTS are common, that our PURPOSE OF LIFE on Earth is common and that the DESTINY of human race is common. Charter seeks to accomplish these objectives, which are in the common interest of all human beings: Firstly, COLLECTIVE SURVIVAL 1. New Civilization seeks to establish the survival of all ethnic divisions and subdivisions of the human race living in different countries of the world, as well as the survival of ALL life-species dwelling on Earth. 2. It seeks to secure this objective by ensuring that the peoples of Earth stand on the side of PEACE and not give in to war for any cause whatsoever. 3. It seeks to accomplish this objective by ensuring that people establish just order on our planet and disallow anarchy under any ideology. 4. It further seeks to secure this objective by unilaterally eliminating all Weapons of Mass Destruction, whether held by organized groups of human beings under the banner of nation-states or any other common human communities. We seek total disarmament. 5. New Civilization seeks to accomplish the objective of collective survival by persuading the people of the world to observe self-restraint in interpersonal relationships and also by paying RESPECT TO NATURE and its ways through conservation. Secondly, FREEDOM 1. New Civilization seeks to establish the freedom of all individuals from any kind of oppression, whether it be political, economic, cultural or social. 2. It seeks to establish individual freedom within the human organization of nation-states as well as within the international relation of such nation-states. 3. New Civilization seeks to secure this state of freedom for individuals by ensuring that all individual human rights are safeguarded within the inherent organization of society. 4. It also seeks to secure freedom of individuals by ensuring that the interests of organized society are guarded against criminal behaviour and anarchy. Thirdly, COMMON PROSPERITY 1. New Civilization seeks to establish prosperity for ALL, not merely one set of human beings while another set remains poor. 2. It seeks to secure prosperity for all people by utilizing the TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS made available by human ingenuity. These advancements allow human beings to REDUCE WORK HOURS spent on creating wealth. New Civilization will not allow the utilization of these advancements to enable one group of human beings to WORK LESS while another set accumulates wealth. Instead, it seeks to implement these advancements to make Leisure Hours available to all those who are engaged in wealth production. 3. It seeks to secure this objective by utilizing SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT of natural Earth resources, avoiding unnecessary waste and eliminating exploitation of these precious resources. There must be no man-made ecological imbalance. 4. New Civilization seeks to utilize these measures in order to bring about efficiency of production and distribution of man-made wealth. Fourthly, GLOBAL UNITY 1. New Civilization aims to accomplish UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind on Earth by promoting mutual RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY amongst all. 2. It aims to secure this unity by promoting UNDERSTANDING of one group for another. (Refer to the contribution that may be made in this respect by the concept of RELATIVITY and FRAMES OF REFERENCE). 3. New Civilization seeks to secure this unity by world-wide admission that DIVERSITY exists among different subdivisions of mankind and that HARMONY must be promoted within this diversity. And fifthly and finally, ENLIGHTENMENT 1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish enlightenment of human beings by encouraging the study of SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. 2. It seeks to encourage the study of MATERIAL SCIENCE. It encourages education in modern Physics and other branches of science which continue to reveal data concerning our place in Universal Time, Unity of Fundamental Forces of nature, Mirror- Images of OUR matter, Life and its Codes, convergence of all branches of science, etc.. 3. New Civilization seeks to encourage the study of PSYCHIC SCIENCE. It encourages exploration of the data that psychic sciences reveal, such as Near Death Perception, Extra-sensory Perception, Life after Death, Planes of Consciousness, etc. 4. New Civilization seeks to bring about enlightenment among human beings by encouraging minds to remain in a state of open readiness in order to expand intellectual convictions. (*) EXPLANATORY NOTE: We are obliged to choose a 'term' to convey the reality. New Civilization Global Initiative - a global Workgroup of individuals - is in existence and is on the job. This Global Initiative may turn into a Global Movement or may not. Till this Initiative swells into a Movement, we choose to employ the term 'Initiative'. 