7 Jan 2009 @ 12:31, by vector8. Spirituality
When weather forecasters predict cold weather, which I believe is nothing but mind control, and the masses collectively create it with their beliefs, we're all expected to keel over from the cold or feel the same way. Not me.
I believe all realities already exist, which also include all kinds of weather conditions and ways of experiencing the weather. Every day I have two choices: I can tune into the human collective beliefs about the weather and suffer like everyone; or I can experience the weather of my dreams. More >
6 Jan 2009 @ 06:58, by vaxen. Recreation, Fun
I just ran across this article at Merlyn Silks' place that he had written ages ago and posted here at NCN. He has since moved on. I was researching the Edenic Myth and the Flandrian Transgression and... voila!
There was this little gem hiding. I'm really storing it here for my own perusal but the comments that were profferred are a lot of fun for those who are into such things. Have fun kiddos if you choose to wade through the waters.
Thanks Gezi. Miss you.
Afraid of God
Filed Under Thoughts |
l might have mentioned it before that I started to read the “Disappearance of the Universe”. This is a book describing and leading to the book “A Course in Miracles” which I now started. The ideas are great and feel really true but I keep having this problem with the words God, Holy Spirit, Christ and in particular all this upper-cased Him and His.
What is that - am I afraid of something?
I was in my mid to late teens that I started to reject all the Christian up-bringing, partially because there were really cute girls in the communistic basis group at school but also because in long discussions with my father as the contra-point I found out that there is no possible proof that there is something like a god. I did not have a god-experience and I did not see what it was good for so why have it.
This was a rather short phase (maybe because nothing worked out with these basis-group chicks) and my path to spiritual development started for real. I had no problem accepting Jesus as a cool guy who understood the workings of the world pretty well, but the idea of him being a son of god was right out.
And so was god himself too. God as an idea, as that what was good in man, was acceptable, but in no way could and would I speak of him or even Him - it was an it.
Scientology came along and made that very easy. There was theta, and that was certainly an it. So no problem here. The only trouble I had was with the worship of Mr. Hubbard but I managed to look around that in order to get the rest.
The fact that Mr. Hubbard said that Scientology does not deal with the 8th dynamic - which is defined as ones existence as the higher being - never really sank in - because I did not want to let that sink in - the world was perfect as it was.
But somehow suppressing the whole idea does not seem to work because now it’s back in form of the Course in Miracles (The Course) and this book is not very shy talking about all my NO words. So I better face that now and forever.
The big question for me is what side am I working for. It could be the dark side of the force telling me that the idea of this god being in heaven is something for grannies and nannies but don’t make yourself ridiculous as a well educated man, or this whole concept of a holy creator is really complete humbug - or is it just some fear in me that tries to hide behind rejecting that which is feared?
It is getting clearer and clearer that there really does not seem to be any stable datum outside of me that would help me to decide, which then by pure logic makes the third possibility the most likely: There is nothing really there outside of me, so all of the possibilities are equally valid, meaning that what The Course advocates - the whole universe as an illusion that we ourselves create - is very likely.
One of the concepts in The Course is that this (ungrounded) fear of god stems from the initial separation from him (it?). A separation in form of a fleeting moment that is already over before it really began - but this moment is our so-called universe.
In other words, if I can’t find anything outside of me to refer to as a stable datum, then it looks as if this whole thing is really my illusion. Which gives the testimony of The Course more credibility, and which, in turn, makes it more credible when it describes the origin of fear and the rejection of god.
I like to find out things for myself - that’s why I joined Scientology - and so I will do this in this case too - I’m now on day 4 of the workbook of The Course, 365 lessons - one per day - to find out where this leads me.
I know, the dark side of the force will tell me that I let myself brainwash and there is no validity in what I will find out - so be it.
PS: tried some high-tech on this article: grabbed my wacom tablet, fired up the handwriting recognition in M$ Office and started to write this article by hand - but have now witched back to the keyboard. It would have taken me five times as long with the tablet - that should convince me that I don’t really need a tablet PC - - - even though I really would like to have one ;-)) More >
6 Jan 2009 @ 04:50, by Unknown. Music
Was just reminiscing about my grandparents
and wrote this tune
Grandmas Kitchen
Well I remember those Sunday dinners, at Grandpas and Grandmas Place,
Well the folks would come from miles around dressed in suits and fancy lace.
Well the men would sit at the table, and the women would hover about,
And us kids would scurry underfoot till to be sure there was a shout.
Grandmas kitchen sure smelt good with them roasts and gravies too,
And Grandmas kitchen had more love than any place I ever knew.
