New Civilization News    
 Reason #3
16 Nov 2005 @ 16:41, by jmarc. Violence, War
The Hating left.
No new ideas. Just an unabashed complete hatred of Bush. The ultimate straw man it seems. You know when someone holds up the straw man, they do it to rally hatred. Probably not the best trait for a new civilisation, huh?  More >

 Is Bush A Liar Or Just Stupid?50 comments
picture16 Nov 2005 @ 09:39, by jazzolog. Violence, War
Where is the knowledge that is lost in information?
Where is the wisdom that is lost in knowledge?

---T.S. Eliot

Knowledge comes,
but wisdom lingers.

---Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The mountain of release is such that the
ascent's most painful at the start, below;
the more you rise, the milder it will be.
And when the slope feels gentle to the point that
climbing up sheer rock is effortless
as though you were gliding downstream in a boat,
then you will have arrived where this path leads.


Paul Gauguin. Eve. Don't Listen to the Liar. 1889.
Watercolor and paste. Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, TX, USA.

I think we all should agree by now that even if President Bush is a pretty stupid guy, the people behind him who shield him, writing his lines and US policy, are NOT. Nobody gets rich, plundering the planet as (s)he goes---or stays rich very long, by being stupid. What I know to be the case about the great war of liberation of Iraq is it's a pre-emptive war. The stuff about Sadam and bringing democracy to these fine people were afterthoughts. We launched Shock and Awe on Baghdad when the Administration started talk of mushroom clouds over Manhattan---arriving from Iraq in under an hour.

But look here: it was our first pre-emptive attack upon a nation with whom we were not at war. The first in American history. When a smart Administration...with SMART bombs...initiates such a massive innovation in foreign policy, do not these intelligent people consider all the consequences and ramifications? If they say we know things you don't know and we can't tell you what they are, do they not realize one day history will reveal what those things are...and whether or not they were correct? Wouldn't you think about that even if you only were forming a clique against somebody in grade school? When the Principal catches you torturing that poor classmate, would you say, "OK, we were wrong about the kid, but we can't stop hurting him now"? We all know what kind of greed and hatred rage inside a bully.  More >

 I Have Never Left Home1 comment
14 Nov 2005 @ 13:58, by vector8. Spirituality
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." (Genesis 1: 26)

Science tells us that during pregnancy, while the foetus is developing in the womb it is being nourished by the placenta. Once the baby has been born the placenta is expelled from the womb as the baby no longer needs it.  More >

 The 1990's10 comments
13 Nov 2005 @ 21:50, by swanny. History, Ancient World
Revisiting the 90s

I was just waking up and had turned on the radio to catch the news. I guess it was
1988 or so.

I remember thinking as I heard it that "oh me gosh" this is the end or this is not good.... the announcer was informing that Saddam was moving troops into Kquiat.
The British and then the Americans were sort of caught of guard it seemed.
What was this ....? And they were sending strong condemnations out on the wires.

Where were we at? The cold war had just more or less ended yet things were going pretty smoothly it seemed even though this was an unplanned and diffuse period of time.

It was a time of little or no global agendas.... the cold war wasn't supposed to end
without a missile being fired but .... probably because of the accident at Chernobyl it did just that.... The Chinese seemed to be coming around to, to democracy. The tienamin square incidents was a big black eye for them and the students building a replica of the statue of liberty and facing down tanks drove home the desire for change yet okay here comes the curve ball ....Saddam comes out of nowhere and left field and in this momentary lull and invades Kuquait.... now what's that about.... a port on the ocean front apparently.... who is this saddam guy anyway..... A rogue perhaps seizing the day ... the opportunity... the cubic centimeter of luck.... and well perhaps a bad call to think that the world community was disinterested in that.... he did though send a chill of.... something through the world .... the chill perhaps of a leader pushing the envelop in a moment of global respite.... did he really think he could pull it off....

what was he thinking...... I suspect he thought the americans wouldn't mind and would understand his desire for beach property... why... well who knows what transpires in these global offices but obviously he had bad info or got his signals crossed cause the british and the US and the world were not pleased but yes they were probably hoping for a bit of a break from the cold war.

who'd have thought that it would turn out like this though... this global confusion called terrorism all seeming because saddam read the pitch wrong.....

so the world is broken once more.... beyond repair? well....... you tell me.....  More >

 I have a best kept SECRET 2 share!!7 comments
picture13 Nov 2005 @ 19:31, by freo7. Ideas, Creativity
2:2 SHARE A SECRET 4 The Love of God by Brenda McCann, aka Freo`7 Idaho USA Earth & Beyond all 'normal' limitations... at

I have discovered a new quicki meditation SECRET that sustains and increases the size and magnatude of each vortex of ALL MY OWN Holographic Creations!!
See a short video About Holographic Creation here!!

*STEP ONE: Can you count to seven? Simple huh? Only here's the energy dynamic trick. Take the palms of your hands and put them together. You are simply going to rub them together to the 7 count and watch them as you do so. You will have to practice at a slower speed at first so you get the feel of 7 quick rubs together of you own hands - STOP - then 7 more - STOP and when you get this 7 count rub down and functional YOU WILL NOTICE as you speed up the 7 count rubbing - stop - repeat, etc., that you have just linked and activated all 7 of your energy chakras doing this ONE SIMPLE MOVEMENT.

Simultaneously, you will notice that no matter *how you were feeling* before you did this exercise your own fire is now activated, and you are approaching the HIGH JOY feeling of life that is OURS naturally and completely without ANY limitations to ITS energy and ITS feeling of it within YOU.

