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 Two Small Tragedies can lead to...4 comments
17 Apr 2005 @ 21:00, by paretokid. Environment, Ecology
The first tragedy -- A couple of weeks ago, we had a big rain that dumped nearly two inches in less than twelve hours. There were a number of traffic accidents, people were hurt and there were also a number of homes with flooded basements. All tragedies of a sort to those involved but not the one that effected me.

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 Ted Montouri-Staten Island Advance ( and related ideas)2 comments
17 Apr 2005 @ 20:32, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
About six years ago, when the fbi/cia intensified terrorist retaliation against me for reporting crimes by agents and operatives of those two agencies, I contacted a reporter named, Ted Montouri, with the Staten Island Advance (SIA) , New York, a news organization; after I reported the fbi/cia's intense efforts to silence me, Ted asked me to brief him on the fbi fraud that I reported to Congress. Then, Ted invited me to New York for an interview in order to fully document my allegations. I agreed to come to New York to meet with Ted. However, the next day Ted revealed that the fbi (and the publisher) or some intelligence group advised him (presumeably under threat of losing his job) to stay away from Geral Sosbee and to have no further contact with Sosbee. The fbi successfully intimidated the press, by impliedly threatening Ted Montouri,or by attempting to discredit Sosbee.

I have no animosity for Ted Montouri; he wants to keep his job and feed his family. The problem, as I see the situation, is that the press cannot do its job if the threat of losing employment prevents the reporter from, among other functions, interviewing credible witnesses on a given story of public interest. The press, in short, cannot publish anything without the permission of the fbi/cia, unless the reporter is willing to risk losing employment.

Nevertheless, I credit Ted for having the initial courage to review my reports and for his offer (though later withdrawn) to interview me in person regarding my allegations against the fbi. Few reporters would have been so open to such a bomb shell against the world's two most deadly and corrupt terrorist organizations, the fbi and the cia.

Finally, if Ted were aware that he and other journalists may face the same torture campaign (as described by me in "My Story In Detail" at )as also endured by others around the world for exposing fbi and cia crimes against Humanity, then perhaps Ted would reconsider his retreat from the single most important story of his life . At least Ted should admit to the world that the facts stated in this clip are true. Do it, Ted.
geral sosbee
See Also: [link]
Note the desperate antics of Staten Island Advance as possibly reflected in the following entry on Google Search Engine (March 17, 2006) by
" statenislandadvance",

which challenges the reader at Google to find "compelling good judgment" by studying the following:

Staten Island Advance Find Compelling Factual Good Judgment ...Geral Sosbee: Ted Montouri-Staten Island Advance Ted Montouri-Staten Island Advance 17 Apr 2005 @ 20:32, by Geral Sosbee About six years ago, ... statenislandadvance/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
---------- --------------------
Sosbee writes:
The Staten Island 'Advance' is on the 'defense' as it suggests that good judgment is dictated to SIA by the fbi/cia assassins; the Google entry by condenastpublications may represent an admission by the SIA that Ted Montouri performed his unprofessional retreat from reality by reneging on his promise to interview Sosbee as a result of fbi/cia pressure. If the SIA has something to say, why not print it so the whole world can decide whether or not SIA exercised "good judgment". Do it , girls ! If Ted himself wrote/approved the "good judgment" statement, then Ted- you are a pathetic fool.geral sosbee.
Finally: to the Staten Island Advance, Towers Productions, and Paolo Guzzanti- you each had an opportunity to report the facts, but instead you chose to avoid your professional responsibilities as journalists and in some instances to verbally assault (or otherwise engage in ad hominum affronts) on Sosbee; you cannot in any event re-write the "compelling and factual " evidence in the FBI History Book and in the law books which I have referenced on my site,
Neither may you escape the global attention that your corrupt policies attract (in my opinion).
Be assured, therefore, that when the final chapter is written in this matter, those of you who cooperate with the assassins and torturers of the fbi and the cia , are forever known and condemned as dangerous fools and sycophants ,all in a kind of conspiratorial alliance with the enemies of mankind .geral sosbee
From Brownsville, Texas
October 3, 2006
Sosbee writes: Beware of Internet Message Boards which prevent the reporting of fbi/cia , police, and other fascist activities in the uSA. Some of these cowardly groups pretend to be a part of the free flow of data, but in reality they simply reflect the fraudulent standards of the old and dying mainstream media. Such groups prevent some of us from posting our ideas and our evidence.I recently tried to post with the following group, but I was prevented from posting a single article:
the group:
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Sosbee writes to the Herald-Dispatch Community Forum Index :
You girls are guilty of being little cowards at a time when our country is under attack by the fools & felons of the fbi, the cia, and the mindless killer cops in all jurisdictions across our land.

