New Civilization News    
 You Dirty Rat!
4 Jan 2006 @ 14:07, by jmarc. Organizational Development
I'd been down in the basement a couple weeks ago, wrapping Christmas gifts and filling christmas stockings, when I noticed that a piece of D-Con had fallen off of the high shelf that I keep it on, and was on the floor. I picked it up and went aboout my business finishing my wrapping. I'd left the wrapping paper and tape and stuff down there on my work bench, so a few days after christmas, when we were packing away all of the decorations into boxes to sit in the attic for another year, I went down into the cellar again to retrieve the wrapping paper. As I was cleaning up, I noticed that i had left two herseys kisses on the work bench. They'd never made it into a stocking. I also noticed that the piece of D-Con was now missing off its shelf and was no where to be found. So I decided to leave the candy there, on the bench in a conspicuous place, to see if we had mice or something. Checking a couple days later, the kisses were gone. This being a fairly good indication that we had a rodent problem, I scheduled a day last weekend and went down there and gave the place a thorough sweeping, filling suspicious holes in the field stone basement walls so I would be able to tell where they were getting in. While sweeping up, I noticed that the air filter for the furnace was on the floor. Since we'd had the furnace tuned up and and a new fan limiter switch installed on it this summer, I assumed that the guy who had worked on the furnace had changed the filter and left the old one lying there. I picked it up and threw it away.  More >

 Books, Books, Books!
4 Jan 2006 @ 04:39, by letecia. Technology
I am a bookaholic. I love books!!! I have wanted to find a way to organize and track my personal library. I decided to try out BookDB:

"With BookDB you can enter all your books with author, category, publisher etc and print them out in a variety of formats. Why would you need such a thing? Well, if you're always going to book sales and buying bargains only to get home and find you've doubled up, take a printout with you! BookDB has a super-condensed print mode so you'll need a magnifying glass, but at least it'll save a tree or two.

BookDB also has lending library features. With them, you can add borrowers, loan out books, add multiple copies and so on."

from [link]

I have entered about 10 books so far and like what I see. If anyone else out there has a favorite software the use to track their books, I loved to hear about it.

Oh the best part about this is it is Freeware!

 Unlock Reality - update !
3 Jan 2006 @ 22:57, by scotty. Spirituality
The manuscript Unlock Reality which was on the care2 round robin was kidnapped .... no ransom asked for !

All was not lost however - there are still other copies SAFELY making the rounds !!

One copy from the yahoo group found it's way to Edinburgh (my home town) where it was presented to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. [link]

The yahoo group had planned on placing a copy of UR in several selected places all around the world but in the end they didn't feel that the vote numbers justified the book placings ... and the Trust agreed... and so now they are looking for nominations for THREE WISE MEN to whom they propose giving a copy to.

If anyone would care to propose a 'Wise Man' then please go to
The source of The New Plan to invite THREE WISE MEN to read UNLOCK REALITY

There have been many doubts expressed as to whether or not Unlock Reality exists !
I promise you that it does !
In fact - a member of this very site NCN is reading a copy of Unlock Reality as I write !!!!!
I won't name this person because I wouldn't like to be responsable for them being inundated with questions ( as this log is open to public reading ) - but they know that they are welcome of course to comment here IF and whenever they choose ! Their silence is also accepted with equal respect : )

 The Final Freedoms0 comments
3 Jan 2006 @ 18:13, by robertal. Religion
Examine any part of culture ancient or modern, from anywhere in the world and you will almost certainly find a self proclaimed priesthood existing hand in hand with ruling elites and displaying all the pretensions of their political masters; expecting deference, power and ‘tribute’ for the ‘mystery’ they claim to understand on ‘our’ behalf.

