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 Once Again5 comments
picture 30 Apr 2005 @ 19:53, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
"The Kiss" Klimpt

Once Again

You have sent my mind
In new directions  More >

 A Survivable Path for the Planet Earth18 comments
picture29 Apr 2005 @ 16:34, by rcarratu. Communities
People either think the Universe is just existing in their whimsical little egos or they are in a Universe that far exceeds their little minds and bodies.

Either way, this is a challange to all of you...  More >

 Simply call me Bombadil Maximus5 comments
picture29 Apr 2005 @ 00:21, by bombadil. Spirituality

Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.
—Mohandas Gandhi

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 Window Orb7 comments
28 Apr 2005 @ 06:37, by skookum. Visual Arts, Graphics
what do you think?  More >

 Ashtar Command Radio Webcast Sundays0 comments
27 Apr 2005 @ 18:42, by cmdraleon. Extraterrestrials
Greetings everyone,

I am producer and host of the Cosmic Eye Radio program on Wesu fm 88.1 Middletown,Connecticut USA.

The program is a Ashtar Command radio show that airs every Sunday from 11:00 AM Est till 12;30 PM Est.

To hear the live webcast go to .

If your interested in communing and being with others who are Spiritually connected with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command
go to groups go to Space groups on msn and then apply to join group once we recieve your application we will reply back to you.

Blessings In The Light Of The Most Radiant One
The Cosmic Eye Radio show

 It flies!5 comments
picture 27 Apr 2005 @ 16:15, by ming. Transportation
Damn, I missed that it was today. The maiden flight of the Airbus A380. It took off from Toulouse Blagnac airport at 10:29 this morning. And apparently landed again. And I was asleep and didn't notice a thing. I could just have walked outside and seen it, I'm sure, as we live not far away and most planes into Blagnac fly over here. Anyway, this one weighed 421 tonnes at takeoff, the biggest and heaviest civilian plane that has ever flown.  More >

picture 24 Apr 2005 @ 09:44, by feecor. Education
The original Earthday was on March 21, 1970. The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco, the City of Saint Francis, patron saint of ecology. Players at that time were [link] {link: U. N. Secretary General U Thant, Margaret Mead, John Gardner, Robert Muller, ... more.

As the times with the first astronauts was right later many Earth Days were created, but only the original is on Equninox and so in line with the traditions of many other cultures.
This note is written on the US - California Earth Day 2005 to help us see the various approaches to celebrate, honour, and safe Mother Earth - and see how they combined could be stronger, or seperately serve different "clients"??  More >

24 Apr 2005 @ 02:26, by nemue. Activism
(This picture above was taken onboard a ship during transit from Australia to Asia)

I have been reading a number of horrific articles (and reacquainting myself with previous articles) this weekend with respect to the treatment of animals:

Animal death camps in Europe. When animals are put to death in the most appalling circumstances and where they suffer unbelievably cruel deaths

Live animal transport trade from Australia to many markets overseas. I urge you to NOT eat any meat that is transported live from Australia. Better still just don’t eat meat period...

Dog and cat farming in Europe. The vanity of people who think it is fashionable to wear fur

Animal testing. One of most vile exploitations and invasions of animal rights. The lies that are told about animal testing are breathtaking.

I thought this was a goodtime to promote the following. Until we learn to respect other forms of life we will never learn to respect human life. We are all connected and what pain and cruelty man inflicts on defenceless animals we inflict on our own kind.

Article 1:
All animals are born with an equal claim on life and the same rights to existence.

Article 2:
All animals are entitled to respect. Man as an animal species shall not arrogate to himself the right to exterminate or inhumanely exploit other animals. It is his duty to use his knowledge for the welfare of animals. All animals have the right to the attention, care and protection of men.

Article 3:
No animal shall be ill treated or be subjected to cruel acts

Article 4:
All wild animals have the right to liberty in their natural environment, whether land, air or water

Article 5:
Animals of species living traditionally in a human environment have the right to live and grow at the rhythm and under the conditions of life and freedom peculiar to their species. Any interference by man with this rhythm of these conditions for purposes of gain is an infringement of their rights.

Article 6:
All companion animals have the right to complete their natural life span. Abandonment of an animal is a cruel and degrading act.

Article 7:
All working animals are entitled to a reasonable limitation of the duration and intensity of their work, to the necessary nourishment and to rest.

Article 8:
Animal experimentation involving physical or psychological suffering is incompatible with the rights of animals, whether it be for scientific, medical, commercial or any other form of research. Replacement methods must be used and developed. Alternatives to animal experimentation should be prepared.

