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 Rebuilding The Gulf0 comments
16 Sep 2005 @ 13:42, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
Well it strikes me as ill advised to rebuild
the Gulf Coast under the mounting evidence
that it is becoming more prone to such devestations.
It is sort of like tempting fate or foolish bravado.
Even Jesus who was not an architect but a humble
carpenter suggested building on a solid foundation
and I wonder if this is well... at least questionable.
A.G. Jonas

From softopedia
""""""" Peter Webster, professor at Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, along with NCAR's Greg Holland and Georgia Tech's Judith Curry and Hai-Ru Chang, studied the number, duration, and intensity of hurricanes (also known as typhoons or tropical cyclones) that have occurred worldwide from 1970 to 2004.

Peter Webster discovered that the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes worldwide has nearly doubled over the past 35 years, even though the total number of hurricanes has dropped since the 1990s. The shift occurred as global sea surface temperatures have increased over the same period. The research appears in the September 16 issue of Science.

"What we found was rather astonishing," said Webster. "In the 1970s, there was an average of about 10 Category 4 and 5 hurricanes per year globally. Since 1990,
the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled, averaging 18 per year globally."
Category 4 hurricanes have sustained winds from 131 to 155 miles per Hour. Category 5 systems, such as Hurricane Katrina at its peak over the Gulf of Mexico, feature winds of 156 mph or more. """""""

From the Globe and Mail

"We'll Do What It Takes"

Friday, September 16, 2005 Page A1

WASHINGTON -- Seeking to shore up his storm-savaged reputation as a crisis-hardened leader, U.S. President George W. Bush launched a sweeping national effort yesterday to rebuild a new and better New Orleans and Gulf Coast.

"This great city will rise again," said Mr. Bush, a sombre, solitary figure delivering a televised address intended both to rally nationwide support for a massive rebuilding effort and focus the remaining years of his presidency on a noble, domestic cause. "Not just rebuild, we'll build higher and better," the President said, proposing a 21st-century urban homesteading plan to give free lots to poor people to build new homes.

"We will do what it takes . . . we will stay as long as it takes . . . to help citizens rebuild their communities and their lives," the President said. But he offered few specifics and no price tag for a reconstruction effort that many believe will top $200-billion (U.S.).

In the 22-minute speech, theatrically staged with the President standing alone in a relatively untouched part of flood-ravaged New Orleans, Mr. Bush promised an urban renaissance that would address poverty, race and the country's gaping disparities largely ignored during his five years in the White House. """"""""

 Too early for the rainbow5 comments
picture15 Sep 2005 @ 04:57, by uncleremus. Ideas, Creativity

Too early for the rainbow, too early for the dove
These are the final days, this is the darkness, this is the flood
And there is no man or woman who can't be touched
Leonard Cohen, The Gypsy's Wife

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 *fbi and cia incompetence and corruption threaten US0 comments
14 Sep 2005 @ 00:29, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
About a year ago I wrote the following article; the article is followed
by a news brief regarding fbi activity against an intelligence analyst;
after the article , my closing comments are presented:
---------- --------------
U.S. Commission pretends to investigates the fbi/cia

geral sosbee Jul 15 2004, 4:09 pm

Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour
From: (geral sosbee) - Find messages by this author
Date: 15 Jul 2004 14:09:28 -0700
Local: Thurs, Jul 15 2004 4:09 pm
Subject: U.S. Commission pretends to investigates the fbi/cia
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original
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I recently contacted the U.S. Commission on 911 and I attempted to report gross abuse of power by the fbi/cia in foreign intelligence matters ; I wanted to point out that such transgressions involved blackmail and extortion by the fbi/cia against foreign governments and officials who fail to recognize the superiority of the fbi/cia in the NWO. This type of corruption by the fbi/cia must be addressed in order
to prevent another attack on the U.S. because foreign countries may begin to play the same game on US that we use on them in regards to sharing intelligence.The Commission ignored my two e-mails on this subject. I must
therefore conclude that the Commission attempts to conceal from the world certain intelligence data that could compromise intelligence sources and methodology even though the fbi and the cia engage in commodity-type trading of such information in international political negotiations/operations in a manner not necessarily in the best interests of presumed friendly nations. Specifically, for example, the fbi will withhold intelligence data that a foreign country needs to prevent a terrorist attack on that foreign nation, unless that country(or foreign official) fully cooperates with the fbi and the cia in covert operations design to kill or to imprison given Targets, or to
overthrow a given government.Indeed in some instances as history shows the terrorists in some attacks had cia tacit approval for attacks on certain targets.An appauling example of a different type fbi/cia incompetence and corrupt practices regarding intelligence sharing occurred in the
Philipines prior to 911. The Filipino government (and top law enforcement officials in Manila) advised the fbi and the cia prior to 911 that a number of the terrorists who were later confirmed as involved in the 911 attack on the U.S. were in the Philippines, possibly training there, and were en route to the U.S. The fbi and the cia ignored this data because the names , albeit associated with known terrorist groups, were Saudi Arabian, and that nation enjoys a cozy
relationship with the fbi/cia in terms of sharing intelligence data; presumably the fbi and the cia take no action (until now) against suspect foreign nationals of Saudi Arabia because such characters may in fact be assassins for the Saudi government. In other words the fbi and the cia protect the assassins of friendly nations. In this regard ,the police officials in Manila hold deep resentment
for the fbi and the cia for their heavy-handed controls over the Filipino government and these officials are at the same time afraid to report fbi/cia trangressions/incompetence to the U.S. Congress for fear of retaliation by the fbi/cia who could easily withhold the names of potential assassins bent on killing Filipino officials. Another common method of fbi/cia retaliation against a foreign government official is for the fbi and the cia to not share vital intelligence data with a sometimes friendly foreign government in order to allow a terrorist attack on that government when intelligence
tactics dictate the need for such back-stabbing. This , of course,causes serious political repercussions, especially as some foreign officials now recognize that the fbi and the cia lied to the U.S. Congress about the causes for U.S. invasion of Iraq (as well as other skirmishes around the world) and at the same time the U.S. expects friendly nations to send troops to die for our (U.S.)inhumane goals
there.geral sosbee
------ -------
news on 9-12-05:
By JEFFREY GOLD, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 12,11:33 PM ET

