12 Jul 2005 @ 15:10, by silviamar. Recreation, Fun
How often do we have time to just stop and think about our life? We are deeply immersed in our daily routine, such as job, family, responsabilities, expectations... Are we really in the driver's seat of our life? It's easy to lose our identity and to forget about ourselves, our own path, our desires and fears. Free time to reflect on ourselves is a treasure that we don't have the opportunity to enjoy very often. My opportunity came without expecting it. More >
12 Jul 2005 @ 13:05, by swanny. Farming
Well on to more practical matters...
any farmers out there or in here?
Just wonder how the crops are fairing this year.
Been a strange year whether wise and all.
I see theres more farmers getting into organic produce
and more specialized crops.
hmmmm Some think having stuff from around the world
out of season is a bad thing. What I don't like is that
the flavour seems to have been "bred" out of most things.
The flavour or ....??? spots on my apples.
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.
With pink hotels a botique and a swingin hot spot.
We have a nice farmers market here and theres a hutterite
colony that grows some pretty decent stuff near by.
Theyre actually quite inovative and are using their animal wastes
to generate electricity. Methane digestures I think they are.
Do I talk to much? More >
11 Jul 2005 @ 18:06, by quinty. Politics
Definitions you may never have thought of.............
..................Additions welcome More >
10 Jul 2005 @ 15:17, by raypows. Ideas, Creativity
Though at times it may feel like we simply blend in and are lost in the machinations of modern culture, we are all Divine sparks of illumination, individuated seeds of potential yearning to be realized. Our innate gifts, our passionate expressions, are a creative force constantly manifesting the world we live in and the future we willl behold. More >
10 Jul 2005 @ 09:10, by swanny. Medicine, Healthcare
The available data would seem to suggest that health is not a merely objective or subjective matter but a "correlated" and relative degree of both.
Given this complex nature of health how does a useable and suitable treatment methodology emerge. There are now the public and private systems and then the composites therein but given this complex nature how is care and treatment to be administered in an effective yet fair manner.
Is the dollar, to be the sole determiner of health access, and if so is this fair, or is health perhaps some what more an aspect and degree of need and ability to pay.
Given these considerations I would propose a system which incorporates the financial considerations of both the costs and the ability to pay. Such a system would have your basic health and emergency needs covered as some will probably always be so poor and in dire need or state as to render them priorities and some will always be so rich as to afford their own doctors and hospitals.
For the rest, given the somewhat subjective/objective nature of health I would propose a % based system where premium procedures would incur sufficient prices to cover there costs but allow faster access by payment of a percentage based premium of ones yearly income. Say to access faster hip replacement one would have to pay .3% of income. This would allow all to have faster access but determine need and desire on the basis of the proportion of total assets as a means of determining degree of pain perhaps and etc etc..
No it is perhaps in itself not a perfect system and its administration will probably some what problematic but like democracy ...., it may be a bad system but its the best one we've got at the moment.
July 10, 2005
A. G. Jonas More >
9 Jul 2005 @ 12:41, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
I'm posting here some of my poems. I write them in my mother tongue (Spanish), but I'm including too an english translation, so you can understand them.
I wrote the poem 'Tomorrow' in a difficult period of my life, trying to keep my hope and thinking that better times would come ahead. More >
8 Jul 2005 @ 22:28, by vaxen. Legal, Justice
The author consents to republication of this article as long as it not altered or edited. It should not be cited as authority since authority begins with the sovereign reading the article.
Law Is A Practice Without License
I recently attended the memorial service of a man I have held in high regard for some time. His name was Richard Oakes and he was what many would hail as the founding father of Hamline University School of Law. I loved Professor Oakes as a teacher and a mentor. I had the good fortune to study under him, share with him a bit of my life and learn a bit from his. While I drew many lessons from him there is one thing he said in class on a particular spring day, which has remained with me always. It is his words I often borrow for my own whenever I'm drinking coffee with other cops and one of them whines about the inefficiency of our criminal justice system, as did one student in our Criminal Procedure Class, that day back in the spring of 1993. Professor Oakes smiled and responded,
"If you seek efficiency in a criminal justice system, look no further than Nazi Germany. The Gestapo was one of the most efficient law enforcement agencies of the twentieth century. Our nation, on the other hand, was founded on a underlying conflict between the concept of security and the concept of liberty. The principle our system stands for is that the importance of liberty must always be placed above security."
More >
8 Jul 2005 @ 21:02, by astrid. Spirituality
While the World was ran over once again these last few days, by some extreamly un-intelligent individuals, stirring up as much confusion > fear > animosity > hatred > warring as possible, this message was 'channeled' to Celia.
This message has always been 'The Same', but never more urgent than today!
