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 New Civilization Global Movement: Introduction, Activities & Charter8 comments
7 Dec 2005 @ 14:56, by shreepal. Activism

New Civilization Global Movement – NCGM - Charter seeks to usher on Earth an Order of Human Institutions geared to accomplish five objectives of New Civilization: Common Survival of all life on Earth, Freedom of individuals from all kinds of oppression, Common Prosperity of all people, Global Unity among different subdivisions of Mankind and Enlightenment of human beings.

This document is divided into three sections:

Introduction to NCGM
Activities of NCGM
Charter of NCGM

NCGM is an initiative of people who feel concerned about the present condition of Earth and Mankind. Presently, it is web based and being facilitated by New Civilization Network.

NCGM holds that Mankind has arrived at the crossroads where the fate of Earth as a hospitable home for life and the fate of life in its evolutionary course would depend on Mankind selecting a correct path.

NCGM seeks to usher on Earth a New Order of Human Institutions geared to accomplish five noble objectives of New Civilization. Human Institutions are the institutions of interactive collective living of human beings and these include family, community, society, economy, culture, faith groups, politics, governments, nations and nations’ inter se living.

NCGM relies on people’s power, as contradistinguished from the power of political governments, for enabling Mankind to steer onto the correct path.

Charter of NCGM gives a call to peoples of all nations, faiths and cultures to IDENTIFY those individuals, organizations and governments who conduct themselves AGAINST the five noble objectives of New Civilization. It further calls peoples to win these adversaries with the WEAPON OF TRUTH, strategy of LOVE and NON-VIOLENCE and tactic of NON-COOPERATION in order to accomplish New Civilization’s objectives.

NCGM expects to grow in vigor, with the passage of time, enabling it initially to make an impact on world events and then finally to decisively control the course of those events that vitally affect the fate of Earth and of Mankind.

Presently, a Workgroup of NCN – akin to Secretariat of NCGM - is taking initiative to organize NCGM and the first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization.

It is envisaged that there would be held at regular intervals Earth Summits of peoples for New Civilization for taking stock of the man-made events that adversely effect Earth and Mankind and for taking decisions on measures that are needed to correct the same. The first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization is proposed to be held as early as possible to adopt a Charter of Action.

In the Workgroup the representatives of people belonging to one country have been allotted one vote and decisions therein are taken by a majority vote. People of one country may be represented by one or more than one individual. Any person who wishes to join and is willing to work may join the Workgroup.

Currently the Workgroup includes: 1. Ming (France) 2. Silviamar (Spain) 3. Judih (Israel) 4. Zimpen (Sweden) 5. Shreepal (India)

(1) NCGM is being facilitated by New Civilization Network and to join log on NCN.

(2) The first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization and New Civilization Global Movement are being organized by a Workgroup. To join the Workgroup log on NCN.

(3) To find background material for Earth Summit and NCGM click Shreepal, a Concerned Global Citizen.

(4) It is envisaged that, as soon as possible, NCGM would enable people to post on its web site any man-made event happening anywhere on globe that adversely affects Earth and Mankind to get a helping hand from NCGM.

Charter of New Civilization Global Movement:

THAT planet earth is our common home and we human beings have inherited it from our forefathers, in trust for our own use and for the use of all other life-species dwelling on earth of the present and of the succeeding generations.

THAT all life-species are sacrosanct and deserve survival and preservation at our hands.

THAT all man-made disputes – whether social, cultural, economic, political or any other - arising from conflict of interests are capable of being resolved by human beings in peace and amity;

THAT mankind is an evolving species being at the apex of life-evolution on earth yet being at an intermediate stage only; and

THAT mankind is capable of exploring the unknown micro and macro universe, harnessing the unveiled secrets of nature and its forces, and is capable thereby to consciously shape her destiny and the destiny of earth and of universe;


THAT mankind is living under the threat of annihilation at her own hand by the use of weapons of mass destruction;

THAT a firm and sustainable human-unity is the only effective and workable guarantee to protect human race against such threat of self-annihilation; and

THAT such human-unity can only be established on the solid foundation of the commonality of human-interests, the commonality of purpose of life of human beings on earth and the commonality of the destiny of human race;


Identify those individuals, organizations and governments
Who conduct them against the five noble objectives of New Civilization, and

