29 May 2005 @ 00:58, by swanny. Philosophy
Much of my early life was spent sensing that something was missing or displaced in my life or this world. I am not certain where such feelings originated and had little insight into what they might involve. Needless to say though, as many they caused me to search somewhat blindly for that "missing" something.
Many have had this same quest perhaps for something that came to be called the unifying theory I suppose. We are not that different after-all but I came to question the probability of a static unifying theory in the light of progress and evolution and realized perhaps its inherent impossibility.
Now though in light of my discovery or the rediscovery of Phi (1.6180339...) the golden ratio, while I see it not as a unifying theory, it is or does suggest in a way, a divine unifying ratio.
I can't help but speculate thus, that the current dysfunctional planetary society, is the result of our deviation or such, from the expressions and principles of this golden or divine mean. (phi) We have, it would seem forgotten or taken this very fundamental and important aspect of harmonious existence and development for granted. It is after-all, or can serve as a very basic guiding light, factor or consideration in organizational and holistic endeavor and development.
A fact, which previous earth societies once acknowledged and held in high esteem and regard, as history would seem to indicate but which through some oversight or some such was supplanted or replaced by humanities obsession and fascination with and to itself.
It is only now, once again, as we begin to reap the consequences of such self absorption that we see the real and urgent need to redeem and reacquaint ourselves with this ancient, divine and unifying ratio and its holistic aspects.
Hopefully some remnants of its properties and understandings still remain in spite of our neglect towards its inherent and necessary truth. More >
28 May 2005 @ 00:59, by jmarc. Recreation, Fun
This just in via Hot Sauce More >
26 May 2005 @ 02:04, by jmarc. Science
I won't take your time with a long winded article full of hot air. Just a link or two to some facts, and by facts, I don't mean the facts you find in your fellow traveler rags More >
25 May 2005 @ 19:56, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
The following represents my opinion and is based on years of experience as a human experimentee of the us government:
Non-consensual human research is a euphemism for a torture campaign so horrible in its design and implementation that most individuals (not familiar with it) refuse to acknowledge its use or its possible existence. The *Target is under constant surveillance and assault and may have a tracking device implanted in the body and is subjected to a wide variety of psychological operations (including the injections into the body of chemicals, viral and bacterial infections, and psychoelectronic assaults, etc.)which are all intended to force the Target to commit **suicide, or to otherwise flee for his life . See:
See also:
The US department of justice, the cia and the fbi, the department of health and human services and other agencies are privy to the program, and the US congress tacitly approves such activity in the name of national security; the courts have no interest in the wholesale violations of constitutional and human rights inherent in the program, and the president of the US authorizes the research by a wink and a nod or by executive order.
The companion research tool to non-consensual human experimentation is more purely scientific; that is to say that researchers and scientists seek at once to 1) map the human brain and 2) catalogue genetic characteristics of individual experimentees with regard to specific qualities; often siblings are subjected to the research when genetic samplings of more than one member of the family are needed for verifications of codings and comparative analyses thereof. The end result of such is to identify those genetic characteristics most often associated with genious/insanity/retardation/aggression,etc, so that the global genetic data bank can screen out all potential threats to new world order (nwo) political standards.
Of particular interest to the geneticists are the correlations between intellectual and intuitive abilities on the one hand and the kind of activism or non-conformity to public policy dictates that could threaten political stability , on the other hand.
The global design of the new world order discounts today the military domination of all nations; the scientific inroads towards a kind of purification of the species (consistent with the dogma of the new world order kingpins) means that the future of mankind as a thinking,intuitive,and creative individual is directly determined and defined by the scientists of the nwo government.Thus the unnecessary killings by so-called wars of millions of people over centuries of conflict are simply a prologue to the real horror awaiting our species.
* This Target reports that he has suffered a kind of emotional 'drawing and quartering' in a metaphoric sense and that he presently seeks to recover from the effects of the abuse though the wherewithal to do so (as the torture campaign continues) is illusive.
geral sosbee May 26, 2005.