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 Boring! Give Us A Challenge2 comments
16 Apr 2005 @ 11:59, by vector8. Spirituality
A few days ago I watched an episode on television of Star Trek TNG called A Fistful of Datas. The crew are given the rare opportunity of pursuing recreational activities. Worf, the security officer, is bored. He is a man of action. He is also of Klingon origin, a race of people who attack first and ask questions later. His son, Alexander, wants them to spend time in the holodeck. The holodeck is a place where one can act out different fantasies. Alexander has written a programme about the "ancient west," that used to be known as the wild west.  More >

 What Really Worries Me34 comments
picture15 Apr 2005 @ 11:49, by jazzolog. Politics
It is no more surprising to be born twice than it is to be born once.


The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.

---Niels Bohr

A general in ancient China came to see a Zen master. He drew his sword and pointed it at the teacher, and announced: "Don't you know that I am a man who can run you through without blinking an eye?"
To which the Zen master responded instantly: "Don't you know that I am a man who can be run through without blinking an eye?"
Deeply impressed, the general sheathed his sword and remained for the teaching.

---Zen story

My wife sends me a few emails every day. More often than I like they are about how I can become a better husband for her than I am already. But sometimes she finds a political item or entry as she browses the Net that nails the direction our nation is taking right to the wall. When that happens I find little alternative but to put aside everything I am doing...and really take an inventory. I'm sure she'd like it if I did that with the health and diet articles she sends too, but that is a different essay.  More >

 Negative or Paradoxical Strategies10 comments
picture 14 Apr 2005 @ 23:59, by ming. Philosophy
Antony Judge writes a paper about Liberating Provocations. You know, the "rational" approach, if you want somebody to do something that is good for them, has usually been considered to be to positively promote constructive behavior. I.e. tell them why it is good for them, outline all the advantages, provide useful information, encourage them. It is just that a lot of the time that doesn't work at all. Lots of people do the opposite of what they're supposed to. So, one could go a different way altogether and do the opposite. Promote the negative behaviors. Act surreal and start a campaign for doing all the wrong things. Get the government to support them loudly.
This is a two-pronged strategy. By advocating a "negative" approach, those resistant to being told how to behave would reactively consider a "positive" approach. Those scandalised by the "negative" approach, would invest their energy in "positive" campaigns -- where previously they would not have been engaged.

We are all familiar, from earliest childhood, with the response to exhortation from those occupying the moral high ground. We either ignore them or consider interesting ways of doing the opposite. If we are told not to do something, then we consider doing it. If we are encouraged to do something, we consider doing the opposite. The point is made by Zoe Williams (Cannabis Comedown, The Guardian, 29 March 2005):

"Thus, if you tell them things are dangerous, they will do them, and if you shrug and say "actually, it doesn't seem to do too much harm", they will do something else. Whole swaths of aberrant behaviour could be addressed with this in mind. Obesity, smoking, drinking, fighting, snowboarding and joyriding would all become terribly passé if the government were to become their advocates, particularly if prominent members of the government were to lead by example and take up dangerous activities in a high-profile way."