Article 9:
No animal shall be exploited for the amusement of man.
Exhibitions and spectacles involving animals are incompatible with their dignity.

Article 10:
Any act involving the slaughter of the animal is biocide, that is, a crime against the life.

Article 11:
Any act involving mass killing of Universal Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948 Universal Declaration of the Rights of Animals, October 15, 1978 wild animals is genocide, that is, a crime against the species. Pollution or destruction of the natural environment leads to genocide.

Article 12:
Dead animals shall be treated with respect. Scenes of violence involving animals shall be banned from cinema and television except for human education.

Article 13:
Representatives of movements that defend animal rights should have an effective voice at all levels of government. The rights of animals, like human rights should enjoy the protection of law.

International League for Animal Rights

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 The 2005 Bioaddress0 comments
24 Apr 2005 @ 02:21, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
2005 State of the Biosphere Address

As Nations annually have their State of the Nation Addresses, I think it only fitting
that as a responsible planet that we also have a regular "State of the Biosphere"
Address. Now who is responsible for this and when and how often it might occur is
perhaps up for debate. I think it could be a UN or an Earth Day Network Initiative occurring at least once every 5 years and most probably on Earth Day or April 22.

So in order to get the addresses rolling I will give a short introductory address for this the year of 2005.

State of the Biosphere for 2005

Is the Biosphere any further ahead or better off than it was 20 years ago, is a question that could be asked. It is not a simple question to answer, as the biosphere along with its humans is a rather complex entity.
In some ways no, we have seen the destruction of important and even essential habitat and even the extinction of important species. It is said rain forest is lost on a hourly basis and species lost at a daily rate. So no in this respect the biosphere is still under siege to some degree.
We must make greater efforts then to preserve and sustain at least some standard of biodiversity as it is essential to our quality and standard of life here on Earth.
As well in the years to come the issue of clean and healthy water and health itself will be an issue to. We must all work together to define and promote a healthy environment and paradigm for the world. What this exactly is, is perhaps best described by a balanced and cobalanced relationship between ourselves the planet and the biosphere. Work needs to be done still to educate one and other in this regard.
What is the good news though? Well we have survived some pretty bad world wars and famines and droughts and natural disasters and the cold war and the nuclear age. As well we battled the Y2k situation, and the turn of the millennium and the 9/11 attacks and terrorism and energy shortages and perhaps a kind of attempt at global suicide. Yet genocide's and ethnic cleansing still go on. And actions of bad faith and poor democracy. Our brinkmanship's between our selves have led us at times to certain destruction and devastation and some feel it is only luck that has let us, as humanity and part of the biosphere survive. Now to we have acted fairly well in responding to the natural disasters that have and are occurring. We have conceived and implemented Kyoto and gave considerable aid in the recent Indonesia earthquake and tsunami. And slowly we are beginning to address climate change and the aids crisis. So inroads are being made. We shall though have to continue to progress in order to lessen our eco- footprints on the planet. We will have to address the climate change and the water situation and the energy needs and the decreasing biodiversity and loss of species and habitat. We shall have to practice a more benign symbiosis to this planet we call Earth and home.
And somehow we have developed the internet which is a mixed blessing at times but might prove useful in these regards.
So in conclusion we are doing somewhat okay but it is somewhat relative in some respects. As we reach a kind of global maturity though we will have to pass and teach these concerns to the next generation so that we and our legacy, as a part of the biosphere will impart to the next generations the need and desire in retaining this Earths natural wonder, beauty, health and mystery.

Thank you

A Global Citizen from Canada

Distribute as seen fit

 Our COVENANT as the living BEING we call Earth0 comments
picture22 Apr 2005 @ 20:45, by freo7. Music
Our Covenant AS THE LIVING BEING we call Earth

We are our ancestors come here again... We give thanks and blessings to the Ancestors and Peoples upon whose land we are gathering...

We stand together, heads held high, acknowledging that we too are a Force of Life and in acceptance of our direct connection to All That Is. We stand together knowing that we are a force of life and that we accept each our own direct connection within as the manifestation of, ALL THAT IS.

At the setting of each day
And in the dawn of every new morning
We will remember that...
What we do to the Woman
We do to the Earth.
And what we do to the Earth,
We do to our Children *

For more information on the Earth Mother ceremony please CLICK HERE

Words and Poetry by Brenda McCann, aka Freo`7 - 2005:


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