However, this Target is invigorated at the realization that the fbi and the cia (and their hundreds of attackers against this one person over the past decade) is historically viewed as puny and degenerative as compared to the increasing influence in exponential terms of the work of geral sosbee.
--------- --------------
**For more on current events, see:
Special annotation, March 25, 2006, from Brownsville, Texas, by geral sosbee:
Some of the assaults (both physical and psychological) are difficult to describe because of the personal and private nature of the intrusions. The chip implanted in this Target allows the fbi and the cia to track him and at the same time to monitor his pulse, heart beat, etc.
----Now, pay close attention: if the Target attempt an intimate experience, the fbi monitors him/her in real time on the computer screen which reflects the data regarding vital signs , even though the Target may be under the cover , and at the same time the fbi observes this Target via the wireless surveillance technology (which covers 24/7 the Target's activities in home, car , and any other appropriate locations).Thus no activity is unavailable to the monstrous monitors; the next day the fbi sends a messge to the Target (usually via the site meter, or by tampering with the Target's vehicle, or additional poisonings) indicating that the Target's conduct is not acceptable; the most recent example of this type of messaging occurred recently as the fbi reminds the Target of the ability to conduct "fbi undercover" operations anywhere , anytime. The high tech devices used by these torturers offer the world a new interpretation of the idea of "fbi undercover" investigations.
Thus, this Target deduces that the overall purpose of the conditioned response techniques employed against him is to drive him insane. This update offers a glympse of the fbi and the cia use of low life thugs and tormentors and the high tech gadgetry that provides them with tools of their trade (i.e.:to destroy the life and sanity of the Target). After nearly a decade of such aggressive hostilities against this Target, no end is in sight; this observation in and of itself is exactly anticipated by the fbi and the cia in their overall evaluation of the effects of their assaults on the mind of the Target. Finally, this Target embraces the trauma put upon him as a kind of learning experience which may be of use to future generations.Thank you.
and also see:
See Also:
The Invisible personnel and criminal life control surveillance system
A Nation In Denial , Part 1
America is a nation in denial. There are things no major publication dares to print, no major broadcaster dares to discuss. Working largely through dummy "private" agencies, American military and intelligence authorities are violating human rights with absolute impunity, using 21st-Century technology to advance an inhuman, totalitarian agenda. Those who know won't speak. Those who speak are not heeded. Those who hear do not listen. Those who listen will not act."
Article # 88 , this site
Date: 10 Dec 2005 @ 19:30
By: Geral Sosbee
Titled: Killing of Hostages, a fbi/cia Sponsored/Permitted Atrocity
For definition of "torture" see:
*** See united states government message to Sosbee that the us government is torturing him with the sleep deprivation technology:
[link] More >
25 May 2005 @ 17:42, by raypows. Nutrition, Cooking
A May 22 headline news story in the London Independent has rocked Monsanto and the biotech industry and fueled the controversy over the safety of genetically engineered food. The story reveals that internal Monsanto documents, reviewed by EU scientists, show serious health damage to laboratory animals fed Monsanto's new genetically engineered "rootworm-resistant" corn. Rats who consumed the mutant corn developed smaller kidneys and exhibited blood abnormalities. Scientists say these are "red flags" for immune system damage and/or cancer tumor promotion. Although the EU will now undoubtedly ban Monsanto's new GMO corn, this same rootworm-resistant corn is already being grown and consumed on a major scale in the United States. Monsanto has denied that the corn can harm humans, but nonetheless refuses to turn over its data to the media, claiming that the lab studies are "Confidential Business Information." Learn more and take action: http://www.organicconsumers.org/monlink.htm
The USDA has recently been accused of been covering up cases of mad cow disease for over a decade. Now a deceased California man's family and doctor have announced they believe Patrick Hicks, aged 49, died late last year from variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, or vCJD. The fatal disease is contracted from eating beef contaminated with the mad cow disease. Dr. Ron Bailey, a neurologist at Riverside Medical Center, believes this will be the first documented case of vCJD in the U.S., and in order to bypass the hand of the USDA, is sending brain samples overseas for testing to an independent laboratory. Over 150 Europeans have already died from vCJD, with thousands more believed to be incubating the disease. http://www.organicconsumers.org/madcow/CAman051605.cfm