NEWARK, N.J. - An FBI intelligence analyst with top secret clearance
was charged Monday with passing classified information about Filipino
leaders to current and former officials of that nation. The analyst,
Leandro Aragoncillo, sent some of the material to Michael Ray Aquino, a
former deputy director of the Philippines National Police who lives in
New York City, according to an FBI complaint made public Monday.
----- ---------
Sosbee's additional comments:
From the data released as of October 6, 2005, the fbi clearly controls Gloria Arroyo by the use of blackmail, so that the Filipino people have a president who follows the NWO dictates of a terrorist group (fbi intelligence)and does not place the welfare of her own people first in the national agenda. The information stolen from the fbi files shows that:
Leandro Aragoncillo stole personal files
"not flattering to Arroy " in order to force her out of office. The fbi understands all too well the significance of the breach of US security, but now the fbi and the cia must deal with an unexpected backlash: the use for blackmail purposes of the same personal data that the fbi and the cia used (for blackmail purposes)to control the national political agenda.
The dirty methods regularly used by the fbi and the cia now ironically can be used to undermine the US interests in that region. Note also that the popular misconception that the fbi and the cia are at war with our enemies abroad obscures a fundamental and salient fact of life : that these two agencies are at war with all the globe and in such a confused state (as suggested in this metaphor) the wholesale and indiscriminate torture, imprisonment and killing of our own people is seen (by the fools ) as acceptable.see:

Finally, the corruption and incompetence of the fbi and the cia is known to many governmnets around the world and they are busy with their own double agents and operatives here in the United States and elsewhere in efforts to save their native countries and their countrymen from the murderous American global infiltration. [For evidence of the emerging global boycott of US products see:
[link] ]

The American people do not know what is happening and by the time the public here becomes aware of the failure of their own intelligence agencies (to win friends and to influence people in a humane way) the time will have long since passed to repair the damage caused by unchecked fbi and cia criminal operations in every country where Americans do business.As I recently pointed out to the National Security Council: the fbi and the cia turn friends into enemies, enemies into demons ( agents of evil, harm, distress, or ruin-Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) , patriots into harsh critics, and men and women like you into cowards and fools.
See world in a box:
Also, see evidence that the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows interest in Sosbee's statements as set forth above, and Commission sends subliminally a message of criticism to the punks in the fbi/cia for their criminal assaults against Sosbee.
See:if link below is not working:
or go to //http//://

See Also:
From Brownsville, Texas
October 3, 2006
In the news is a little noticed explanation for fbi incompetence in connection with protecting the security of the uNITED sTATES:

"WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 (UPI) -- The FBI is tracking down former congressional pages to determine if they received any sexual advances from former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, ABC News reports."
The fbi d' tectives are living up to their new motto, " be all you can be." Well, ok, fbi girlies, I am still on your case wherein I charge you with high crimes (including false imprisonment, bearing false witness, fabrication of evidence, torture, forced suicide, and assassinstion) against the people of the world as I have delineated at
* Also see my report , this site, dated and titled as follows:
2007-08-07 Diary "911 can easily revisit USA, as fbi and cia incompetence and corruption continue"

 So, what exactly does it take?????
picture 13 Sep 2005 @ 16:30, by astrid. Natural Health & Healing
....for most humans to become interested enough in themselves and their own lives, so they start taking charge of their lives???
Somebody, help me out here!


