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 The Home Computer of the Future20 comments
2 Dec 2004 @ 14:56, by ming. Internet
As envisioned by the Rand Corporation 50 years ago. Yeah, they were pretty spot on. Except for I don't have that big steering wheel thing.

... Later: see comments. It is actually a fake photoshopped picture, pieced together from a submarine control panel and a few other items from other sources. But, hey, splendid work.  More >

 One Month Later27 comments
picture2 Dec 2004 @ 10:57, by jazzolog. Politics
Beginning is not only a kind of action, it is also a frame of mind, a kind of work, an attitude, a consciousness.

---Edward Said

Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.

---Freeman Teague

Bowing is a very serious practice. You should be prepared to bow, even in your last moment. Even though it is impossible to get ride of our self-centered desires, we have to do it. Our true nature wants us to.

---Shunryu Suzuki

Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851
Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb

In this case, we need George Washington to be crossing into Delaware County, Ohio. I'm dashing off this entry I'm afraid, while considering I really should stay home from work today to research more thoroughly what's going on in my state currently. Let's see how I can order these events and stories for your convenience.  More >

 Markab's Final Handling21 comments
30 Nov 2004 @ 20:42, by vaxen. Extraterrestrials
Xenu (the eXperience Entity of the Not is'ed Universe) will think that he can "jump bodies" when he sees the New Civilization winning and try to get in the position of Earth's Planetary Representative to the Grand Council so he can work his devious scenarios there. But the Galactic Patrol will expose him and prevent this from happening and keep Ethics in and people informed of the true nature of things.... as they are doing now.  More >

 Open directory of RSS feeds2 comments
picture 30 Nov 2004 @ 15:16, by ming. Internet
Robin Good suggests a directory of freely re-distributable RSS feeds. Which is a fine idea. I'm not aware of any being in existence. Well, there are some nice directories of feeds, like NewsIsFree and Syndic8 where one can subscribe oneself to thousands of feeds and make one's own personal news portal. But can one mix and match from them to offer one's own feeds? Is the content really licensed for re-distribution? Mostly that's left vague. One might assume that if anybody is offering an RSS or Atom feed it is because they don't mind that one does whatever one feels like with them, but that isn't generally the case. The content is still in principle copyrighted, and various kinds of licenses might be implied.

Robin had a bit of an argument recently with another news site, as he took the liberty of creating an RSS feed of their articles as a service. Articles which are really just assembled from other public news sources. And they felt he was somehow bereaving them of income by stealing their content without asking. But why shouldn't he?

The answer should really be a directory of feeds with clear Creative Commons types of licenses. I.e. people would state explicitly whether it is public domain, whether they need credit, whether it can be used for non-commercial purposes, etc. Which cuts off a lot of red tape as you right away will know what you can do with it. And it opens the door for better tools for constructing custom feeds out of other feeds. The Algebra of Feeds like Seb Paquet called it.  More >

  Tarot / STRENGTH
28 Nov 2004 @ 05:15, by jmarc. Visual Arts, Graphics

Strength  More >

 Devaluing of our Culture6 comments
picture 28 Nov 2004 @ 01:56, by nemue. Religion
We are a few weeks away from Christmas and for most us who live in so called Christian Societies it is a time of celebration. For many the religious message is not always strong but we all enjoy the giving of presents, the decorations, the sharing with family and friends and the celebration of the closing of one year and coming of the New Year.  More >

 The Power of Nightmares7 comments
picture 27 Nov 2004 @ 23:59, by ming. Violence, War
I just finished watching the third part of a BBC series called The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside, broadcast in the past three weeks. It was made by Adam Curtis. I'm sure it must have been difficult to get such a controversial thing on the air. The series makes a compelling case for concluding that the world has been seriously misled by fanatics who have painted a nightmare picture that has nothing to do with reality. And that they have done so merely to serve their own political and religious ends.

We track two movements: the U.S. Neo Conservatives and certain militant radical muslim factions. The videos do a good job at laying out their histories and philosophies and key players.

Ironically, their aims are very similar. They are groups that were horrified by the path that free societies seemed to take. What they deemed to be the moral corruption that they observed around them. Which they blamed on a society where anything goes and there were no uniform moral values. The moral decay of a liberal society. They first thought the fault was with the leaders of their societies. But they found that even when their own kind managed to seize power, it didn't change things. So they blamed the people in their regions. It was simply that everybody were too dumb and corrupted to see the truth of how they were supposed to behave. Too much freedom, and too little to guide them. So they came up with the solution. Invent a battle between good and evil. Find an enemy and paint the most nightmarish possible visions of their sinister motives and the extent of their power. Mobilize your people against the enemy, driven by the fear of what they can do to you.

