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 The "Fallacy" of War1 comment
8 May 2005 @ 21:58, by swanny. Violence, War
As I hang around the shack today
I hear tales from the media on the spector
of the end of World War II and the 60th year commemoration
of the event.
It makes me wonder if perhaps a kind of insanity takes
hold or took hold in those days.
The media endless overanalysis makes me somewhat disgusted
as they seem to want to squeeze out whatever of whatever.
I look then not at the whys and wherefore but to the reality
and lessons. The fallacy of war that I speak then is the assumption that by the killing of others that something some goal or objective can be
achieved. True we must defend ourselves no problem there but this whole idea that killing actually solves problems is absurd. The problems just takes on another form or dimension then or one then has to deal with the damage and fallout and victums and relatives of that solution.
Hilters "final solution" perhaps is a eptitomy of that kind of erroneous thinking and false profit. Ethnic cleansing and the like point to the error and insanity of thinking killing others actually solves problems or anything.
If anything killing others only esasterbates the situation. It produces no growth no insight no truth no victory even. Indeed it in actuality robs one of the opportunity to really reach some mutual understanding and common ground with others, be they foe or freind. It denys us this even if we are the one left standing denys the ability and opportunity to grow in maturity and wisdom turth and truly understand if though perhaps not fully agree with anothers point of view. Victory in war and such then is a misnomer of sorts. War and such is then perhaps a symptom then of some flaw of person charactor or thinking or ideology
and a means to nothing but the status quo or worse. If we are truly to grow as a worthy inhabitants of this planet we will have to see beyond these so called final solutions into perhaps really sitting down and trying to find more constructive and positive ways of mutual coexistence. Ways like dialogue and deliberation. Ways that do not dimish our virtue and honor and truth and love but enhance it. Yes democracy is a bad system but the best one we have at the moment. Yet even still to impose a good thing, is that a good thing? or does the simple act of imposing bespeak and diminish
the whole principle and means of it.

At any rate as Don Juan said the only clear
fact for us all is that life is altogether to short in this unfathomable universe.  More >

 Happy Mother-Killers' Day5 comments
picture8 May 2005 @ 18:48, by spells. Activism
Happy Mothers Day??

It is Mother's Day and my "gift" to you is the truth about this obligatory Hallmark-consumer Holiday. "Mothers Day" started out as a movement for peace, a cause with great merit, but our society has turned it into an obligatory, card sending, must take mom out to "dinner" day. This falls in line with the shallow way we treat important issues and topics.

So the next time you want to say "Happy Mothers Day", instead honor the soul that is here on this planet and do something that will better the world. Honor the truth, don't ignore and don't do things just because everyone else is doing it or it feeds egos...

Are you happy about being a Mother in this age of "pre-emptive" war?

Better yet, honor the truth by upholding the value of peace, human life and in fact, the quality of life itself, by joining together to oppose this senseless war in Iraq. Just like these mothers of the Civil War, rekindle that sense of reverence for life and truth....

Love and CLARITY,

Joy Rae Freeman wrote:

From: "Joy Rae Freeman"
To: "Joy Rae Freeman"

Subject: Mother's Day Proclamation for Peace + May
> 15th Protest
> Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 09:23:20 -0700
> Mother's Day origins were not with breakfast in bed
> or a corsage or a
> greeting card; it began as a political cry for
> peace.
> In 1870, fearing America's involvement in another
> war, Julia Ward Howe, the
> mother of six, penned a document known as "The
> Mother's Day Proclamation for
> Peace," that would bring a country to recognize a
> mother's infinite love for
> her children, her husband, her home, her country and
> for peace. Mother's
> Day began as a protest against war.
> Howe had recently walked the battlefields of the
> Civil War with her husband
> and with Abraham Lincoln. She had just written "The
> Battle Hymn of the
> Republic." But now, as the Franco Prussian War was
> beginning, she felt that
> she could not bear any more violence. She called for
> a congress of women to
> gather immediately to promote "PEACE: A Mother's Day
> for Peace." Julia Ward
> Howe held a standing room only meeting in Boston the
> day that she read that
> proclamation.
> About that same time, there was Anna Jarvis, who
> organized "A Mother's
> Friendship Day" in which mothers from both North and
> South whose sons had
> died in the Civil War came, dressed in gray or blue,
> held hands together and
> sang. Anna Jarvis's daughter - who shared her name -
> organized what is now
> considered to be the first U.S. Mother's Day on May
> 10, 1908. President
> Woodrow Wilson... [redefined] its purpose in a
> non-political way when he set
> aside the second Sunday of May as Mother's Day.
> Written in 1870, but alarmingly relevant today,
> here's the complete text of
> her --
> Mother's Day Proclamation for Peace