This provocative approach is designed to communicate more effectively with those already acting inappropriately or those who are passive in the face of inappropriate action.
Now, I'm not even sure if I want to buy the idea that we collectively want to make people do a certain list of good things and not do a certain list of others. Although a society of course needs some kind of list of things one ought not to do. I'd want it to be very, very small, though.

What I'm more interested in, which Tony also brought up, is the angle of infinite game playing. In a finite game there's a set of rules and you're supposed to follow those rules to win, against some kind of opposition. In an infinite game, however, you play with the boundaries and you change the rules, in order to keep playing. A very different thing.

Fixed rules about what you're supposed to do and not do will create a finite game. Obviously. It constrains people. And for it to be a game, different people will tend to take different sides. If some people make a finite game with the goal of making you not smoke, not use bad words, not watch porn on your computer, or whatever, well, that's a pretty dull game. The only way of making it half interesting is to play the opposing part. I don't know about you, but negative campaigns trying to tell me what to do or not to do gives me an instant compulsion to disobey. I don't always bother to follow it, but such a campaign obviously is doing the exact opposite of what it tries to do.

OK, so a fixed game of compulsion or repression will quite naturally and automatically motivate a lot of people to do their best to do something else. It suddenly becomes important, and somewhat interesting. The opposite-game is limited too, but not quite as limited as doing what you're told.

Limited games tend to make people do things they wouldn't do otherwise. Maybe do what you're supposed to, maybe follow the rules, or maybe what you're not supposed to do, specifically disobeying the rules. Which you might not bother to do that way if those particular rules weren't there.

Unnecessarily limited rules can be harmful. I'd say that anti-smoking campaigns is probably one of the biggest killers is our society, probably responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths and many more millions living miserable neurotic lives. Because they present a very limited game. Either you do what we say or you die. Not much fun in it either way. There's hardly even two factions in it.

Having a choice is fun. And if you feel free to make your own choices, changing the rules as you go along, you're probably playing an infinite game. The playing of infinite games defuse the power of a finite game. Which was an illusion in the first place, but one might not notice before one changes the rules.

Carrying out unexpected paradoxical strategies might work, not just because people will do the opposite of what they're told, but because they give a hint of the joys of freedom of choice. It shows you that you don't have to do what you're told. You're free to not smoke, regardless of whether the government unwittingly spends a lot of effort on compelling you to do so, or not to do so. Which is roughly the same thing.

The thing is that most people are quite capable at choosing the best option that is available, or a new option that previously wasn't available, IF they're not being held stuck in some kind of fixed for or against situation. Not surprisingly, most people will choose what they feel good about, if they have the choice. Or, rather, if they have ALL the choices. Because there are a lot more choices then two in life.

That all seems very paradoxical to people who try to rule other people and condition them to do the right thing. That people are more likely to do the right thing if you don't force them, but rather allow them to move the rules around. And, for that matter, you have no business thinking you know what the right thing is for everybody. What people want is to have fun playing the game of life, and playing it as long and as well as possible, and they probably don't really want your stupid little game of following a rule that's known in advance.

Oh, I probably went off on a tangent. Tony's article is superb and gives lots of good examples of provocative and surreal and perverse strategies and pranks that have worked well. Some very amusing ones, like the Cannibal Flesh Donor program, pornocracy, horses running for public office, etc. Humor is great, because it breaks the rules, at least a little bit. It makes people pause and see things a little differently. And that is what is needed. Not being for or against. Life is too short and too big to only use it for playing two-bit games. We need to keep evolving, in millions of different directions at the same time, if we at all are to have a chance. Good paradoxes have much more generative power than clearly stated goals that are handed to you.  More >

 Hypnotic Eye0 comments
picture14 Apr 2005 @ 23:53, by bombadil. Visual Arts, Graphics


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 Automatic Academics4 comments
picture 13 Apr 2005 @ 23:59, by ming. Science
Some clever grad students have used an automatic computer science paper generator to create a gibberish paper, which they've gotten submitted to a conference. They now plan on randomly generating a gibberish speech which they can go and deliver there.

