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 Blog, Ping and Spam5 comments
2 Feb 2005 @ 18:37, by ming. Internet
I'm doing various little programming contract jobs at the moment. And it is remarkable to notice how much effort apparently is being spent on trying to abuse various shared internet resources. I.e. getting around the way something was intended to be used, for the sake of self-promotion. Like, somebody just asked me to do a program doing what Blogburner is doing. I said no, and gave the guy a piece of my mind, but I'm sure he'll find somebody else to do it. "Blog and Ping" they call it. It is essentially that you automatically set up a number of fake blogs at a site like Blogger and you automatically post a large number of regular web pages to them, pinging the blog update sites as you do it, pretending that you just posted something new on your blog. Of course exploiting the somewhat favored status that blogs have in search engines, and attracting traffic. Under false pretenses.

And that's just one of many similar project proposals I see passing by. There are obviously many people getting various kinds of spamming programs made. You know, stuff like spidering the web for forums and then auto-posting ads to them. Or automatic programs that sign up for masses of free accounts in various places. Or Search Engine Optimization programs that create masses of fake webpages to try to show better in the search engines. I don't take any of that kind of jobs, but it is a bit disturbing to see how many of them there are.

It is maybe even surprising how well the net holds up and how the many freely shared resources that are available can be viable. Another example. You know, there's the whois system that one uses to check the registration information for a domain, who owns it, when it expires, etc. Now, there's a business in trying to grab attractive domain names that for one reason or another expire. So there are people who set up servers that do hundreds of thousands of whois lookups every hour, in order to catch domains right when they expire, in order to re-register them for somebody else. Or any of a number of variations on that scheme. To do that you'll want to do maybe 100 whois lookups every second. And most whois servers will try to stop you from doing that, but having some kind of quota of how many you can do, which is much less. So, you spread the queries over many IP numbers and many proxy servers, in order to fool them. And the result is inevitably that a large amount of free resources are being spent, in order for somebody to have a little business niche.

At the same time I can see that part of what makes the net work in good ways is indeed that one can build on somebody else's work with few barriers. That one can quote other people's articles, borrow their pictures, play their music, link to their sites, use their web services, etc. And add a little value as one does so. And I suppose the benefit of generative sharing will outweigh the problems with self-serving abuse of what is shared. But it seems it also involves an continuous struggle to try to hinder abusive use of freely accessible resources.

Like, in my blog here. An increasing number of visits are phoney, having bogus referrer information, just to make a site show up in my referrer logs. No very good solution to that, other than if I spend server resources on spidering all the sites to see if they really have a link to here.  More >

 A Dream
picture 2 Feb 2005 @ 12:56, by scotty. Personal Development
The Shepherd's Dream, from `Paradise Lost'
Henry Fuseli

I've just finished reading a book that Astrid sent me for christmas - The Shift by John England ! (Thankyou so much Astrid)
When I got the book I thought hmmm it's going to be more political stuff and sighed !
I started reading it all the same - and then I just couldn't put the damn thing down !
It's the best book that I've ever read !!!
It isn't the best written book that I've ever read - but !! I think it's changed me somewhere inside !!!

I can't help thinking that me - who's always been so 'anti-politics' - well - If I could ever find a party like the one in the book then I'd go with them - hell I'd even work for them !!

I ended up trying to find some kind of party on the net that even vaguely resembled them ( them - being the new party in the book) and came up with zero nada zilch nought nothing !
I thought hmm - maybe I'm supposed to try and 'dream it into existance' !

Sounds daft doesn't it ! hahahaha
I suddenly had this image of everyone trying to dream this party into existance - and I thought hmmm - maybe they are ! Maybe everyone who's read this book feels just like that too!

Maybe everyone is going to start dreaming of a Political Party that is going to be born - one that is going to change the way we look at and incorporate alternative ways of living - and begin to construct a path of change - so much so that the earth will begin to heal and we'll have something worthwhile to pass on to our children and our childrens children !
Maybe the book is going to be some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy !!!
One thing I do know - I want things to change - and the change has got to begin with me - and for the first time ever I KNOW that the Earth is my mother !

Martin Luther had a dream - and now I have one too !

Do try to read the book if you can - it's brilliant !  More >

 IN MEMORY OF KIKO6 comments
picture 2 Feb 2005 @ 09:47, by magical_melody. Relationships
My dearest friend, you were the pet companion of my life. I will always love you! I thank you for your loving Presence in my life and for being a powerful healer not only to me, but to Sylvia and others.  More >

 One Love2 comments
2 Feb 2005 @ 09:14, by swanny. Visual Arts, Graphics
heres a link to my latest move
"One Love"
Movie Link = [link]


Sir Swan  More >

 Tell them, BITE ME!7 comments
2 Feb 2005 @ 02:18, by bushman. Globalization
US Declares Iraqis Must Destroy Their Own Seeds.
Edited by Iman Khaduri

For the record: "U.S. declares Iraqis can not save their own seeds"

"As part of sweeping "economic restructuring" implemented by the Bush Administration in Iraq, Iraqi farmers will no longer be permitted to save their seeds, which include seeds the Iraqis themselves have developed over hundreds of years. Instead, they will be forced to buy seeds from US corporations. That is because in recent years, transnational corporations have patented and now own many seed varieties originated or developed by indigenous peoples. In a short time, Iraq will be living under the new American credo:

Pay Monsanto, or starve ."

