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 Telepathic Overlay13 comments
14 Jan 2005 @ 03:25, by vaxen. Altered States
Ingo Swann

"There are good probable reasons for the lack of really serious work regarding telepathy.
Certainly one of the reasons for the avoidance is that people fear having their minds read or invaded. After all, telepathy IS defined as mind-to-mind contact, and the mind- invasive principle is implicit in this definition.
Additionally, if telepathic contact with other minds is possible, then it IS but one short developmental step to one of the ugliest topics on Earth -- mind-control."  More >

13 Jan 2005 @ 22:36, by bri_outten. Environment, Ecology
Well, just when we thought we maybe we've all had enough what with wars in the middle east and tsunamis in the south east, then what should come along, only global dimming that's all!

Well, for those of you fortunate enough to have ever come across a british science TV program called Horizon, you will know how well respected and researched this program is. It has brought forward many new and important scientific discoveries and news.

Well, tonight, the latest revelations have involved the discovery of Global dimming. In other words this is the dual effect of:
1) Heavy particulates and a variety of air pollutant chemicals which have been revealed as directly reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by up to 20% in some area, by a 'screening' effect,
2) Clouds tend to clump these particles which have an effect of causing larger droplets of rainwater to build up the top surfaces causing increased reflection of sunlight back into space.

Both effects have been seen to have been the cause of reduced rainfall in certain areas of the tropics, increasing the incidence of drought in these areas (due to generalised climatic effects).

Nonetheless, and ironically, these limits to the sun's radiation have been realised, since the work done by scientists studying the reduced/ removal of air traffic over the USA from 11th - 13th Septmeber 2001.
They found that due the reduction of the air pollution tracks given off by aircraft, the land/air temperature increased by an unprecedented 1.2deg.celcius (not seen in 30years!) over the space of these 2/3 days.

This has now been linked to the effect of the already existing greenhouse gases being 'used' to trap this increases sunlight energy, thereby highlighting the fact that in REALITY the effect of the greenhouse gases will be magnified when the heavy pollutants are removed (unless of course we wish to choke ourselves to death!)

Hence, the undeniable truth that if we do not tackle these greenhouse gases pronto, the effects will be catastrophic, in the long term (2-5oC) in the next 25 years, causing 6-9metre increase in sea levels.
Despite the methane hydrates stored in the sea which if released as a consequence of these temp. increase will cause an unprecedented (in the last 100 million years, approx) increase in Earths temp.

What to do.
CAMPAIGN, CAMPAIGN against the governments releasing such ridiculous quantities of green house gases, before it is TOO LATE.
Get out and DO SOMETHING, whatever it is.
Please, you know it makes sense.

Love and understanding people.  More >

 What do you believe ...5 comments
picture 10 Jan 2005 @ 20:43, by ming. Science
Edge posted this question to a bunch of smart people: "What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?" Which is a great question to ask, and particularly interesting to ask of scientific types who often try to insist they only believe things they can prove.

Now, at first I thought it was just going to be some inspiring things to quote from. But there are some interesting subtexts going through most of the answers. You know, most of these guys are materialist atheists. But yet the red thread that goes through all of them is *consciousness*. A bunch of them quickly move to very dogmatically declaring that there's no God, no design to the universe, and everything is just the result of random accidents. They seem very convinced of that. But of course they indeed are answering the question, because they can't prove it, and they know it. Another bunch of them make very hopeful declarations of being very sure that it is "just around the corner" that we'll discover what part of the brain consciousness comes from and how it works, and we'll able to duplicate it in computers or the like. And implicitly admitting that such things aren't in any way proven, and nobody actually have done so. But, again, they seem very sure of it. And, indeed, most of them are practically squirming and bending over backwards to try to make the case for what is essentially a negative belief. That there's no consciousness and anything that can't be proven in a materialistic sense is just stupid supersticious nonsense. Oh, none of them actually say there's no consciousness, but they wrap it up in it just being an illusion or some phenomenon that happens late in the evolutionary process or some chemical neuro-physiological phenomenon.

Quite remarkable, to see the amount of fear that is stirred up, and the convoluted beliefs that people construct in order to avoid the more simple and unified answers. And the peer pressure that obviously must exist amongst scientists, to look and sound scientific and objective at all times, even when the truth is that you can't really prove very much about anything.

Anyway, there are still many inspiring statements there, and a few of them aren't just hiding behind negative dogma. So, here are a few I liked:
Anton Zeilinger:"What I believe but cannot prove is that quantum physics teaches us to abandon the distinction between information and reality. The fundamental reason why I believe in this is that it is impossible to make an operational distinction between reality and information. In other words, whenever we make any statement about the world, about any object, about any feature of any object, we always make statements about the information we have. And, whenever we make scientific predictions we make statements about information we possibly attain in the future."