Now, I generally think such pranks are hilarious, and very useful in blowing the cover of people who take themselves too damned seriously, but who accept things that look and sound right, but which aren't. I remember examples like a comedian succeeding in passing himself off as a doctor and giving a speech at a medical conference, saying nothing but gibberish, and nobody noticed. And there are those guys who made a fake WTO website and managed to be invited to conferences where they created quite a havoc.

And, hey, that paper is pretty damn good. I don't understand a word of it, even though I understand most of the words. But it kind of sounds like it is saying something, and it is kind of a lively read. There are a few akward sentences that might give it away, but they're well hidden. I don't know what kind of expert one has to be to catch that this isn't real, as it isn't entirely clear what it is talking about in the first place. And that is probably one of the factors that let's things like that slip through. Lots of people are experts in a particular field, but not in many others, and they have no time to check everybody's references. So if you hear something that isn't exactly in your field, and it sounds like that kind of things should sound, you think it is real.

But now I notice that their agenda actually is to put down a certain type of conference which they regard as fake, because they accept papers that aren't reviewed. Which, for that matter, it says clearly on their website, so it isn't really that big a caper to succeed in submitting a paper. Anyway now I notice, somewhat to my horror, that the conference they would like to embarrass is the Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Which I don't know, so I can't make any statement about whether it really just is fake conference for money making purposes as they say, but I notice that I know some of the affiliated organizations and a number of the people listed as advisory board members, so I would guess it is what it says it is.

Systems thinking is probably a field that some hardcore scientific types would love to debunk. And they might feel they have an easy time at it in a multi-disciplinary setting where organizers are trying to be open to different types of views, and where it isn't a criterion that everything you say has to be proven years ago. For that matter, systems thinking doesn't necessarily go well with the approach of taking things apart into their components and analyzing them and proving them and peer reviewing them. And it is full of angles and possibilities that easily can be ridiculed by materialist folks who'd like such things to not exist. The Gaia Theory, morphogenetic fields, implicate order, synergetics - there'd be plenty of folks who'd find all of that to be utter nonsense. Evolution would be in the same category if it didn't happen to be juxtaposed with creationism.

One of the items listed from the hoaxers' site is the wellknown "Sokal Hoax". Which was a physicist who wrote a paper he meant to be utter nonsense, and got submitted to some prestigious scientific journal, based on his own considerable reputation, in order to then embarrass them. Except for that his article is pretty good, and not as utterly nonsensical as he pretends. But it refers to a bunch of these things that the author considers new age nonsense, like morphogenetic fields. So he considered that anybody who'd accept that he'd write about such things and not be up in arms about it would be a complete idiot and worthless academic.

Which reminds me of a caper that "Amazing" Randi did once. He's a stage magician who's a wellknown materialist "sceptic" who tries hard to disprove that anything supernatural exists. Often by the approach that if he can make some kind of magic trick or hoax that does the same thing as what somebody says they can do, they were obviously frauds too. Anyway, he had gotten an ally to pose as a channeler at some kind of new age expo. The guy put on a show of going into a trance and delivering some very general mumbo jumbo about the world changing and spiritual influences. And the audience seemed quite happy with it all, which was taken as a success by Randi, in showing that they're all gullible idiots. Anyway, the joke about it is that after Randi's ally triumphantly announced on the stage a little later that it was a hoax and he was just faking it, nobody really minded. The audience thought it was fun too, and they thought the channeling had been pretty good, whether he thought he faked it or not. Because it really didn't matter at all, unless you had some kind of point to prove. The result mattered.

So, in case that conference there is really for people who're into systems thinking and informatics, I think they might actually enjoy and appreciate the joke of somebody delivering a randomly generated paper and a speech. It certainly is a good comment on how human systems work. The ways in which false information often is accepted provides some insights into how systems work.

