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 Divinity Rising 11-17-08L Greatest Show on Earth
18 Nov 2008 @ 06:11, by divinityr. Spirituality
A spiritual journey through life is like being in a theater.  More >

 My 'story' I just uploaded to change.gov10 comments
picture 17 Nov 2008 @ 10:11, by jewel. Politics
I was raised on the myth of Camelot by a boomer mother, born in a post-Doris Day world who just sorta 'missed' the 60s, perhaps due to her reaction to the killings... So in our isolated world in an idillic suburb outside Portland Oregon, I was raised on this myth... honestly believing the civil rights movemetn had happened and that indeed women and 'blacks' were free and equal. I remember going to a 'kinder-college' whereby the teacher taught us about civil liberties and even the right to burn the flag! Wow! Well like the rest of my Gen X, the 80s were a terrible wake up call. I was a gifted honors student who basically 'sold out' to the yuppie dream -- once I realized with so much disheartened apathy, that the myth was just that.... Lapse dissolve to a decade of self-help LA lifestyle personal 'work' later, I left the meaningless corporate grid sell-out game to a road less travelled... at 32 years old I ran for the olde countries, based myself in the UK and did research on a deep and meaningful book... got married, had a child, started and closed a business and alas after 9 years ran back to the America of my dreams... I was registered in Oregon so got to vote by mail there although Chantal my beautiful 7 year old and I, are now ensconced back in LALA lande...

Meeting Bill Clinton in Oregon was a highlight of my life. I loved the Clintons due to their passion and well, internationally he is so VERY highly regarded by the intelligentsia for his work in Israel, Ireland, and Africa... Just before I left the UK, I had 'fortnightly' meetings with American moms. There were 4 of us. Two were on the fence toward Obama and 2 were on the fence toward Hilary. I was in the latter camp. I really wanted to move back to America and change my mind.. but I truly didn't know you well enough and had really always been a fan and supporter of the Clinton's core principals... but everything changed when Hillary stepped down. What a week! Her speech and YOURS - allowed me to move forward behind you... When I was in the UK my favourite speech you gave was on Race. I was sorely disappointed how the full transcript and video was rarely showed by the mainstream media... I was also btw very disappointed in your FISA vote, and feel that was giving away Constitutional rights!

But Denver and Palin changed everything. You became stronger, and the Movement became more important. I began to trust you. We all did. And also it was as you said, not really about YOU - it is about US. We ARE all in it together. I love oration. I was taught to recite the Gettysberg Address by heart at 12 years old. We became deeply moved and inspired by your words, and your promises, and your AUTHENTICITY. Emails about 'the truth' became stupendous. We gave small amounts here and there, bought the T shirts and the bumper stickers, and even made phone calls.

I remember when I was at your Victory speech party in Hollywood, everyone was talking about their personal email they got before you addressed the crowds at Grant Park!

I seriously couldn't believe it. It was as if my birth and the purpose and meaning of the times I was born -- was FINALLY full circle. Like Camelot was a brief shining moment. And this is the Aquarian Age. The Real Deal. Not the New Deal. But the REAL Deal !!!

i was overwhelmed with hope, longing, a sense of History and a sense of Purpose, for the collective... not at all attached to my own story... but totally enthralled with the story we are here, to now, write, and rewrite, together!

If it weren't, I feel, for mobilized INDEPENDENT media by people like Moveon, CommonDreams, and Huffington Post, you would not have made it. I think you ran an unprecedented campaign, but also if it weren't for H. Wasserman and the guys that were exposing the GOP corruption in Ohio 2004 - it would not have gone the way we saw it. I personally would bet a million dollars that you won by a much larger percentage! I think everyone knows this is true...

One word of advice -- nip that media elite in the butt with their insane rhetoric that this is NOT a sea-change and that you only won by pretending to be centre-right! Your mandate is PROGRESSIVE! Please keep it that way - that's what the people want!!

Finally my daughter Chantal, 7, British born, would always say when she met a McCain supporter... 'but he is not going to help our country'... !!!!

And I am sooo happy I came home to be a part of all of this! What an honour! What a blessing! What a TRIUMPH of the human spirit!

