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 Obamas World - Africa and the World beyond Poverty !? - but how? - what world?
picture picture picture 5 Nov 2008 @ 16:58, by feecor. Politics
"CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA" - THE WORLD REACTS [link] I read in Uffington Press Blog. But how about Africa and the rest?
I was pleased to hear Bishop Tutu speak up and was congratulating. MY hope would be to revisit AFRICA BEYOND POVERTY. Lots of work done between 1993 and 1995 with strong support from Bishop Tutu but also the Finish and Dutch governments, and also revisit not just "footprints", but proportions and consequences.  More >

 How to Treat Others -- Specifically0 comments
5 Nov 2008 @ 15:06, by aldin. Spirituality
How to Treat Others – Specifically

The best way to relate to others – including oneself – is with love and compassion and to enjoy and have fun with them whenever possible. This is good *general* advice. If everyone followed it, our society and quality of life would take a quantum leap foreword. These words are not new. Over two millennia ago Jesus said, “Love one another,” and Buddha said that we should have compassion for those who suffer – which is pretty much everybody.

In addition to this general advice, we can treat others in *specific* ways. We can do this by attempting to *know their Soul Essence* and relating to them on that basis. This may sound easy, but it is not. The material world is one of appearances, something that most people identify with. But we are much more than just our physical appearance or how we act. We are multidimensional beings. That is, we exist in various forms simultaneously on many levels: the physical body exists on the material plane, the soul on the astral plane, spirit on the spiritual plane, and more.

For example, a person may appear to be a savvy business person. But if you were to see behind the façade, maybe you would see a little baby: Innocent. Simple. The “savvy businessman” role is simply a mask, something the ego built so he could adapt to a society that doesn’t value innocence or simplicity.

Once you can see the Soul Essence of a person, your relationship with him or her will change. You begin to address the essence instead of the mask: You would treat a baby differently than you would a business person. As you address his innocence and simplicity, the *tone* of the relationship changes.

While this practice may sound impractical (at best) to some, those who use it can increase their sensitivity and awareness. It can deepen and clarify relationships.

How do we find the Essence?  More >

 Proud to be An American4 comments
5 Nov 2008 @ 14:02, by joanaroma2. Politics
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 Vision Summit- corporate - social - cultural - ecological... RESPONSIBILITY !
picture picture picture 3 Nov 2008 @ 22:01, by feecor. Spirituality
last weekend - exhausting to the very end Berlin groofed around the 2nd VISION SUMMIT at the Berlin Free University.
The theme? Social corporate, corporate environmental, or cultural, economic, historic responsibility,... I lost track. pls. excuse....
Here we report about Mahammed Yunnus, but ALSO Genscher, Geissler, Alt, Spiegel,... (more] ? [link]  More >

 Perversion and Abuse of Systemic Concepts5 comments
picture3 Nov 2008 @ 17:39, by jhs. Philosophy
Perversion and Abuse of Systemic Concepts:
From Siddharto's "dukkha" to Hegel's "Dialektik"

Seeing the 'Zeitgeist Addendum' film yesterday [link] , I was once again reminded at the incorrect attribution of the 'Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis' concept to Hegel and prompted me to rethink my conclusions of nearly forty years ago when I first studied Hegel intensively and later on translated many portions of the Pali Canon, guided by the last monks & nuns of the Altbuddhistische Gemeinde at Utting am Ammersee [link] in Germany, founded by Karl Seidenstuecker [link] and Georg Grimm [link] .

(Note: the Pali Canon is the earliest record of the monks of Gotamo Siddharto (aka the 'Buddha', written in Pali, an Indian dialect, now only spoken in monasteries in Sri Lanka and Burma. See my free on-line course at [link]).

Back then, in the early 70's, I was writing articles for the society's journal 'Yana', and I remember the long conversations that took place whether an article of mine, titled something like 'Schopenhauer's injustice in his critique of Hegel', should be published.

After all, Grimm und Seidenstuecker had been great admirers of Arthur Schopenhauer [link] . It didn't help that I wrote some fine notes on Nietzsche's understanding of Hegel in exchange (the former had also been a very close friend of Paul Deussen, Seidenstuecker's main buddy). Amidst all the politics of personal friendships, historical or current, the impact of Nazi Germany on buddhism, all the false interpretations of Hegel by Marx proponents, there seemed no way that my article would be printed.

And I wanted it badly, black on white, to be honest, mainly to show it off to my buddies in Frankfurt, dreaming to have the small yellow magazine with MY article on Schopenhauer and Hegel in my hands entering the 'Club Voltaire' [link] where the post-Adorno students mixed with radical feminists (yes, those who entered bare-breasted Adorno's last lecture!), all of us still under the impact of the German's Notstandsgesetze [link] , a precursor of America's Patriot Act(s), and then being immersed into the 'Startbahn West' conflict [link] .

