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 It was a dark and stormy night1 comment
27 Feb 2005 @ 23:51, by craiglang. Ideas, Creativity
Tired old cliches can be such fun... :-)

In reality, I am finding that, while fun, writing is not always easy. When one tries to channel creativity into an actual work, one finds that it does not come quite as easily. And so it is with my current project.  More >

 Purloined Moment1 comment
picture 27 Feb 2005 @ 09:25, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
pic from

Purloined Moment

What lover’s fine is this?
Twixt, ‘tween, twined
A drifting heaven
Sorted into soft, softer,
Oh…so soft  More >

 Web of Thread0 comments
picture27 Feb 2005 @ 05:06, by tlingel. Visual Arts, Graphics

Piecing the world together, stitch by stitch.  More >

 LOJ VIII0 comments
picture27 Feb 2005 @ 04:31, by ida. Visual Arts, Graphics
 More >

 What? The 2004 Election Again?8 comments
picture26 Feb 2005 @ 11:11, by jazzolog. Legal, Justice
Right is not right; so is not so. If right were really right, it would differ so clearly from not right that there would be no need for argument. If so were really so, it would differ so clearly from not so that there would be no need for argument. Forget the years; forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home.


The only preparation I can make (for death) is by fulfilling my present duties. This is the everlasting life.

---Ralph Waldo Emerson

The spiritual life is, then, first of all a matter of keeping awake.

---Thomas Merton

La Révolution, 1896
Valentine Cameron Prinsep

I confess I was caught flat-footed yesterday afternoon when a TruthOut update hit my mailbox containing a bulletin William Pitt had sent out the evening before. I scarcely took time to read it all until this morning so even though I can find absolutely no mention of this in the media or even most of the sites and blogs still awake to the issue, it may be old news to some of you. This is about Election 2004 and the Ohio Recount which most of us thought was dead and gone...and I must say I haven't even visited many of the sites in a long time and my whole computer research system on this stuff is rusty and in disarray. But guess who still is awake and watching! Kerry-Edwards.  More >

25 Feb 2005 @ 21:24, by vibrani. Extraterrestrials

Here is combined feedback from me and friends about the UFO show Peter Jennings did last night on ABC:

What got me was that they had TONS of scientists and scientific evidence and eye-witnesses. Then they say that there is no scientitic proof and ETs will be believed only when there is. What the heck? They left out Jose's Roswell Rods, they left out so much, including NASA's own footage of UFOs that I have on video that I taped watching the NASA channel showing a squadron of UFOs outside of the space shuttle. They didn't say anything about the ability to stop abductions. Yeah, they talked about SETI and radio signals, big deal. The ETs don't use radio signals - that's very ancient stuff for them, so of course they will not be picked up that way. I did love that they used the one professor, Kaku (he's brilliant) who showed the worm holes - that was right on info, the shortest distance between two points. They didn't really get into consciousness. For the most part the first half was fair and the second half was like debunking it. So in many ways this show was nothing new. The main news about it was it was on a major network with a news person, Peter Jennings.

I bet Stanton Friedman is furious. They don't give his credentials and make him sound like some UFO nut investigator. These are his credentials , Nuclear Physicist..... Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, before switching to the University of Chicago in 1953. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in 1955 and 1956. Carl Sagan was a classmate there. He worked for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects such as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, nuclear power plants for space. But he has not enough scientific background to be taken seriously???

What about John Mack? Interesting that the two psychologist from Harvard got even with John Mack and his work as a Harvard Professor of Psychiatry. No mention of his work, or Dr. David Jacobs. They focus on Budd Hopkins who is not trained as a professional. Nothing on Linda Moulton Howe, or on Whitley Streiber who has undergone tests, (only showed his book cover), nothing from the investigations being done by Steven Greer and Leer and others.

The program didn't talk about ancient art and artifacts - cave paintings, the Anunnaki, Native American knowledge. No mention of crop circles or other phenemon that is related to ETs or interdimensional beings.

The calls into Coast to Coast after the show all said pretty much what I felt. Most were disappointed especially about the Roswell stuff, and the alien abductions. George said it was UFO 101 while we are all going for a Masters Degree. But most agreed that it is a beginning even though entry level.

One caller said it was "One small step for mankind and a giant step for the open mind."

Peter Davenport was on the radio for five or ten minutes and he thought they did a fairly good job but said "we ought to do our own show!"

From Whitley Strieber:
The Peter Jennings UFO Special was a disaster for abductees, and Whitley Strieber has written a response that is devastatingly powerful. You can read it at: [link]

Please do not miss this important journal entry. And, for subscribers, Whitley will be in the live chat room from 1PM to 2PM Pacific time tomorrow to discuss the special and fallout from it.