14 May 2006 @ 13:30 by dianne @ : what about hi I was writing to see if you guys have noticed yet, birds are psychic and can hear you, they will respond to you and will repeat what you think.most people just pass them off as tweeting nonsense but if you take the time to listen and respond to them in thought, it is possible to have a really long back and forth with a bird with a big clear voice.normal everyday birds that land in trees, they really hear you, they have learnt alot from living so close to us and hearing so much,you can overcome the language barrier together,they will make yeas, their voice is limited but if you think they do respond out loud in logical undeniable ways. they really hear you they will respond. It must be a frequency thing,I haven't noticed any other animal with this characteristic I hope you try this so you can see for yourself, .you never really believe it untill you see it or hear it for yourself dianne 15 May 2006 @ 02:15 by jobrown : Absolutely wonderful comments! When we humans come to the point that we have more Wonderment than anything else in us for Life; over ALL the incredible things we see in Nature, the Feminine aspect of 'God'/Life, then we are very "lucky" indeed! THANKS Judy and Dianne, both, for your Wonderments! : ) / I hope you two Freedom Sisters, had a great Mothers Day! A-d ...and, of course, THANK you Shreepal. Hey, I will post the same links here as I posted on Raypow's blog, coz they are sooo good! Really inspiring! Enjoy! http://www.gcforall.org/ http://www.globaljusticemovement.net/index.htm http://www.greenaction.org.il/english/ http://greeningtheapocalypse.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 1 Sep 2009 @ 10:27 by VIDYARDHI NANDURI @ : Human Being in-depth-Space Baby concept FOR DETAILS :ENVIRONMENT SENSEX-EARTH'S GLOW-SUN-LIFE www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v162 FOR BOOKS LISTINGS SEARCH http://www.scribd.com/doc/17291010/COSMOLOGY-VEDAS-INTERLINKSBOOKS-INFORMATION 29 Jan 2015 @ 08:28 by Liisa @ : niZltQOOhGi auth h istoria fatineai metaforika alhthinh.einai enas tropos na deiksoume thn shmerinh pragmatikothta h mallon auth pou zoume edw kai 2011 xronia.me th gnwsh tha mporousame na fygoume apo auth thn kyriarxia twn ksenwn lawn.autoi omws exoune kai megalo strato ,se periptwsh polemou den kserw ti tha kaname an kai teleutaia diavasa oti exoume eksoplismo meta tis U.S.A no2 isxyro.an einai alhteia poios kserei giati mas afhsane na diathetoume toso poly eksoplismo. 29 Jan 2015 @ 17:50 by Liliibeth @ : OQnWXFzGYER ... Will MI tell Gore to shut up like he did National Geographic?Quite right AA as far as I know Tar sands are what one would find in Nova Scotia or La Brea, California: Better known as Tar Pits. I Also get very angry when I hear the likes of Al Gore Suzuki or Bernard Bigras of the Bloc critized the Oil Sands. Bigras and the Bloc coluantinly rail agains the PM and his big oil cohorts yet do nothing to stop the export of asbestos to African Nations. Asbestos is one of the biggest causes of carcinogens. The old adage do as I say and not as I do applies to all the environmental do gooders. 30 Jan 2015 @ 06:32 by Alize @ : dRWUizCyVjQQONysEzq Will MI tell Gore to shut up like he did National Geographic?That CS may be the question of the week.A bit off topic but this is soienhmtg that has always pissed me off. "Tar Sands" Whenever I hear anyone refer to the tar sands I tune right out. If you are too stupid not to know the difference between tar and oil you have no business talking science or preaching the AGW gospel to anyone. 2 Feb 2015 @ 18:57 by dan1 : Pre-Physical Science Work There is an ongoing effort by a few amateur scientists to develop "Free Energy" and construct useful tools and apparatus utilizing it. The theory, which is somewhat embraced by mainstream science circles, is basically that Creation (all the universes) is "full" of certain kinds of energy that is potentially useful to the sentient inhabitants of the "Finite/Material Realm". This effort is embraced by "The Abundance Paradigm"...which I see as part of Our Coming New Civilization. 28 Sep 2016 @ 10:22 by HRM Assignment Help @ : HRM Assignment Help Our website is number in HR Assignment Help & homework help. 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