> "Arise, then, women of this day!
> Arise all women who have hearts! Whether your
> baptism be that of water or of
> tears! Say firmly: We will not have questions
> decided by irrelevant
> agencies, Our husbands shall not come to us reeking
> with carnage, for
> caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken
> from us to unlearn all
> that we have been able to teach them of charity,
> mercy and patience.
> We women of one country will be too tender of those
> of another country to
> allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.
> From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes
> up with our own. It
> says, 'Disarm, Disarm!'
> The sword of murder is not the balance of justice!
> Blood does not wipe out
> dishonor nor violence indicate possession.
> As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at
> the summons of war, let
> women now leave all that may be left of home for a
> great and earnest day of
> counsel.
> Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and
> commemorate the dead. Let them
> then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the
> means whereby the great
> human family can live in peace, each bearing after
> their own time the sacred
> impress, not of Caesar, but of God.
> In the name of womanhood and of humanity, I
> earnestly ask that a general
> congress of women without limit of nationality may
> be appointed and held at
> some place deemed most convenient and at the
> earliest period consistent with
> its objects, to promote the alliance of the
> different nationalities, the
> amicable settlement of international questions, the
> great and general
> interests of peace."
> Source: [link]
> On May 15, 2005, in protest of the rising death toll
> and the
> on-going military occupation of Iraq, people
> around the country will
> wear numbers symbolizing the 100,000+ civilians
> and soldiers who
> have died since the beginning of the war. We hope
> that you will
> join us in this action that is both a protest
> against the war and a
> memorial to those who have died in Iraq. We have
> reserved the
> numbers between 1 and 1,700 for those who lost
> family members in Iraq,
> and we will provide these numbers free of charge
> to family members.
> Please contact me as soon as possible if you would
> like to wear a
> specific number representing your loved one who died
> in this war.
> SIGN-UP NOW at so we can
> send you your number
> right away.
> Increasingly, many Americans believe that the war
> is over. They
> think that relatively few civilians and soldiers
> have died. They
> think that U.S. interests and Iraqi interests are
> best served by the
> continued occupation of Iraq.
> The reality is that a war of occupation continues
> in Iraq. We now
> know that over 100,000 Iraqi citizens have been
> killed since the
> beginning of the war.
> Over 1,500 U.S. soldiers have died. Countless
> others have been
> wounded and maimed. And, although the pictures
> are not shown on TV,
> large numbers of Iraqi citizens and U.S. soldiers
> continue to die.
> Let's tell the truth about the war and continuing
> occupation in
> Iraq.
> On May 15, wear a number representing one of the
> Iraqi citizens,
> U.S. soldiers, coalition soldiers, and other
> international civilians
> who have been killed in Iraq. Join one of the
> local actions being
> planned in Philadelphia, Boston, and other
> locations. See our
> website for a complete list of locations where
> actions are now
> planned:
> Organize an
> event of your
> own, such as candlelight vigil at a local war
> memorial or a
> demonstration in your town square.
> Or, simply spend the day wearing your number and
> talking to your
> neighbors about it.
> Together we can show that the cost of this war is
> too high.
> Together we can convey to our communities that NOW
> is the time for a
> rapid withdrawal of U.S.
> troops, the establishment of a transitional force
> not dominated by
> U.S. interests, and a commitment on the part of
> the U.S. to provide
> financial assistance for rebuilding Iraq.
> Ask your friends to SIGN UP NOW! at
> and we will send them
> their number to wear
> on May 15. We will provide without charge number
> placards to the
> family members of those who died in Iraq. For
> others who would like
> to ware a number on May 15, we will ask them to
> donate $10 to cover
> minimal administrative costs, and to make sure
> that everyone who
> wants to can participate, even if they can't pay.
> The remainder of
> these donations will help fund humanitarian aid in
> Iraq and
> continued anti-war work.
> At you will also find
> detailed information
> about the death toll in Iraq, a list of local
> actions already being
> planned, and ideas to help you and your group plan
> an action of your
> own.
> Don't forget to send this email on to a friend who
> can join us.
> c/o Women's International League for Peace and
> Freedom
> 1213 Race Street
> Philadelphia, PA 19107
> 215-563-7110
> is a volunteer initiative
> begun in Philadelphia,
> with assistance from the Women's International
> League for Peace and
> Freedom.
> Current Sponsors: Women's International League for
> Peace and
> Freedom, Veterans For Peace, Gold Star Families
> for Peace, Iraq
> Veterans Against War, National Lawyers Guild,
> Global Exchange, The
> Shalom Center, Brandywine Peace Community,
> Catholic Peace Fellowship
> Philadelphia Chapter, Delaware County Wage Peace
> and Justice,
> Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia Regional Antiwar
> Network, A Quaker
> Action Group II, House of Grace Catholic Workers.  More >