But in the late 90s it wasn't really working for any of those groups. They had essentialy failed and had little public support anywhere. Until 2001 where both groups got an enormously lucky break. Somebody brought down the WTC. One group suddenly has the evil sinister enemy they had been seeking, and the other suddenly has the attention of millions of people, where before they didn't.
The Power of Nightmares began as an investigation of something else, the rise of modern American conservatism. Curtis was interested in Leo Strauss, a political philosopher at the university of Chicago in the 50s who rejected the liberalism of postwar America as amoral and who thought that the country could be rescued by a revived belief in America's unique role to battle evil in the world. Strauss's certainty and his emphasis on the use of grand myths as a higher form of political propaganda created a group of influential disciples such as Paul Wolfowitz, now the US deputy defence secretary. They came to prominence by talking up the Russian threat during the cold war and have applied a similar strategy in the war on terror.

As Curtis traced the rise of the "Straussians", he came to a conclusion that would form the basis for The Power of Nightmares. Straussian conservatism had a previously unsuspected amount in common with Islamism: from origins in the 50s, to a formative belief that liberalism was the enemy, to an actual period of Islamist-Straussian collaboration against the Soviet Union during the war in Afghanistan in the 80s (both movements have proved adept at finding new foes to keep them going). Although the Islamists and the Straussians have fallen out since then, as the attacks on America in 2001 graphically demonstrated, they are in another way, Curtis concludes, collaborating still: in sustaining the "fantasy" of the war on terror.

Which the film also provides quite some support for. There wasn't much of an Al-Qaida before 9/11. Bin-Ladin had to actually rent camouflage-clad gunmen for some of his videos, and tell them to bring their own guns. Because he didn't have much of a group. And there wasn't really much of an Al-Qaida after. A lot of middle-eastern looking folks have been detained for often very silly reasons. Accused of being sleeper cells because they took tourist videos in Disneyland. No fancy bunkers were found in Tora-Bora. Very few people have been charged with anything at all. Not that there aren't fanatical militant groups who'd love to attack the United States. And some of them might succeed. But the fantasy is the existence, extent and organization of one unified evil network.

You can see the series here:Or, get a more high quality bit torrent version from sites like this.  More >

 Watershed Lifeline20 comments
picture27 Nov 2004 @ 03:50, by koravya. Environment, Ecology
After the cosmic flamethrower has scoured the Earth of her vermin, pockets of humanity will emerge from the darkness into Dawn. These are the people who will nurture peace. They will be the first people emerging from the cave that reaches to the center of the Earth. They will emerge onto the surface of a planet pregnant with possibilities for the collective mind now free from internecine rivalries. We will have a vision of our planet as a whole and we will be the caretakers.  More >

 Maybe No Ohio Recount After All12 comments
picture26 Nov 2004 @ 18:05, by jazzolog. Politics
When crows find a dying snake,
They behave as if they were eagles.
When I see myself as a victim,
I am hurt by trifling failures.


Learn to wish that everything should come to pass exactly as it does.


I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.

---Wilson Mizener

Hope In The Prison Of Despair
Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919)

So much for happy Thanksgiving. But nobody ever said we can't give thanks sadly...or anxiously. Hysterically? Probably not to very good effect, eh?

OK, what am I talking about? I really was elated as we moved into the holiday, even though Judge Carr had turned down the Green and Libertarian parties' motion to a Federal Court to begin the recount early. Their point had been that waiting for Secretary of State Blackwell to certify the election, on a date I've seen given variously as December 3rd or 6th, would make completion of a recount impossible by December 13th, when the Electoral College convenes. [link] As Dan Tokaji explains Carr's decision, these minority candidates are highly unlikely to benefit in terms of new results; and since they're the plaintiffs, there's no reason to try to beat the deadline for Electoral College convention. Besides, Blackwell, dragging his feet and every other part of his Republican body, already had protested we can't have a REcount before the actual count is finished. He'd surely appeal a favorable verdict for the Greens and Libertarians.  More >

 Like Children on the Shore6 comments
picture 25 Nov 2004 @ 05:26, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Like Children on the Shore

The burning of a thousand stars in space
Cannot dim the fire you light within
As they glow in cold-frozen space
Your warmth walks beside me here
To hold my sadness and calm my fear  More >

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