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New Civilization News: The Battle Rages On |
Category: Ideas, Creativity 3 comments 9 Mar 2006 @ 02:37 by charabbit : The battles rages onI spent some time just trying to figure out the photo. Are they still wizards going around in our modern world? Where are they? Are people from outer space coming? Why should they be dangerous? Have they come before? What did they do? The post was intriguing, but so brief! 9 Mar 2006 @ 14:13 by poetsong : Hi charabbit Thanks for your question. This is me playing dress-up- I'm actually standing on a log which I edited out to make it seem like I was floating.- It's easier to see on a high resolution computer. I've written an Epic Fantasy, and I'm portraying a character in the book "Ca...ay the Seer." - the cryptic speech is annoying, but I try not to use character names until the book is published. Storyline: Our world existed before, idylic, and unspoiled. There was a Veil in the south where creatures from another realm came to visit, mingling with humankind. At first there was blissful fellowship until a civil war took place in this other realm. The evil Dra...were cast from Sil...and through the cunning of Pr Fal, they fell onto our world. - The despoiled ones, cannot return to their own realm to resume their war until they destroy our world, annhilating life here. There are mysterious powers attached to our world that rob them of strength, and the only way they can ever reach full strength again is to destroy the Kaleya (humans).-explained in book. There is a war for our world, and unfortunately, humans are ignorant they have become pawns in a Cosmic game, and play into the enemies' hands. Books one and two are on the Scope of Tolkien's Silmarillion, but I tried to make them easier to read. LOL- This is not easy to do when there are Seven Realms- Seven Mysteries- Seven Keys... (Numbers signify something in the story for those who love to think deep and ponder meaning) It's a completely unique story, no Dwarves, elves, or dragons. In the technical sense, Ca...ay not really a Wizard. The term Seer is generic. In ancient times it was used interchangeably with "prophet". In the story, he is a prophetic Watchman. The same creatures are trying to destroy the world again. Seers were appointed to watch over our world to make sure the lessons of the past were not forgotten, and warn of the coming threat. The prophet differs from a wizard in my mind, because they are given imputed powers- granted from a higher source, and not generated through crafts and spells. So, he doesn't need his staff. It is only a conduit for intrinsic power(within him). Still, in the opening of the book, he is being stalked, and losing his staff was like losing his crutch, he felt helpless. Even prophets can forget their powers! Are there still prophets in the world? Are there still imputed powers? Depends on who you ask- I have my own answers. Are some watchmen for their generation? Great question. But in this case, the picture is about an Epic Fantasy. Creatures in my story: The T....i- creatures from Si...a. They are immense creatures. All can become etherial and pass through solids. All can shape shift and become invisible. They are extremely intelligent, though they vary in size and abilities. "W.....g" -Simply the Hell's Angels of the Universe. They were once beautiful, but after their fall, they despised beauty, and mutilated themselves. Appearance- What you get when you cross a dragon, a giant man, and a bat" The Dai...- The fallen prince devised a way to multiply his army. Crossbreed his kind with the humans. His kind are genderless, so he has to devise another means of producing seed. This forms the souless race. At first they have their father's beauty, but something happens that causes them to become extremely hiddeous, forming four sub-races. The Fier...and Wyn...: As stated, not all of the T were the same. Some also had the power of fire and wind- A single Fier is like a Volcano on steroids. Other races- Many. Some are not explained, like what are the Seven Thunders, and how did they come into being? They just are, and like Tolkien, I left some questions unanswered, just like real life. But the forming of many races are explained in the books, including the two super races. The tiny race is explained. The race of Giants I purposely leave fuzzy throughout the story, and won't be explained until my tell all book. LOL-hopes. Or if Oprah craftily gets me to indulge the secret! LOL-hopes. 29 Apr 2016 @ 10:58 by Bandar Togel @ : brilliant! 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