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 Blue Lotus7 comments
picture 25 Dec 2005 @ 19:01, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
Blue Lotus  More >

 spontaneous morning meditation
picture25 Dec 2005 @ 03:36, by judih. Spirituality
aum mane padmi hummmm

thunder cracks the dawn
awakening the conscious spirit
we are one, i an ion, the ion i
far from separate
the breeze of daylight slowly permeates
dreams drift asunder
again rain showers the earth
dark sidewalk glistens
my thoughts find a gem
all together
silence warms the heart
again a fear lurks - will electricity be my partner
or hide in the mass of no charge

what does it matter
words into emptiness
empty mind
brings empty sounds

i am not my tapping fingers
this i ceased to exist a second ago
i a vessel for the happenstance of this moment


dan tien circulates
a chakra spin starts slow
kundalini dances upwardly

slow, slowly goes the energetic snake
movement of chi, a gentle spread
morning meditative

aum  More >

picture24 Dec 2005 @ 02:29, by freo7. Spirituality


From The Craig Mountains of IDAHO, USA

See the winter sun's rays coming again

In the reflections of our warmth shared

Now after Now after Now after Now

Much Love,

Brenda - Idaho USA

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 A Christmas Message - Cold Turkey0 comments
23 Dec 2005 @ 16:27, by vector8. Spirituality
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1: 14)

In the UK it is traditional for people to exchange gifts, and to stuff yourself silly with turkey and stuff on Christmas Day. (I prefer chicken myself). There is usually left-over turkey that you can have as turkey salad, turkey sandwich, turkey pies, turkey surprise or treat your pets to turkey.  More >

 50 years of love!11 comments
picture 23 Dec 2005 @ 14:15, by silviamar. Relationships
Last Saturday I celebrated with my family the golden wedding of my uncle and aunt. After living together for 50 years, they still keep the emotion in their eyes when they see each other. Isn't it beautiful?  More >

 Graham Seidman, Beat Photographer passes Dec 19/05
picture20 Dec 2005 @ 17:47, by judih. Visual Arts, Graphics
Graham first started photographing Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso back in the late 50's in Paris. He was there as a Vet, living as an ex-pat, in the Beat Hotel.

I first met him on [link], a site that was then dedicated to the Beats and all that surrounded them. Now it's changed format, but there are still rich archives of Action Poetry, articles about Ginsberg, Kerouac, Corso and Kesey, to mention a few.

Graham Seidman was a brother to me, a cousin, a relative, a true blood connection. That's how it felt, anyway, from the first time I asked him to share his photography to the active e-mail interaction we shared. He was putting together a book of his stories and often I'd get to proof-read. (How I loved it when he asked if I'd care to see his latest story!)

When we walked the Village in NYC that summer of 2003, he told me tales of Ginsberg picking up one-night stands and the irrepressible Corso, who would just leave the flat and come back with beautiful women who offered to pay his rent. Unfortunately, I had no tape recorder so I had to write it all down from memory a few days later. He corrected every detail before he let me post it on Litkicks. How I wish I'd taped him.

He was a sweet, brilliant man. Highly political, blessed with amazing good sense and courage. He went from American to Parisian to Puerto Rican to Floridian.

He was a man who could not resist a triple-thick pastrami sandwich, and me, my partner and my son dug into impossible sandwiches with him at the 2nd Avenue Deli. I took his picture, he took mine. That's him you see wondering if his camera was going to cooperate at the very moment he was hoping to strut his lens for us.

I wonder if his family will carry on with his projects - photography exhibits, including huge photo montages of the holocaust, and his book of Beat Tales.

Here's a link to an article I wrote of our meeting that day, posted at Litkicks:
Graham Seidman

and here's the link to a site I put up for him to preserve his photos and stories: Graham Seidman's Eye on the Beats There you can see the famous Beat Walk for those who want to visit Paris and see the sites.

Maybe Jeff Starrs ran into him one day. I believe he and Nicole, a sculptress, hung out in Toulousse.

Rest in peace, dear Graham.
Zichrono l'vracha.
May his memory be blessed  More >

 Xmas Joy11 comments
20 Dec 2005 @ 14:30, by swanny. Music
Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas Everyone

Some Xmas Joy for you...

Joy mp3 link = [link]


swanny  More >

 Web books and publishing1 comment
picture picture 20 Dec 2005 @ 07:24, by maxtobin. Publishing
I know that a lot of the members are highly creative and so you may be interested to learn about and perhaps to try some new software that we have discovered and are using to prepare our web books for publishing.

We have the first book on our site as a give away in the Native American Tradition and it is timely that this can be for the summer/winter solstice (depending upon your hemisphere) "The Key" There is more to follow, and we are planning a web based learning course which the software also allows for.  More >

 Frustration10 comments
picture 19 Dec 2005 @ 16:05, by jstarrs. Ideas, Creativity
Welcome to The NCN Poet Tree Anthology...we hope you'll enjoy this evolving, involving and revolving selection of prose from NCN poets, worldwide - submissions are welcomed.  More >

 Enlightenment (3): Riddle of Life5 comments
19 Dec 2005 @ 04:57, by shreepal. Philosophy

The apex of evolved life on our earth is manifested in human being and its bottom - the least evolved and primitive form - is found in virus. At the lowest rung of life- ladder, these microscopic organisms are sometimes found to exist and thriving in the extreme climate and difficult conditions. They are also found in human body. Sometimes disease causing viruses get entry through infection in human body. To kill them, doctors fill human body with virus-killiing drugs - antibiotics- in sufficient quantity and for sufficient duration. If the quantity or the duration is' not sufficient enough to kill them completely, then viruses mutate their genetic life-code to evolve themselves -sometimes even in hours - into a new form of life to become drug-resistant.