Win over them with

The weapon of

The strategy of

The tactic of

In common interest, these five noble objectives of New Civilization, namely:

COLLECTIVE SURVIVAL of all life-species on earth by observing peace, good order, complete and global disarmament and respect for and conservation of nature;

FREEDOM, from political, economic, cultural and social oppression, within national and international organizations of human society, by guarding the individuals’ human rights and the interests of organized society;

COMMON PROSPERITY of peoples by utilizing technological advancements and scientific management of global natural resources to avoid waste, unsustainable exploitation and natural imbalance, and to bring efficiency;

GLOBAL UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind by promoting mutual respect for diversity, understanding and harmony in diversity; and

ENLIGHTENMENT of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the knowledge of science, from material science to psychic science, and encouraging them to remain always opened to change of convictions.

 More >

 My Views on the Free Zone8 comments
5 Dec 2005 @ 10:17, by vaxen. Religion

Looking over your application, it is apparent that you are a
Rons Org person. While I am all for anyone getting up the bridge
however they can, I do not agree that CBR was any sort of source
other than squirrel.

And as you list RO as references, and levels, I do not want
you posting to a standard tech group some of your altered tech

Therefore, your membership has been disapproved.

All the best:
tom  More >

 Warriors of the Light, Assemble!1 comment
5 Dec 2005 @ 04:07, by oasiian. Activism
We are on the dawn of a new Era, an era of Enlightenment, progressing into a world where Warrior no longer means something necessarily of War, but of the defence of our spirits, our rights, and our freedoms, which the empires of China and America breach.
We must defend these, for they are all that is true.  More >

 Crazy Train
picture 5 Dec 2005 @ 02:05, by jmarc. Ideas, Creativity
Excuse me Sir? Sir? May I ask of you a small favor Sir? What? Oh, thank you sir! It is a lovely white van sir! Yes! It gets pretty good gas milage, yes. As I was saying sir, I was wondering if you could do me a small favor?  More >

 A fiesta for our elders5 comments
picture 3 Dec 2005 @ 23:02, by silviamar. Recreation, Fun
Today we've celebrated a day for our elders. Families reunited together to honour those who are in this world since so many years. While our beloved elders are still with us, we're on time to show them our love, and this fiesta was a beautiful present of love for them.

My grandmother Carmen, who is 93, enjoyed the fiesta very much. She's one of the most wonderful people I know. When she embraces me I feel myself at home, completely safe in a sacred place where nothing bad can happen. I don't know how long she's going to stay with us, but what I do know is that I want to enjoy this time with her as much as I can.  More >

 New Civilization: its engine1 comment
3 Dec 2005 @ 16:00, by shreepal. Philosophy

The innermost being of man is always thirsty for something that is yet unknown to him. This inner core of his existence always spurs him to move on in quest of the unknown. In his quest for the unknown, man is able to formulate and put straight questions to him, and seek answer to them. And more than that, he is able to wonder. This, his unique ability, alone has propelled humankind's civilizations on an ever higher trajectory and this has enabled it to reach dizzying height where it is today.

The very existence of world is a great wonder. Every thing in this world is wonderful and, among all these things, life is wonder of all wonders. And, the crown of life, human being, is the greatest of all these wonders.
All these things, when pondered over by man, raise serious questions about them. The more man becomes enlightened, the more questions arise for his attention. Why, and how, did he usurp the place of the sole leader of an earthly caravan of varied life forms? Why his caravan is solitary, as far as he knows, in an unfathomable universe? Where this earthly caravan of life's evolution is heading for? We put questions to ourselves to seek answer about all these things but still we do not put enough questions. We remain primarily and for most of our lifetime pre-occupied with ourselves, - making provisions for our food, cloths, pleasures and petty needs, and our thoughts remain centered on them and acts remain guided by these motives.

Putting question is the secret key for opening the gates of the unknown. Every question, howsoever insignificant it might be, if put with diligence and investigated with due earnestness for an answer, makes a discovery. For example, you ask why is the sun the way it is, always shining and spreading light all around? You search for the answer and you find the nuclear fusion. You ask, why do apples fall from tree down to the ground only and not go above and you make the discovery of gravity. The greatest quality of human mind is to experience wonder, wonder at things and at the way they are, and wonder at the mystery behind all that exist and at the amazing phenomena behind all this creation. Human mind is his sole powerhouse that propels his development, his civilisation and his evolution.

