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 Time is not Linear; It's 3-dimensional
16 Feb 2005 @ 12:05, by beto. Philosophy
How could Jonathan Swift foresee, in his Gulliver's Travels, that planet Mars has two moons which revolve in opposite directions, more than a century before science discovered that?  More >

 Bioengineered Mycoplasma Cause of Many Terminal Diseases!
15 Feb 2005 @ 18:44, by seek2know. Medicine, Healthcare
Health care needs to be called Disease Care, Breed and Control.

Mycoplasma is getting attention lately as a diverse desease agent. Many doctors don't know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military and DR Shyh-Ching Lo. I have a copy of the documented patent from the US Patent Office.1

All the countries at war were experimenting with biological weapons. In 1942, the governments of the United States, Canada and Britain entered into a secret agreement to create two types of biological weapons (one that would kill, and one that was disabling) for use in the war against Germany and Japan, who were also developing biological weapons. While they researched a number of disease pathogens, they primarily focused on the Brucella bacterium and began to weaponize it.

From its inception, the biowarfare program was characterized by continuing in-depth review and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officials, and it was classified Top Secret. The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponizing these diseases.

These are diseases that have existed for thousands of years, but they have been weaponized -- which means they've been made more contagious and more effective. And they are spreading. The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on.

For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled "The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8", and couldn't find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents!


Also see books and articles by Public Heath expert Dr Leonard Horowitz's site..he has been crusading single-handedly about DNA manipulations and emerging bio-engineered plagues like Aids and Ebola some of which were spread through Red cross blood banks.


Human blood is systematicaly poisoned through vaccine ingredients mercury, aluminum, msg, human fetal cell, monkey kidney cell, phenol and such nice things.

The chances of a serious adverse reaction to the DPT vaccine were 1 in 1750, while his chances of dying from pertussis each year were 1 in several million.


Mass Poisoning of foods through aspartame (nutrasweet, equal in all diet products and some medicine), splenda (sucralose contains chlorine which prevents absorption of sugar) which severely compromizes endocrine and enzyme system.When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Chlorine and flouride added in water also compromises human endocrine system and natural immunity. [link]
See article at Nexus magazine on Death by doctoring

A recent study published in The Journal of The American Medical Association (2000:284 4) by Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, showed that in the U.S. there are:

· 12,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery
· 7,000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals
· 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals
· 80,000 deaths/year from nosocomial infections in hospitals
· 106,000 deaths/year from adverse effects of medications

This totals 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes, placing iatrogeny as the third leading cause of death in the U.S., second only to heart disease and cancer. The scary part is that this does not include disabilities and disorders; just deaths in hospitalized patients. Doctors/doctoring is the third leading cause of death in US. Iatrogeny is not exclusive to the U.S. The British Medical Journal stated March 18, 2000 that, "In Australia, medical error results is as many as 18,000 unnecessary deaths, and more than 50,000 patients become disabled every year."

Studies released in the last 10 years show similar trends in the UK, Canada and New Zealand. New Zealand has a large percentage ratio of adverse drug reactions comparable to the U.S. It should be noted that the U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow aggressive pharmaceutical drug advertisements.

One very interesting statistic show deaths attributed to addictive drugs in the UK between 1990 and 1995:

· Benzodiazepines - 1,810 · Methadone - 676 · Heroin - 291 [link]

There is hope and cure. Detoxify body of harmful substances. Eat fresh, mostly veggie meals. keep your body alkaline. Acidity brings many microbes, bacteria into the body.

See books on "cancer cure" at

 Global Consciousness Project19 comments
picture 15 Feb 2005 @ 15:39, by ming. Science
The Global Consciousness Project is getting some press recently.
DEEP in the basement of a dusty university library in Edinburgh lies a small black box, roughly the size of two cigarette packets side by side, that churns out random numbers in an endless stream.

At first glance it is an unremarkable piece of equipment. Encased in metal, it contains at its heart a microchip no more complex than the ones found in modern pocket calculators.

But, according to a growing band of top scientists, this box has quite extraordinary powers. It is, they claim, the 'eye' of a machine that appears capable of peering into the future and predicting major world events.

The machine apparently sensed the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre four hours before they happened - but in the fevered mood of conspiracy theories of the time, the claims were swiftly knocked back by sceptics. But last December, it also appeared to forewarn of the Asian tsunami just before the deep sea earthquake that precipitated the epic tragedy.

Now, even the doubters are acknowledging that here is a small box with apparently inexplicable powers.

'It's Earth-shattering stuff,' says Dr Roger Nelson, emeritus researcher at Princeton University in the United States, who is heading the research project behind the 'black box' phenomenon.

'We're very early on in the process of trying to figure out what's going on here. At the moment we're stabbing in the dark.' Dr Nelson's investigations, called the Global Consciousness Project, were originally hosted by Princeton University and are centred on one of the most extraordinary experiments of all time. Its aim is to detect whether all of humanity shares a single subconscious mind that we can all tap into without realising.

It is simply a random number generator. It generates a lot of random ones and zeros. And a bunch of separate devices in different places do the same thing. And the thing is that the results are influenced by big global events. The numbers suddenly become less random and more coherent. And one can easily calculate how much they deviate from what they were "supposed" to be. And how unlikely that would be to be pure coincidence. And the fun thing is also that the results show a little before the actual events happen.

That isn't terribly strange, if we assume that everything is connected, and exists in the same unified quantum field. But it makes many scientists very nervous. Apparently they're becoming more comfortable with the idea, as the can't really get around the results, however much they try.