"You never change anything by fighting the existing. To change something, build a new model and make the existing obsolete." (Buckminster Fuller)

Ever heard about MSG? Of course you have. But what about the 20-30 other COVER-UP NAMES given to MSG.... do yo know any of them???....
Do you know about the Bill that was rushed successfully through the House of Representatives, and is due for the same rubber stamp at Senate level? HOW will THAT Bill affect the ones in America who do care (about their lives and wellfare -like their health?....)
Read the whole article and decide for yourself -and see what can or are YOU willing to do to take charge of your life and take America back and TAKE OUR VERY RIGHT TO LIFE BACK from voltures!!!.... Are YOU prepared to FORCE them to grow up? UP!!!....
[link]  More >

 Are you Seeing the World through a Polka Dot?0 comments
13 Sep 2005 @ 12:54, by vector8. Spirituality
A few days ago on a bus ride, I noticed a passenger with polka dots on his jacket. Then I saw several passengers with polka dot jackets. What's going on? Is polka dot back in fashion? I had another look and realised I had been watching passengers through a polka dot glass panel. It made for a fun bus journey.  More >

 A Demonstration6 comments
picture13 Sep 2005 @ 09:05, by jazzolog. Activism
The sparrow is sorry for the peacock for the burden of his tail.

---Rabindranath Tagore

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

---Marcel Proust

Zen practice emphasizes being present with your actual experience. By placing our attention with the minute details of our physical posture, we get to know our selves, where we have tension, where we are crooked, where we are holding, where we let go, where we are at ease. Our body reveals who we are. Through this awareness, we enter the path of practice.

---Pat Phelan

Back row: Mia Lorraine, Kelissa Stanley, Todd Dusenbury, Hart Viges, Vince George
Front row: Lietta Ruger, Beatriz Sadivar

I happened to mention, in reply to cancellation of a potluck/teaching I was hoping to attend last Friday down by the River, how busy everyone seems to be these days. It's hard to fit in everything we want to do...and even to keep track of coming events. I explained I probably wouldn't have been able to come to it anyway, since Ilona and I had gone up to Columbus the night before to see Cindy Sheehan and hadn't gotten back until late. With school and work Friday, we were going to be pretty tired by potluck time. A new friend Annie wrote back and said, "Oh, write about what the Sheehan tour is like. I didn't see anything in the news."  More >

 Least Understood Planet
picture 13 Sep 2005 @ 00:30, by jmarc. Space Exploration
The new Pluto map is here! The new Pluto map is here!  More >

 Italian Version of Polar Dynamics Available14 comments
picture12 Sep 2005 @ 21:46, by jhs. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
Timing could not have been better...

the Italian version of Polar Dynamics 1 is 'pronto'.

time to celebrate...

thank you to all who have helped with this project !!!
mx  More >

 Not always Easy
12 Sep 2005 @ 21:08, by scotty. Spirituality
trying to follow the path we've chosen.

When I first 'happened' upon NCN I thought I'd found a site full of Spiritual Titans and that all my many questions would be answered ! heh heh heh

One thing I learned from that was - to try not to have too many 'expectations' !! : )

Another thing I've learned is - I've always got MORE questions - that when answered - lead again to more questions !

Something else I learned is - I'm human ! Not a Titan.

I'm looking to find a way to live differently to the way that I've lived most of my life - to be greater than the sum total of all my parts ! (if you know what I mean)

I think the most important lesson I've learned in my time here is - I have a choice !
In everything !
Every moment of every day and every contact with every other being ... I can choose how it's going to be - for me !

The freedom to excersise these choices doesn't just happen automatically as I thought it did - it needs working on !

So ..
I'm going to try to become more aware of my choices.
I'm going to try to become more aware of being in the Now. I'm going to try to remember to ask myself what the possible concequences of my choice will be and will it bring me and other people happiness.
I'm going to try to remember to be guided by my heart. (it's all about 'feeling')
If the choice feels comfortable I'll know I'm on the right track - if the choice feel uncomfortable I'll stop for a moment and ask myself what it is that I really want.

I know though that I am the real author of my life !
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 Free DVD for Victims & Helpers of Hurricanes & Other Disasters4 comments
picture8 Sep 2005 @ 14:34, by jerryvest. Medicine, Healthcare
Free DVD for Victims, Families & Helpers!!!

As an active member of NCN, author and team leader of the 15-Minute StressOut Program & DVD, I want to make this instructional program available to large numbers of victims and helpers of this devastating hurricane.

Please accept this invitation, around the world, to join us in advancing the use of touch to improve the quality of lives, health and relationships. To learn more about us, our methods, research, guidelines, and values, do visit our Links, Resources, and other pages on our website.

Team members and others interested in using our "StressOut Program" for victims, helpers, and others located in shelters and other resources, please contact us and our distributor will send you our DVD, free of charge. 15-Minute StressOut Program

Humanity needs Loving Touch & Support. Please pass this invitation on to others who may be in need of skillful, healthy, loving, and respectful touch. We are here to serve.

Best wishes,

Gerald (Jerry) Vest, ACSW/LISW/LMT
Professor Emeritus
New Mexico State University  More >

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