Man is at the apex of life-evolution on earth. He has mind capable of wondering and questioning. It is worthy of him to wonder, to question and to seek answers. A civilisation that encourages human being to seek pleasure in and remain satisfied with his self-indulgences is below the dignity and esteem of mankind, of the leader of life evolution on earth. Man has risen above animal and its kingdom's rules by his persistent struggle with himself. He has come out of his self-indulgent animal existence by evolving mind and putting questions. He has to go forward, and not backward, on life's evolutionary path.  More >

 It isn't enough
picture3 Dec 2005 @ 06:50, by judih. Personal Development
"It isn't enough for your heart to break because everybody's heart is broken now."
(Allen Ginsberg)  More >

 Jetsetters wants to sue everybody13 comments
2 Dec 2005 @ 21:53, by ming. Legal, Justice
As a webmaster I regularly receive requests to remove some kind of copyright-infringing material somebody has posted. I've never gotten anything for my own blog, but it has happened often for other's blogs. Usually it is an artist who objects to somebody posting one of their pictures. And typically is is stupid of them to object, as it usually is some kind of "Here's a lovely painting from ___ and here's a link to their site". Which really is excellent free promotion for the artist. But many artists seem to be not understand how the web works, so for inexplicable reasons they'd rather be unknown and in control than have lots of people freely mention their stuff. Anyway, typically they ask relatively nicely and the "offending" material gets removed quickly.

But now, I also have this Opentopia site, which has a lot of content that's copied from other places. Mainly places that have a license that allows it. Like, Wikipedia and Open Directory. And at some point I included a lot of articles from GoArticles. It is a site where people can upload articles in any of a number of categories, which are meant to be useful and informative somehow. They're posted with a license that says that anybody can repost them, as long as the footer with the author's information is included. Most of these articles aren't exactly great, but they're somewhat informative. The posters usually put them up for some self-promoting reason, to be able to mention their website, or book, or whatever.

I hadn't really thought of all the people who would contact me based on this content. I was mainly focused on getting some free content, and then thinking about ways of adding value to it, when I got around to it. But quite a few people write to get things corrected. Or, a few suddenly decide they don't like their article to be used by anyone. Usually they include some kind of onerous wording about copyright infringement, but typically they ask fairly nicely, and I just remove their stuff, a little puzzled about why they bothered to post it in the first place, if they didn't want it out there.

The latest one got my attention a little more than normally. A guy named "Kriss Hammond" sends a message with the subject line "Lawsuit against", and which goes like this:
Please remove all links or other refeence regarding Jetsetters Magazine back to your websites or blog. Please remove all feature stories from Jetsetters Magazine from your websites. Do not reference any of Jetsetters Magazine features within your websites.

We plan a ten million dollar lawsuit against your company unless all links to your sites are removed. Do not use Jetsetters Magazine material in your blogs or as an RSS feed. U.C.C. 1-207 We reserve all our rights without prejudice. We have legal representation to handle this matter. Thank you for removing any material from any of our sites from your sites, including or or

Ten MILLION dollars, wow, that's quite impressive. I'm really scared! Actually, I laughed out loud.

At first I thought it maybe was one of those magazines you get in planes, and somebody had copied some article without asking permission. But then I looked at the articles in question, and I looked around a little on the web, and saw that it was something quite different.

Kriss Hammond calls himself "The Travel Professor", and he runs some outfit that shows people how to get cheap travel, if they just pose as travel journalists and write articles about the sites and hotels and restaurants they go to. And each article must promote Hammond's site. And apparently they post these on any site they can think of that will take submitted articles. Which essentially that acts as his advertising.

Why he then suddenly doesn't want the articles is a bit puzzling. I looked through my article database and found that there were 162 of his articles, all following the same model, all with the same ad for Jetsetters Magazine at the bottom. So, I deleted all of them. Good riddance.

And I realized that the guy was just responding to Google listings. He sent me several identical messages, with a different Google listing in each one. He was threatening a 10 million dollar lawsuit to anybody who mentioned his own website. Strange. Usually that means one has something big to hide somewhere.

