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 Seth Shostak's Glass House1 comment
18 Jul 2005 @ 17:15, by craiglang. Extraterrestrials
A couple of days after watching CNN: The Great UFO Debate, I read with amusement, Seth Shostak's article in the SETI Thusrday tab on the website. It was also entitled: "The Great UFO Debate" and in both cases, he decries what he claims is the lack of evidence for UFO's. He essentially demands that proof be waved in his face before he will accept any UFOlogical evidence as valid.

In his article, he says that "UFO Believers" who demand that he do his own investigation before making this claim are treating him unfairly. It reminded me of the proverb "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones".  More >

 Expecting a Cat to Behave Like a Dog4 comments
18 Jul 2005 @ 13:34, by vector8. Spirituality
Recently I had a discussion with a friend, who is already married, about relationships. He asked me what kind of man I was looking for. I said I expected him to be like the One Self who is accepting of all experiences, non-judgmental, and always there. I asked him if he thought I could find a human who is like God. He said I was expecting a cat to behave like a dog.  More >

 The Costs of Consumption0 comments
18 Jul 2005 @ 11:16, by swanny. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
The Costs of Consumption

The costs of consumption, thats an odd phrase, almost an oxymoron,
almost but perhaps not quite. Yet what does it really mean?
What are the costs of consumption?
I suppose it means that the current status quo is not a "free ride" and that
there are "expenditures" to the standards and qualities of life we now enjoy
and perhaps take for granted.
Yet exactly what are these costs then?
I suppose the problem is that we don't really know.
We don't really know or appreciate the full cost and consequences of
our consumptive life style. Why? Perhaps because we are only beginning
to wonder where this "free ride" is coming from and maybe where is it
taking us and we perhaps are wondering and questioning
whether that is some where we want to go.
Its kind of the "fly now, pay later" plan and the "bills" and invoices are slowly starting to find us. Find us in the form of little quirks and oddities in the environment and that out of control feeling of.... well....
I don't think we can "control" things to that degree any way but we should try to
manage and "order" our consumption more logically and responsibly.
Money has been growin on trees but we're running out of trees and well whatever.
So then how are we going to calculate the costs of consumption.
It is a very complex situation it would seem. To many factors and variables.
Yet if we don't do this sort of full cost accounting then should we be surprised when the environment starts sending us bills or signs in the form of global warming and early hurricanes and arctic ice cap melts and vanishing species and etc etc.
Is there a correlation? duh Homer what do you think? Well more or less. I suppose it goes back to that law of physics. You know the "chickens are coming home to roost" or maybe its just common sense or reality like you don't usually get much for nothin or you get what you pay for and if we're not paying the full or hidden costs of consumption then walla.
So these costs are somewhat hidden then which doesn't quite go with our take the money and run mentality. Hidden costs? Well let someone else pay them like....? These hidden costs make consumption somewhat problematic.
Why are these costs hidden but perhaps because they are part of the whole and we don't usually think in terms of wholes but only our own particular part at the time.
So doing full cost or whole cost accounting would therefore take some time and effort to determine if there are any hidden costs and what they might be, sort of looking for the environmental fine print. I suppose that is just due diligence if we want to be good stewards of this planet.
Anyway here are some links if you want to investigate further.
and have a "whole" day.







 This is outrageous!
picture 17 Jul 2005 @ 20:54, by astrid. Business
Soooo why would a carmanyfacturer BUILD > lease or "better" yet then choose to destroy their NEW BUILT cars, cars that people LOVE to buy and drive????
Could it be PRESSURE put on these companies by some "Interest groups" ????? .....and WHO could they be?????
What you guys think?

[link]  More >

 How does soap clean?35 comments
picture 17 Jul 2005 @ 09:27, by silviamar. Science
Soap is a part of our daily life, it has different shapes and perfumes, it can be solid or liquid... But have you ever thought about how this common substance works? Here is a little explanation. I've used a minimum number of scientific terms, so I hope that everybody can understand it.  More >

 Humanity Goes On5 comments
17 Jul 2005 @ 03:08, by swanny. Music
Okay heres a song about human persistance,
the way that humankind somehow seems to go on...
despite its trials and tribulations...

Humanity Link = [link]


Ed Jonas

Ps some of my other links may not now work
cause I only have 10 Mb to play with sorry  More >

 Jewish "Self-Hatred"5 comments
15 Jul 2005 @ 19:52, by bkodish. Counseling, Psychology
One should not forget the phenomenon of Jewish Self-Hatred, in understanding Thomas Friedman (nominally Jewish), the editorial policies of the New York Times (owned by nominal Jews), and the behavior of many nominally Jewish liberals and leftists who disparage or condemn Israel.