 Tsunami Quake Fallout?5 comments
8 May 2005 @ 12:22, by swanny. Communication
I know I started another thread called "Strange Week"
and I suppose this may be supplemental to it, but it occurs
or suggests, what it?... well perhaps the "global sensorium"
suggests to me that what I may be expericing is the "pyshic fallout" from the great shift that occurred 5 months earlier.
Yes there was the intial shock and outpouring of grief and
dollars but it was said that months later the earth was still
"ringing". Now I suppose it is a matter of disposition and perhaps "belief" to suggest that we are subject to the great forces of nature at work around us but I myself feel we are and the "effects" of this quake may be the apparent...
hmmmmmm ???? well call it a "disturbance in the force" if you will that I am picking up on.
The only reason I suppose that I make note of it perhaps is the unusual "quality" of the behaviors it seems to be eliciting. These or some of these are behaviours and such that I don't seem to have words for. These unusual qualities of behaviour are perhaps no cause for concern but I wonder if there may be an "opportunity" here to make some real "progress" in ??? well I'm not sure.
Perhaps for us to admit say that a change of some sort has occurred or is occurring on a "global scale" and that rather than perhaps try to control it persae we can acknowledge it and perhaps try to understand the inherant message therein.
How ironic it is for instance to read the news today to see
Herr Bush saying that the Russian occupation of it neighbours
is and was the "greatest wrong" and yet here he stands an occupying force in Iraq. The apparent "unconscious hypocrisy" is just to blatant to ignore. Oh well.

Or maybe its just me.  More >

 Virtual Futurists2 comments
picture 7 May 2005 @ 15:39, by ming. Communities
Last week was the first meeting of the Second Life Future Salon. I used to go to the monthly futurist salons in L.A. spearheaded by John Smart, which was always enjoyable. A group of very bright techie, transhumanist futurists, and always great speakers. Since then affiliated salons have popped up in other places, San Francisco, San Diego and Las Vegas. And now this is the first one in virtual space, in the Second Life virtual world. Which means I can be there, even if it is at 4AM where I am in France.

I was a bit late, and it took me a while to find it. I haven't used Second Life more than a couple of times. It was in a China Town simulation, which was pretty cool, but how to find it? I basically scanned over the world map, which is huge, until I found a suitably large group of people that I could teleport to. People, well, what is there is avatars, virtual bodies. And, well, it is weird compared with a "meat space" meeting. People can have all sorts of wild costumes, and wings and robotic arms or whatever suits them. And you can fly or walk or ride a motorcycle or teleport, or whatever. But you still go to a meeting hall with chairs and sit down, and there is a speaker up front, and you sit and fiddle or look around at who else is there. They had hooked up some new audio conferencing capability so you could hear the speaker. Otherwise you type to each other in speech bubbles or chat windows.

Well, what's interesting is how serious this is. It isn't just some kids trying to pass their spare time with a game. Rather, we have academics and professionals who dedicate quite some effort to making virtual worlds more viable for various kinds of activities, and who study the dynamics of what happen there. How you best do business there, whether you can telecommute from there, what kinds of infrastructure is needed, etc.

Lots of interesting stuff on the Second Life Future Salon Blog, like the article The Flat Earth's Shaky Virtual Ground on the interesting phenomenon of low-wage Chinese workers being employed to play online games in virtual worlds and gather stuff of value that can be sold, and how they get into a puzzling situation in a place like Second Life, where it isn't really a game, but where you can very well make good money in real estate speculation or by starting businesses, but it requires understanding how a capitalist economy works. And if you do, you wouldn't really have to work for peanuts for somebody else in a sweatshop for virtual workers.  More >

 Denying the Holocaust By Elliot Chodoff22 comments
5 May 2005 @ 20:15, by bkodish. Peace
Tomorrow is Yom HaShoa- Holocaust Remembrance Day. After 60 years nonsense about Nazi crimes is still widely broadcast while antisemitism (in the guise of anti-Israelism) remains rampant and many people remain just plain ignorant about what happened to the Jewish people then and what continues to happen now. Elliot Chodoff of Middle East Outpost has written the following piece which anyone who doesn't wish to be afflicted with this nonsense should read and ponder.
--Bruce Kodish

Denying The Holocaust by Elliot Chodoff

"Today, on Holocaust Remembrance Day, sixty years after the liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny and genocide, we reflect on the murder of six million Jews at the hands of Hitler’s Germany and its all-too-many allies.

