6 Nov 2004 @ 01:56, by ming. Social System Design
Slate article The unteachable ignorance of the red states, as part of a little series, of, as it says "depressed liberals analyzing what ails them". Excerpt:The election results reflect the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry. I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 million have not. ....
Here is how ignorance works: First, they put the fear of God into you—if you don't believe in the literal word of the Bible, you will burn in hell. Of course, the literal word of the Bible is tremendously contradictory, and so you must abdicate all critical thinking, and accept a simple but logical system of belief that is dangerous to question. A corollary to this point is that they make sure you understand that Satan resides in the toils and snares of complex thought and so it is best not try it.
Next, they tell you that you are the best of a bad lot (humans, that is) and that as bad as you are, if you stick with them, you are among the chosen. This is flattering and reassuring, and also encourages you to imagine the terrible fates of those you envy and resent. American politicians ALWAYS operate by a similar sort of flattery, and so Americans are never induced to question themselves. That's what happened to Jimmy Carter—he asked Americans to take responsibility for their profligate ways, and promptly lost to Ronald Reagan, who told them once again that they could do anything they wanted. The history of the last four years shows that red state types, above all, do not want to be told what to do—they prefer to be ignorant. As a result, they are virtually unteachable.
Third, and most important, when life grows difficult or fearsome, they (politicians, preachers, pundits) encourage you to cling to your ignorance with even more fervor. But by this time you don't need much encouragement—you've put all your eggs into the ignorance basket, and really, some kind of miraculous fruition (preferably accompanied by the torment of your enemies, and the ignorant always have plenty of enemies) is your only hope. If you are sufficiently ignorant, you won't even know how dangerous your policies are until they have destroyed you, and then you can always blame others. The thing I wanted to comment on is the changed perspective of realizing that lots of other people really don't work like you, and you can't particularly change it directly.
I would instinctively always expect that I could appeal to reason in other people. I'd expect that if the facts are brought together, and we talk about things, we'd all reasonably come to relatively similar conclusions about what is going on. We might have different preferences, but we ought to be able to form a common picture of what is there and what the factors are.
And the, at first, depressing truth is that there's a large number of people that don't seem to work like that, that certainly don't believe in stuff like that, and that won't respond to it. I.e. for them it is not about getting the facts together. They can't be convinced with facts. It is not about talking it all over as reasonable people. They don't listen to certain things at all. It is not about reaching a consensus, because they don't believe in consensus.
But, see, it is only depressing if you mistakenly assume something different about others than what is there. You only get disappointed if you expected something to happen that then doesn't happen. If I expect to be able to reason with somebody and I can't, it is disappointing. But if I didn't expect it or assume it, there'd be nothing to be disappointed about.
If I kept lions as pets, I might assume and expect certain things from them. Being able to reason with them wouldn't be one of them. Them being sincerely concerned about my well-being would probably not be one of them either. They're wild beasts, but within a certain framework we might enjoy each other's company. But I'd always be on guard and knowing where the tranquilizer gun is. And I'd keep them well-fed and not turn my back on them. But I wouldn't be disappointed if I couldn't talk reasonably about the philosophies of societal structures with them. They probably have no concept of that, and that's no big deal, as long as I don't depend on it.
Likewise if certain groups of people are living within a certain worldview which from my perspective is very limiting and even ignorant concerning the facts of life. Or cruel and inhumane, for that matter. It is only something to be depressed about if I assumed it to be otherwise and only found out late that it wasn't.
If it were very clear that people living in different cities lived by different rules, and the rules were clearly posted by the entrance, one could live with that. If I knew that in City B one could get shot on sight if one was caught chewing gum, I'd refrain from chewing gum if I went there. Or if I couldn't live with that, I'd stay away from there.
The trouble is that the world isn't marked up like that. Well, it is to some degree by countries, but that is too crude. It is hard to see the geography of people's worldviews. So we tend to default to assuming that everybody else is more or less like us.
Which for stereotypical "liberal" people tends to be to assume that people are fundamentally good and decent and that if we just bring out the facts and talk everything over, we could reach a consensus, and everybody's needs could be taken care of. And for stereotypical "conservative" folks, it is to assume that everybody's out only to get the best for themselves, and it is a dangerous world out there where only the strongest and most disciplined people survive, and it is a waste of time to listen to the people who have the wrong ideas. OK, those are U.S. categories. Looks different in other countries.