Paul Steinhardt: "I believe that our universe is not accidental, but I cannot prove it. Historically, most physicists have shared this point-of-view. For centuries, most of us have believed that the universe is governed by a simple set of physical laws that are the same everywhere and that these laws derive from a simple unified theory."

Gregory Benford: "Why is there scientific law at all? We physicists explain the origin and structure of matter and energy, but not the laws that do this. Does the idea of causation apply to where the laws themselves came from? Even Alan Guth's "free lunch" gives us the universe after the laws start acting. We have narrowed down the range of field theories that can yield the big bang universe we live in, but why do the laws that govern it seem to be constant in time, and always at work? One can imagine a universe in which laws are not truly lawful. Talk of miracles does just this, when God is supposed to make things work. Physics aims to find The Laws and hopes that these will be uniquely constrained, as when Einstein wondered if God had any choice when He made the universe."

Alison Gopnik: "I believe, but cannot prove, that babies and young children are actually more conscious, more vividly aware of their external world and internal life, than adults are. I believe this because there is strong evidence for a functional trade-off with development. Young children are much better than adults at learning new things and flexibly changing what they think about the world. On the other hand, they are much worse at using their knowledge to act in a swift, efficient and automatic way. They can learn three languages at once but they can't tie their shoelaces."

Lynn Margulis: "That our ability to perceive signals in the environment evolved directly from our bacterial ancestors. That is, we, like all other mammals including our apish brothers detect odors, distinguish tastes, hear bird song and drum beats and we too feel the vibrations of the drums. With our eyes closed we detect the light of the rising sun. These abilities to sense our surroundings are a heritage that preceded the evolution of all primates, all vertebrate animals, indeed all animals. Such sensitivities to wafting plant scents, tasty salted mixtures, police cruiser sirens, loving touches and star light register because of our "sensory cells"."

Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi: "When I first read your question, I was sure it was a trick—after all, almost nothing I believe in I can prove. I believe the earth is round, but I cannot prove it, nor can I prove that the earth revolves around the sun or that the naked fig tree in the garden will have leaves in a few months. I can't prove quarks exist or that there was a Big Bang—all of these and millions of other beliefs are based on faith in a community of knowledge whose proofs I am willing to accept, hoping they will accept on faith the few measly claims to proof I might advance."

Randolphe Nesse: "I can't prove it, but I am pretty sure that people gain a selective advantage from believing in things they can't prove. I am dead serious about this. People who are sometimes consumed by false beliefs do better than those who insist on evidence before they believe and act. People who are sometimes swept away by emotions do better in life than those who calculate every move. These advantages have, I believe, shaped mental capacities for intense emotion and passionate beliefs because they give a selective advantage in certain situations."

Douglas Rushkoff: "I can't prove it more than anecdotally, but I believe evolution has purpose and direction. It appears obvious, yet absolutely unconfirmable, that matter is groping towards complexity."

But the only one that actually wasn't afraid of believing in consciousness is this guy:
Donald Hoffman: "I believe that consciousness and its contents are all that exists. Spacetime, matter and fields never were the fundamental denizens of the universe but have always been, from their beginning, among the humbler contents of consciousness, dependent on it for their very being.

The world of our daily experience—the world of tables, chairs, stars and people, with their attendant shapes, smells, feels and sounds—is a species-specific user interface to a realm far more complex, a realm whose essential character is conscious. It is unlikely that the contents of our interface in any way resemble that realm. Indeed the usefulness of an interface requires, in general, that they do not. For the point of an interface, such as the windows interface on a computer, is simplification and ease of use. We click icons because this is quicker and less prone to error than editing megabytes of software or toggling voltages in circuits. Evolutionary pressures dictate that our species-specific interface, this world of our daily experience, should itself be a radical simplification, selected not for the exhaustive depiction of truth but for the mutable pragmatics of survival.

If this is right, if consciousness is fundamental, then we should not be surprised that, despite centuries of effort by the most brilliant of minds, there is as yet no physicalist theory of consciousness, no theory that explains how mindless matter or energy or fields could be, or cause, conscious experience."

Right. And that is to a large degree what I get from the eloquent statements of most of these other prominent folks I'm not quoting. They have failed to come up with any reasonable explanation, let alone proof, as to how mindless matter accidentally develops consciousness, or how a beautiful and very functional system of natural laws and evolution of life emerges by mere accident. They have no proof, so they make long explanations to try to delay that realization, and most of all they BELIEVE strongly that they're right, so they are willing to continue to the bitter end without any shred of evidence for that which they believe in.  More >

 What To Overlook11 comments
picture10 Jan 2005 @ 10:37, by jazzolog. Technology
Tom Toles' great work is available all the time online at [link] .