In its most extreme manifestations such individuals actively work to undermine Israel or like Noam Chomsky may even qualify as out and out antisemites. (Many non-Jews, as well as Jews seem completely clueless about Jewish Self-Hatred.)

Jewish self-hatred also needs to be taken into account to understand the behaviors of much of the 'leadership' of successive Israeli governments and of a large portion of Israeli academic and media leftists.

Many years ago psychologist Kurt Lewin described Jewish self-hatred thusly:  More >

 Romance Languages25 comments
14 Jul 2005 @ 16:48, by ming. Education
Now I'd kind of like to be able to speak Italian, since I think I'll be coming back. And it seems like it actually would be easier than French. You pronounce it like it is written, the conjugations are more simple, and many of the words are familiar. But learning a whole language is kind of a big thing.

Anyway, besides getting some beginning Italian books and a dictionary, I got a book teaching several Romance languages at the same time. Which kind of makes sense. They all come from Latin, they have many similarities, and it all becomes more clear when one is looking at the systematic differences and similarities between them.

I found an excellent book, "Comprendre les Langues Romanes", which teaches Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian to French speakers. And there's a parallel book in each of those 4 languages doing it the other way.

The book, interestingly, turns out to have been organized by some Danish professors in Romance languages, with the collaboration of colleagues in a number of countries. See, there's an idea that maybe is more likely to occur to somebody from a Scandinavian country. The 3 Scandinavian languages, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian, are to a large degree inter-comprehensible to people from those countries. Oh, they're different in many ways, almost as different as the Romance languages are. Certainly not just a matter of a different accent. At least a third of the words are different, and pronunciation has very different rules between them, different phonemes (units of sounds), etc. But the Scandinavians learn the basics about the other languages in school, and they consider each other close. So, in principle, one should be able to speak in one's own language, say Danish, and another person speaks Swedish, and we can understand each other. There will be gaps and little things one doesn't quite get, but generally that works. Even if I can't list the rules for Swedish grammar and pronunciation, I mostly understand it when a Swede speaks it, and he'd understand most of what I say in Danish.

So, the idea is that one could have the same inter-comprehensibility between the Romance languages. There's no big reason a French person shouldn't understand a Spanish or Italian speaker, and they should understand him when he speaks French. Mostly that isn't so at all, but it could be if each of them learned the basic differences and similarities, and a bit about how they've evolved.

For examples, in French the word for the English "full" is "plein". In Italian that is "pieno", in Spanish it is "lleno", "cheio" in Portuguese, and "plin" in Romanian. That at first looks very different. But they all come from the Latin "pleno". It is simply that they've converted it according to different rules. Many words that would start with pl- in French would the same way start with pi- in Italian, ll- in Spanish, ch- in Portuguese and pl- in Romanian. Which suddenly makes it easier to recognize what the words are. There are a lot of situations like that, where the differences are quite systematic, and one can see the similarities through it.

Potentially, many people could be capable of having a basic understanding of quite a few languages, if they went straight to learning how they relate to each other, how they've evolved from common roots, and what the essentially differences are between them. Which would be a very good thing for cross-cultural understanding. Less of a Tower of Babel. Maybe you don't master the languages, but you can understand most of them.

But, hey, maybe there's a conspiracy against it. There is a curious coincidence in this book. Its main author is listed as Paul Teyssier, a Danish language professor. But the foreword is by a different Danish language professor, Jørgen Schmitt Jensen, the project's coordinator,who gives a lively introduction to the book, and ends with the sad note that Mr.Teyssier unfortunately has passed away, so therefore, in his place, he would be writing the introduction to Romance languages. And then, under that, there's another note, from somebody else, that unfortunately, because of Mr.Schmitt Jensen's untimely illness and death, the introduction will not be written by him either, but by so-and-so. Who apparently survived through it. But it is a bit like they all get killed off, because they have the audacity to teach more people to understand each other. Nah, they were probably just old, but one never knows.  More >

 Angel's song1 comment
14 Jul 2005 @ 14:25, by swanny. Music
Well through the "magic" of multi track
I present a composition by me and my parakeets
angel and grassy.
I recorded this song earlier
but this version has me, my guitar, grassy singin harmony,
angel playin "cage" and a drum machine.
Now here we go....

Angel song link = [link]  More >

 Night into the Dream3 comments
picture 13 Jul 2005 @ 08:06, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Night into the Dream

I used to think I was strong  More >

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