4 Dec 2008 @ 09:27, by erlefrayne. Peace
Pakistan and India are now on the verge of another war, one that will extend the frontiers of a brewing World War III to the South Asian corridor. Many are befuddled by the events in the region, the continuing animosities among the erstwhile ‘sibling’ neighbors, the latest terror attack on Mumbai, and more to come. Many in India and Pakistan still think that the hostilities are rooted in the Hindu-Islam competition, and/or in the lack of foresight of Nehru for approving the partition plan. Never do they bother at all to reflect about external forces, notably British financier oligarchs, that were responsible for that very faulty partition.
The creation of Pakistan is directly a result of the old British East India Company’s or BEAC’s search for safe opium trade route, in case that Indian independence would galvanize. BEAC enterprises are mired in every kind of underworld financial sources, to say the least, the revenues of which are then used to finance businesses in the aboveground. Among such covert sources were (a) slave trade (Adam Smith was BEAC-hired to design a doctrine that will justify free trade of slaves by the British) and (b) opium trade. More >
4 Dec 2008 @ 03:58, by anandavala. Philosophy
What is this experiential process that is happening right now?
What is experience?
What is this individual stream of experience? What am I?
Why do I experience things right now and only remember past
experiences? What is the present moment, the arrow of time, time
itself, the process of change and memory?
What do the contents-of-experience (phenomena) represent? What is
the phenomenal world?
What is that persistent complex phenomenon that closely
accompanies my stream of experience? What is my body? More >
2 Dec 2008 @ 22:48, by feecor. Housing, Building, Architecture
A Forum, Market/Mall, Museum, Bauhütte, Bürgerturm or Extraterritorial Space in Borderland ?
Stretching and Squeezing the Agora – The castle-forum in Berlin, a new shopping mall behind old facades? More >
2 Dec 2008 @ 07:03, by gsmla. Economics, Financing, Banking
I am a victim of the Indymac Bank Takeover.and I am now at a loss for a significant amount of my retirement savings.
As individuals we are being ignored by our government and the media.
How can the Federal government expect to restore consumer confidence if individual depositors are being robbed of their savings????....... No wonder that personal savings are at a historic low point.
The Federal government should take responsibility for not acting sooner to protect Indymac bank depositors.
The Treasury has a MORAL obligation to bail out the "uninsured" depositors of Indymac Bank. They should have acted sooner to protect the depositors.The majority were badly advised by Indymac bank and never notified that their funds were in jeopardy.
We are not people who made speculative investments - we are individuals who accepted lower returns on our money so we could feel protected by the federal government ....Now we are betrayed by the system.
Fat cats are getting billions 'bailout' funds while we ar left holding the bag.
LIVES HAVE BEEN RUINED,....and this terrible loss has been devastating to all involved.....We are living a nightmare.
I have found many internet postings from other depositors who were also deceived by Indymac bank..... all tragedies - College funds lost, retirements postponed, retirement nest eggs decimated, family homes in escrow now up in smoke..........broken dreams we have saved all our lives for.
I have literally spent nights on end looking for help, or even only recognition.
Major newspaper editors and reporters have cold heartedly ignored that we exist. We have no way of communicating with each other - we need a voice.
I would deeply appreciate all feedback !!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life
1 Dec 2008 @ 11:01, by jazzolog. Economics, Financing, Banking
In mountain light, all sounds
return to silence.
All that remains, the temple
---Ch'ang Chien
Unexpectedly you find it, welling upwards in the empty tree.
---Rainer Maria Rilke
The meadows were a-drinking at their leisure; the frogs sat meditating, all Sabbath thoughts, summing up their week, with one eye out on the golden sun, and one toe upon a reed, eyeing the wondrous universe in which they act their part; the fishes swam more staid and soberly, as maidens go to church,
---Henry David Thoreau
The Eye of the Artist, c. 1898
Victor Dubreuil, born in New York to French emigre parents
The administration of President Grant, who's on the 5 dollar bill along with the mysterious pyramid we stuck on our money, is remembered for its financial corruption.
There is only one rule of economics for me, and that is I pay my bills on time. I prefer to pay for anything at the moment I buy it, but that isn't always possible so I get bills. My wife and I argue about some things, but we seem to agree about politics and money. We don't borrow. There's a car payment and we have a second mortgage for environmental improvements to the house---which already are saving us money on energy costs. Ilona probably is going to college shortly, so we may need someone to make us a loan then. Otherwise we have lived within our means for 27 years---despite rocky times.
I've been broke and down and out in my day. I've had everything I own in my car, with nowhere to go. I've sat on a curb in New York City, without a job, and wept. I've been grateful for government programs. I support them gladly through taxes, now that I have some money. I celebrate economic simplicity in my life, which principles I probably learned through some hardship and a sound upbringing. I learned only the basics of how a capitalist market is supposed to work in theory, in the single required course on the matter in college. Quite frankly, I haven't been able to see that the market---take gasoline for instance---actually works that way. But then maybe, for the last 10 years, the market hasn't really been working at all. More >
30 Nov 2008 @ 10:59, by anandavala. Philosophy
Some comments inspired by two fascinating essays written by David
Chalmers, The Puzzle
of Conscious Experience and Facing
Up to the Problem of Consciousness.
The “hard problem of consciousness” is the issue of why is it
that we experience anything at all, or why is it that there is
something that it is like to be something? The reason why this
problem is intractable to empirical science is because in its
philosophical foundations empiricism
takes the contents of experience (phenomena)
to be the foundation of its ontology,
upon which all its later knowledge depends.