The European Parliament is set to debate new regulations that would dramatically increase the number of banned chemicals in the EU. The law would require manufacturers of some 30,000 currently legal chemicals to provide scientific evidence that their products are safe for human health and the environment. If the legislation passes, it would have a major impact on thousands of chemicals and products manufactured and sold in the U.S. Despite much weaker regulations in the U.S. many American companies have no choice but to adhere to European regulations given that the EU, with 25 countries and 460 million people, represents an even larger market than the U.S. http://www.organicconsumers.org/Politics/strict051805.cfm
World Health Organization Director, General Lee Jong-Wook opened the 58th World Health Assembly last week by saying avian influenza is the most serious health threat facing the world. "The timing cannot be predicted, but rapid international spread is certain once the pandemic virus appears," Lee said. "This is a grave danger for all people in all countries." Lee strongly advised leaders of every nation to implement, as a top priority, systems for responding to the onset of the virus. http://www.organicconsumers.org/Politics/avian051805.cfm
The American Diabetic Association (ADA) is suddenly countering decades of scientific studies that have consistently linked diets high in sugar to diabetes. In a May 16 interview, Richard Kahn, the chief scientific and medical officer with the ADA said "What is the evidence that sugar itself has anything to do with diabetes? There is no evidence." Coincidentally, last month, the ADA announced a "three-year, multi-million dollar alliance" with Cadbury Schweppes, which is the third largest producer of soft drinks in the world. http://www.organicconsumers.org/school/diabetes051705.cfm
The Oregon Senate Education Committee has rewritten a law that would have banned soft drinks from vending machines in the state's schools. In a complete turnabout, the new law actually gives the green light to sugary beverages in schools. Lawmakers instrumental in the rewrite process claim the change of heart has nothing to do with the fact that the Oregon Soft Drink Association, a powerful industry lobby group opposed to banning junk foods in schools, contributed $91,000 to their election campaigns in 2004. http://www.organicconsumers.org/school/coke050905.cfm
Texas entrepreneur John Lockwood, whose new internet business advertises a "real time on-line hunting and shooting experience," has spurred emergency proposed legislation in 14 states. Lockwood's website charges a monthly fee to subscribers who can then sit at their computers, anywhere in the world, watch live web cameras situated on Lockwood's game farm, and remotely shoot guns at real-life animals with the click of a mouse. Animal rights groups, the National Rifle Association and legislators across the U.S. are teaming up to pass laws that would ban such activity, referencing dangers of the spread of remotely fired guns, while Lockwood argues that this is a more ethical way of harvesting food than buying factory farm meats from the slaughterhouse. http://www.organicconsumers.org/corp/hunt.cfm
Responding to the growing number of localities whose citizens are voting to regulate or even ban genetically engineered crops, the biotech industry, led by Monsanto and Syngenta, has brought new legislation to ten states in the U.S. that would remove the rights of communities to have any control of agricultural regulations in their area. On one side of the issue, citizens and farmers in counties that have banned GE crops, like Mendocino, Calif., say they have a right to protect their predominantly organic county from contamination by GE pollen from neighboring crops. On the other side of the issue, the biotech industry is investing tens of millions of dollars to remove these local rights, saying anti-GE citizens and farmers "lack the education to make these kinds of decisions." http://www.organicconsumers.org/monsanto/laws052005.cfm More >
25 May 2005 @ 01:31, by mre. Internet
The Los Angeles Jewish-Muslim Email Dialogue on Human Rights has just concluded most wonderfully. Both the individual messages and the development through the five rounds of the dialogue are very impressive from the "Oneness that underlies all reality" of the first message to a specific five point agenda for Southern California of the last. See groupdialog.org/humanrights/results.htm to view the dialogue results. More >
24 May 2005 @ 18:25, by bkodish. Violence, War
A Belgian correspondent of mine shocked and educated me several years ago, when he said that the Israeli army stood in the same position toward the Arabs of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza as the Nazis stood in relation to the Jews in 1939.