Confusing days for me, shortly after being accepted to the studies of Architecture at the University of Darmstadt, hanging out with radical thinkers at the University of Frankfurt, at the same time dreaming of spending some years in Sri Lanka and translating Pali texts. But then again, I was living in a 'real' Kommune (Wikipedia leaves out the definition of this particular one), Henry Miller [link] was my secret idol and a monastery an 'Alptraum' (nightmare). Clearly to spend some Silent Days in Clichy was more interesting than sitting on a mountain top. In the end, it was far easier to drive to Amsterdam to "turn on, tune in, drop out" for some days and feeling like a little Leary [link] .

Those were those days, but what has Hegel to do with the 'Buddha'?...  More >

3 Nov 2008 @ 08:00, by erlefrayne. Spirituality
I call upon our Fellows across the globe, to show our fellowship with the simple folks and mainstream middle class urbanites of the USA, by praying and meditating for peace and progress in the electoral contest. Furthermore, let us all pray and meditate that finally the road back to the Light will begin as a new set of leaders will commence with their noble mandates in a few weeks’ time.

[Prof. Erle Frayne Argonza, economist, sociologist, and development consultant from Manila, is also a yogi-Mystic. He is an initiated Fellow of the spiritual Brotherhood and is a Guru of self-realization. He is currently in touch with the souls of Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi, both of whom are Evolved souls, who urged him to do some focused peace concerns for America and encourage a reversal of disastrous economic policies of Reaganomics.]  More >

 Sing Out The Vote76 comments
picture2 Nov 2008 @ 11:55, by jazzolog. Music
My epitaph? My epitaph will be, "Curiosity did not kill this cat."

---Studs Terkel (May 16, 1912-October 31, 2008)

A school of trout
passed by:
the color of water!


People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within.

---Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

The vote gets sung out in Ohio. Photo by Michael Gruber.

Maybe it was the Depression, and how all the people had to pull together to get us out of it. Maybe it was the New Deal, and all those agencies planting trees, building dams, cleaning up towns, cities, the countryside, encouraging art, literature, music, theater, movies. Maybe it was uprooted people, from the Dust Bowl and lost jobs, traveling around, bumming around, looking all over this great land for a new home. Maybe it was whole families of folk music collectors and performers: the Seegers, the Lomaxes, the Carters. Maybe it was radio, broadcasting jazz and country from small towns, heard by producers passing through, who stopped and brought them to the big cities for us all to hear. Maybe it was Woody Guthrie, riding the rails, writing down and singing out what he saw. Maybe it was World War II, making us all get together again to fight Fascism. After all that there was such relief, we just had to celebrate ourselves.

So it was that we kids, just entering school in the mid and late nineteen forties, got taught folk music in our classes. In my small city in western New York, where Sicilians and Swedes shared each other's very different cultures in order to manufacture furniture, we didn't sing that stuff every day. A few classes had pianos and teachers who could play them, but most of the time we had to depend on just one itinerant music teacher who visited each of our half dozen neighborhood grade schools once a week. But when she came she taught us the great American cowboy and folk songs those families of collectors had found in the mountains and prairies. We developed a pride in being American by learning our heritage that way.

By the early 1950s, folk music had gained such popularity we heard it on the radio. You could hear live performances like the Grand Ol' Opry and big bands and jazz groups from Chicago and New York and New Orleans at night, when AM radio carried a long way. But there were records on the juke box too. Probably most popular of all was a singing and playing quartet called The Weavers. Their records were on Decca, and they had big arrangements, with dozens of violins and choral singers, of tunes we had sung in 3rd grade. Wow! On Top Of Old Smoky...and then one we hadn't heard before, called Good Night Irene. And around that time, I heard them sing another "new" song, which was called This Land Is Your Land...and I loved it so much I was overjoyed to learn some people even wanted it to replace our National Anthem.  More >

 Dawn-Usha1 comment
picture1 Nov 2008 @ 22:32, by koravya. Visual Arts, Graphics
Think about all the beautiful,
wonderful things that we have
to look forward to.
JA  More >

 Freedom, fun and inspiration for all3 comments
picture30 Oct 2008 @ 21:50, by Unknown. Networking
Welcome to the New Civilization network, a meeting place for people of good will who are working on building a world that works for all of us. A world of increased quality of life, freedom, fun and inspiration for all.

We hope that you enjoy your stay here.  More >

 Changing Our Ideas5 comments
28 Oct 2008 @ 18:40, by jewel. Spirituality
Obama talks a lot about a change in perspective, ending the illusion of duality. I loved this. It's not about bigger or smaller govt but better govt. It's about values, ethos, and changing our minds.

A miracle is a change in perception.

I was thinking the other day, 'what if I lost my drive?'... then I was thinking maybe I used it all up in the first half? third? of it! I was so full of energy!

Then I realized, the idea of drive is about the patriarchal mind. I need to prove something so I have drive to prove it. Yes I am still passionate, but feeling less like I want to prove I can do it! I know I can. I have proven it/ that... whatever IT is!

So now what? It's about inside-out. Centering, aligning, breathing, becoming, expressing... flowing into a true embodiment of what IS, not 'it'. Subjective becomes shared, rather than objective games of proving 'it'....  More >

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