We did it!!!!  More >

 Paradise found0 comments
16 Nov 2008 @ 23:44, by niphtrique. Spirituality

Paradise found

Author: Bart klein Ikink

Natural World Order

The quest for wisdom

The quest for wisdom has always been a male affair. We need only to think of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Hume, Voltaire, Kant, Kierkegaard, Hegel, Marx, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Levinas and Quine. They were all men. The most important prophets in history, like Moses, Lao Tse, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed were also all men.

From the above, you can conclude with a probability bordering on certainty that the desire for wisdom is purely a male affair. The few women who were involved in philosophy, such as Ayn Rand and Hannah Arend, were marked by their extreme difficult lives and therefore made unnatural choices.

The Fall

When we know this, and look again at the first book of the Bible, called Genesis, it is immediately clear what kind of plot was forged there. Someone has rewritten history. Someone has changed the word of God in a devilish way.

It was not that Eve lured Adam into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but it was Adam who seduced Eva. It must be, because the desire for wisdom is not in the nature of the woman but in the nature of the man.

The Fall was the beginning of 5,000 years of war and struggle that began with the murder of Abel by Kain. These 5,000 years are now coming to an end.

The indication

Recently I first read the Tao Te Ching. Since the discovery of the enormous power of the natural economic order made me feel very uneasy, i was looking for peace of mind and guidance. These texts spoke to me very clearly, and they can only be compared to the book Nobody's Boy, which i read when i was twelve years old.

In the Tao yin comes before yang. The woman comes before the man. The Tao is written as a guide for a leader. That leader probably is a man. The true leader can only submit himself to "The Way". The true leader has no desires and does not act. He sees himself not as an individual but as a part of the world.

The Garden of Eden

The woman did not come from the man, as has been written in Genesis, but the man was born from the woman. That corresponds to what we experience every day. So this must be true. The woman is therefore the primeval force of nature and the man must serve her with his practical insights, because a woman is more intuitive and less rational than a man. When she calls to him, he must fulfill her desire. This was also the case in the Garden of Eden. That is why Adam tempted Eve.

In the Garden of Eden sexual intercourse only existed when the woman desired this. She took the initiative. The man had to answer to her call. In this way, sexual intercourse was natural, and there was no rape.

Our current state

Women are turned into whores and men are turned into beasts. That is the situation where we are in now. Everywhere there is war and strife. The wars serve no purpose and have been started based on the lies of our leaders. Further away from our nature than this, we can not come. The situation can only improve.

I am not a feminist because i am a man. A man has to do what a man has to do. Pride and principles stand in the way of a better future. We must realize what is going on, because then we know how things should be.

The key and lock

As the power of the natural economic order will wipe away the existing economic order, there should be a hidden force in nature that will silence the weapons. This seems unlikely now. But it also seemed very unlikely that an economic system could exist that is many times more efficient than the current economic system. Now this system has already been described. Is it not strange that only just now was discovered what is the secret of the lost paradise was? Therefore it is only logical that there should be a force that is many times stronger than war and weapons. This force will come to consciousness and i expect to see her soon.

  How to create an entire management system from scratch just with one (1!) die!10 comments
picture15 Nov 2008 @ 16:39, by jhs. Business
----- snip here to forward with FAX e-mail etc -----------------------

"Creation of Structured Systems for Management and Self-Help Programmes based on Randomized Paradigms"

or short: CSSMSHPRP (TM), copyright 2008-2012 by JTJH Folding Corp.

(Or, how to create an entire management system from scratch just with one (1!) die!)

A do-it-yourself system: easy, childproof (see attached picture), for any level of expertise!

Federal Warning:
The following information is strictly confidential, copyrighted, trademarked, registered, protected by international laws, owned, published and franchised by Janos Toth Jr. Holding & Folding Corporation, in the following named JTJH Corp. or JTJH Folding Corp. respectively. By having clicked at the link to this page or by opening the e-mail containing this information, you have entered an irrefutable nondisclosure agreement with said parties and you have further agreed to an irrevocable and indisputable contract which you may never disclose to any second or third party under penalty of perjury.