And I think I'm getting it. Among highly placed entries in Google we find blogs presenting a little bit of an exposee of Hammond's possibly questionable business operation. So I think he decided to just write and threaten anybody who says anything about him, without even noticing that some of them were his own promotional articles. Not too smart. I would never have cared the slightest bit who he was if he hadn't done it in such a ridiculous manner. I'd still be providing him with 162 promotional articles, and I wouldn't have been writing this little thing here.

Anyway, a professional travel writer named Carl Parkes had written in his blog a post originally entitled "The Jetsetters Scam". You can now find it in this version: The Jetsetters Story. Parkes changed a couple of words, because Hammond started sending his famous "10 million dollar lawsuit" thing to anybody and everybody. The company that made the blogger template he was using, to Google, and to who knows who.

Read follow-ups: here, here, here, here, and well, there's more after that. Parkes wisely shifts over into posting general good information about travel writer scams, fake publishing houses, etc.

Below you can see one of the letters Hammond sends out to people who're interested in his Travel Writers Network. And you can see his business plan at work there. You pay $300 for membership in his network, and he provides you with templates for how you can present yourself as a travel writer to hotels around the world, and, I assume, get cheap or free rooms, meals, etc. And then you promise to write those articles, mentioning Jetsetters Magazine as much as possible.

Is that a scam? Not necessarily. It sounds kind of questionable. But, yes, for it to be a scam, there'd have to be some victims somewhere. The hotels maybe?

But I'd say that nobody goes around threatening to sue everybody who talks about them unless they have something to hide. You be the judge.  More >

 To Inspire an Adequate Response...7 comments
picture2 Dec 2005 @ 19:49, by nednednerb. Peace
This is a paper I wrote for my First Nations Literature class.

I haven't been around on NCN for a while and thought I should show my face and contribute something. Hello all!

I hope you appreciate the thoughts!  More >

 New Civilization: its Culture7 comments
2 Dec 2005 @ 04:18, by shreepal. Communities
New Civilization seeks to accomplish four objectives and one of them is Enlightenment. (Please refer to the draft Charter of New Civilization).

We want to know more. We want to learn what we do not know. The history of all civilizations is the history of the urge of their people to learn more.

We want to learn more about something, say, a motor car. A motor car is an abstract idea that is too general and we cannot study a general and abstract idea. We shall have to take a ‘real’ motor car to study it in a scientific manner. One has to remember in this context what Albert Einstein had said about the necessity of performing ‘real’ experiment while setting his famous model of a running train with one observer on the train and the other on the railway track. Therefore, if we want to study a motor car, then we shall have to study a ‘real’ motor car, say, the motor car of certain John Smith.

Again, we cannot study the motor car of John Smith in general. One has to choose a concrete ‘realty’, an event. So, we choose to study the motor car of John Smith on a particular day at a given moment.

And, thus we choose a particular moment and concentrate on a ‘part’ of car, say, its ‘front wheels’ to study their ‘truth’. Now the wheels are connected to an integrated whole of the system of this car. The movement of the wheels are dependent on and controlled by ‘many’ factors. Apart from the aspects of motor engineering, which every body knows, the movements of these wheels are dependent on the ‘whims’ of John Smith that he may happen to enjoy at a particular moment. Things are getting too complicated. But it is realty. We cannot escape it. This Smith may fancy an idea and the fate of these wheels will depend on it. He may choose to turn, jump or destroy them and so would be the fate of these wheels. And this Smith is not an entity that is un-connected with and immune from very many factors in making his decision. He may happen to enjoy his elevated mood or be undergoing severe stress, who knows. It is realty. We are studying things as they are and not in a simple manner as we routinely think they are. The universe is an integrated whole, which is complex in its detail but simple in its fundamentals. We human beings are not an isolated and separate entity as a ‘Closed Box’ destined to be permanently cut off from the universal whole and without any connecting bridge. On the contrary, we are part and parcel of the whole that may envelop any conceived ‘Closed Box’.

We do not know many things. We are ignorant in many respects. And, on top of it we are arrogant by habits. It is fundamentalism. And, there are many kinds of fundamentalism that are thriving on our planet. We belong to Old Civilization. Fundamentalism has no place in the culture of New Civilization.

To learn more, one must be humble. It is a virtue. It is the corner stone of the culture of New Civilization. New Civilization seeks to accomplish enlightenment. It can be accomplished by encouraging people to imbibe the knowledge of science and to always remain opened to change one’s long held and cherished positions.

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