Well the years they kept on passing, as the years well they will do,
and there was never no shortage of Sundays so the family it grew and grew.
And even in the days fore her passing, the clan would still oh gather nigh,
and Grandma fed us all till God took her up oh to the Heavens side.
Grandmas kitchen sure smelt good with them roasts and gravies too,
And Grandmas kitchen had more love than any place I ever knew
than any place I ever knew..
Words and Music
By Ed Jonas (c) 2009
Canada More >
4 Jan 2009 @ 23:16, by susannahbe. Spirituality
Image: The Light of Understanding
by Susannah Bec
Be the change you want to see in the world. ~Gandhi
If we want peace
We must be peace
We are all cells in the same body of humanity
and by fighting others we are only damaging ourselves.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell
There is no one objective reality...there are many "realities." Everyones reality is so different, both physically, mentally and emotionally. You can never completely share a "reality" with anyone, because everything we see, observe, hear or experience is filtered through us. And because of this fact, is coloured by our expectation and our total life experience up to that point. Which will always add subtle overtones to our view.
For example, if two people are asked to view and describe the same room, one, if having been bought up in a large house with spacious rooms, will view the room as small, while another having been used to small cosy cottage rooms will view the same room as a large room, who is correct? which is "reality."
One person could hear the sound of a marching band and be reminded of dear old uncle Harold, who played the bass drum in one for thirty years, and all the fun and ice creams a visit to hear him entailed. Whilst another could think of a wartime friend who died tragically, trombone still at his lips, do you get my point?
You could spend 24 hours a day with someone, share your life, a life you had "built" together. But still that person would always be looking at you, while you would always be looking at them, even if you were looking at the same object, you would never be observing it from exactly the same space, at exactly the same time.
Reality is personal, one person loves dogs and has always had one as best friend, another is frightened by dogs, terrified, feeling that they will harm him. They come across a stray dog in the street, what is the reality of the situation? is there one? the men, the dog, or us, as observers will all see the situation differently.
People tend to feel, that if other people do not experience or see things in the same way that they do, that in some way the other person is judging their experience as wrong. Or that if their personal experience of "reality" is correct...then other views of "reality" must be wrong.
So believing in "one reality" can cause disruptions, friction, hurt feelings and frequently causes wars.
For if you believe that there is only one reality...and all your beliefs and life experiences have backed up that you are right. Then obviously it must be very difficult to understand that the other person feels exactly the same as you do, because all of their beliefs and life experiences have led them to their conclusion in exactly the same way.
In each of these "Realities" each person is correct.
The familiar cry is "we can't both be right".
Understand the concept of realities and you will see "yes we can".
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. ~Mahatma Gandhi
The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations. ~David Friedman
The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
4 Jan 2009 @ 11:04, by jazzolog. Spirituality
One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
---Andre Gide
The philosopher asks himself, "What is your aim in philosophy?" and he answers, "To show the fly the way out of the bottle." And where is he when he has made his escape? He is, it appears, exactly where he started; for philosophy "leaves everything as it is."
---Ludwig Wittgenstein
With no bird singing, the mountain is yet more still.
---Zen saying
I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job.
---Statement made George Bush during campaign visit to Amish community, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Jul. 9, 2004
Some people don't pray of course. When called upon to do so one may screw up one's face into a frown of feigned concentration and just sit there until it's over. One may "pray" the wait's not too long.
Others have ritual words to say to fill the silence. When in doubt there's always the "Lord's Prayer" or a mantra, some chant or holy script. You can try meditation, which many distinguish from "talking to God" as listening to God. One can sit on one's chair, one's pillow, a mat...and train yourself to wait patiently through the silence. Maybe God will say something.
The silence is tough. Everyone says the brain chatters away anyway, whether it's prayer or meditation. Mostly it's Let's stop doing this and get on to something fun. If the mind can be quieted, then there's the leg problem or the ache in the knees. Maybe a mosquito whines in your ear and disrupts the Enlightenment.
So even if you can forgive George Bush or the American people, in the event you somehow believe we elected him---twice---the invitation to pray for him may not fit into your schedule. He has a "legacy project" going on now, possibly to spin a few pictures into the minds of columnists and historians who are attempting to collect ALL of the events of the past 8 years into some coherent narrative.
I thought it would be impossible. It's like coming home to an apartment that's been burglarized. Did that ever happen to you? The worst part of it is the sense of invasion and helplessness...because what cop really is going to doing anything about it? To really scare you into paralysis may be part of the strategy. Otherwise the mess everywhere could be from the furtive hurry a thief always must be in. The place is so ransacked it may take hours even to find out what's missing. Did you write down all those appliance serial numbers? Or maybe your house is just empty: they took everything.