Not everyone, however, chooses to remember these horrible events. There are those who deny the horrors of the Holocaust, preferring to continue the work of the Nazis in a different form, under the guise of objective scholarship or political criticism.

There exist two types of denial of the Holocaust: the outright, blatant contention that the Holocaust is nothing more than a Zionist hoax, and the accusation that Israel is continuing the policy of the Nazis in its conflict with the Palestinians.

The first, blatant as it is and obnoxious as it may be, is failing miserably, except in the Arab world and among the world’s neo Nazis.

The second, subtle and insidious, is based on the safe assumption that most people are ignorant of at least one of two subjects, the Holocaust and the Middle East Conflict. It effectively denies the horrors of the Holocaust while painting Israel with the brush of Auschwitz.

 More >

 Dreaming a Bigger Dream2 comments
picture5 May 2005 @ 18:37, by ida. Visual Arts, Graphics

We have many names, we speak many languages.  More >

 t'isnt all bad news in the world !
picture 4 May 2005 @ 21:51, by scotty. Broadcasting, Media
It seems to me that just about everywhere I look there are tidings of woe and bad news ! Lot's of people seem to think that the world is going to the dogs .. I don't buy it !
I'm more convinced than ever that people only see what they want to see - there's a hell of a lot of beauty and love and selflessness in the world - there are many people who care and who are trying to make a difference - if we all try our own little bit in our own wee corner then the sum of it all will be one BIG difference and our future can be as beautiful as we dream it to be !!
Anyone who can't see the changes that are happening simply isn't paying attention !

....."Believe ultimately and believe unequivocally in a better future. Find a reason. Get a long term view on a subject that will lead to a better future. Fight yourself for weeks while you try to figure out what is ultimately, truly important to you. And take the time to figure out what it is that can make a real positive difference in people's lives, and in the world for a long-time to come. For example, if you believe that our use of the environment could be so much better, don't fall into the trap of wasting years of your life protesting evil businesses. Make a real difference. Find out who is working on hybrid cars, or even more alternative methods and work to get those people's names out, and on the minds of the masses. Create a little club that meets once a month to explore real, practical ways that you can start doing little things on a daily basis to be more environmentally friendly and efficient. Get the word out. Think positively about the way the world can be. If you really believe that the world should, and ultimately will be environmentally more friendly... In other words, if you believe that you are without a doubt right. Than start moving the world in a positive direction around your issue. It doesn't matter what's wrong right now, or even for the next 5 years. The people that aren't doing it right can't be forced to change. You need to make it happen. You need to lead the understanding and creation of a new way.".....[link]

 Transfigured Tagliabue1 comment
picture4 May 2005 @ 08:15, by jazzolog. Ideas, Creativity
When we understand,
we are at the center of the circle,
and there we sit
while Yes and No chase each other around the circumference.


We say that someone has the wondrous ability to play the zither or the lute, but if we ask where that art resides, not even the wisest man can answer....This art, produced by something we cannot fully know, is like the innate nature of the mind that operates in all our daily activities.


who will buy this hat,
glazed with snow?


Giotto's Ascension, 1310

Tomorrow is a day of considerable spiritual significance. It is Yom Hashoah, a solemn day of remembrance of the Holocaust. It is Cinco De Mayo, another celebration of the dead that can jar the outsider with its often festive atmosphere. In Mexico it also marks the defeat of French forces there in 1862. And it is Ascension Day throughout most of Christendom. For many Christians the picture of an actual and tangible living body of Christ rising up into the air to be with the Father in Heaven overhead is a bit of a reach...but perhaps it always has been so.  More >

 Why do we need a Geodemocracy?18 comments
picture4 May 2005 @ 01:31, by rcarratu. Social System Design
Q: Why do we need a Geodemocracy?

A: Right now, people have almost no control over their world at all. The marketplace is the only place they have any say so, and even then, companies pay big money to advertisers because they can guarantee sales, because the advertisers have applied science to the act of simply stating what products someone has to sell. They are so good at making people subconsciously want what they are selling that 'free will' barely exists in most people anymore. (And most people would probably argue that point, even as they buy what they are told to buy. If it didn't work, how could the advertisers guarantee results?)

People are manipulated, controlled, intimated, and otherwise set to what the powers that be want them to do. They think what they are told to think by the media, they buy what the advertisers want them to buy, their attention is set into place like their minds have a coating of cement, and because of the illogic of all the existing systems, the planet is spiraling down into the karma, the results, of that control. This power of the 'rulers' comes from knowing and working on scales of mass control most people are not even aware of.