Better targets might be the types of folks who really take themselves too seriously, and who would freak out and be greatly embarrassed by being hoaxed like that.  More >

 A Remembering4 comments
picture 11 Apr 2005 @ 07:09, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity

A journey begins with just one step it is said...

or does it?  More >

 We have a soul at times *0 comments
picture11 Apr 2005 @ 01:39, by tlingel. Spirituality

I value that little phrase "I don't know" so highly. It's small, but it flies on mighty wings. It expands our lives to include spaces within us as well as the outer expanses in which our tiny Earth hangs suspended.
---Wislawa Szymborska

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picture9 Apr 2005 @ 18:04, by sprtskr. Shared Purpose
I've been contacted over the years starting when I was ten at least thats the earliest I remember. I wasn't sure who it was or what group of people that were making contact. Most of it has been through my dreams but some subtle signs that took me a while to notice has been another way. Lately I've had contacts that flow easier and not so blocked by my ego. Words pop up just before I need them or I get a feeling to wait that something is about to happen and it helps me prevent an accident, I even know what sometimes. Today I used that knowledge to wait until a car came behind me from another way which my vision was blocked by other parked cars. Sure enough within 2 seconds had I pulled out I would of been hit. Letting this flow threw me and heed the message can and will save alot of trouble. Below is a meditation that will help you get in contact with your higher self, it might not help you right away but somewhere down the road it just might. Theres countless other meditations that will work,sometimes just relaxing and let it flow is enough.


If you are speaking this to another person or recording your voice, make sure you talk slowly and clearly.

This meditation is very deep and uses a standard self-hypnosis induction process to bypass the conscious mind.. It will include special mental statements and techniques during the deepest part of the induction. WARNING: Do not operate an automobile or heavy machinery during this meditation.

In this meditation, your body and mind will be relaxed, yet you will remain awake and alert, sensitive to your feelings, aware of your thoughts, and in touch with the sensations in your body. When you are deeply relaxed, your intuitive mind is able to perceive the world in and around you with great clarity. While you are in a peaceful, relaxed state, you will be able to use the control center of your brain to reprogram undesired negative beliefs and integrate burdening emotional experiences from the past. At all times during this meditation, you will be control of your mental faculties. You will be able to accept or reject anything I say and you will be able to use the information for your benefit and the benefit of humanity. I will be giving you statements designed to increase your self-awareness. I will also be giving you affirmations designed to enhance your ability to access the superconscious mind -- that part of you that is all wise and all knowing.

Make sure you are sitting comfortably and wearing loose clothing. If you are wearing a belt, you might want to loosen or undo it. If possible, sit with your spine erect and feet flat on the floor. You can do this meditation lying down if you are not prone to falling asleep easily, but it may be less effective than sitting.

Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply, then hold your breath for about one second, and begin slowly exhaling. When you reach the end of the exhale, wait about one second before beginning the next slow deep inhale. Continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. If you find yourself forgetting to breathe, gently bring yourself back into this breathing rhythm.

Try to let any persistent thoughts in your mind just drift away. Imagine that there is nothing to think about and nothing to do but relax and breathe. Know that each time you do this meditation, it will be easier to breathe deeply and relax. Everything I say is designed to help you improve your life. You are safe. You are completely at peace. Nothing can disturb you during this meditation. You will continue to listen to the sound of my voice as you relax.

Begin to notice the top of your head. Notice if it feels tight or loose, heavy or light. See if you can feel the weight of your head. Notice the weight of your eyelids. If your eyes are closed, let your eyelids drop naturally over your eyes. Do not try to force your eyelids shut. Feel the top of your head relaxing. With each breath, your head is becoming more relaxed.

Now focus your attention on your face. Notice if your cheeks are contorted or tense and if they are, relax. Let your mouth remain closed, but allow your teeth to separate. Do not clench your teeth. Feel your jaw drop a little from gravity.

Notice the back of your neck. How does it feel? If there is any tension, feel it draining away with each breath you take. Do not worry about your posture. Just hold your head up in the most comfortable way possible. Your neck is becoming completely relaxed.

