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 Alive after a crash in the motorway14 comments
11 Aug 2005 @ 14:32, by silviamar. Transportation
I'm miraculously alive after a pretty bad car accident in the motorway while coming back to Spain from Portugal after some days of vacations. It was bad luck to have the accident, but a very good luck to be alive and almost unharmed. I feel like if I were reborn and have a new opportunity to enjoy this life.  More >

 Negative Information6 comments
11 Aug 2005 @ 13:00, by ming. Knowledge Management
Scientists have apparently figured out that information can be negative. Article here and some news items here or here.
What could negative information possibly mean? In short, after I send you negative information, you will know less. Such strange situations can occur because what it means to know something is very different in the quantum world. In the quantum world, we can know too much, and it is in these situations where one finds negative information. Negative information turns out to be precisely the right amount to cancel the fact that we know too much.

Now, if I didn't know anything else, I might guess that it would be something like this: If somebody had information about my name as "Fxlemyminxg Fxunzch" and I told them to take away the x, y and z's, they'd have the real name. But that's not really what they mean. They don't mean either that it is when people pass around false or confusing information. It is more like this:

Particles in a quantum state are uncertain. If they're isolated from everything else, one doesn't really know anything about them. They have to be observed somehow. So, if you have a quantum particle, and I have the knowledge of its state, then we have some information. We could ask somebody else to come and verify it. But if I give that knowledge to you, and forget about it, assuming that would be possible, then you would have both the thing and the information about it, and it is no longer as certain. Because you could decide that it is just about anything, and nobody could be quite sure what it is. So, there's less information.

Another piece of the idea is quantum entanglement. Two particles might be entangled, even though they're in different places. And then they can know things about each other without having to transfer any pieces of information. So, you can sort of have a credit, so you'll able to know stuff in the future, without any information having to be transferred. Information can just suddenly be there, and to make the information accounting add up, that is as if negative information had been transferred.

I can't say I entirely get that, but, as usual, quantum mechanics provide plenty of material for useful metaphors for daily life.

For us to know something with some certainty, we normally need to be separated from the process by which the object of attention is generated. I can be a knowledgable stamp collector if there's a limited number of agencies that can issue stamps, which can be listed in a book, and if it is kind of difficult to manufacture stamps. If anybody could make the stamps themselves, and nobody could see the difference, then my knowledge of the world's stamps would probably become less. Sufficiently high quality color copiers and printers might subtract information, because I might no longer know what is original and what isn't. A nano replicator would subtract information, because a lot of people suddenly wouldn't be sure what stuff really is, because anybody could make it or change it. Is it a real Van Gogh, or a $5 nano-generated replica? I suddenly don't know.

Might be a solution to information overload. There are potential technologies that suddenly, disruptively, would make it a whole lot less meaningful to keep track of certain kinds of information.  More >

 I'm Ready !
picture 10 Aug 2005 @ 21:06, by scotty. Personal Development
I am ready to accept positive changes in my life Now.

And to help me remember this I've printed out an Affirmations list and posted it on my wall !  More >

 A Message From Cindy Sheehan18 comments
picture10 Aug 2005 @ 09:39, by jazzolog. Activism
The true man of ancient times knew nothing of loving life, knew nothing of hating death. He emerged without delight; he went back in without a fuss. He came briskly, he went briskly, and that was all. He didn't forget where he began; he didn't try to find out where he would end. He received something and took pleasure in it; he forgot about it and handed it back again. This is what I call not using the mind to repel the Way, not using man to help out Heaven. This is what I call the True Man.


May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

---Edward Abbey

Even if our efforts of attention seem for years to be producing no result, one day a light that is in exact proportion to them will flood the room.

---Simone Weil

Cindy Sheehan hears the Sheriff

While jailed reporter Judith Miller decides with her cellmate every night who gets to sleep on the floor [link] , activist mother Cindy Sheehan tells reporters she may be arrested tomorrow as a security threat. As news sources around the world are reporting (if their corporate owners allow them) Ms. Sheehan has walked as far as they'd let her down the road to the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas, where he is taking a 5-week vacation (the longest presidential retreat in 36 years). Well, he does say he goes there "to meet with folks in the heartland and hear what's on their minds" [link] . Of course we know he never can let himself be disagreed with in public, so Cindy Sheehan bakes in the sun. She is telling reporters she's been notified that she and supporters will be cleared out when the Secretaries of State and Defense come to the ranch tomorrow. At the moment, people are boarding planes, trains, buses and anything else that will get them to Crawford in case that happens.  More >

 Here is a legit reasonable personal free offer to everyone in NCN4 comments
picture9 Aug 2005 @ 03:01, by rcarratu. Inventions
I am a SF writer, and I've written and finished six books. The picture is from one of the books: The Journal of John. (I'm also a graphics designer.)