He was not a radical leftist by any means but--as I have since gathered-- a rather typical mainstream European one. Educated, 'progressive' and grossly ignorant of the antisemitism he was spouting.
Despite my admonitions, he appeared impervious to the obvious differences between Israel's seige by the Arab world and the Nazi Juggernaut. He was unwilling to admit that he didn't sufficiently know the history either of 20th Century Europe or of the Middle East. He felt insulted with the implication that he had uncritically absorbed the assumptions of anti-Israeli propagandists.
He resisted my suggestion that his "Israel is an apartheidt state" rhetoric echoed the dehumanizing rhetoric of Nazi Jew-hatred. More >
24 May 2005 @ 17:44, by ming. Communities
Robert Cringely had a couple of articles recently, DayJet May Be the First Peer-to-Peer Airline and Jet Me to Work
DayJet Software Could Revolutionize More Than Just Air Travel. Essentially about a private jet company called DayJet, which has made a piece of software that makes it economical to provide relatively cheap business flights from just about anywhere to just about anywhere in the U.S. on cheap jets that have seats for just 3 passengers. They plan on having between 40 and 300 planes like that. The big deal is their optimization software. All airlines have to do a big optimization calculation, to figure out how best to utilize their aircraft, and transport the most people to places they want to go, for the lowest cost. But even for a major airline, the number of planes and routes and destinations is relatively small, and they don't change their routes very often. What DayJet has in mind is a much huger set of optimization calculations, done not every month, but every time somebody wants to go somewhere. The use of the planes will change all the time, and any little airport might be used, as long as the jets can land there. So, the whole calculation needs to be done basically for each customer, in relation to whoever else wants to fly around that time. You know, it isn't economical to fly just one person, so the optimization will figure out how best to serve everybody and fill up the seats as much as possible.
I don't think I'll ever fly in one of those seats, so that's not why it is interesting. What's interesting is the general possibilities of optimizing a whole bunch of things, if you have the software and the computing power for it.
Our society is a rather inefficient machine in many ways exactly because we don't have very efficient means of coordinating what is available with what is needed.
If I have a book I've read and I don't need it any longer, why don't I give it to somebody else who'd like it, particularly if they live just around the corner, and they can come and pick it up this afternoon? Because we don't know of each other, that's why. And there's no good means for us to do so. I'm not going to go around and put up notices on the lamp posts for my book, that's too expensive in effort expended. And if everybody did that, there'd be too much information to wade through. But software could do it. It is a matter of representing what is available and what is needed in some kind of useful manner, and then it is an optimization problem.
Why don't everybody on a street share a small number of lawn mowers, instead of having to maintain their own? It could be much cheaper to share. The reason is that it is too much trouble to coordinate the sharing, and figuring how the right number of lawn mowers and the scheduling. In the absence of some kind of optimization program, it is just much easier to each have our own.
Why do I need to have my own bicycle or car? If I could always find an available vehicle standing close by, and it was reasonably cheap and somebody took care of the maintenance, it would probably be more economical for everybody that we shared. And, indeed, there are now companies that deliver that service in various major cities. Cars or bicycles with GPS systems, coordinated by optimization software.
Really, our whole society is not much more than one big optimization problem. We've got these resources, we've got these needs - how do we bring them together in the most optimum manner? On a micro level.