The differences in worldviews are so pervasive, and so hard for any of the "sides" to perceive, that it becomes very frustrating to try to agree on anything.
But my point is that it is less frustrating once one realizes that the worldviews really are different and that it isn't easily changed. I.e. instead of trying to reason with people who can't be reasoned with, adopting a more simple stance of working around that, above it, below it, rather than against it. Treat lions as lions rather than as people. But put a fence around them.
On a related note, I'm right now on various mailing lists about success, entrepreneurship, wealth-building and similar things, because, well, I need to figure out some more sustainable ways of making a living, and need some inspiration. One of those newsletters sent me a thing yesterday about "Believe That You Deserve To Be Wealthy". Which generally is a good theme, of course. If you want to be succesful and make a lot of money, you'll have to believe it is a good thing. If you love money, you're more likely to have it. But then they give this advice: No amount of effort on your part will overcome a faulty philosophy. If, deep down, you believe that wealth is a sin or that money is dirty, or wicked then the first step is for you to correct this error or give up all hopes of wealth for you and your family.
What is a 'wrong' philosophy with regard to making money?
Anything which could be described as altruistic, socialist, collectivist, communist or any one of its thousand manifestations no matter what the label, no matter what the disguise, no matter what the smokescreen.
Without exception, every self-made millionaire I have met was a rugged individualist. Most of them despised government, although many were clever enough not to say so in public. And believe me, there were approximately zero socialists amongst them.
A socialist, whatever he calls himself, is someone who believes that brute force should be used to loot from the productive, in order to provide handouts for the unproductive. No matter how you disguise it, or make it look fancy, that's the plain truth of the socialist doctrine.
I believe that it is impossible for you to attempt to get rich if you have some nagging doubt that money is the root of all evil, that Capitalism is bad or that wealth should be divided up amongst the needy. You have surrendered the philosophical high ground if you sign up for any of these positions. I don't think I'd be wrong in guessing that this guy voted for George Bush, even though he is probably an intelligent and successful person. And, now, I'm not going to swallow that at all, or that that's any prerequisite for being successful or wealthy. First of all, it seems a bit upside down. Last I looked, it was marxism that promoted that wealth should go to the productive people as opposed to the unproductive people. I.e. to the people who do the work. Capitalism, on the other hand, is about being able to multiply money without any need to do actual work, by organizing others to be productive and to give the results to you. Oh, that's not an easy task in itself, and not for dummies. And it is not necessarily a bad thing to be able to organize others to do work. But it certainly isn't based on rewarding the productive people. Maybe rewarding the most inventive people, who can get the most people working for them. And one of the tools is to coerce governments into taking money from productive people and converting them into handouts to your companies. It is a different kind of socialism, the socialism of the elite, and the anti-thesis of a truly free market. Anyway, I've said enough things about that before.
My point here is that there are plenty of people who deeply believe that it is moral and good and right to serve only yourself, and that it would be immoral and wrong to try to do good for all people. You know, the only moral thing to do is to maximize your own profits, and if you actually think you can care about other people doing well too, you're misguided, soft and ineffective, and probably some kind of commie subversive who wants to steal from good people.
Here's another area where I instinctively would tend towards making the mistake of expecting that other people would work roughly like I do. I'd tend to assume that everybody else of course would prefer that everybody was doing well, and that everybody's basic needs were taken care of. That everybody were successful. It both seems logical and feels right to have concern for the whole, for how our whole society and our environment might be organized for the maximum benefit of all.
But again, some people have absolutely no interest in making things work for everybody. On the contrary, that's a ridiculous and immoral idea, running counter to everything they believe in. Listening to everybody's ideas and trying to reach consensus is crazy wishful thinking and a waste of time. The only logical thing to do is to do the very best you can for yourself, whatever it takes, and to keep the losers away from you, who'd just want to steal what you've done.