We cannot afford to let it continue.

If you knew that someday someone would set off a nuclear bomb in the neighborhood you live in, would you live there? If you thought that the water coming from your tap will someday become sewage slush, would you drink it? If you knew that the people who say they represent you would sell you out in a fast flash, would you let them represent you? Or do you just toss your hands in the air and say "So what? I can't do anything about it!"?

We tend to let the future take care of itself. This is suicidal. It far out reaches the damage of drugs and alcohol and all the other social ills we face everyday. And we accept them also. There is nothing we can do about it because there is no system which can leverage sane responses to those problems.

We don't need to accept anything. We can create a system which can something about it.

The existing political systems exist essentially no differently than any monarchy in the past. They are top down hierarchies which use force to carry out their plans. America, Germany, England, China, where ever you look, you find the same kind of hierarchy, just tagged with different jargon and nomenclature. President = King = CEO = Prime Minister = Chairman = whatever you want to call them... they all have some kind of illusion that the people somehow pick them and support them. But the world shows that their decision making is irrelevant to survival, and relevant only to their political agendas. usually those agendas either support someone rich or some ideology which could not work even if everyone held them sacred.

But what would happen if everyone actually had some ability to make the decisions which affect their lives and their children's lives?

You love your children. You work hard to feed them, to clothe them, to make sure they stay healthy... so why can't you see the need to create a world for them worth living in? A lot of people who see the way the world is slowly falling apart say "We can only hope our children will do better..." but why should the children do better? Their parents didn't.

The Geodemocracy is just an idea right now. It is just a way that people could connect together to make decisions together then carry them out with Projects they support. There is no requirement for consensus, no elections of representatives, no way someone can intimate anyone into doing things or not doing things, and religions, politics, and all the old systems are irrelevant to a Geodemocracy.

And most of all, it is uncorruptible by interior or exterior social forces. It's incorruptible because it side steps the forces which are used to control our lives. Trying to corrupt it would be like trying to nail a marshmallow into a stone brick. By it's very essence, a geodemocracy is something that nobody can get purchase on to change in any direction, bad or good. It's made of individuals, but no individual can change it or corrupt it. It exceeds the perimeter of all past ways of doing anything, so it is simply beyond the old grasp of the powerful or the political maniacs.

Yes, there is one real drawback, if you see it that way. It requires more of your attention than past organizational models. It takes two hours a day, five days a week for people to run their world, not fifteen minutes every four years like when you go to 'vote'. In a way, it's an attempt to grow a nervous system for the planet, to apply free will to scales most people never usually even think about. It is the only real expression of "Of the People, By the People, For the People" that can ever exist.

A Geodemocracy makes the decisions, generating Projects which do the work. The Geodemocracy is multi-generation, ever growing and becoming smarter, while Projects last only the time they need to do a task, then dissolve. That way no Project can become a hierarchy and therefore a problem.

It's worth doing, this idea. It's time, past time, for people to take control of their world. That which you ignore and don't care about has a tendency to reach into your personal live and shake you like a dog shaking a bone. Depressions, wars, poverty, crime... how many manage to escape these results of the past ways of doing things? Not many, and more and more all those will become evident in your life, like it or not.

We must break the cycles of stupidity and insanity, and get together to do something more about it than neighborhood watch meetings or mailing letters to our 'representatives' or joining news-grabbing disruptive social protest groups. We can do more than standing holding signs or signing petitions or cursing the decisions by 'elected' political officials and the bureaucracy.

Think about it.

Geodemocracy Site

Created on ... May 03, 2005  More >

 Trailing The Arbutus Blossom8 comments
picture1 May 2005 @ 10:44, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
Stand in awe, and sin not;
commune with your own heart,
and in your chamber, and be still.

---Psalm 4:4

To sit without emotion, hope, or aim,
In the loved presence of my cottage-fire,
And listen to the flapping of the flame,
Or kettle whispering its faint undersong.

---William Wordsworth

The fact that astronomies change while the stars abide is a true analogy of every realm of human life and thought, religion not least of all. No existent theology can be a final formulation of a spiritual truth.

---Harry Emerson Fosdick

The old photos are of my country grandmother in her garden, and of little Dickie learning about the flowers from Mom.

Whenever I attempt an essay about my early days in Western New York, I usually can expect an email of corrections from my sister, Ann. She seems to remember the facts of what, where, and when better than I do, burdened as I was of course with being such a visionary. And also she's a few years younger than I am. (Correction #1 may come regarding the word "few".) But last evening she wrote me a note requesting some things out of my memory. Here it is~~~  More >

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