I thought no one could sum up what's happened to my country. The review's too complex. They've put us through too much. Their carelessness has been thorough. I remember everything but I don't want to retrieve it, don't want to think about it. But slowly our major writers, right and left, are coming up with our summaries. The righties are saying it hasn't been that bad and maybe Obama will do OK. (Oh jeez, pray for Obama!) Lefties are pouring it on. Vengeance is sweet and they feel the proof of the Bush pudding is everywhere.
Yet no one is going to jail. Indictments are not on the table. Bush hasn't confessed yet...or even tried to put into words what he thinks the plunge in popularity might be about. The one thing the man is skilled at is denial. If he's going to pardon himself, doesn't he first have to admit to something? Cheney did...and he awaits that presidential pardon before leaving for Dubai. The rest of the neocon men and women are lined up for their pardons too. I hate this presidential pardon business. Why do we allow it?
OK, back to my prayers. We must forgive and all work together, and start to pick up the mess. Some stuff is broken and we'll have to get new. The inventories must be done, as surely as the new president and his family will begin unpacking some things today. The girls start in a new school tomorrow. We'll be spiritual today. Have a cup of coffee, read the Sunday paper, and then say a prayer. Or meditate. What's this? A new review is in, and it's Frank Rich. More >
3 Jan 2009 @ 05:48, by koravya. Spirituality
Kind of a quiet day today. Almost next to nothing. First there is the morning newspaper at the nearest convenience store half a mile up the two lane asphalt road. Haven’t seen Fernando behind the counter for two weeks. Happy New Year, my friend.
What do we have to look forward to? Chaos and Destruction. Have a good one. See you again soon. More >
31 Dec 2008 @ 14:48, by bimbo. Visual Arts, Graphics
28 Dec 2008 @ 20:22, by susannahbe. Spirituality
We project our own shadows onto suitable screens
and rage at the images and cry at the scenes
it's everything I'm not, It's unfair and untrue
whereas the shadow contains the un owned bits of you
To honestly face whats projected outside
and own it as ours, means nothing to hide
we take back our power and then can begin
to realise the truth, the control panel lies within
We don't see our shadow but others often do
and though hard to face up to, many times it is true
that often we're guilty of the behaviour we hate
our 'unconscious' projected, we take up as bait
Words and Image - Susannah Bec
"The best political, social, and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others."
- Carl Jung
Projection is an unconscious psychological mechanism.
Whenever a person is convinced that the awful qualities seen in another person have nothing to do with him or herself, a projection is mostly likely being engaged. This does not mean, however, that these qualities are not present. It merely means that they probably exist, to some extent, in the person observing them.-
Link: What is projection - [link]
As with all unconscious contents, the shadow is first experienced in projection
This means that an unconscious quality of one's own is first recognized and reacted to when it is discovered in an outer object. So long as the shadow is projected, the individual can hate and condemn freely the weakness and evil seen in others while maintaining a sense of righteousness.
Link : - [link]
Projection and War: link - [link]
28 Dec 2008 @ 10:10, by bimbo. Visual Arts, Graphics
28 Dec 2008 @ 06:42, by vaxen. Violence, War
The following articles should illustrate for all but the blind, the stupid and the dumbed down that there is something terribly amiss in Yisra-El which the ADL and the Zionist Mossadic propaganda machine just cannot silence!
"Wage war by deception." Mossad's motto just won't work anymore as the blood of the unmercifully slain and tortured calls out to the international community for something more than just revenge.
Justice is demanded and justice will come! Those who cry holocaust and anti semitic turn out to be the worst offenders of all! These actions have no firm basis in the Judaic religion of Rabbi Hillel, and no place in the Pirkei Avot. Blood thirsty warmongering greed and lust for power, for control ("And in that day the Law shall go forth unto the world from Jerusalem.") is behind this oldest of cons in our world.
The Babylonian/Judaic system of usury and corruption is coming to an end so they are sacrificing as many humans as possible. Won't help them one iota when they turn and judge themselves and find themselves terribly wonting! Read and understand that America, and via their silence Americans, are paying for this genocide of Palestinian peoples. This holocaust by the supposedly holocausted. Rabid wolves!
Endless Israeli Atrocities
By Mary Sparrowdancer
Copyright © 2008
Today was the end of the world...for hundreds of unarmed civilians, including children. The Israeli military, one of the most powerful military forces on earth, has held the 1.5 million civilians captive within Gaza for years. Like the "dog in the manger," Israel has also deprived these civilians of the most basic necessities of life, such as food and water.
More >
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