*STEP TWO: Now that you 2 can do this activation energy dynamic at break neck speed , IE., AS FAST AS YOU CAN... think of ONE of your own chosen holographic creations. You know, the ones that you choose to sustain into 3D MANIFESTATION right there in your own reality?

Yes those creations... Now think of only ONE at a time. I would choose your most joyous and favorite one to do first if you were me and HEY!! We are ONE aren't we? LOL... OK...

*STEP THREE: Now that you have ONE creation in mind, GIVE IT A TAG or a symbol of some kind. In my case I allow my spirit to give me one liners that represent a whole holographic creation of mine. The tag can be an image of, or words 4, but it has to be COMPLETE so that your tag incompasses WHAT your creation FEELS LIKE as you actually have it.


*NO MORE STEPS. Just REV IT UP with your quicki 7 count hands rub + then continue the 7 count rub - stop - 7 count rub FAST AS YOU CAN with your image tag or one liner tag that represents YOUR WHOLE FEELING of HAVING (one at a time on this) YOUR OWN preferred holographic creation as it is here in our 3D (and or above.) reality.

*THAT's IT FOLKS ~ Now is the time to *ROCK & RUB* your hands together 7X7X7X7 as long as you need or want to, as many times a day as you want to, anywhere you find yourself with the time and space and desire to DO SO. And may your spirit be your guide!!  More >

 Wal*Mart: The Movie Comes To Athens9 comments
picture13 Nov 2005 @ 12:42, by jazzolog. Activism
The highest point a man can attain is not knowledge, or Virtue, or Goodness, or Victory, but something even greater, more heroic, and more despairing: Sacred Awe!

---Nikos Kazantzakis

Whatever is seen by such a heart and mind is a flower, whatever is dreamed is a moon.
Only a barbarian mind could fail to see the flower; only an animal mind could fail to dream the moon.


Thank God for the things that I do not own.

---St. Teresa Of Avila

Here we see Dana celebrating her birthday last month at the Japanese Steak House in Columbus, with our daughter and her friend Keenan Huq.

Actually the title is WAL*MART: the high cost of low price, a new film by Robert Greenwald, whose previous documentaries include OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism and UNCOVERED: The War On Iraq, both from last year. This week WAL*MART will premiere at 7000 (and counting) different locations across America...and apparently in several other countries as well. What is novel about Greenwald's approach to premieres is they occur in living rooms, public meeting chambers, and union halls...and only in a few movie theaters. Teaming up with MoveOn and the Internet, he began advertising a couple months ago for screening kits you could order. I think he asked 10 dollars or something for it, you typed in your mailing info online, paid with PayPal or the like, and soon a box arrived with the DVD, a couple big posters, and some other brochures. Your name and screening location goes online and people can reserve a seat, depending on your capacity. MoveOn has changed the political landscape of this country using an approach to organize that's both fun and dynamic.  More >

 Walking the Walk, Sabine Lichtenfels
picture12 Nov 2005 @ 06:59, by judih. Spirituality

Moreover / Walking the walk
By Gal Karniel [link]

Thursday afternoon, Germany-Israel

Sabine Lichtenfels, 50, who was a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize as part of the 1,000 Women for Peace project, began her pilgrimage to Jerusalem in June, in Germany's Black Forest.

"Instead of building a tank, they should build a research tank for peace," she says, describing her vision. "Humanity needs to change its thinking." Under the motto "the humanization of money," she is trekking with a backpack, a sleeping bag, a change of clothes, a cell phone for sending e-mails and a journal, without a cent in her pocket. "I decided to go without money and I gave away all the money I had."

She reached Israel two weeks ago after walking through Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece, from which she flew. Now she is sleeping in a tent near Harduf and ventilating her feet in trendy Crocs shoes with holes. "From all the walking, I sometimes got blisters on my feet. I love walking because it's an integration of thought and movement, but I'm not the athletic type at all."

She was born in Munster in northern Germany and studied theology. She left the church "because I saw that theology was primarily a history of wars." In 1978, she helped found a revolutionary student movement ("Capitalism is the source, the reason for crime and war on the planet").  More >

 The impossible will take a little while8 comments
picture12 Nov 2005 @ 00:53, by uncleremus. Legal, Justice

The passing away of Rosa Parks comes as a reminder of another time, a bygone era when strong connections still used to link activism and spiritual practice. A connection that is not gone, maybe, but which has lost a lot of its momentum, and which is even sometimes frowned upon in certain contemporary spiritual circles.  More >

 Notions of Expenditure2 comments
11 Nov 2005 @ 00:10, by raypows. Energy Sources
Notions of Expenditure

April 11, 2005 06:42 AM -

Think about it. We go to the gym every day, get on a machine and expend great amounts of energy. Multiply that by everyone in your gym, in all the gyms in all the world and what have you got? a lot of power! This project is a request "for speculative proposals to re-design exercise equipment to generate and store energy; and/or to retrofit gyms to function as local power sources linked to the grid." It envisions a redesign of gyms into power hubs and a linking together of the power hubs into a massive power network. All this and get fit too.  More >

 Supply vs. Demand1 comment
9 Nov 2005 @ 15:24, by oasiian. Economics, Financing, Banking
Supply Economy existed once in the Feudal Ages of Europe and for an even longer time in the Asian cultures.
We Switched to a Demand Economy, but was that such a good thing? More in the article following...  More >

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