Please note that under the bylaws of the agreement you have just entered by reading this message you are obliged to remunerate JTJH Corp at the established percentage, currently 8.35% (in words: eightpointthirtyfive) of your total sales. In case of failure of payment, you will be reported to the pertinent National Agencies and furthermore incur a surcharge to the equivalent of the triple of the current Federal Interest Rate.

Even if you would decide to not read further, this document delineates your future duties and responsibilities in respect, but not limited to, JTJH Corp.

This is a proven, infallible system which was created by itself following its own rules and tested successfully by one person. Therefore the statistical proof amounts to a whopping 100% success rate. Proof of concept filed with the county clerk at Tahuvapassee County, Nebraska.

Preliminary, vital action:
read the definition of 'die' in Wikipedia [link] and practice 'throwing' them for at least 20 minutes before attempting to perform the following steps! Attention: don't throw yourself out of the windows yet, it's 'die' like in 'dice', not 'die' like in 'dying'!!! So, last time, throw the die, dude, not a knife or something!

Step 1 - How complex do you want to get?

One-step programs don't deserve to be called programs, thus the minimum number of the program's parts should be two. More than twelve steps exceed the mental and/or emotional capacities of most living beings, at least humanoids like yourself, and should thus be avoided.

a) Roll the die twice and write down the number of dots you see each time. If you can't count until 6 ask a friend or relative to help you out. Once you use this system, you will have so much money that you can hire your own personal staff to think for you, just like any...  More >

 I AM7 comments
picture15 Nov 2008 @ 16:23, by jerryvest. Spirituality
"If there is a difference between us human beings and all that is not human in nature, it is this: We are the only creatures who question their own identity. We must see immediately that identity means the development of a sense of separation (I am I, and you are you), a sense of establishing borders, making a kind of obstruction between ourselves and reality; identity is then a metaphysical proposition." (_Between Metaphysics and Protoanalysis - A Theory For Analyzing The Human Psyche_, Oscar Ichazo)

Alton, my friend, martial artist, acupuncturist and spiritual brother sent me this insightful note this morning and gave me approval to share his message with others who visit my logs. I have known Dr. Kanter for well over 35 years, almost half this life time. As a host to "Get Healthy with Dr. Alton Kanter," for many years for a Hawaii Radio Station, my friend interviewed me a few years ago about the development of our 15-Minute StressOut Program. About 40 years ago, along with several hundred other seekers, Alton and I participated in an Arica Advanced Training Program in NYC, numerous other spiritual training programs and we continue our Work as teachers and students in this School of Integral Practice and Philosophy. I am 73 years young and feel much like Alton, especially when I open my mind, body and spirit to 'all that is'--our true nature and our universal energy.

During the late 80's, I had the good fortune to have Dr. Kanter introduce acupuncture, tai chi chuan and other integrative health practices with our graduate students, New Mexico State University, School of Social Work and he was a great inspiration for our students and faculty. In fact, Patricia Callahan, L.Ac, attended our workshop with her partner/couple Bill Parmeter, LMSW and she has expressed to me, on several occasions, that Alton is her hero. Following his workshop, Pat enrolled in the School of Acupuncture-Oriental Medicine, Santa Fe, NM, completed their program in 2000 and now has a thriving practice in upstate New York.

It is a great honor for me to have a colleague who practices what he teaches and is an inspiration to all of us "growing young" (see, Montagu, A. "Growing Young," (1981, NY: McGraw-Hill). [link]

I hope others can draw inspiration from our elders who are engaged in advancing and improving lives, health and relationships in our society and beyond. Thank you Alton for 'staying in touch' and for all you have done to support Humanity as One Body, Mind and Spirit. I Am - God is One!

Best Wishes and may we continue to "Grow Young".....



Aloha Jerry,

What a treat to talk with you again!!

Attached is some of my recent stuff showing up on the radar screen



In Dependence

On the practice

Of a path

Which is

The indivisible union

Of wisdom and method

You can be transformed

from a state of suffering

into a state of attainment

of freedom and happiness;


God Is One
ToHam Kum Rah



I have met Some ONE

Hu is helping me write

A letter of resignation

To Sadness,



God Is ONE,
ToHam Kum Rah

Tadyatha Gate
Para Gate
Parasam Gate
Bodhi Svaha

My Divine Mind Transcend
Transcend Beyond
Beyond the Beyond
To Total Enlightenment
Be it the will of God

lets talk



I am now eighty years old. And yet I feel like I am an infant. I feel
clearly that in spite of all the changes, I am a child. My teacher tells me
that the child who is you even now is your real self. Go back to that state
of pure being where the "I am" is still in its purity, before it was
contaminated with "this I am" or "that I am."