"The American Administrator of the Iraqi CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) government, Paul Bremer, updated Iraq's intellectual property law to 'meet current internationally-recognized standards of protection'. The updated law makes saving seeds for next year's harvest, practiced by 97% of Iraqi farmers in 2002, and is the standard farming practice for thousands of years across human civilizations, to be now illegal.. Instead, farmers will have to obtain a yearly license for genetically modified (GM) seeds from American corporations. These GM seeds have typically been modified from seeds developed over thousands of generations by indigenous farmers like the Iraqis, and shared freely like agricultural 'open source.'"

Iraq law Requires Seed Licenses November 13, 2004

"According to Order 81, paragraph 66 - [B], issued by L. Paul Bremer [CFR], the people in Iraq are now prohibited from saving seeds and may only plant seeds for their food from licensed, authorized U.S. distributors.

The paragraph states, "Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph [C] of Article 14 of this chapter."

Written in massively intricate legalese, Order 81 directs the reader at Article 14, paragraph 2 [C] to paragraph [B] of Article 4, which states any variety that is different from any other known variety may be registered in any country and become a protected variety of seed - thus defaulting it into the "protected class" of seeds and prohibiting the Iraqis from reusing them the following season. Every year, the Iraqis must destroy any seed they have, and repurchase seeds from an authorized supplier, or face fines, penalties and/or jail time."

As per an Iraqi proverb, the day will come, sooner rather than later, when the Iraqis will shred Bremer's Laws, soak them in water and offer the glass to Bremer to drink.


Iraqis Can't Save Seed

By Bud Landry

"U.S. Declares Iraqis Can't Save Seed," by David Deschesne

According to Order 81, paragraph 66 -[B], issued by L. Paul Bremer [CFR], the people in Iraq are now prohibited from saving seeds and may only plant seeds for their food from from licensed, authorized U.S. distributors.

The paragraph states, "Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph [C] of Article 14 of this chapter."

Written in massively intricate legalese, Order 81 directs the reader at Article 14, paragraph 2 [C] to paragraph [B] of Article 4, which states any variety that is different from any other known variety may be registered in any country and become a protected variety of seed - thus defaulting it into the "protected class" of seeds and prohibiting the Iraqis from reusing them the following season. Every year, the Iraqis must destroy any seed they have, and repurchase seeds from an authorized supplier, or face fines, penalties and/ or jail time.

This is the freedom that comes with the American form of democracy?

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 What is preventing us from being free?14 comments
picture1 Feb 2005 @ 19:57, by jerryvest. Spirituality
As I grow older I begin to "see" that I have been stuck in my serious nature for far too long. I allow too many things to bother me and prevent me from being happy, joyful and creative. During these past two elections, while observing the Bush administration's policies and their enormous greed, I have watched with disbelief their war on Iraq, the subsequent loss and injury of our service men and women, and the killing and wounding of thousands of innocent civilians, all which add up to an incredible burden that is nearly impossible to manage.

However, I learned early on, during my meditation practices, that having such negative energies running around in my head only blocked creativity, health, and well being. Like many or most of you here in the NewCiv Network, I joined social action and justice groups, demonstrated and spent much energy appealing to our 'leaders' to find new solutions for peace, justice, prosperity for all, and equality. I don't know how much influence these actions have had on this current group and am beginning to feel that it is more frustrating than productive.

On another note, I have learned to enjoy and play again as my grand children won't have it or me any other way. We drum, dance, sing, tell and read stories, create art forms, and give up my adult power and control mechanisms. It is so refreshing to be with innocent children who are filled with love, joy, and happiness.

I say to our leaders--stop being so rigid and give up the ideas you have about yourselves and the world around you. Play with your children and grandchildren and allow them to teach you to have an "open mind" -- experience balance and freedom from pain and suffering, power and control.

A child does not doubt. He has implicit faith in his parents. He has implicit faith in everyone he comes across. We also can play the same role in our day to day life. Let us play with God, the Divine Child. There can be no shadow of doubt in our life when we speak, when we eat, when we move around, if we feel that we have a Divine Child within us, sporting with us. We are not alone. There is someone playing with us at every moment. If we know and feel this, then doubt can never eclipse our mind.

Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy Article

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 Another Spooky Connection?19 comments
31 Jan 2005 @ 20:55, by craiglang. Conspiracy
I just got done reading the article "A Death in New York by Peter Levenda" on Whitley Strieber's website, about the death of Nicole duFresne. I had briefly read about the death earlier, in the morning paper, but I had no idea that she was associated with writing which was related to CIA mind control experiments, etc. Apparently the circumstances of the "robbery attempt" associated with her death are quite strange.

So does Nicole duFresne join the growing ranks of those who have died working to pierce the veil? Does she join John Mack, Eugene Mallove, Sherry Adamak, etc... in the interlife, as one who left us all too early - and perhaps for all the wrong reasons? And is there a hidden danger facing those who dare to ask the wrong questions?  More >

 Three Scientific Sects that Block the Advancement of Science
31 Jan 2005 @ 09:27, by beto. Philosophy
In this beginning of the 21st century, we still live together with the last remains of Sigmund Freud's, Karl Marx's and Charles Darwin's ideas, three typical products of the 19th century.  More >

 The Preface to the 7th Seal - Hidden Wisdom Unveiled9 comments
31 Jan 2005 @ 00:52, by mathuesiam. Spirituality
This is the preface to the newly released book. The 7th Seal.  More >

 Which Historical Lunatic are You?
picture 30 Jan 2005 @ 13:42, by jmarc. Recreation, Fun
I am Nicola Tesla, inventor of the Tesla Coil!

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