These books are 'packages' for getting out some of the wisdom I have learned over my decades on this planet. Like children often take their medicine better if it is mixed with honey, these are hopefully enjoyable stories with a kernal of concepts which might spark some new ways of thinking in those who read them. To save the planet, what is termed 'common sense', or the data we all tend to take for granted which define our actions, must change, and only when we are exposed to new concepts that might work better do we make our 'common sense' conscious and change it.

My books are all about 'thinking saner'.

I am giving them away to anyone who wants to read them.

SO, I will give a free copy to everyone who wants one. I WILL NOT GIVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES TO ANYONE NOR SPAM YOU MYSELF. I retain copyright, but it is within copyright to give copies away. If I post the books on the Internet, I lose copyright because by defination, the Internet is public domain.

I will email you the book in one of three formats as you choose, Windows, (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Adobe (.PDF) as an email attachment as quickly as possible.

Check out my Sample Chapters:
The Journal of John (Rated R) Sociological SF
The Rebirth of Sindaku (Rated PG-13) Adventure SF
Kathlane of Whirlwind Station(Rated PG-13) Adventure SF
Magic Universe -The Story of Tempar (Rated PG-13) Magic & Fantisy
Five Facets of the Sun (Rated PG-13) Sociological SF
Frozen in Time(Rated PG-13) Sociological/Romance SF

If you want a copy of any of these, just email me at Roan Carratu.

These books are fully copyrighted and putting out the ebooks for profit or changing them in any way is forbidden. However, you may copy any of my books as much as you want and give them to anyone you want. I have taken my book out of the Kindle ebook system because of problems getting the money, (my problems with paypal, not theirs) and will distribute them myself through email. My book are free, although they are definitely not popular. lol. Que sera, sera.

Peace and Good Health,
-Roan  More >

 Coping With Adult Conflict in Gaza Can Be Child's Play3 comments
9 Aug 2005 @ 00:58, by bkodish. Violence, War
In the August 8, 2005 NY Times, an article by Dina Kraft,
Coping With Adult Conflict in Gaza Can Be Child's Play, disgustingly demonstrates the Times policy of equating the Palestinian terror culture with that of the beleagered Israelis.

The attitude of moral equivalency expressed in this article truly frightens me.  More >

 Children's Team Art Project11 comments
picture8 Aug 2005 @ 14:27, by jerryvest. Education
When positive or joyous feelings and attitudes pass through each organ and circulate throughout our whole system, our physical and chemical energies are transformed and balanced. Tarthang Tulku, Gesture of Balance

This newslog was inspired by Judih [link]in her work with children as a teacher, introducing music and art to teach teamwork, cooperation and interaction. During this past weekend I introduced this project to my grandchildren. We also included photography and writing to describe our project here on NCN. I will invite Ariana and Beau to share their feelings and thoughts about this project. Daeja enjoys her independence and decided she would not share her experience with us right now.

Ariana is 7 and Beau is 5. Daeja, our 3 yr old, had some difficulty sharing her art work with her brother and sister so perhaps she is too young to understand these concepts of adding to each others art work. Ari also had to remind Beau that our goal was to add to each others expression or try to improve it when we can. I think with more practice they will all improve their spirit of cooperation.

Our music, Culture X, [link] was very enthusiastically received and my grandkids would frequently leave the project and begin dancing. I think that these temporary diversions helped them extend their play time and enhance their abilities and creativity. I really appreciate their spontaneity and often dance with them.

This is Ari’s description of our art project:

Well, I love this project because it lets me express myself freely and I think it is a good thing for kids to learn how to cooperate and work together. When I paint, my feelings come out on the paper in a colorful and creative way. I also felt inspired by the game and that showed me I could eventually become a professional artist, writer and photograper.

The music helped me see that art and dance all go together nicely. The music goes through my body and makes me want to dance. When we stopped the music we would change each other’s art work and continue on with the game.