Your burden is of false self identifications: abandon them all. My teacher
told me "Trust me, I tell you, you are divine; take it as the absolute
truth. Your joy is divine; your suffering is divine, too. All comes from
God. Remember it always, you are a manifestation of God; His will alone is

I did believe him, and soon realized how wonderfully true and accurate were
his words, I did not condition my mind with thoughts of pride and vanity
such as "I am wonderful; I am beyond." I simply followed his instruction,
which was to focus the mind on pure being. "I am," and "God is One," and
stay in it. I used to sit for hours with nothing but the "I am" in my mind.
Soon peace and joy and an all embracing love became my normal state.

In that state, all disappeared: my self; my teacher; the life I lived; the
world around me. Only peace remained and unfathomable silence.

Aloha nui loa

Alton  More >

15 Nov 2008 @ 08:03, by erlefrayne. Globalization
Let me share to you at this moment some notes regarding the ‘globalization’ experiment and the flawed policies that sustained it. There has been much ballyhoo about the global economy’s integration, over the last three (3) decades, as having been carved out supposedly by the Anglo-Saxon policy architects, using Thatcher & Reagan as the face for the ‘neo-liberal’ policy regime they installed.

Little do peoples across the globe, including experts who are so mired in their own parochial perspectives, know that the liberalization of country economies has a great deal to do with the Zaibatsu offensive. The West should better accept the facts: that their technocrats and policy shapers have run out of fresh ideas since the 1970s onwards (i.e. mentally bankrupt), a gap that they filled up by looking up to Japan and the NICs (newly industrializing countries) for copycat purposes.

Reaganomics, as neo-liberal policies of ‘privatization’ was dubbed (Thatcher of the UK preceded Reagan by a year), is as voodoo as one can get, seductive as any enchanting mantra-resonating principle can be, and was indeed potent in erasing the vestiges of the Regulated Economics doctrines that preceded the era...

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 Good is the enemy of great (Jim Collins)8 comments
picture14 Nov 2008 @ 12:51, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
Impressions from the ExpoManagement 2008 in Sao Paulo

Three days packed with quite a few top class speakers and a 200 (twohundred!!) mini-workshops - impossible to see it all. But what we (Heloisa and I, representing Power Relations Ltda [link] ) glimpsed from the abundance in information and impressions gave us quite a few insights into the current vogue and direction in middle and top management.

We gave special attention on how concepts are actually being implemented and were sniffing like bloodhounds for those abusers of systemic thinking who under the umbrella of working for the whole are only out to stuff their own pockets.

As a side note, we found undivided support for the Worldconference on Systemic Flaws and Solutions 2009 and received a lot of encouragement.

First of all, the Expo was more like a Conference with a little Expo at the side. And if something were to be said about it as a whole, it would be that:

the ExpoManagement wasn't good - it was great!

From "Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Taleb" to "Good is the enemy of great Jim Collins", from "Wiki Jim Wales" to "Sun Scott McNealy" and the "Banker to the Poor Muhammad Yunus", and many more great thinkers of our times, presented a plethora of ideas and concepts, some old ones, repackaged, and a few new trends.

Now, if only the people would do the things they say they should, we would live in a much better world. It is this transfer that is still missing except for a very few examples.

From the wealth of excellence on this conference, one speaker impressed us particularly: Stephen Covey.