The great man is one who never loses his child's heart.


In eternity there is indeed something true and sublime. But all these times and places and occasions are now and here. God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages.

---Henry David Thoreau

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

---William James

James' implication of course is what not to overlook either. Am I seeing things or is Tom Toles becoming even more brilliant with each day? This cartoon is for yesterday but should live through the ages. It has layers of meaning that make me want to ask a lot of questions.  More >

 UFO DREAM9 comments
picture 10 Jan 2005 @ 02:47, by skookum. Extraterrestrials much is real?
how much is our fear of the unknown
how much is both?
I will be posting a series of dreams I have had. Promise not to send in the white coated men ok?  More >

 Mariamman7 comments
picture9 Jan 2005 @ 19:40, by koravya. Travel
There is this place where I lived for two years in India, on the northeast coast, just outside the town of Cuddalore on the north side in a rural setting overlooking the wide sandy beach. Fishing villages nestled amongst the coconut palms where the rich green vegetation extended into the countryside. I read now that the current population of Cuddalore is about 160,000, and I remember that it was around 100,000 when I lived there thirty years ago. A wide shallow river traverses the city and empties into the ocean. Huge ocean going freighters cast anchor a couple of miles out. You will see one or two out there for a few or several days every month while little cargo boats shuttle back and forth from this shallow water port to load ore mined from the hinterland. Smaller towns and villages extend in every direction from this ancient Hindu seaport. There is a beautiful ritual that several of the temples in this area go through. The resident goddess, and Mariamman is popular around here, the protectoress of those who live by the sea, is taken from her place in the temple and placed on a huge wooden cart, and rolled through the streets of the city through the night to the long road which leads to the beach to the north of town. Arrival is at dawn with throngs of her followers, and she is taken from the cart and bathed in the waves. The children that I knew would now have their own children. Those of my own generation would now have their own grandchildren. There is a piece of my heart over there as I remember the faces of those whom I knew.
All India movement for Seva
Tsunami Relief news
Devotion to Mariamman
Mariamman photos  More >

 Googling Webcams18 comments
picture picture picture picture 9 Jan 2005 @ 13:06, by ming. Technology
BoingBoing had a couple of postings, here and here, about somebody having noticed that Google had indexed a lot of web cameras, and it is easy to list them if you know how the URLs tend to look for certain manufacturers' viewing pages.

The sort of mischievous thing about that is that many of these folks might not have intended for their webcams to be that public and easy to find. Well, obviously they can't be all that secret either. Google will only find them if they're linked from some other public page somewhere. And we're talking about cameras that are viewable for anybody who accesses that IP number in a web browser.

Anyway, I like webcams, and I was anyway thinking about making some webcam pages, so I couldn't resist going a little further on this opportunity. So, look at this page I just made. I grabbed the URLs of the first 500 or so of those pages from Google (using the SOAP interface). I figured out how to grab the currently first image from one of those streams. And then I set up a thing that scans through them every couple of hours and take a snapshot from each. And then, since we'd like to know where they are, I ran the IPs through HostIP which tells us the country and sometimes the city. So, you click on any one of them and you see the live video, at least if your browser can handle Motion JPEG. IE seems to have a problem with that.

Hopefully I won't hear from anybody's lawyer too soon. It seems harmless enough. You can see some airport lobbies, some streets and freeways, some people working in offices, some museums, some malls, some factory assembly lines, a school cafeteria, somebody's aquarium, a hangar where somebody parks their corporate jet, the snow conditions on some ski slopes. Doesn't seem to be any private bedrooms or anything like that.

What I like about webcams is not particularly the snooping, but more the telepresence. You can a little bit be somewhere else, far away, and watch a slice of life going by.  More >