That great wheel of history, the final of all judges, has already consigned numerous examples of religion to its own dusbin of oblivion, and may be turning once again to deliver its verdict on the monotheistic claims which exist today, and even human nature itself!  More >

 Intelligence, Intent and Being a Willing Instrument0 comments
3 Jan 2006 @ 13:32, by vector8. Spirituality
Yesterday as the bus I was in drove down Oxford Street, the "heart of London shopping", I watched shoppers moving about. Then I saw beyond their movements. I saw the Intelligence that every one taps into that makes people move; it is the same Intelligence that lights the streets and shops; it is the same Intelligence that powers the various transportations; I was observing Infinite Intelligence in action. But what I was "seeing" was not just the Intelligence but the Intent behind the Intelligence. The Intent is how the Intelligence is meant to be used. More about this later.  More >

 2004 Tsunami Recap3 comments
2 Jan 2006 @ 02:30, by Unknown. Environment, Ecology
Well apparently my predictions were "somewhat"
Heres a article I published on the web back in
Jan of 2005.

It seems my predictions were an under estimation of
the effects of the Tsunami but were some what "perceptive".


January 5, 2005
9:00 PM MST
Red Deer, AB.

HEADS UP: The Dec.26, 2004 Quake/Tsunami's Aftermath

WELL...... we seem to have come through the "worst" of the "shift" more or less alright, well perhaps not alright per sae but still basically "intact."

WHAT'S NEXT...... well unfortunately we are at that "time" of "realignment" on
a global basis. What has just occurred is the "shift" or adjustment at the base or root or global geosphere and cycle. This is basically a natural process or condition of
global geospheric "housekeeping" that occurs over the millenniums.

Now the geosphere is basically the base sphere for all intensive purposes of the planet. Resting on the geosphere is the hydrosphere.

When the base or geosphere adjusts the logical consequence is for the hydrosphere to follow and adjust to adapt or evolve to the new parameters.
The hydrosphere or water sphere thus will now become a sphere of concern
for the planet as a whole. This in turn will affect the hydrological cycle itself.
What this means now is that over the next many decades and perhaps centuries
or sooner or later, there will be major changes in water, ice and cloud dynamics.
Page 1 Tsunami Effects

These may result in massive flooding in new areas, severe river channel erosions,
ocean current changes, river flow flooding, tide alterations, new rain and snow patterns etc. etc.

These will more than likely occur on a global scale hence the need to monitor,
model and manage via computer modeling and simulations and satellite methods.
If we are aware that these change may indeed occur then we are in a better position to mitigate or avoid their global effects and effected areas. All areas though will be effected to some degree or other. What will be required is a hydrological engineering project, assessment and system analysis on a global scale, to try to help minimize the effect and damage of changes that may occur.

What can though be done to shape the currents of the worlds natural water processes. Well perhaps not to much. The forces involved are very strong and powerful ones. More powerful than we, I fear. But perhaps not as unexpected as
a global plate shift. The silver lining is that they will probably be occurring somewhat more gradually and with less force hopefully than the earthquake and tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004. We may even be able to predict where and when the changes and stresses will be in the waters ways, currents and cycles if we are wary.

Some of these changes are already apparent as reports indicate that some of the coastlines of the ground zero impact zone are no longer the same.


Page 2 Tsunami Effects  More >

 Three dimensional Cubes of the Consciousness of Body, Desires and Mind4 comments
31 Dec 2005 @ 16:26, by shreepal. Philosophy

Does consciousness (of the kinds of mind, desires and bodily senses) exist? How do we know of the "apparent existence" of, say, mind (that is, reason)? What is reason? We human beings (like our inferior cousins, plants, microbes and animals) observe "objective" world around us. We act, being propelled by life (so-called instincts), and "go ahead" by preserving, dealing to dominating, adapting and procreating. This is evolving ourselves in relation to the objective world around us. This is life. But this is not enough to "reason". To be able to "reason" we have to rise a bit higher in the ladder of life. To "reason", we take a portion of the "objective" world around us and isolate this portion from the "unified whole" (of this world). This is separation.

We study the properties of this isolated part and then refit into the whole again. It is like breaking the whole into pieces creating jigsaw puzzle and solving the same by putting them back in different relations. This is unification. The reasoning follows the process of movement from unity to separation to unity again. Or, it may be put this way; we take a setof material objects (with their associated properties that may be likened to floating points of computer technology) and isolate this set from the remainder of the whole universe. It is an incongruous heap or, say, a jumbled world. The incongruity in their interrelation is a "problem" or, say, disorder. We reposition them again and again in their interrelation till congruity is established. Then, the incongruous heap turns into a congruous order of their interrelations. We call it a reason.