I find it rather revolting to even try on for size that kind of mindset. Feels a bit like becoming a racist slave owner. Or a gangster. Anyway, I don't plan to. I will choose to believe that people can be successful together and, for that matter, that they can become a lot more successful together than they can in one-on-one combat against each other.
But the point is, again, you can't argue with strongly held views like that, if your basis for arguing is outside the boundaries of that which they believe in. So, you will often be more effective by recognizing that and not try to cozy up to sharks. Sharks eat you if they're hungry and you seem to be tasty. Not because they're mean, it's just what they do. Arguing doesn't make a difference.
What rather might make a difference is to step up a notch, into a meta level, below which those various worldviews live. The more effective change takes place by changing the game itself.
You might fail utterly in trying to persuade a predatory capitalist to be nice to poor people. Or in persuading a fundamentalist christian to freely discuss the nuances and assumptions in different kinds of beliefs. Or in persuading a shark to not eat people.
Sharks haven't changed evolutionarily for several millions of years, because they're very good at what they do already. Efficient killing machines. One human is no match for a great white. But, on the other hand, organized humans can take them out any time they want to.
Some people have fairly predictable, but effective, ways of behaving, which maybe seem repulsive to you. If you meet them alone on their turf, you might well lose. But if you're organized enough and resourceful enough to change the environment they live in, they might suddenly be the weaker species.
A predatory capitalist who has no moral but profit can only survive well in a certain type of environment. Which exists in abundance at this point. But if a sufficient number of people, instead of trying to pursuade him to change, will rather change the rules of the game, he'll have little chance.
And I do happen to believe that different rules are gradually emerging, which eventually, in our collective evolution, will outcompete the individualisticly predatory behaviors mentioned.
But such a different environment or a different game doesn't exist yet, other than as a vision and as pockets here and there, and in certain areas of the internet. It is not what runs the economy or your government. A global collaborative society organizing for the well-being of all is just a dream at this point. It is a jungle out there, and there are cannibals and wild animals who'll eat you for lunch and not think twice about it. So, organize amongst yourselves and around them, but don't argue with them. And don't have a battle of wits with anybody who doesn't have any. You might lose. More >
5 Nov 2004 @ 08:10, by vaxen. Altered States
The fractured funnies of Galacticide recently witnessed on Prime made me stop and think that...
Even if you would like to call your self hue man, wo man, or whatever relates to that, the chances of your be-ing that are few and far between.
At Core this lead to the ultimate solution. You are really living in the past and you should be living in the present. You may think the past is really the most comfortible place to be but that simply is not true.
Fear and fear alone, plus the implant technologies that your Enslavers bought from us to keep the whole sham super spot on shiny techno living color really seems solid and alive, is the only thing separating you from the most glorious thing to behold, ever! Certainly you do'nt really know what that is...yet. But you will!
"The moment you follow someone you cease to follow truth."--J. Krishnamurti in "Truth Is A Pathless Land" More >
5 Nov 2004 @ 05:27, by ming. Politics
Great idea from BoingBoing: MY MODEST PROPOSAL: THE U.S.A.R.
By C. B. Shapiro
I feel bad for the Red States.
Yes, they won the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court and most of the state houses. But they still can't have the country they really want because the last few Blue States won't roll over. So I am making a simple proposal:
Secession. Divorce. Splitsville.
Personally, I think we made a huge mistake not letting them go when we had the chance back in 1862. Well, no time like the present to correct an old mistake.
Then, they would finally be free to have the kind of society they've always wanted; church and state can be fused so they build the kind of theocracy they've dreamt of, with Jesus at the helm. Then the new USAR (United States of America Red) can ban books, repeal civil rights, persecute gays and have all the wars they like. They want prayer in schools? More power to them. They can ban abortion and post the Ten Commandments in every federal building in their country. Bring back slavery, if they want. We'll be free to live with our like-minded countrymen who believe in science, modernism, tolerance, religion as a personal choice, and truly want limited government intrusion in our personal lives. Why should each side be driven mad by the other any more, decade after decade?
Call the Culture War a tie and everyone go home.