For long periods of time this message has been "worked" by people with a bulldog's tenacity and eagles eyes and a lambs purity of Heart from year to year, from decade to decade. Such a person is -for instance- Grace Lee Boggs. Today we all, the Global Family of Light need to join her as well as Celia in keeping the Flame of Peace and Happiness, Freedom, Justice / Equality for ALL alive in our Minds and Prayers 24/7 as Celia here will tell us when channelling this Age-old Message once again today, so that we might not lose the grip of our Goal.
( the pict. here is of Grace Lee Boggs. /THANKS Scotty. You're a Doll! )
Dear Family
While we hold love and compassion in our hearts for those who are suffering this day in London, let us also remember that as Lightworkers we must hold the light for the planet.
In the days that come there will be more attempts to create fear and anger and panic. There will be attempts to hi-jack the new energy coming in and subvert it to negative ends. It is not a co-incidence that whoever is responsible for these attacks chose the day of the 7:7:7 to perpetrate their negative intentions. Do not allow them to create fear and negativity in your hearts.
Hold the balance for love and peace and a better way of life. Keep that focus. Know that as Archangel Michael has said, suffering and pain are not necessary in the New Earth. It is up to us as Lightworkers to hold that light in this difficult time.
If we can reach critical mass in the Human Collective Consciousness at this time, we ca! n change the way the world thinks. It is now more important than ever to hold our focus for a world based on love, peace and balance where all can live in peace and safety.
love to you all
Just a few days ago, here on ncn the Thought was posted "What Makes America Great?"
Part of my comment then was: " ... Of course America IS great BUT FOR EXACTLY WHAT REASONS?... The NATURAL Beauty of the Land, for one thing. For the wonderful NATIVES (the children of the few, that survived the biggest Man-slaughter in all of Mankind's entire History) and for many countless other reasons!
I agree with you on Americas (POTENTIAL) Greatness!"
Feels good to know that I'm not alone in seeing 'Things' the way I do!... : )
Here, you can find several 'Things' that can be done to make America great! [link]
The people at Yes Magazine and their Friends around the world are all into making -not just - America great, but the whole Planet great again!... And.... Something wrong with that, huh? I personally don't think so!... Then again... maybe I'm a little whacky... thinking that I and Kindred Spirits to me would have a Place here -other than to be walked on -or at least walked over!... just because I /we don't kiss any Hot PoliticalButts... not Bush's nor Blair's nor their Bosses'!!! .....
But I do want to celebrate people like Grace Lee Boggs!... Why? Among other things for her Dream and Work in accordance to her Dream. See for yourself:
"Journey To a New America"
by Grace Lee Boggs
Print this Article or e-mail this article to a friend. [link]
Who are We the people at a time when democracy is under assault? How can all Americans, of all races, help build a country that “has never been and yet must be?”
"I love this country not only because my ancestors’ blood is in the soil but because of its potential, what I believe it can become.” This is how my late husband, Jimmy Boggs, used to respond to those who said they hated this country because it had enslaved blacks, forced Native Americans onto reservations, and continued to discriminate against people of color. As an auto worker, organizer, writer, and speaker, Jimmy was always calling on other African Americans to assume leadership not only in their own communities but in the struggle to make this country
one that all Americans, regardless of race, class, religion or national origin, would be proud to call their own. More >
8 Jul 2005 @ 14:02, by swanny. Medicine, Healthcare
July 8, 2005
Hey Ho.....
This internet thingy .... I don' t know.....????
Well I suppose one has to "work" with what ones got....
No matter it would seem....
anyway "OFF TOPIC"..... OPPS.....
Is health objective or subjective or both a compound
Is health static or dynamic.....???? or again both.....
and what do you call something that is both static and dynamic
but "life"..... cyclic perhaps....
So then the model of health is ....???
We don't even know....
or is there more than one model....???
Is one persons health perhaps another persons "disease"....
Okay then maybe there are different models of health and different
Who defines them though....
Which ones are "legitimate"....
Does the "market determine" or "need" or compassion or empathy or
Okay again there's at least two models
Men and women....
What is healthy to a man I would quesstimate is not the same
as what is healthy to a woman.... Venus/Mars....
So there's two different yet equally valid models...
Its a start....
So as a male then what is health or healthy to me...???
Good question?
Alfie More >
8 Jul 2005 @ 01:24, by jmarc. Violence, War
Vik Rubenfeld of The Big Picture writes today
about how the terror attacks on London point out
an obvious fact. The current approach is not working.
Sure, there have been successes. We've put out a few
fires, beating back the Taleban, and finally removing
the mass murderer Saddam, but we can see that these are
just small victories in a much larger battle. More >
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