 homeland security threatens imprisonment for allowing sosbee to post11 comments
8 Jan 2005 @ 16:27, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
The message boards recently deleted most of my posts, but allowed numerous slanderous and vile verbal assaults against me to remain on the boards; I then responded with the statement seen below in paragraph 1 (one). Shortly thereafter homeland security weighed in and sent the moderators of the board into a cowardly retreat as shown in paragraph 2 (two) below. I must therefore conclude that homeland security is ,like the fbi, a fascist arm of the executive branch of government as it capriciously theatens imprisonment for allowing sosbee to post; at the same time those who obey the gestapo dictates of atlanta (the mouse that roared in the article seen below) are quite simply cowards as they surrender our country into the hands of totalitarians and torturers.
------------ ----------------- -------------
1)sosbee writes: To those who post the vile bestial messages in apparent effort to outdo each other's filth of mind, "it's never too late to come over to the side of the angels" (as Barbara Hartwell reminds us), yet don't wait too long , lest you stumble in the final moments (of toying with our Maker) and fall back into the dark abyss of misanthropy where you otherwise make your habitat from cradle to grave.
2)Philosopher (administrator of writes to geral sosbee:
"Hiren Desai"
Joined: 23 Jan 2002
Posts: 497
Location: England
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:46 am Post subject:
Your account has been terminated

This morning, I recieved the following email from the United States Department of Homeland Security. Suspecting that it may be a hoax, I contacted the Department for confirmation. They replied promptly, verifying the email, and stating that "any further delaying tactics will be regarded as an attempt to undermine Homeland Security efforts." I have conferred with the forum staff, and we have concluded that we have no choice but to comply with their instructions.

"Dear Site Administrator,

Under the below provisions of the USAPATRIOT Act (2001) you must forthwith terminate any electronic communications from the source identified as "geral sosbee." Failure to do so may result in prosecution and imprisonment. Furthermore, you must immediately surrender any and all records that could assist the Department in identifying and locating the source, including (but not limited to) IP addresses, Internet Service Provider details and access logs. You have 24 hours to comply, or further action will be taken.

Relevant Sections: Title I Sec. 105; Title II Secs. 201, 202, 206, 210, 214, 215, 220; Title V Sec. 504; Title VIII Secs. 811, 814, 816; Title IX Sec. 901; Title X Sec. 1003.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Atlanta Hayes,
Department of Homeland Security"

geral sosbee writes an administrative note: recent assaults by fbi (now joined in spirit by homeland security ) apparently resuts from my recent resumption of work with Barbara Hartwell (see info on possible murder of Steve Kangas who reported a timeline of cia Barbara Hartwell button on my site).
Also: see March 7, 2005, entry below regarding's moderator apologizing to sosbee.sosbee accepts the apology.
On January 21, 2006, Sosbee sees the following data (in reference to at the site indicated:

Joined: 09 Oct 2005
Posts: 28

Dear all,

I guess this one has been milked as much as is humanly possible.

This ruse was brought to you courtesy of Atlanta Hayes and all other fictional characters created by the ILP Thinktank. Just a bit of fun at geral sosbee's expense.

Thanks for playing!


Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:26 am

minor deity

Joined: 07 Oct 2005
Posts: 1539

i hope you realise the true theorists (tm) will never let this one go.

when you earnestly belive you can compensate for lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do.

Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:36 am

Joined: 09 Oct 2005
Posts: 28

Yeah you're right, but in some ways it gives me a little bit of evidence against such conspiracy theories. I know 100% that there is no 'conspiracy' here because a friend of mine and I made it up! So people like geral who went on for months on his website about how the FBI/CIA/MCdonalds had banned him from a philosophy website and most probably tapped his phone, just show themselves to be complete and utter fruitcakes.

I'm happy for the theorists to continue their search. I'll even give you Atlanta's email


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 How Many Lifetimes?1 comment
picture 8 Jan 2005 @ 06:44, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
How Many Lifetimes?

Has it been a moment or a lifetime?
Maybe it has been many lifetimes  More >

 My Impressions Of Yesterday5 comments
picture7 Jan 2005 @ 09:27, by jazzolog. Politics
All that is necessary is to lay down, not just the body, but one's heart and the whole of oneself.

---Neville Shulman

Take one step away from yourself---and behold!---the path!

---Abu Said

There comes a time when one asks even of Shakespeare, even of Beethoven, is this all?

---Aldous Huxley

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
When Vice President Dick Cheney, standing on the dais, far left, called her name to ratify President Bush's election, Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio, far right, rose and challenged the vote.

"There was a point where this served a purpose," said Susan Gwinn, chairwoman of the Athens County Democratic Party in Ohio. "But I think we passed that. We need to move on."

The woman speaking to this morning's New York Times is not only chair of the Democratic Party in my county, but also Regional Counsel for that political organization AND Commissioner of the Board of Elections here. She is referring to yesterday's objections in the US Congress to Electoral College representations of the Presidential Election as held in Ohio. If there was a point at which Ms. Gwinn saw a purpose to any question whatsoever regarding her powerful involvement in politics in this town, I don't know when or where it was. And she ain't talkin' about Where to, fearless leader?  More >

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