Of course, we in the U.S.A.B. get the Gross Domestic Product, businesses and universities of California, New York, Massachussetts -- basically the whole Northeast and Northwest (plus Illinois and Michigan if they want to come along). They get Wal-Mart and Duke and most of the Nascar tracks. But they can feel free to import movies, TV shows, financial services, and defense technology. We'll import country music, bibles and Confederate flags.
The two countries will by necessity have open immigration policy: anyone who feels they are living in the wrong country can just move across the border, no questions asked.
Ultimately, why should I have to convince my fellow countrymen that Darwin may have had a point and that the word “liberal” is not equivalent to “godless communist?” And why should they be forced to live in a country with morally corrupt non-believers? I'll stay in the messy, free-thinking U.S.A.B. And to the U.S.A.R. I say…
God bless you all, and see you at the U.N More >
4 Nov 2004 @ 20:54, by craiglang. Spirituality
"It has begun..."
-Ambasador Kosh
(On witnessing the destruction of the ship carrying President Luis Santiago - in the Babylon 5 season 1 conclusion: "Chrysalis")
The day after election day was one of what I call the "cellar" days, in which you feel that you are at the bottom of the canyon. I found that on several occasions during that day, I had to fight back tears. A deep blanket of sadness seemed to smother my heart.
I wondered at the road that we have collectively chosen. How could we get it so wrong, yet so many people come to that conclusion at once? And I wondered even more, where will this road take us? And the only answer I could provide was "Into the abyss", Or, to quote the title of Greg Bear's novel of apocalypse, "The Forge of God." More >
4 Nov 2004 @ 14:47, by swanny. Ideas, Creativity
TOUCHED BY GLORY(A true story)
The year was 1983, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I was living in a small house on the outskirts of the city. Strangely enough it was the house our family had lived in, in my first 2 or 3 years of life. It had been relocated from its original place and brought to this place besides the Black Mud Creek.
After a rather uneventful life, I had just gone through a divorce and was working for the government of Altberta. My divorce had so distrubed me that I had sought out professional help, also from the government. I was sort of diagnosed as having had some sort of trauma during the first two years of my life. Eventually it was revealed and remembered by my mother that I had had a convulsion at the age of 2 and had stopped breathing. My father was called and assessed the situation with the aide of a medical book and revived me a short time later by turning me upside down and spanking me. The hospital was called and I was placed under observation. Unfortunately my parent were recent immigrants to Canada and as a result I at that time only spoke German. Memories reveal that at that time I had cried for water and to go home repeatedly but no one could understand or aid me. I cried incessantly until sometime later an old cleaning lady came to my aide explaining to the charge nurse that I needed some water. I suspect the damage was done and had taken its toll. A toll that would effect me throughout my life.
At any rate, after the divorce and my breakdown, I was residing by myself in this small home. One night a friend came over and we listened to music and perhaps got high. Prior to this evening I had been experiencing flashes of red light. They would appear at odd times but usually accompanied with intense emotions and music. I felt somewhat possessed and obsessed with and by them. I had no idea what they meant. I was also experiencing time loss and electrical sensations from
household appliances. It was to say in the least, a highly disturbing time. I would sometimes have visions of myself floating in space above the Earth and looking down upon it.
I because of all this tried to get some time off work but I had exhausted all my leave time and they said, my government employer, that I would need a doctors note to gain further leave. I was under a professionals care at the time at my own expense and asked if he could provide me with that. He seemed to indicate that my situation was adverse but would not provide me with the necessary documentation so in a kind of desperation I felt I had no options left and found it necessary to quit my job and hope for the best. Little did I know what the future held in store.
I think this period was sometime after the death of John Lennon the Beatle yet one night perhaps it was the radio, I had a connection there some how. Anyway much was occurring it seemed on many and every level. Our city hockey team The Edmonton Oilers were battling for the Grey Cup. Hockey fever was in full swing and so it seemed was the cold war. It was a rather stressing and distressing time all around. I guess it was the logical progression of a breakdown and perhaps the final receiving of an uncontested divorce papers, I don't clearly remember but it signaled the end or something. I was finding it too then most difficult to separate thoughts,fantasies and realities from one an other.