Feel your head, neck and shoulders letting go and relaxing. Let your shoulders drop. Let the weight of your arms and hands pull your shoulders down. If there is any tightness or pain in your shoulders, feel it draining away with each breath. You are becoming more and more relaxed.

As you continue to breathe, remember to remain awake and aware, sensitive to your thoughts and feelings and in touch with any sensations in your body. Remember to breathe fully and deeply. Know that with each breath, you are relaxing more and more, yet remaining alert to anything that needs your attention.

Imagine a wave of relaxation moving down your spine, beginning at the back of your shoulders. Feel this warm, peaceful sensation moving one vertebra at a time until it reaches the base of your spine. If you find it difficult to sit erect while relaxing your spine, then let your spine slump a little just for this exercise. As you relax your spine, notice if there is any tightness or tension in your upper back. If there is, let it go with the next breath. Now do the same for the middle of your back. When you are sure your upper and middle back is completely relaxed, move down to your lower back. Your back and spine are now completely relaxed.

Now focus your attention on your chest. Notice whether or not your breath includes your chest or is restricted to your abdomen. If your inhale and exhale seem to be coming from your abdomen, gently bring the breath up to your chest area. Feel your lungs filling with air and expanding on each inhale. Feel your lungs contract and your chest subsiding with each exhale. Imagine any tension just drifting away with each breath.

Next, move down to your abdominal area. With each breath focus on a different organ relaxing. Begin with the stomach. Imagine that your digestion is working perfectly and your stomach has just the right amount of food in it. Now relax your stomach muscles and feel a wave of warm, peaceful energy moving over your stomach. On the next breath, do the same for the organs that are harder to feel. Your liver. Next, your spleen. Then your kidneys. And pancreas. If you are a woman, focus on your reproductive organs, uterus and womb. Next, move down into your colon area (below your stomach). Try to relax the muscles in this area. Notice whether or not your bladder is empty or full. If it is empty, relax it completely. If not, try to relax it as much as possible.

Focus on your hips and buttocks. Again, let your posture go. Do not be concerned about it. If you are sitting in a chair, your hips and buttocks should be resting naturally on the chair. Feel the weight of your body on the chair. Feel your self relaxing into the chair.

Imagine your relaxation continuing to move down into your legs, across your knees and down into your calves and lower legs. Notice how much your left leg is relaxing. Now notice how much your right leg is relaxing. Now relax both of them at the same time. Continue to breath and feel yourself entering a deep sense of peace and tranquility, while remaining awake and alert to any activity that requires it.

Imagine that all your tension has collected in a ball at your feet. Feel this ball rolling out of the bottom of your feet. All tension is draining out through the bottom of your feet. Go ahead and wiggle your toes to release the last of the tension.

Now do the same for your arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, hands, and fingers. Feel all remaining tension draining out through your fingertips. Go ahead and wiggle your fingers.

Take a deep breath, deeper than before, and with the next exhale, let out an audible “sigh”. Let gravity force the breath out. Do not force your exhale. Imagine you are breathing a sigh of relief. With the next breath, let everything go. Feel your entire body relax and let go. There is nothing to worry about, nothing to fear. There is just this wonderful, peaceful, relaxed moment. Spend a few minutes now enjoying this peaceful moment. If any pain, tightness or tension arises anywhere in your body, release it with the next breath.

Now I am going to ask you to visualize being on the tenth floor of an office building. The floor is bustling with activity. People are sitting at desks, talking on telephones, using computers and meeting in conference rooms. This floor represents the surface level of consciousness. Each floor in the building represents a level of mind. Now imagine yourself walking to the elevator. The elevator door is opening and you are now entering the elevator. You are going to go down to a deeper level of consciousness in the elevator. See the door to the elevator closing now. You are in the elevator. There is a down arrow button indicating that the elevator is going down to the lower floors. Go ahead and push the button. Feel the elevator start to descend. Now I am going to count from 10 down to 1. With each descending number, you will descend one floor. We are starting on the tenth floor. With each descending number you are entering a deeper, more creative and aware state of mind, deeper than before. 10.....9.....8.....going down, going deeper....7....6.....5... the sounds around you and the sensations in your body help you to go deeper. 4....3.... watching the floors go by in the elevator.....2.....and 1. You are now at the bottom floor. This floor represents a very deep state of mind, deeper than before. You are now in a deeper level of mind than you have been in a long time. From this deep level of mind you have great creative power. You have the power to effect healing on your body, mind and emotions.