It isn't really worth much in predicting the future. All it shows is that something big is going on, or is going to happen shortly, which will be important to many people. But it gives no clue as to what it is going to be. So, mainly it probably serves to make consciousness something that science can't ignore. Which is a valuable aim in itself.  More >

14 Feb 2005 @ 22:06, by vibrani. Relationships
I can't believe ten years has gone by so quickly. I've been a member of NCN for ten years (this April). That was soon after this site went up. I got to this site at that time by doing searches under the Celestine Prophecy and spirituality. The first person I interacted with was another new member, Vax, and boy did we have some fun having the chat room to ourselves most of the time. (Ming, remember those rituals? hahahaha I am sure Ming would rather forget them.)

Since I joined I've met dozens of interesting people, learned a lot, and developed a few good friendships with NCNers both online and in person, some lasting the entire ten years. It's been a very varied journey here, filled with every emotion. There has been laughter, tears, flame wars, doomsdayers, hackers, frustrations, break-throughs, healing, and education. And yet, I hang in here and consider it my second home on the Internet, and am grateful for its presence. Ming, happy tenth anniversary. Happy aniversary to all NCNers. Any plans to make some radical design changes to NCN to signify a new decade?

 Away Into the Night2 comments
picture 13 Feb 2005 @ 05:39, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
pic from [link]

A whispered Valentine

Away Into the Night

Will you come to my waiting open arms
Lest you in your night flights go astray
Whether in light or heaviness you rest
There will be a place for you beside me  More >

 Make the best of Climate Change
picture 11 Feb 2005 @ 08:18, by redstar. Environment, Ecology
Clues about earth shifts and changes have been showing up on the web at a very frantic pace.
It seems that the planet is increasingly undergoing shifts in her energetic frequencies yet
vast majority of people planetwide seem to be oblivious to encroaching realities.
I have been trying, for some time, on this blog, to make an attempt at connecting some of the seemingly unrelated events and thankfully, it seems, that others are also making the links, and painting quite a picture.

 More >

 More Google wizardry5 comments
picture 10 Feb 2005 @ 16:00, by ming. Technology
Google has a new Map service. Which maybe at first looks like any other online map thing. You can see the streets in some area, map a route somewhere, search for addresses and that kind of thing. But Google has a knack for making services that are really simple, and look really simple, but that use a lot of hidden wizardry. They effortlessly do things that most professional web developers would swear would be impossible to do in a webpage. But, ok, we're catching on now. So whenever they come out with something new, somebody will dissect it and tell us how they did it.

There's Google Suggest that magically can provide you lists of possible search terms as you're typing, complete with number of matches for each. Chris Justus did a thorough job dissecting that. They use the XMLHttp for exchanging data with the server in real time.

And there's Gmail. Again, seems very simple. But it does spell checking and addressbook lookups in real time. Stuff I had gotten used to accepting that one just couldn't do in webpages. But you can, with XMLHttp and with iFrames. And with some extremely responsive servers. Various people have analyzed Gmail, like John Vey. Part of their trick is that the user interface gets stored at the client's end, so that only data is passed back and forth to the server. As opposed to "normal" webpages where everything is sent from the server whenever you load a new page.

Now Joel Webber has dissected Google Maps. So, some of the same tricks again with real-time server communication, in part using a hidden iframe. And then there's the infinitely scrolling maps. The trick is in part to make them out of little tiles, and removing some at one end while adding new ones at the other end, in real time. And routes are added on top with transparent PNG files.

Now, if somebody could just pay me for duplicating some of those tricks so I can get time to study up on them. Or my skills are suddenly getting a little old.  More >

 A Leak in the Tank of Eternity
10 Feb 2005 @ 13:17, by beto. Science
I want to show how a lattice formed by three dimensions of space and three dimensions of time can account for all physical and psychical phenomena and possibilities contained in wholeness, at least until the horizons our intelligence, intuition and feeling permit us to reach.  More >

 Moving to the next level of global unity19 comments
9 Feb 2005 @ 23:03, by mathuesiam. Globalization
More tools for connecting and expanding our collective vision of Global Unity!!  More >

 Wozzeck In The White House3 comments
picture9 Feb 2005 @ 16:55, by jazzolog. Performing Arts
When Governor Lu was about to return to his office, he came to say goodbye to Nan-Ch'uan. The Master asked him: "Governor, you are going back to the capital. How will you govern the people?"
The Governor replied: "I will govern them through wisdom."
The Master remarked: "If this is true, the people will suffer for it."

---Zen story

Only that which does not teach, which does not cry out, which does not condescend, which does not explain, is irresistible.

---William Butler Yeats

Lent, then, is a church institution embodying an exalted idea, the idea of cleansing and disciplining both mind and body toward the end of making them more receptive to the Christ ideas.

---Georgianna Tree West

The photo is of composer Alban Berg, in army uniform in 1915.

This essay started out yesterday, Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday, as a forward of an amazing link from Bushman at his Log. You may be aware he's a gardener in Sedona, which sounds very poetic and adventurous---and he is that but he's also a graduate of a school for Very Hard Knocks. He has a website [link] , but mainly I wanted to share this other URL~~~


HaloRising seems to be a platform for creating interesting projects, in this case a kind of documentary/news report from the future. It's supposed to be a commentary for some sort of installation at a Museum of Media History in the year 2014. The piece is very brilliant and maybe chilling. If you're stuck with dial-up, as we are, you may lose patience with the load, even though the work runs only 8 minutes. If so, make a note of the site's location and try it at work or a library. Hmm, it just loaded for me in the time it took to write those 2 maybe it won't be so bad for you after all. However, there are when it's done, replay it by right-clicking and choosing "Play". Its creator is Robin Sloan whose site is [link]  More >

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