My friend had come over that night for what reason I'm not sure. I think he may have been concerned for my welfare. At any rate we were perhaps high or something and then it happened. I was seated in my chair looking south across the living room. I glanced at my friend to the east of me and he seated as well seemed zonked out and preoccupied with staring at the floor. And then it happened the room sort of seemed to dissolve and I appeared to be there but it was like I was in a kind of hazy red fluid.
Everything was melted and I was simply an other melted part of it. It was heaven, timeless spaceless heaven...... the sea of Love..... I was thinking to myself I want to stay here forever or I've been here before. I had been having some thoughts about the womb around that time period ..... Feeling perhaps the Love abundant there....
My songs of the time reflecting this....." Wheres my Love"... a line from one and....
"Cinderelli where are you"..... " and it could be poetry in time if the lovers kept singing"......... and "Sunlo begone"..... a fantasy of a dragon that I was trying to slay or chase away from the children of the world who seemed in danger. Well we were all in danger it was the cold war afterall.
Here I floated in this sea of Love or heaven and then something or someone appeared there and ahead to the southeast of my chair..... I was a presence a personage of some sort that I recalled it seemed from somewhere before because I said "YOU" silently to myself..... and "knew" this but didn't know or understand it. This glowing red light hovered for a while there about 4 feet away and then came over to me and passed its hand or something through me where my heart was and where incidentally I had spilled a pot of boiling water on me at the age of
Somehow there appeared to be some kind of exchange of information or something and just as suddenly it seemed it and the sea disappeared and I was left
sitting there with the worst splitting headache. I looked east to my friend and he was still zonked staring at the floor. I abruptly said I had to go to bed and left because it was all to much somehow.
As much as I have thought about it over the years I have been unable to make sense of it . What or who was this red light that hovered at heart level above the ground. How or what had it done to me by touching me. The touch was like a certainty of something..... death perhaps. I felt that that touch should have killed me but I lived if you can call it that somehow. I struggled endlessly to identify and sort out that night until I just had to let go of it because it haunted and possessed me so over the years. I dared not tell anyone perhaps only one or two because it was too real or at least so real that I felt I could not deny it. Yet I had to come to deny it myself because it was or seemed so creditless somehow. Certainly it would have been considered crazy talk or such. So over the years the memory has diminished and the quest left unanswered. Yet just recently I read a passage about "GLORY" and a kind of certainty came over me. A ringing true of what it was.
I then on that night of spring of 1983 had witnessed and been touched by Glory.
Nov 4 2004
Canada More >
4 Nov 2004 @ 14:15, by redstar. Communities
I am writing this to express my appreciation to all the members and participants
of the New Civilization Network.
To anyone who visits this log, thank you for coming. Sharing experiences, thoughts,
feelings through this medium has become a form of healing, focus and direction to me in this
volatile time and being able to put some of my innersense into writing and having people
who share, identify with, disagree with or even criticise what I have posted is turning out
to be a valuable, educational and sometimes enlightening process.
More >
4 Nov 2004 @ 10:02, by jazzolog. Religion
O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity: Grant us the fullness of your grace, that we, running to obtain your promises, may become partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
---The Book of Common Prayer
I wish that I could just wrap you up in my arms and embrace each and every one of you individually all across this nation.
---Senator John Kerry to his supporters, November 3, 2004
Don't drink by the water's edge.
Throw yourself in. Become the water.
Only then will your thirst end.
---Jeanette Berson
Max Ernst: Pieta or Revolution by Night, 1923
Few memories are more outstanding in one's life than the moment in your swimming lessons when you first jump into the deep end of the pool. For me it was at the Jamestown, New York, YMCA with a bunch of friends my own age, at the direction of our teacher. Maybe we were aged 7 or 8. Brownie was a great barrel of a man, and it helped that we all liked and looked up to him. He was a leader we'd follow anywhere. The water was 12 feet deep, but Brownie assured us we'd go to the bottom, push off and bob back up. The question "What if I don't?" delayed my volunteering to be first. Nobody wanted to be the puny whiner who would be last, so quickly one at a time in we went...and survived, and learned to love doing it. More >
4 Nov 2004 @ 00:26, by ov. Politics
Over at The Smirking Chimp there was an article about how Bush won the election because he kept his platform to a very simple agenda, which turned out to be a successful strategy since the majority of Americans were stupid. The author also mentioned that the real reason driving the US foriegn policy was oil. So I made this reply and thought I would repeat it here and perhaps with a little more research expand this into a publishable article.