However it is impossible to use the contents of experience to
construct a theory of experience because, in a causal sense,
experience precedes the contents of experience. Empirical science
studies phenomena, their perceivable attributes, behaviours and
functional relationships hence it can explain much of the functional
aspects of consciousness such as how do we integrate information from
many sources into a coherent knowledge base or how can we verbalise
our internal states (the easy problems of consciousness) but it
cannot explain experience itself (the hard problem).
However, empirical science is not the whole of science. There are
methods which, as quantum physics shows, can be very accurate
(quantum physics is by far the most accurate science ever developed
and it has rationalist rather than empiricist foundations).
Rationalist approaches must eventually connect with, and be verified
by their correspondence with the objects of experience, however these
are not their starting point. They take a rational theoretical model
as their ontological foundation and only when this foundation later
connects with experience are they considered to be verified. It is
conceivable that a rationalist theory could overcome the limitations
of empiricism and provide a scientific explanation of conscious
experience. More >
30 Nov 2008 @ 05:10, by erlefrayne. Economics, Financing, Banking
At this juncture, this economist, who is also a healer (pranic healer, soul healer, psychosocial counselor), will begin to articulate economic problems from a wellness vantage point. I will be calling the paradigm ‘healing economics’ as a fusion of wellness principles and economic analysis.
If we observe the ‘treatment’ applied by public policy experts on national economies today, we would see that the solutions to the problems are largely short-term ones that only mitigate economic collapse for a while. We can call them ‘band aid’ solutions to problems that are more of ‘cancerous’ in nature, and by common sense we know that band aid cannot cure cancer.
The economies of our nations have already been integrated over the last three (3) decades or so. This integration constituted the ‘global economy’ which is distinct from national economies and which manifest its own laws. National economies have become interstices or tissues of the global economy, and trying to cure ailing national economies without taking into consideration the wellness of the whole global economy will fail. More >
29 Nov 2008 @ 22:27, by vaxen. Social System Design
When these New World Order murderers have exhausted the usefulness of the American sheep, American worker ants and American soldiers and there's no more treasure to steal from abroad, when such a time arises that the sheep have nothing left to steal from others and nothing left themselves that is worthy of stealing, then and only then will these ignorant sheep, who supposedly support this crusade, see the fate that awaits them. Then and only then will the sheep see what these New World Order criminals have in store for them. Only then will they see the danger. Only then will the sheep decide that maybe it's a good time to get off their knees. But by then it will be too late to rise up. More >
29 Nov 2008 @ 06:39, by skookum. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
I do SO know that the day after Thanksgiving is the first official start of the Christmas shopping season...
The death and injuries attributed to Black Friday at an New York WalMart are terrible. My condolences to those and their families. I just want to know where security was. I know here in my town they had plenty of police etc. to keep things relatively sane. Just makes me shake my head that something like this would need security measures in the first place. Whose idea was this Black Friday thing anyway? Are they freakin' nuts? Are WE nuts? My only answer is "most likely". More >
28 Nov 2008 @ 14:04, by jazzolog. Peace
The head is through, but the body is still sticking out.
---Zen saying
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
Kassan had a monk who left and went all around to the various Zen temples, seeking. But no matter where he went, the name of Kassan was mentioned to him as the name of a great master.
Finally the monk returned, interviewed Kassan, and asked: "You are reputed to have the greatest understanding of Zen. Why did you not reveal this to me when I was here earlier?"
Kassan said: "When you boiled rice, did I not light the fare? When you passed around food, did I not offer my bowl to you? When did I betray your expectations?"
With that the monk was enlightened.
---Zen mondo
Photo: Stan Honda / AFP/Getty Images
The title of this reluctant article is on the subject line of the latest message from David Plouffe, campaign manager of Obama For America. It came Tuesday, and suggests the grassroots hold house parties the middle of next month to energize supporters in continuing the message of hope. In the weeks before the election, David or someone from www.BarackObama.com used to email us every day, as did other Democrats and independent progressives. The others either have quit campaigning, fallen in a holiday heap of exhaustion, or gone back to work. Some of the progressive groups seem to be casting about for something to do or new issues to keep contributions coming in. But the Obama organization is trying to keep things together and the momentum going. At no point in Mr. Plouffe's message does he mention growing doubt as a matter for concern. The man isn't even President yet, but the Internet is groaning with disappointment.
My personal reaction to the election, as far as the Internet is involved in my life, was to sigh relief and vow not to bother readers with any more political writing. People who have known me for a while, and who encouraged me to write and post stuff, remember I used to compose reminiscences and pastoral observations of nature. I got very nice responses to that...and still do. But in the Roman tradition of the gentle farmer who must leave the plow and go to battle when the republic is under attack, I started to write political things several years ago. I lost a lot of readers doing that. They didn't want to know about it, or if they did know didn't want to read it on this piece of furniture many use only for recreation. I thought they'd be happy if they found out I was back!
And Thanksgiving yesterday at my home seemed to reflect the wisdom of this perception. We have a pretty animated political group of people who come here---and that includes some who have given up completely various dreams for the future. Everybody is vocal, and in past gatherings we've discussed current affairs in loud speeches. With the Hillary/Obama schism, there came debate and argument. But yesterday---I shall be corrected if wrong---I don't think a political notion was uttered. We talked about babies and traveling and food and shopping---actual normal American conversation. Our worries will be addressed and taken care of, and we can return to our gardens.
But then...but then, I venture into the news sites and blogs this morning, and I find no such peacefulness prevailed in cyberspace yesterday...or in the columns of newspapers. I'm sure there are plenty of articles about things to be thankful for, the usual ones, and we did a lot of gratitude in our house. But in reading today I have to say I soon was overwhelmed with crisis and gloom. So much so, that I hate to tell you I need to share it...not so much to spread it around, as to offer up a reality check. Is a sense of relief really called for? More >
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