You can write to Peter Jennings at

 The Traveling Bee12 comments
25 Feb 2005 @ 10:48, by b. Travel
I am traveling in Asia now. I have visited Tiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore. I am in India now. India is a multi ethnic place and I observed first hand the Ashura Shia Muslim celebration at a mosque where men beat themselves and cut their babies heads so that blood dripped. All in the name of the love of God.  More >

 Disappointing but not surprising - the Peter Jennings UFO special8 comments
25 Feb 2005 @ 03:30, by craiglang. Extraterrestrials
It was with very low expectations, but a slight bit of hope that I watched the special this evening (7PM CST) on the ABC network, "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO's, Seeing is Believing." Unforunately, the one thing I came away with was that my expectations were met. My overall sense was one of disappointment. I got the overall impression of business as usual - largely a repetition of the official line. Yet though the lid still seems to be tightly clamped down, there is, perhaps, a tiny crack in the artifice - and through this shines a faint glimmer of light.  More >

 The 'CROWN'24 comments
24 Feb 2005 @ 20:20, by vaxen. Globalization
This ought to wake up a few people.

What You Didn't Know
About Taxes & The 'Crown'
By Mark Owen
2-17-5  More >

 Wikipedia5 comments
picture 23 Feb 2005 @ 21:34, by ming. Internet
Last week Google offered to host part of Wikipedia's content. Yesterday Wikipedia was brought off line for some hours by a power failure and subsequent database corruption.

Now, I pay attention to those things not just because Wikipedia is a great resource that needs to be supported. But also because I'm working on a clone of it, and I've been busy downloading from it recently.

The intriguing thing is first of all that that even is a possible and an acceptable thing to do. Lots of people have put a lot of work into Wikipedia, and it is generously offered as a free service by a non-profit foundation. And not only that, you can go and download the whole database, and the software needed for running a local copy of it on another server. Because it is all based on free licenses and open source. And, for that matter, it is in many ways a good thing if people serve up copies of it. It takes a load off of their servers, and potentially others might find new things to do with it.

Anyway, that's what I'm trying to do. At this point I've mostly succeeded in making it show what it should show, which is a good start.

Even though the parts in principle are freely available, it is still a pretty massive undertaking. Just the database of current English language articles is around 2GB. And then there are the pictures. They offer in one download the pictures that are considered in the "Commons" section, i.e. they're public domain. That's around 2GB there too. But most of the pictures are considered Fair Use, meaning they're just being used without particularly having gotten a license for it. So, they can't just share them the same way. But I can still go and download them, of course, just one at a time. I set up a program to pick up about 1 per second. That is considered decent bahavior in that kind of matters. Might sound like a lot, but it shouldn't be much of a burden for the server. For example, the Ask Jeeves/Taoma web spider hits my own server about once per second, all day, every day, and that's perfectly alright with me. Anyway, the Wikipedia picture pickup took about a week like that, adding up to something like 20GB.

Okay, that's the data. But what the database contains is wiki markup. And what the wikipedia/mediawiki system uses is pretty damned extensive markup, with loads of features, templates, etc. Which needs to be interpreted to show it as a webpage. My first attempt was to try the mediawiki software which wikipedia runs on. Which I can freely download and easily enough install. But picking out pieces of it is quite a different matter. It is enormously complex, and everything is tied to everything else. I tried just picking out the parsing module. Which happened to be missing some other modules, which were missing some other modules, and pretty soon it became unwieldy, and I just didn't understand it. Then I looked for some of the other pieces of software one can download which are meant to produce static copies of wikipedia. They're very nice work, but either didn't quite do it quite like I wanted it, or didn't work for me, or were missing something important, like the pictures. So I ended up mostly doing it from scratch, based on the wikipedia specs for the markup. Although I also learned a number of things from wiki2static, a perl program which does an excellent job in parsing the wikipedia markup, in a way I actually can understand. It still became a very sizable undertaking. I had a bit of a head start in that I've previously made my own wiki program, which actually uses a subset of wikipedia's markup.

As it says on the wikipedia download site:
These dumps are not suitable for viewing in a web browser or text editor unless you do a little preprocessing on them first.
A "little preprocessing", ha, that's good. Well, a few thousands lines of code and a few days of non-stop server time seems to do it.

Anyway, it is a little mindblowing how cool it is that masses of valuable information is freely shared, and that with "a little preprocessing" one can use them in different contexts, build on top of them, and do new and different things, without having to reinvent the wheel first.

But the people who make these things available in the first place need support. Volunteers, contributors, bandwidth, money.  More >

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