There are three aspects of the oil thing 1)as a consumer product for energy and transportation 2)as the means to mobilize the military -- if you can control all the oil you can shut down every other countries military (or at least restrict it to the MADD of nukes), and the most urgent is 3)that of petrodollars vs petroeuros - which is the only thing that is keeping the US from bankruptcy.
Digging deeper though is that every US political arguement must start with the premise that the "American Dream" is legitimate and must be defended at all costs. To bring morality into the discussion is a direct threat to American hegemony and subconsciously the Americans know this; at the intuitive hive level of the herd they are much more intelligent than the intellectuals. When the long term good of the planet is in opposition to the short term gain of America then it is indeed a with us or against us situation, and to go against the American interest is treason. The problem is compounded by the fact that stupidity is not a crime but treason is, so stupidity is a defense mechanism of the wise.
Howl now and let me know how close to the core of the taboo I have touched. More >
3 Nov 2004 @ 17:11, by ming. Politics
Dan Gillmor (via BoingBoing) sums it up well:"The Republicans have an even stronger congressional majority. They have shown how gladly ruthless they can be in using their power. Bush and his allies have never believed in compromise. They have even less incentive to govern from the middle now, even though the nation remains bitterly divided.
There's no secret about what's coming. We don't have that excuse this time.
Here comes more fiscal recklessness -- as we widen the chasm between the ultra-wealthy and everyone else, cementing a plutocracy into our national fiber, we'll pay our national bills on the Treasury Bill credit card for the next few years. Many economists expect a Brazil-like financial crisis to hit the U.S. before the end of the decade. If we muddle our way though the near term, we'll still have left our kids with the bill.
Here comes an expansion of the American empire abroad, a fueling of fear and loathing elsewhere on the globe. This is also unsustainable in the end. Empire breeds disrespect.
Our civil liberties will shrink drastically. This president and his top allies in Congress fully support just one amendment in the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment's right to bear arms. Say goodbye to abortion rights in most states. Roe v. Wade will fall after this president pushes three or four Scalia and Thomas legal clones onto the Supreme Court. Say hello, meanwhile, to a much more intrusive blending of church and state.
The environment? We'll be nostalgic for Ronald Reagan's time in office.
This is not sour grapes. This is reality." I agree. But unfortunately a majority of Americans seem to prefer it that way. It is shocking and puzzling what they make their decisions based on. I had hoped that there were more common sense in circulation.
The only comfort is that it will be Bush who will stew in his own mess, and that it might collapse faster, so that something new can emerge. As opposed to Kerry trying to deliver on the promise to essentially deliver more and better of most of the same things Bush was doing. With some luck this might mean that real change will come around sooner. But not now. More >
2 Nov 2004 @ 09:01, by jazzolog. Ideas, Creativity
Past mind is not attainable,
present mind is not attainable,
future mind is not attainable.
---The Diamond Sutra
The moon
abiding in the midst of
serene mind;
billows break
into light.
Study the Way and never grow old
distrust emotions
truth will emerge
sweep away your worries
set even your body aside
autumn drives off the yellow leaves
yet spring renews every green bud
quitely contemplate the pattern of things
nothing here to make us sad
Bingham, George Caleb: The County Election (no.2), 1852
This arrived yesterday in the regular mail from John Tagliabue, my friend, poet/teacher, who refuses (at 81) to learn about computers. He does like me to send his stuff out into cyberspace though...so here it comes~~~
"I'm against fanaticism and nationalism of all kinds---including American. And I'm in favor of giving more strength to the UNITED NATIONS. All my long life I was patriotically active praising the best American values---of Franklin, Jefferson, Henry Adams, Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Whitman, many others. And now I feel it is especially IMPORTANT to vote against those primarily supporting American imperialism and the Military Industrial Complex and Profit Motives....important to lead to programs primarily concerned with moral social values, moral values to help the working and middle classes and not and not the plutocrats with interest primarily concerned with stocks and bonds and Corporations. More >
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