Like a modern Korzybski, he was talking about the 'maps' of the era of industrialization and our new era of ...  More >

 J.A.I.L. or Bailout?16 comments
13 Nov 2008 @ 17:01, by vaxen. Economics, Financing, Banking
About the Bailout
A look at the numbers tells the story. With thanks to ("Bailout Balance Sheet", November 7, 2008 by Katherine Mangu-Ward and Anthony Randazzo) the awful total so far looks like this:
$29 billion for Bear Stearns

$143.8 billion for AIG (thus far; it keeps growing)

$100 billion for Fannie Mae

$100 billion for Freddie Mac

$700 billion for Wall Street, including Bank of America (Merrill Lynch), Citigroug, JP Morgan (WaMu), Wells Fargo (Wachovia), Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and a lot more

$25 billion for the Big Three in Detroit

$8 billion for Indy Mac

$150 billion for stimulus package (from January)

$50 billion for money market funds

$138 billion for Lehman Bros. (post bankruptcy, through JP Morgan)

$620 billion for general currency swaps from the Fed

Rough total: $2,063,800,000,000—Two trillion and growing!
Not included in the above: hundreds of billions from the Fed to buy up commercial paper and lend out to other commercial firms.

What on earth is going on here? Simple, actually. Our Treasury and Federal Reserve are loading debt on future generations and transferring the debt money to Wall Street criminals and commercial bankers—the very people who massively breached their fiduciary duties by creating this catastrophe in the first place. BreaktheBailout indeed.

The first post-bailout outrage came from the massive insurance giant AIG. After receiving an $84 billion taxpayer bailout, AIG turned right around and held a grand party for their executives at a cost in excess of $440,000. There was outrage on Capitol Hill, including threats to "get the money back." Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D. MD) thundered: "They were getting their manicures, their pedicures, massages, their facials, while the American people were paying their bills." But instead of any action, our Federal Reserve gave AIG another $38 billion after the party.

We heard lots of comments from presidential candidates and congressional leaders about not letting CEOs profit from the bailout, but the Wall Street Journal reported that, after the bill was signed into law, bailout czar Neil Kashkari (ex-Goldman Sachs) told a group of Wall Street executives that any restrictions on executive compensation in the bailout bill didn't really mean anything. As Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research wrote: "Of course, anyone who bothered to look at the bill already knew that the compensation restrictions were meaningless before the bill passed. So why do we only see this reported in the media after the fact?"

Goldman Sachs has been scheduled to receive an estimated $10 billion in bailout money from the government. This firm responded by anointing 92 new members into its exalted status of partnership, and announcing bonuses of $210,000 per employee for 2008 -- a total bonus pool in excess of $6.8 billion. Similarly at Morgan Stanley, another giant bailout recipient, bonuses of $138,700 per employee were announced, with a total bonus pool in excess of $6.4 billion. Goldman and Morgan are prime offenders, but these firms were not alone-- this grotesque story repeats itself all across the Wall Street community. What we are seeing is crystal clear: our taxpayer bailout dollars flow into these Wall Street firms on one day, and out to their executives and employees as "bonuses" on the next.
The "bailout to bonus" issue is not unique to Wall Street. A floundering Royal Bank of Scotland received a massive bailout injection from British taxpayers in the amount of 20 billion pounds to stave off corporate bankruptcy. The reaction of Royal Bank of Scotland? They immediately announced bonuses for thousands of staff members (mostly in the investment banking division), totaling nearly two billion pounds. In the words of one frustrated British politician, as reported in the Guardian UK: "The banks are making complete monkeys of us."

And monkeys we are. The financial suffering of ordinary American (and worldwide). taxpayers, not to mention future generations loaded with bailout debt obligations, seems not to have registered in the slightest with our banksters and their purchased political patrons. Behind closed doors they surely must be laughing at the foolishness of the people they purport to serve. Already the bankers are announcing that they have no intention of lending out any of the bailout money. Their strategy is clear: rebuild their balance sheets, and wait for better times to acquire new assets on the cheap. Moral hazard? No one in government knows or cares.
The time has come for fundamental change. During the bailout debate, 50,000 letters were sent to Congress and the media through The Campaign for Fresh Air & Clean Politics, and we were just one among many. But this letter campaign was only the beginning of our effort, and more and more of the American people are coming to realize every day that bailout legislation is not going to solve the economic crisis our country is facing. Even on the day the original bailout legislation passed, members of Congress were expressing concern it would not be enough, and already there is talk in Washington DC about Congress coming back to pass an economic stimulus package. Meanwhile, our country has lost trillions of dollars in wealth on stock exchanges in recent weeks, and we are seeing the biggest unemployment increases and reductions in payrolls in many years. The disastrous economic news at home goes on and on, while at the same time the US fights two long (and unwinnable) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at a price reaching trillions of dollars. Meanwhile, the Congress just approved an additional $700 billion in defense spending for the next year.
Here's What We're Asking You To Do