The reason is thought. And, this thought, when found to be in congruity with another neighbouring "assembled" thought, is elevated to the dignity of a principle, or even, law.

Here, we do not deal directly with material objects. It is not possible by any means. We deal "concepts" of material objects. Again, here also, neither these concepts contain in them all the (known and unknown) properties of material objects they represent nor they can be isolated from the remainder of the whole universe in their interrelation. Also, as in measuring time we count events and in measuring space we measure the spreadth of matter, in establishing congruity among material objects of nature we establish congruity within our mind. And, yet this congruity among objects of nature has an existence independent of our mind. This congruity, a thought, is a measure of projection of prime reality into a dimension we call consciousness of mind. But, even the thought is not a co-existing equivalent of prime reality. It is merely a projection of prime reality and, therefore, is secondary. Consciousness also has the cubic form of its dimension. Life, desires and mind form these three-pronged projections of reality. All the three remain dormant, like in a frozen state, in the matter, and emerge and manifest under appropriate evolutionary conditions. Being different (specific) measures of projection (of prime reality), time, space and consciousness are "qualitatively" different dimensions from each other.  More >

 Global Touch Project with Elders #210 comments
picture31 Dec 2005 @ 16:15, by jerryvest. Natural Health & Healing
Thousands of people die miserable deaths alone, uncared for and in poverty, figures suggest. A study by Liberal Democrat MP Paul Burstow found around 60 people a week die alone without the support of friends and family. [link]
Isolation and loneliness- The report - Dying Alone: Assessing isolation, loneliness and poverty - found women who died alone were likely to be between the ages of 75 and 80 - almost 10 years older than men. It said that although the figures represented only a "snapshot" of provision across England, they painted "a stark picture of isolation, loneliness and in many cases impoverishment".

Our touch project with elders makes even more sense and urgency when we see these kinds of deathly reports. At least a caring volunteer would discover how uncared for our elders are throughout the world. I am examining statistics in the US and in other countries and suspect that isolated deaths with the elderly may be just as likely.

Our volunteer recruitment program in New Mexico is making steady progress and by mid-January we will launch our orientation and training sessions. The City of Las Cruces, Aging Programs are serving as sponsors. Several university programs—health science, nursing, social work, student organizations—are aiding us in the recruitment of volunteers and providing student interns to assist us in administering and creating a structure for maintaining continuity of care in nursing homes, outreach services, home-based care programs and other resources for our elders.


Obviously, we are excited about the interest generated by using touch to promote the health and wellbeing of our elders here in southern New Mexico. We are also eager to design a model health program that can be used by others throughout our global network. Do let us know if you wish to serve as an organizer and volunteer in your community so that our New Civilization Network can assist and support you.

We are all going to get older and die, however, it should be with dignity and self respect. For far too long, many of our elders are given a death sentence, living in isolation, out of sight and out of mind, much like our brothers and sisters committed to a life in prison. We are preparing our community to reach out and touch our lonely and isolated elders. Come join us!!!

*Picture by Ariana and Beau Laracuente, our grandchildren.  More >

 A New Year reflection11 comments
picture 31 Dec 2005 @ 14:57, by silviamar. Recreation, Fun
Today is the last day of 2005. To me, like to many others, it's a wonderful time to reflect about how this year has been, and what I do expect for the next one. We're usually too busy living our routine (working, taking care of our families, enjoying our hobbies...) that we don't have time to stop and center ourselves. Today it's a great day for centering! What flavour has this year left in us? Positive, hard, normal, unforgettable? What have we received and what have we given? What do we expect for 2006? And regarding what we're expecting... is this thing or event necessary for us to live with more joy, or is it only an artificial veil to cover what we really need?  More >

 Controversies of the spokesman2 comments
31 Dec 2005 @ 08:51, by oasiian. Spirituality
Ever wonder what impact we play on the rest of the world? That is, NewCivNet, or any spiritual groups, new and old? Ever wonder where the actions are? Where the reactions are?  More >

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