Now imagine that in front of you is a long tunnel. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will now imagine that you are walking through the tunnel toward the light at the far end. Imagine the sound of your footsteps echoing along the walls of the tunnel as you begin to walk toward the light. You are getting closer to the light. In a moment, you will reach the light. Now you are walking out of the tunnel and into the light, and you find yourself in a beautiful mountain meadow on a warm, sunny day. Fleecy white clouds are drifting along in a deep blue sky. You can hear the sounds of a gentle wind in the trees. There are birds chirping and bees humming. In the meadow are multicolored flowers swaying in the breeze. Imagine you are barefoot and walking along in deliciously cool soft green grass. Notice the vibrant colors of the flowers as you walk along, completely free, completely safe, completely at peace.

In the center of the meadow is a large boulder, and on top of the boulder is a wise person with long flowing hair, wearing golden robes. You can make this wise person a man or a woman, it doesn't matter. This wise person represents your inner self, your inner teacher, your wise self, your higher self, your soul self, or whatever you choose to call him or her. Now see this person welcoming you to the meadow and calling you by name. There is a sparkle in the eye, a softness in the voice, a knowingness in the demeanor. Walk slowly over to this person and make eye contact. See this person looking deep into you. This person knows all about you. This person knows what you need to be happy. This person knows what you need to be healthy. This person knows what you need to have satisfying relationships. This person knows how to direct you to fulfill your purpose in life. Now reach out and take this person's hands and hold them in front of you as you continue to make eye contact. [Pause]

The following statements are designed to help you improve your ability to contact your all knowing, all wise inner self. I will say each statement in first person so that it will be as though you are speaking to yourself. Regardless of whether or not the statements make sense, say them to yourself as if you really mean them. Pause between each statement.

I am now developing superior imaginative and creative abilities.

I now use my higher intelligence to see and end all conflict within myself.

I am now in touch with my all-wise, all-knowing self.

The answers to all of life's questions are within me and I am accessing them now.

I am now developing my higher mind and psychic faculties to perceive information my intellect is incapable of perceiving.

My imagination is a powerful tool used by memory and intelligence to perceive information and create reality.

I am now willing to look at the totality of myself.

I now take full responsibility for creating my own version of reality.

I am reprogramming my mind to create the things I truly desire in life.

I am letting go of old ideas and letting new ones in that better serve me.

With every breath I take, it becomes easier and easier to contact my higher intelligence.

I am now in complete communication with my all-wise, all-knowing self. [Long pause]

You are in a very relaxed state of mind. Know that all you have to do to relax is focus on your body and breathe deeply and fully. This meditation will get easier and easier each time you use it. This meditation is completely safe. You are completely safe. Everything is in perfect order. There is nothing to do, nowhere to be, but be right here, right now.

Now, I am going to count from 1 to 10. With each ascending number, you will become more wide awake and alert. You will feel refreshed and energetic, as if you had just slept for a full night. There will be no ill effects whatsoever, on this or any other level of mind. You will be able to recall everything said during this meditation and use it for your benefit and the benefit of others. 1....2....3.... coming out slowly now....4.....5.....6.... coming out of meditation.....7.....8.....9.....10.

Open your eyes and stretch your body, wiggling your fingers and toes. Get up from your chair and move your body around gently, shaking out any tiredness. You are now refreshed and energetic, feeling rested and calm, with a clear mind and heart.

End of Meditation.
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