What takes millions of years for higher life-species like human beings or monkeys to mutate their life-code to evolve themselves in new forms to overcome Nature's hurdles on the path of life, it takes hours and days at the virus' level. Life in its properties at the apex and the bottom is essentially the same. In the kingdom of life man and virus share the same basic qualities.

We know that life has the capacity to meet and overcome challenges to its forward momentum. We may also discover the rule of this forward momentum that is seen in the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fitest and that is nothing but the process of mutation .

But the real question is not how, but why, does Life do so. How do we explain the life's basic urge to go ahead, to sense the hurdle, to find the direction and to evolve into new form to overcome difficulty on its path?

Let us take another phenomenon of nature.
Rivers flow from higher tolower level of ground. If you put boulders in the way of its flow, the water gets collected in the sufficient quantity to break the barrier created by the boulder. We may also discover the rules - action of gravity - explaining how it does so.

But the real question is not how it is done but why the water-flow does so.

Today we know that this is all done due to the universal force of gravity that pulls water from higher to lower level of ground, that is, towards the centre of gravity located within the centre of earth. If you put a boulder sufficiently high in the course of river’s water-flow, water’s flow gets stopped. But that does not mean that there is no force of gravity acting on it or there is no natural tendency of water to flow from the higher to the lower level. We also know today that there is potential gravitational energy stored in the accumulated water. If we weaken the boulder or add more water, the force of gravity would overcome the gravity-barrier and water would again start flowing.

Mountains, high rise buildings, stones put on the ground all have potential gravitational energy or tendency to fall to the centre of gravity within the earth and the moment we remove the intervening barriers between these objects and the acting force, all these objects would collapse to their centre of gravity.

All planets of our solar system - including our earth - and all solar systems within our galaxy have potential energy stored in them with a tendency to fall to their respective centres of gravity - our sun and Milky Way's black hole - but they do not collapse into their respective centres of gravity. It is so because there is an intervening barrier of centrifugal force of elliptical motion stopping them from crashing to their respective centres.

As we all know Black Hole is formed by the process of collapsing of the super dense matter it is made of into itself under the force of its own gravity. It has super gravitational force and acts on the surrounding galaxies by pulling them towards its centre of gravity and the galaxies do not fall into it because they are kept from collapsing by the centrifugal force of their elliptical motion.

Every particle in the universe has potential energy stored in it that tends to act but this movement-oriented tendency is obstructed from happening by natural barriers. The moment the potential energy stored in an object exceeds the counterbalancing force and the barrier is overcome by it, it starts moving towards its centre of gravity - its destination.

How this natural phenomenon is relevant to understand life and its emergence?

Again, let us look at the universal natural forces. There is a scientific dream of understanding the grand unified force acting in the universe. Einstein proposed that all the known forces - gravity, electromagnetic, two nuclear forces - are in fact only the one force manifesting differently in different conditions. Today some of these forces have been unified by understanding their inter relations but the dream of final grand single unified force is yet not achieved. It may be achieved tomorrow. How this unified universal force is relevant to understand life and its emergence?

It is possible for Mind today to conceive that there is life stored in the potential form in every particle of Matter in the universe but some counterbalancing barrier bars its emergence, its manifestation and its forward movement as Life. Wherever this barrier is removed by whatever means and for whatever reason, the life comes out of its potential state and starts moving towards its natural destination, towards its centre of gravity – that is not gravity but in the context acts like gavity calling all life-forms to meet this centre and we see this movement as evolution of life.

Then, further it is also possible to conceive that this just released life-energy has the tendency to march - because now it is not blind movement of matter but conscious march of life - towards her centre of gravity, or better still, towards her Destiny.

As we said, in our mental model the centre of gravity is a symbol of equivalence and has nothing to do with the natural force of gravity; likewise, neither is the stored potential life-energy an amount of stored force of gravity. It is something qualitatively different, of a different dimension, a different plane of existence and a different reality. But, nevertheless, it is a force in real sense of the word. This fundamental universal force is yet to be discovered, detected and harnessed by modern science.

Moreover, it is also possible for human mind to conceive that that centre of life-gravity or life's destination is nothing but part and parcel of the grand unified universal force and that the same is felt differently in different circumstances, inciuding as life under certain conditions.

Only what is required more is bestowing that universal force with the property of consciousness. It does not seem illogical, at least today. It also renders it possible that life may exist extra-terrestrially where barriers for life-emergence have been rendered surpassable by a suitable conditions of (life's) hospitable environment. With the help of this model for understanding Life, it is possible that it may be created artificially even in laboratory by the scientists.

Let modern science - Mind - make its toils and take its time to discover it in its own favourite way.

Further reading links:

Life around us
Life around us  More >

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