In a way the solution to that could be a synthesis of free market capitalism and centralized communism. Better than either of them. Both of them bog down because it is just too centralized and there's no good capability to give most people what they need, or to use their resources well. So the solution has been to just make up some product that a lot of people ought to want, and make a one-size-fits-all version of it, and market the hell out of it, and not worry about if it isn't perfect for everybody. Or, in the communist version, to decide what kind of appartment everybody ought to have, or what kind of bicycle, and then just manufacture the same for everybody, in a big dull centralized factory.
If we had the infrastructure for it, it could both open up a great many more business opportunities, and at the same time it can cheaply solve many social issues. As to the book I no longer need, I might either be happy giving it away for free, or I might participate in a business that gives me an appropriate amount of money for it. If I have a restaurant that throws away all the left-over food every day, it would be no extra trouble for me to let somebody come and pick it up and feed it to poor people. All based on that the communication infrastructure is very cheap and easy to use. And that it optimizes both the use of resources and the result or profit gained from their use. I might either want to get the most possible dollars for my book, or I might want to give it to whoever will have the biggest benefit for it. It is merely an optimization problem either way.
The way it will happen is probably that comparnies carve out a niche, delivering more personalized service more efficiently, and we start getting used to expecting custom solutions, rather than general solutions that don't quite fit. We'll start expecting that there will be public transportation in front of our door, rather than half a mile away.
It would be better if it were a transparent open-source system that did it, but competing business solutions would be a good start.
The more transparent, the better. It can potentially be a huge shift in how things are done. See, most traditional businesses are based on hiding from you what the optimum solution would be. In part because they might not know, but also because their economics are based on giving you roughly what they give everybody else, and making you believe that it is the best that is available. Imagine that instead you had your own optimizer, which was plugged into a vast and finegrained infrastructure, which pretty instantly could point out to you the shortest route between what you have and what you want. More >
24 May 2005 @ 10:46, by jazzolog. Natural Health & Healing
The photo, with my son Jeroch, was taken a year ago immediately following the final performance of a play I was in...so there's still a touch of stage makeup visible.
The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be oneself.
---Michel De Montaigne
I have full faith that even when you are down you will not sink, you will not falter, you will not crawl because you will be that special child who understands there are moments in life when there are no answers, no rhymes, no reasons but to grow beyond yourself.
---Grange Rutan
You are relaxed and ready. You are prepared for the operation. It is an initiation. You are being initiated. Such initiations have been practiced forever, under other names. You are safe.
---Indira Parsons
That particular thought of Renaissance philosopher Montaigne has been among my favorites for many years. Grange and Indira are 2 personal friends, who emailed me their encouragements a little over a year ago, before the "operation." I printed out their complete messages and have carried them with me in my wallet ever since. I don't usually do that, so I must assume it was only the first of the new behaviors since---initiation. More >
24 May 2005 @ 07:56, by koravya. Education
Monday evening into Tuesday, May twenty-third into the twenty-fourth. Every speaker has his or her turn during presentations week. Tonight the teamworkers of Group Dynamics covered three topics: the HIV-AIDS virus and epidemic and treatment at the state and global levels; history of internet, software, and media piracy in all of its various forms, and how it should be dealt with strategically and ethically; and the troubling issues and situations that many of today’s children have to face and deal with, including divorce of parents and their possible remarriage, abuse by one or both parents, verbal or physical, socialization issues from pre-school to adolescence and what or any concept of the future are they developing? Eighteen presentations altogether, eight minutes each, no more than ten. Shall see many of these same students in their portfolio and professional procedures class next quarter. Guided awareness training in how to develop an effective prospective employee persona. How to write up a one-page definition of where you come from and what you know how to do. Tomorrow evening, there will be a total of seven presentations covering three separate topics. Teams of two, two, and three, covering the effects of three specific U.S. based transnational corporations and the countries they operate in or through, either directly or indirectly. Could be very interesting if done well. Everyone gets a turn to tell the rest of us what he or she has taken some trouble to find out. The fruits of labor are spoken.
Image from: [link]
A rather evocative image.
*/-^/.* More >
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