CFACP has retained Breakthematrix to serve as our moneybomb organizer and service provider for a massive donations collection effort. Remember the famous moneybombs that raised millions for the Ron Paul presidential campaign? Well Trevor Lyman was the man behind those efforts, and he and his Breakthematrix colleagues are the leading experts in the world in online moneybomb fundraising. Here's how it works:

You enter your pledge today – RIGHT NOW-- by clicking the "Pledge" button on the side of this web site screen. This pledge becomes your commitment to make a tax deductible contribution to the BreaktheBailout Project at Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics on December 7, 2008-- the moneybomb collection day. Visit our web site often over the next few weeks to watch the pledges mount, and to learn about the growing community of friends and supporters who are choosing to become Bailout Breakers with us. Then the key event – you COME BACK on December 7th (Pearl Harbor Sunday) and make your actual money contribution right here at The power and force of the moneybomb is simple and straightforward. We all donate on the SAME DAY, and working together we send our bankers and political leaders a message they will never forget. So help us make it work. Pledge today; add your name and link to the listing on our Bailout Breakers community page; then come back and donate on December 7th. Let's show these bankers and politicians once and for all that there's a powerful movement here that will settle for nothing less than an end to bankster ownership of OUR MONEY.
Why December 7th? It's a Bankster Sneak Attack, That's Why

On November 15, 2008, George Bush will host a global summit of international bankers and governments in Washington, DC. These people are coming together for the express and stated purpose of creating a new world financial order on the backs of taxpayers and future generations. Nothing but evil will come from this gathering—it's a bankster sneak attack on our citizens and taxpayers.

Well, we at BreaktheBailout remember another grand sneak attack on America on December 7, 1941, and we remember how Americans of all ages, colors and walks of life came together in a unified response. The New World Order proposed by the globalist bankers is a direct attack on the liberty and sovereignty of all Americans-- let alone on the pocketbooks of American taxpayers and future generations-- and a coming together of the American people is called for now more than ever. We need to let these modern day globalist bankster sneaks know they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to get away with their phony money scams. Let's stand up to these banksters and faux leaders! Their banker bailouts are a fraud, just like their illusory money itself is a fraud! Their "new world financial order" is nothing more than an ongoing taxpayer ripoff—for generations to come! Don't let their sneak attack work! Join our community of Bailout Breakers, and let's start building the strong and committed base that's going to be needed to throw their failed policies (and people) out with the rest of the trash.
What Are We Planning To Do With the Funds We Raise?

In shorthand terms, the funds will be used to build a transpartisan community of Bailout Breakers; to spread our message about ending the bailouts and taking back control of our money; and to create the tools that are going to be needed for standing up to the banksters and their purchased politicians. For a more detailed explanation of what we intend to do with the donated funds, click here.
Please Become a Bailout Breaker Today; And We Thank You For Your Pledge.

If you'd like to light the fuse for December 7th's moneybomb, you may donate now. Don't forget to pledge to come back and donate again on the 7th!

*Note: "WuHu, yeah. All that Fiat currency! If the breakout doesn't break us then break the bailout will!" - Vax

With "Mind Control Language Patterns" you will benefit by
learning what to say to get powerful results. It's been used
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even Barack Obama.


*Note: "See, see!?! Told ya so!" - Vaximus Varimus

Questions? contact us at

© 2008

[link]  More >

 Full Moon in Taurus - November 14, 20084 comments
13 Nov 2008 @ 14:55, by joanaroma2. Spirituality
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 Solitaire 0 comments
13 Nov 2008 @ 12:46, by vector8. Spirituality
While I was chatting to a friend he asked me if I wanted to see a trick.

"Go on then," I said, "I love tricks!"

He took an elastic band from the desk and then hid his hands under the desk to hide the elastic in one hand. I knew he was expecting me to guess which hand it was in. I was determined to win by influencing my friend's decision. I expected the elastic band to be in his right hand.  More >

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