One other activity that we added was photography. I used PaPa’s camera to take pictures of the art project and learned how to load them into the computer. I had lots of fun doing this project. When we taped all our pictures together it looks beautiful like a thousand butterflies.

Beau described his experience like this:

This was fun and it made me happy and I would like to do it again some time. The End.

For me, I couldn’t think of a better way to have fun and be with my grandchildren. I love their creativity and joyful expression. They are really proud of their end result and know that we will frame the pictures and hang them on our wall.

Thank you Judih for the comments, enthusiasm and creativity that you share with us on NCN, on the Delphi Teacher Forum [link]and your own website. What an honor and joy you must be for children in your classroom as you naturally express your love for the arts and for the children you work with. Again, I look forward to continuing these projects with our grandkids, with the incarcerated juveniles, soldiers, and others I work with.

 More >

 Slumberer4 comments
picture 7 Aug 2005 @ 05:37, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity

What better thing than the quiet time
There is no need for anything but being
No prayers need to entreaty God  More >

 Fight For World Freedom0 comments
5 Aug 2005 @ 20:00, by gsosbee. Government, Public Sector
I hear much talk today from the president and his stooges (such as Rumsfeld) who proclaim that we Americans are fighting for world freedom; world freedom is exactly what the United States government seeks to end in order to tighten the stranglehold on the globe. See:
[link] .
Indeed, most nations of the world now begin to recognize that the United States offers no effective leadership that would give assurances that the people may realistically expect to live free of government sponsored wars, terrorism, and fascist tactics against the civilian population . John F. Kennedy sought to stop inhumane and unconstitutional killing and torturing both here in the U.S. and around the globe; he was *shot dead by elements of this nation that want to keep the people in chains; the mentality of the assassins who shot Kennedy (and who covered it up, or failed in their responsibility to get to the bottom of the murder) is the same as that mind set which rules today: the atrocious and flawed thinking by current officials of the U.S. government may be seen in the criminal activities of both the fbi and the cia as set forth in My Story In Detail at :
*On November 11,1963, James Reston of the NY Times captured the awful tone that dominated America then and now as he wrote: " America wept tonight, not alone for its dead President, but for itself; the grief was general, for somehow the worst in the nation had prevailed over the best. The indictment extended beyond the assassin, for something in the nation itself, some strain of madness and violence, had destroyed the highest symbol of law and order."

The strain of madness and violence mentioned above in the 1963 article can be seen unfetterd today and speeding in high gear as shown in the hideous and criminal antics of the fbi and the cia at home and abroad.
See Also:
See Also:
from which the following data is noted:

America convicted of being a war criminal in 1986
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 - From: Richard - Subject: Did you know this?

Did you know that in 1986 the World Court convicted America of being a war criminal for its crimes committed in Nicaragua in '83 and '84? They insisted that America face the music, and the American government refused. And the only reason that no one could enforce the decision that the World Court came to is because America is currently the foremost superpower in the world. If that wasn't the case though, maybe America would have been bombed, and some of the people in other countries would have felt that we deserved it, just like many Americans now feel that it's unfortunate but necessary that innocent Afghani civilians are killed in the current bombings if it means that maybe bin Laden and the Taliban will be killed in the process.

For more on fbi murderers see:

 Taking The Heat: Torture & Death3 comments
picture5 Aug 2005 @ 09:53, by jazzolog. Violence, War
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long course of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.

---St. Augustine

To begin with oneself, not to end with oneself;
To start with oneself, but not to aim at oneself;
To comprehend oneself, but not to be preoccupied with oneself.

---Martin Buber

The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad.

---Salvador Dali

Regular readers of my online ramblings expect something close to fun on Saturday mornings. True, sometimes there's a Friday evening release from the White House, meant to be overlooked, that I try to underline, but usually I try to spread the happiness of reaching another weekend...and maybe even some cash in the pocket from payday. It's difficult today though. The past 2 hours of reading the papers and the blogs have left me grim...and I'm preparing to share.

If that's not your cup of tea or coffee today, allow me to refer you to the delightful op-ed piece in this morning's Times about a novelist's revery of a very cold lake in the summertime. [link] And the Internet is buzzing with lots of coverage of Novak's stomping off the set of a live CNN broadcast yesterday as Carville began tightening the screws. Wonder what could be bothering him. [link]  More >

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